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近年来,中国私人银行业务呈现爆发式增长.本文拟从理论到实践的视角系统梳理私人银行客户的财富管理需求:首先,对私人银行客户需求做了理论分析;然后结合中国金融领域实际分析了中国私人银行客户需求的特点;在此基础上对如何满足私人银行客户需求提出了若干建议.  相似文献   

本文选取了可能影响银行私人银行客户数量的9个因素以及每个因素取一个代替变量,基于Z银行的私人银行业务2011年4月-2013年9月历史数据,通过逐步回归方法分析了影响商业银行私人银行客户数量的主要因素。实证研究表明:服务网点数、个人金融资产额、Z银行对私人银行业务的顾问数量、居民消费信心指数,以及银行存款规模都是私人银行客户数量的主要影响因素。并且,居民消费信心指数对私人银行客户数量的影响为负,而其余四个银行内部因素对私人银行客户数量的影响均为正。  相似文献   

未来10年内,中国私人银行市场将成全球最具吸引力的市场之一,也是外资和本土银行争夺的焦点。然而,中国本土银行在发展私人银行业务方面经验少,业务水平较低,仍处于初级阶段,无论从金融市场成熟度、金融产品种类,针对富裕人群的专业化财富管理水平等方面与国外发达国家相比都有很大的差距。因此,如何成功发展私人银行业务,针对自身情况,制定符合中国市场的战略举措已成为许多中国本土银行的首要任务。本文主要基于私人银行业务的客户价值管理,通过分析本土银行业务开展的现实环境,提出我国开展私人银行业务的可行性。  相似文献   

正私人银行通常是指商业银行等金融机构为私人银行客户及其家族、企业,提供专业化、个性化、综合化金融服务和非金融服务的经营行为。根据中国银监会对此的定义,私人银行客户是指金融资产达到600万元人民币及以上的商业银行客户。从私人银行业务实践来看,私人银行客户不仅指个人,还至少应当包括私人银行客户个人创办的家族企业、基金会等。私人银行客户的消费需求则是由内在或外在、精神或物质刺激所引发,而对银行提供的金融服务和非金融服务产生的消费欲望。了解客户需求,可以明确私人银行服务工作的方向、重点与策略,使私人银行为客户提供的解决方案更加有效,并有利于私  相似文献   

商业银行高净值客户的管理与维护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国私人财富市场蕴含巨大的市场价值和可观的增长潜力。本文重点研究商业银行应如何对高净值客户进行有效的管理与维护。在分析中外资银行在我国开展私人银行业务现状的基础上,指出了当前工商银行宁波市分行在高净值客户管理与维护中存在的问题,进而提出要通过完善客户关系体系,提升客户服务人员的综合素质,选择适宜的高净值客户管理模式,推广信息系统及统计数据应用,加速创新符合高端客户需求的金融产品,建立和完善高端客户增值服务体系等策略来实现高净值客户的多元化服务需求,为商业银行进行高端客户管理提供有效借鉴。  相似文献   

围绕打造最大最强个人银行的远大目标,各级行都将私人银行客户维护拓展作为工作的重中之重,产品与服务也更为丰富。但从总体来看,农业银行的私人银行业务依然处于起步阶段,客户似乎对咖啡香一点、沙发软一点、笑容甜一点等初级维护并不领情。本文试图通过对农行无锡太湖支行私人客户群体研究分类,针对不同群体特征,寻求合适的维护方案。  相似文献   

随着我国高净值人群对专门的金融产品和服务的需求日益强烈,针对这一人群的私人银行业务在我国方兴未艾.各家银行基于争夺高端客户和业务转型的需要,纷纷推出自己的私人银行业务.本文通过对私人银行发展的必要性、与传统财富管理的区别、我国私人银行的发展模式选择等方面阐述了本人对我国私人银行业务发展的一些思考.  相似文献   

尽管私人银行迅猛发展,而且高净值人群激增,但是私人银行尚不能为高净值客户提供量身定做的理财服务,高净值客户也不能很好地参与到理财过程中。为了实现私人银行和高净值客户双赢,运用客户协同创新理论构建私人银行与高净值客户价值,具有重要研究意义。在探讨了客户协同创新理论和客户价值理论基础上,构建了基于客户协同创新的私人银行价值评价体系和基于客户协同创新的高净值客户价值评价体系,并将指标细化为基本价值和协同创新价值,为双方进行协同创新奠定了基础,开拓了基于协同创新视角的私人银行和高净值客户价值体系的研究。  相似文献   

融资服务作为私人银行业务的三大主要导向之一,已经越来越受到国内同业的认可和重视。近年来,部分国内的私人银行开始通过提供一些差异化的融资服务来争取客户。  相似文献   

