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在全球经济一体化逐步形成的背景下,中国企业海外并购步伐加快,但从实践看,成功案例少,失败案例多。究其原因,虽然并购失败因素复杂,但企业并购前对交易风险分析与评估不足是关键环节。从风险控制、风险识别、风险评估等各环节分析,企业可将风险评估结果与企业事先确定的风险管理策略进行对比,建立风险预警机制,对达到风险预警线的风险发出预警信号,并分别采取风险规避、风险转移、风险减轻、风险承受等应对措施控制经营风险。  相似文献   


Digital transaction platforms now intermediate a large number of transactions between end-customers and independent sellers and service providers in many parts of the economy. In retail, for example, Amazon.com now intermediates transactions between end-customers and hundreds of thousands of independent sellers worldwide, while Etsy.com connects artists, crafters, and collectors with buyers of a large range of niche and rare products. The growing popularity of digital transaction platforms, therefore, has significant implications for retail, marketing and distribution scholars as the existing interaction patterns in the value-chain are increasingly replaced by new digital intermediaries. The purpose of this review is, therefore, to examine, through an extensive and rigorous review of research on digital transaction platforms in marketing journals, what we know and what opportunities lie ahead to expand the theoretical and empirical understanding of digital transaction platforms. The review shows that despite increasing multi-disciplinary and managerial interest towards digital transaction platforms and the platform economy, they remain largely unexplored in marketing journals, and the existing research and theorizing attempts remain fragmented. Therefore, there are many opportunities for marketing, retail and distribution scholars to, for example, collaborate with industry and practitioners in order to gain new perspectives and access to novel data sources, and for example, meet the emerging funding requirements of many universities and governmental funding agencies for more rigorous multi-disciplinary research on digital markets and digital business models.  相似文献   

兼并是国有企业改革的重要途径之一,兼并可以达到规模经济,节约交易成本,增强竞争力,但是以理性的角度看待兼并,兼并的效果并不止于此,兼并也存在负面效应,如时滞效应,对技术进步的阻碍等。  相似文献   

Existing studies on the assessment of shareholders' gains in takeovers have not taken the characteristics of the prevailing economic activity period into consideration. This study investigates the wealth effects to shareholders in the event of a merger and acquisition transaction by analysing 124 cases in the UK. The paper differs from previous studies in that it examines the abnormal returns found in two different economic periods. These include a boom period, characterised by high merger activity era (HMAE) and a trough period, characterised by low merger activity era (LMAE). The sample firms were categorised into friendly mergers and hostile takeovers— both successful and unsuccessful. The empirical findings derived from this work revealed that upon the differentiation of the two periods, the wealth effects to shareholders in the different transactions is related to the prevailing performance of the economy.  相似文献   

2004年的宪法修改有着重要的意义,其中修正案第二十二条的规定引发了社会广泛讨论。借助法经济学的分析方法对宪法修正案第二十二条进行分析,从交易成本、经济效率、社会成本等方面进行权衡,修正案保护公民的合法的私有财产,有利于激励个人,同时推动经济的发展,修正案对公共财产和私有财产的不平等保护,有助于更好地保护公共财产。但是宪法修正案只保护公民“合法”的私有财产将产生大量的交易成本,不利于经济的发展,有必要对宪法修正案进行再完善。  相似文献   

王燕 《国际经贸探索》2021,37(1):99-112
数字经济的产生对全球贸易治理带来了严峻的挑战。其货物与服务贸易混同的贸易属性以及在线交易形式使其在纳入多边贸易治理体系的货物与服务贸易部门时存在特殊困难。既有的多边贸易协定亦欠缺对数字贸易壁垒和数据风险进行有效规制的规定。这促使数字贸易大国在区域贸易协定的谈判中,针对数字贸易的数字特征做出了若干制度回应:在既有的货物贸易和服务贸易分类框架下,针对数字内容构建可兼容其货物和服务贸易属性的数字产品开放规则;应对数字贸易中的数据流通壁垒制定数据流通限制的一般禁止以及禁止计算设施本地化和源代码强制披露的条款;并就数字贸易对国家安全和消费者隐私权和安宁权的损害,授予政府管控数据风险的政策空间。  相似文献   

当前数字经济已成为继农业经济和工业经济之后的较高经济形态。以BAT为代表的平台经济是数字经济产业组织的主要形式。在新一轮科技革命和产业转型时期发展数字经济有助于提高制造业产品和服务的质量,有助于降低市场交易成本并提高生产效率,有助于加速培育新的高质量增长动力,在激烈的科技竞争中促进动力转换。未来要实现数字经济的高质量发展,应从几方面入手,即提升基础领域的质量,突出供应系统的质量和主攻方向,提高生产要素质量,解决要素供给的结构性矛盾,增强内生动力,加强数字经济基础立法,建立全面、规范、有序、包容和审慎的网络治理体系等。  相似文献   

