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As of 3Q 2006, there are 6 energy deals happened in China, 3 of them occurred in the third quarter. In addition, there are lots of other outstanding performance occurred in China venture capital market.  相似文献   

基于1999年一季度至2008年三季度的中日两国数据,本文运用协整检验方法分析了影响两国外汇储备规模的宏观经济因素和变量间的长期均衡关系及短期波动关系。研究表明:(1)从长期来看,对外贸易规模、名义有效汇率、经济总量三个宏观经济变量都影响着中日两国外汇储备的长期均衡规模,且两国外汇管理制度的巨大不同解释了协整系数的差异。(2)从短期来看,协整方程对两国外汇储备短期波动的调整作用均较为显著,而对于中国而言,宏观经济变量的滞后影响的作用时间更长。  相似文献   

To estimate the currency composition of China’s foreign exchange reserves and assess its effectiveness of management, the constrained least square method and variance sensitive analysis are utilized, respectively. Based on portfolio accounting identities, the change of foreign exchange reserves was decomposed into the net purchase change and the non-purchase change. The newly constructed non-purchase change was used to estimate the latent currency composition. Empirical results show that by the end of 2015Q1, China held about 63.6% of its reserves in the U.S. dollar, 19.6% in the euro, 3.09% in the Japanese yen, 4.89% in the pound sterling, 2.22% in the Canadian dollar, 2.03% in the Australian dollar, and 0.09% in the Swiss franc. Although the currency composition kept relatively stable, more attention had been paid to the emerging international currencies. China decreased the U.S. dollar share during the subprime crisis, while resorted to the portfolio rebalance strategy since 2011. The euro share and the pound sterling share declined during the European sovereign debt crisis. The first derivative of the U.S. dollar was positive while those of other currencies were negative before 2014Q3, and vice versa after 2014Q4. In general, the currency composition management of China’s foreign exchange reserves was effective.  相似文献   

This study investigates the interest rate transmission in China. We analyze the extent to which the benchmark and wholesale interest rates are transmitted to the retail interest rates and focus particularly on the change in the interest rate pass-through after the interest rate liberalization. Using data of 16 listed banks from 2007Q1 to 2017Q3, we find that the pass-through is not yet complete. Even though interest rates have been liberalized on the policy level, the sensitivity of the retail interest rates to the wholesale rates has not increased enough as expected and may be explained by the market power of Chinese commercial banks.  相似文献   

2010年第三季度,银行间市场创新频出、整体运行平稳。银行间外汇市场引入人民币兑林吉特交易,支持跨境贸易人民币结算业务的发展;人民银行发布通知允许境外人民币清算行等三类机构进入银行间债券市场,拓宽人民币回流渠道;银行间市场贷款转让业务上线交易,丰富银行业金融机构主动管理资产的手段。第三季度,货币市场资金面复杂多变,短期货币市场利率波动明显,市场交易大幅增长;银行间国债指数继续上行,债券交易增长明显;外汇市场上人民币汇率连创新高,价格波动较大,市场交易趋于谨慎;利率和汇率衍生品市场整体保持较快发展。  相似文献   

人民币汇率变动与房地产价格关系的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用我国1998年第3季度至2007年第2季度的人民币实际有效汇率和房地产价格的季度数据建立协整模型,使用格兰杰因果检验方法对我国的房地产价格和人民币实际有效汇率的关系进行实证检验。得出结论:人民币有效汇率和房地产价格之间存在正的相关关系,保持人民币汇率小幅升值有利于维持房地产价格的稳定。  相似文献   

梳理银行间市场资金面的影响因素,对于分析市场资金面的供求关系,央行评估货币政策执行效果,以及金融机构进行资产组合配置都有积极作用。文章从货币政策、商业银行存贷款增量、央行外汇占款、税收因素等多个角度,梳理了影响我国银行间市场资金面的八项因素,并在此基础上分析了今年5月份以来银行间市场资金面快速趋紧的成因。三季度,受CPI冲高回落、重申人民币汇改以及大型商业银行流动性状况好转等因素影响,银行间市场资金面紧张的格局将逐步改善。  相似文献   