平台经济是数字经济的重要组成部分,作为一种新的经济业态与生产组织方式具有优化资源配置、推动经济多元融合、促进产业升级与跨界融通发展的重要作用。平台企业在高速发展的同时也形成了垄断隐忧,妥善处理数字经济的创新发展与规制平台垄断行为的关系是全球反垄断司法辖区亟待解决的问题。平台的算法行为是企业为实现利润最大化而做出的明智的单方市场应对行为还是竞争者间非法合谋的结果,是数字经济中尤为突出的难题。数字经济的发展使平台的滥用行为既有传统反垄断法所规制的滥用行为的新表现,也有新型滥用行为。同时,大型数字科技公司的零存活区策略以及大型公司对初创企业的收购对竞争的影响亦值得反垄断法关注。从垄断协议、滥用市场支配地位和合并控制等角度看,应加强平台竞争监管,在现有反垄断法分析框架和体系下对平台竞争垄断进行规制,通过对立法、执法、司法的技术完善和更新来适应数字经济的特点和发展变化。在加强对平台竞争监管的同时,更要顺应数字经济的发展规律,创新对平台竞争监管的方式,构建公平有序的竞争环境,促进相关技术的革新与进步,推动平台经济与实体经济的深度融合,从而实现经济效率与社会总福利的提升。此外,应优化竞争分析框架,构建包含消费者福利、用户数据及隐私保护、平台的产品或服务质量等因素的多元分析框架,改进市场调查等竞争政策工具。  相似文献   

胡俊翔  陈抗 《浙商》2020,(7):38-39,8
在德国,旅居着数十万的浙江华人华侨。改革开放40余年来,德国制造是浙江制造乃至中国制造的学习对标对象。近些年,浙商与德国也打得火热,去德国投资并购的浙企比比皆是。虽然德国的投资并购市场在持续几年的牛市后,出现了初步放缓的迹象,但浙江与德国之间的桥梁依然不断被巩固,尤其是数字经济与工业4.0的不断交互。  相似文献   

数字经济与实体经济的深度融合成为促进实体经济振兴与产业转型升级的新动能,其动力主要源于数字新技术作用下的产业链组织分工边界拓展、交易成本降低、价值分配转移、需求变化倒逼四个方面。随着数字化信息成为产业链上的“标准化”流通媒介,制造业产业链会发生解构与重构并逐步实现全面数字化转型。产业链上“消费商”与工业互联网两种新型主导力量的出现促使服务型制造、网络化协同制造等新型制造模式创新涌现,智能制造将成为主流制造模式的新兴代表。为了更好地发挥数字经济对制造业转型升级驱动作用,应加强制造业数字基础设施建设,强化产业链数据集成与共享,发挥核心企业转型引领作用,注重智能制造生态系统构建等。  相似文献   

Threshold autoregressive (TAR) models condition the first moment of a time series on lagged information using a step-function-type nonlinear structure. TAR techniques are expected to be relevant in financial time-series modeling in situations where deviations of prices from equilibrium values depend on discrete transaction costs and where market regulators follow intervention rules based on threshold values of control variables. an important finance application is in modeling the difference in prices of equivalent assets in the presence of transaction costs. the focus of this paper is on motivating the use of TAR models in this context and on the statistical estimation and testing procedures. the procedures are illustrated by modeling the difference between the prices of an index futures contract and the equivalent underlying cash index. It is found that the hypothesis of linearity is conclusively rejected in favor of threshold nonlinearity and that the estimated thresholds are largely consistent with arbitrage-related transaction costs.  相似文献   

新会计准则体系引入的公允价值计量模式(投资性房地产、非货币性资产交换、债务重组、企业合并、金融工具确认和计量).与所得税法之间产生两方面差异,其表现:一是在金融工具、投资性房地产、非共同控制下的企业合并的业务核算的引入,使会计准则与所得税法产生新的差异;二是在债务重组和非货币性交易业务恢复使用公允价值计量模式,使原会计准则与所得税法差异消失.这两方面的差异有待于理论界、学术界和实务工作者进行深入研讨.  相似文献   

Digital platforms have been developing fast which transform the benefits and costs of rapid internationalization of firms on them. Employing transaction cost economics perspective, we argue that the transaction attributes of asset specificity, transaction uncertainty, and transaction frequency, have all changed fundamentally in digital platform-based transactions. They render the organizational learning in rapid Internet exporting to counterbalance the diseconomies of time compression caused by the lack of organizational absorptive capacity. By using the three attributes as underlying mechanisms, we hypothesize that the expansion speed of exporters on digital platforms reduces exit hazards of the exporters. We further hypothesize that digital signals on product quality strengthen the main effect. As for digital infrastructure, we recognize its competing effects and make curvilinear moderating hypotheses. Survival analyses based on 353,636 entries of real transaction records from a digital exporting platform have provided robust findings. This study highlights the importance of examining how the digital platform reshapes the transaction attributes and internationalization-performance relationship.  相似文献   

According to West German civil law, consumers who have become victims of false or misleading competition have only limited rights with regard to compensation and withdrawal — this is a predominant opinion in the FRG. For this reason the Federal Government plans to amend the Law on Unfair Competition, with the intention of strengthening consumer protection. The bill was formulated by government experts but experienced several restrictions even before parliament discussions began. The author argues that the government bill will not reach its originally intended purposes. It does not assume that unfair competition in itself leads to the making of a contract. Instead the consumer has to prove that a specific instance of advertising was the (only) reason for the completion of a transaction. This condition will make the new law ineffective. According to the bill the consumer himself has the burden of proving the falsehood of advertising; only in this case is he allowed to demand the difference between the real value of an article and that value advertising has promised. This is a very dubious condition of the bill. The second part of the article deals with the rules specifying the right of consumer associations to sue. They must be seen as an impediment to the activities of the associations. The introduction of registration procedures will cause them additional costs. In the third part, the author maintains that support of consumer associations is unavoidable for an effective strengthening of consumer interests. As everyone knows, it is not easy to approach courts, especially for lower class people. It should be the task of public consumer policies to make consumer associations attractive to these groups, and to supply them with juridical and material possibilities. The bill is not able to contribute to these purposes; in some parts it blocks effective work in the interests of consumers.  相似文献   

Adopting a governance perspective, this study analyzes the merger between closely‐held Donohue Inc. and widely‐held Abitibi‐Consolidated Inc. Findings suggest that the absence of a controlling shareholder and weak board governance at Abitibi might explain both (a) its executives' interests in the transaction and (b) its CEO's compensation increase despite underperformance. Second, an intergeneration shift of control at Quebecor (Donohue's parent company) led to a strategic reorientation that (a) transformed Donohue into a target and (b) insured that Donohue's executives had incentives to pursue a deal. Finally, Donohue's noncontrolling shareholders benefited from the transaction while Abitibi shareholders experienced wealth reduction. The merger's aftermath provides some counter evidence regarding blockholders' power in widely‐held firms. Copyright © 2008 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

企业兼并与边界重构:一个基于现代企业理论的分析框架   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
姚传江  肖静 《财贸研究》2004,15(1):46-51
兼并是企业进行外部扩张的重要手段 ,但企业兼并本身是一把双刃剑。兼并是否能够获得理想的绩效 ,在一定程度上取决于兼并后企业的边界是否最优。本文基于现代企业理论 ,从企业的交易频率、资产专用性和契约环境三个维度分析了影响企业边界的因素 ,并进一步指出企业兼并的最终极限是企业的有效边界。由于兼并不同于企业通过自身积累而进行的扩张 ,完成兼并后的企业边界往往并不是相对有效的 ,企业必须进行边界重构。企业在综合考虑边界重构成本和政策环境的基础上 ,可以采取消除边界冗余等相应措施实施边界重构。  相似文献   

大数据是数字经济的基础性、战略性资源,是后疫情时代经济发展的重要生产要素,但社会各界对大数据的理论认知仍落后于其应用实践,而且大数据确权、交易定价、资产化问题也存在诸多争议,这对大数据产业和数字经济的持续健康发展形成潜在隐患,也成为制约大数据向生产要素正常转化并参与社会大生产的关键。文章在对大数据概念、属性重新认识的基础上,综合财经、法律等理论观点和实操技巧,阐述了大数据如何从商品流通要素演变为社会生产要素的市场逻辑以及使用价值如何注入大数据的资产化过程,并从实践视角提出大数据确权的法理基础和大数据交易所生态下交易定价模型。同时提出以数据税来弥补大数据采集环节个人和企业放弃的小微权利,将私权转化为社会公共产品,为大数据产业和要素市场发展提供新的借鉴。  相似文献   

国有企业拍卖决策机制属于模糊多属性、多轮次决策范畴,运用模糊多属性决策分析工具与拍卖理论相结合的研究思路,设计了国有企业的拍卖规程。研究认为,国有企业所有人虚位及其叠加式代理的特征使国有资产管理人或经理人在并购谈判中容易诱发寻租,以拍卖成交价格为主体的多属性拍卖是国有资产安全、有效的交易方式。同时,在拍卖方式选择上第二价格密封拍卖方式较为适当,最利于实现国有企业拍卖绩效,而通常采用的升价拍卖方式应该慎用。  相似文献   

论我国企业跨国并购的战略选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国企业实力的不断增强和竞争的加剧,越来越多的企业走出国门,开展跨国并购。企业开展跨国并购有利于获取我国经济发展所需的短缺资源和企业发展所需的技术、品牌和市场。目前,国内国际形势和国家政策导向都十分有利于企业"走出去"开展跨国并购。但由于我国企业规模小、实力弱及国内外文化环境、政治经济环境差异大,企业跨国并购也面临许多障碍。我国企业跨国并购要想取得成功,必须在并购主体、目标市场、并购行业、并购对象和并购方式等方面做出正确的战略选择,同时,我国政府也需要出台一些相应的扶持和鼓励措施。  相似文献   

陈兰兰 《财贸研究》2004,15(5):112-117
本文介绍了各国通过限制金融企业集团内部交易数额来控制金融企业集团内部交易风险的规定之后 ,探讨了是否应对各金融行业、不同国家集团成员、不同交易类型、不同金融行业的集团成员分别设定内部交易限额 ,并对我国限制金融企业集团内部交易数额提出相应建议。  相似文献   

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