This article uses a structural VAR model to investigate the sources of real exchange rate fluctuations in China over the period 1995Q1–2015Q4, taking into account five different types of macroeconomic shocks including technology, government spending, monetary policy, foreign demand, and risk premium shocks. These shocks are identified using sign restrictions derived from predictions of an open economy general equilibrium model calibrated to China’s economy. We find that foreign demand shocks are the most important driving force of China’s real exchange rate, which explains approximately 20% to 40% of the variance in 20 quarters. It is in line with the findings in the literature which show real demand shocks are the key contributor to fluctuations in the real exchange rate. Nominal shocks such as monetary policy shocks and risk premium shocks play relatively important roles at the short-term horizons, but their effects decay rapidly.  相似文献   

我国货币供给的产出效应及其传导路径的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文选取1999年第1季度至2009年第1季度的季度数据,通过协整检验和Granger因果关系检验对我国货币供给的产出效应进行实证研究,结果显示我国货币供给具有较显著的产出效应,说明我国现阶段重视货币政策的作用,选择货币供应量作为货币政策的中介目标具有合理性和有效性.在此基础上,基于需求角度对我国货币供给产出效应的三条传导路径进行实证分析,结论为:"投资路径"和"消费路径"有效,但在不同传导环节上的传导效果存在差异.从总体上看,"投资路径"的传导效果较"消费路径"更为显著."净出口路径"发生阻滞和逆转.基于此,本文探究其原因并提出相应疏通传导路径、增强我国货币供给产出效应的政策建议.  相似文献   

Using quarterly data from 1998:Q1 to 2009:Q4 and monthly data from July 2005 to February 2010, this paper examines the impact of key monetary policy variables, including long-term benchmark bank loan rate, money supply growth, and mortgage credit policy indicator, on the real estate price growth dynamics in China. Empirical results consistently demonstrate that expansionary monetary policy tends to accelerate the subsequent home price growth, while restrictive monetary policy tends to decelerate the subsequent home price growth. These results suggest that Chinese monetary policy actions are the key driving forces behind the change of real estate price growth in China. We also show that hot money flow does not have a significant impact on the change of home price growth after controlling for the money supply growth. Finally, a bullish stock market tends to accelerate subsequent home price growth.  相似文献   

Using quarterly data from 1998:Q1 to 2009:Q4 and monthly data from July 2005 to February 2010, this paper examines the impact of key monetary policy variables, including long-term benchmark bank loan rate, money supply growth, and mortgage credit policy indicator, on the real estate price growth dynamics in China. Empirical results consistently demonstrate that expansionary monetary policy tends to accelerate the subsequent home price growth, while restrictive monetary policy tends to decelerate the subsequent home price growth. These results suggest that Chinese monetary policy actions are the key driving forces behind the change of real estate price growth in China. We also show that hot money flow does not have a significant impact on the change of home price growth after controlling for the money supply growth. Finally, a bullish stock market tends to accelerate subsequent home price growth.  相似文献   

本文基于1994Q1-2008Q4的数据并分别利用三次趋势和HP滤波两种模型方法估计了我国的实时、准实时和最终产出缺口,分析表明,这一时期我国的产出缺口遭受了较大而且高度持续的修正,说明我国的实时产出缺口和基于事后修正数据估计的产出缺口有很大不同。由于产出缺口是货币政策决策的重要依据,而货币政策决策总发生在实时,不能等待后来产出缺口等数据信息的修正,因此,区分实时数据和事后修正数据对政策分析和评价而言可能就十分重要。  相似文献   

2008年上半年,银行间货币、债券、外汇及衍生品市场稳定运行。货币市场利率整体上扬,短期利率波动较大;银行间债券综合指数大幅上扬;债券远期收益率呈现振荡走高的态势;美元中间价1季度快速走低,2季度降幅有所缓和,上半年人民币对美元升值6.5%,汇改以来累计升值20.7%;人民币外汇掉期报价贴水幅度有所扩大。  相似文献   

本文在认可公募基金经理具有选股能力的基础上,对绩优的明星基金季报披露的重仓股按业绩筛选出股票,建立组合投资,对2005年二季度至2006年四季度期间的持有收益和风险进行验证。结论表明,在我国证券市场上克隆基金是一种可以给投资者带来较大收益的行之有效的战略手段。同时,本文认为,由此揭示出来的投资基金公开信息披露制度问题值得深入探讨。  相似文献   

China's economic ascendance over the past two decades has generatedripple effects in the world economy. Its search for naturalresources to satisfy the demands of industrialization has ledit to Sub-Saharan Africa. Trade between China and Africa in2006 totaled more than $50 billion, with Chinese companies importingoil from Angola and Sudan, timber from Central Africa, and copperfrom Zambia. Demand from China has contributed to an upwardswing in prices, particularly for oil and metals from Africa,and has given a boost to real GDP in Sub-Saharan Africa. Chineseaid and investment in infrastructure are bringing desperatelyneeded capital to the continent. At the same time, however,strong Chinese demand for oil is contributing to an increasein the import bill for many oil-importing Sub-Saharan Africancountries, and its exports of low-cost textiles, while benefitingAfrican consumers, is threatening to displace local production.China poses a challenge to good governance and macroeconomicmanagement in Africa because of the potential Dutch diseaseimplications of commodity booms. China presents both an opportunityfor Africa to reduce its marginalization from the global economyand a challenge for it to effectively harness the influx ofresources to promote poverty-reducing economic development athome. JEL codes: F01, F35, F41, N55, N57, Q33, Q43  相似文献   

This study applies the dynamic Gordon growth model which is in the circumstance of rational bubbles to decompose log price-rent ratio into three parts, i.e., rational bubbles, discounted expected future rent growth rates and discounted expected future returns. The latter two terms represent housing fundamentals. The magnitudes of the components of price-rent ratio’s variance are estimated to distinguish the relative impact of the three parts on housing prices. Using time series data from the housing markets in the four largest cities in China (1991:Q1–2011:Q1 for Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen; 1993:Q2–2011:Q1 for Beijing), this paper presents a number of empirical findings: (a) the variance of rational bubbles is much larger than the variance of price-rent ratio, and rational bubbles contribute more fluctuations directly to price-rent ratio than the expected returns or the expected rent growth rates do; (b) the covariance between rational bubbles and expected returns or expected rent growth rates is also large; (c) the positive covariance of rational bubbles and expected returns implies that high expected returns coexist with bubbles, which differs from previous findings that lower expected returns drive asset prices; (d) the negative covariance of rational bubbles and expected rent growth rates indicates that the larger the bubbles are, the lower the expected rent growth rates are; (e) the positive covariance of expected returns and expected rent growth rates reveals under-reaction of the housing markets to rents.  相似文献   

This article estimates the sterilization coefficients of the subcomponents of reserves in China over time with recursive regressions. The results suggest that People’s Bank of China tended to sterilize the more fluctuating components of capital inflows: FDI inflows received little attention, while non-FDI and current account had been heavily sterilized. After including the subcomponents of non-FDI into the empirical model, the results demonstrate that issuing bonds was successful in sterilization intervention till 2007Q2, while the effectiveness of sterilization policies was limited since then, resulting in an increase in monetary supply. The excessive money did not flow into the circulation and had limited effects on stimulating the real economy.  相似文献   

2011年下半年欧债危机恶化以来,在人民币有效汇率大幅升值的同时,欧美日等国从中国的进口增速均出现了低于其整体进口增速的现象,这表明当前中国出口不景气并不完全归因于外需不足,人民币有效汇率大幅升值至历史高位也是出口增速下滑的重要影响因素。鉴于保持出口稳定是“稳增长”的重要内容之一,文章建议应进一步增强汇率弹性,实现人民币有效汇率的基本稳定,充分发挥汇率政策工具在调节宏观经济内外均衡方面的重要作用。  相似文献   

通过对我国上市公司2000~2007年的数据分析发现,独立性程度较高的董事会与较小的(ROA)波动之间存在着显著的正相关关系,与Q的波动之间不存在显著的相关关系,另外,对董事会独立性与绩效波动之间的中间作用机制进行分析发现,拥有较高独立性董事会的公司,在一定程度上是通过减少企业的非经常性收益和经营性操控应计的波动来对企业绩效的波动产生影响.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the strength of the financial system of Tunisia through the construction of an Index of Financial Safety (IFS). Over the period 2000Q1–2014Q3, the IFS is built using a wide range of financial and macroeconomic indicators. The empirical results show that it can capture the disturbances in Tunisian financial system with sufficient accuracy.  相似文献   

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