正从理论上来看,私人银行业务具备双边市场的典型特征:一边是有服务需求的私人银行客户,另一边是向私人银行客户提供服务的供给方,而且供需双方均具有很强的网络外部性。鉴于私人银行业务的产品开放和客户开放性,这表明从实操层面来看私人银行业务是典型的双边市场业务。事实上,任何具有网络外部性的市场均可定义为双边市场。手续费和管理费两种模式是目前  相似文献   

Financial institutions are actively developing new electronic banking products for their retail customers. To date, the market leaders have drawn a disproportionably higher share of e-retail banking customers. In response, smaller institutions have become quite active in exploring ways to participate profitably in online banking. A major influence is from a customer relationship management (CRM) perspective, where institutions try to limit the outflow of current customers and direct high-value customers to potential products from a multi-product service offering array. These efforts can succeed only if retail bank marketers focus the promotion of the new products and services that can utilise this channel toward those customers who are most likely to find them attractive. The first aim of this study was to examine the role that online and electronic banking play in defining the customer's primary financial relationship. The analysis of 701 retail customers of a financial institution presented in this study suggests that banks and other institutions are highly vulnerable to loss of customers to rivals with extensive online services. A second aim was to examine to what extent information on banking relationships is able to extend CRM analysis beyond that offered by typical demographic and income data. Current customer account relationships are found to be highly predictive of use of electronic services use in general. And, interest in the use of specific online services is related to differing customer relationships in addition to ordinary demographic and balance information. These findings can be useful for retail banking in identifying potential high-value users from a customer relationship management perspective.  相似文献   


This paper aimed to identify the antecedents and corollary of customer readiness for co-production in customer-only co-production services using mobile banking services as a context. Using a structured questionnaire, data were gathered from a sample of mobile banking customers in Ghana and the UK and the data analysis was facilitated by structural equation modelling. From the findings, the antecedents were customer socialisation, customer self-efficacy and customer motivation and the corollary was service productivity. The findings provide managers of customer-only co-production or technology-based services particularly mobile banking services with the specific factors that can be managed strategically and tactically to enhance customer readiness for co-production and service productivity. This study is one of a kind to conceptualise and empirically identify the antecedents and corollary of customer readiness for co-production within the customer-only co-production context. However, as the study was limited to mobile banking services, future studies might test the research model in other customer-only technology-based services.


The banking industry is experiencing rapid and widespread changes due to advances in technology that go hand-in-hand with the customer demands for real-time, personalized and seamless banking experience. Along with this development, omni-channel orientation is becoming an inherent feature of banking services. However, its role has not yet been thoroughly understood, specifically in this context. The purpose of this study is to create in-depth understanding of how do customers experience omni-banking services and what are the key factors related to their experiences. We identify both actual critical events and imaginings, positive and negative that are related to the forming of customer experiences and suggest both theoretical and managerial implications based on the results.  相似文献   

券商客户积分分级的模型设计与应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
中国证券行业服务严重同质化,客户对证券公司品牌的忠诚度低,如何有效衡量客户价值并持续跟踪客户价值量的变化,是券商提供差异化服务和提高客户忠诚度的前提。本文通过研究券商客户分级方法,指出传统客户分类模式的不足,提出了基于客户积分的客户分级模型,并选取4家营业部客户真实交易数据进行实证分析,进一步论证积分分级模式在量化客户价值、挖掘最有价值客户、营销新客户和服务老客户等方面的独特优势,从而为券商提高客户关系管理水平提供崭新的工具。  相似文献   

私人银行:现代商业银行的战略核心业务   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
私人银行是指以财富管理为核心,面向高净资产客户所提供的顶级专业化的一揽子金融服务,其已成为当今国际知名商业银行的战略核心业务。以家庭办公室为主要组织形式,向富裕人士提供高品质金融服务,是私人银行的重要特征。随着市场经济的快速发展,中国已经形成了一支在社会经济中越来越具有影响力的高收入群体,但由于缺失真正的私人银行服务,该群体日益增长的财富管理需求难以得到有效满足。金融全面开放后,私人银行在国内具有广阔的发展空间。  相似文献   


The Indian banking sector can take advantage of the proliferation of smartphones as well as the government’s encouragement of cashless transactions to accelerate the use of mobile and online banking. The purpose of this study is to understand the initial acceptance of mobile banking by existing online banking users. Few studies have focused on online banking users’ behavioural intention to use similar services (such as mobile banking) in India. To this end, a theoretical model was developed using the technology acceptance model, which was extended to cover the adoption factors that influence users of online banking to use mobile banking. These adoption factors comprise perceived ease of use, perceived security, mobile self-efficacy, social influence and customer support. The dependent variable is customers’ behavioural intention to use mobile banking. A partial least squares structural equation modelling analysis was used to test the theoretical model with sample data from 420 online banking customers of various public, private, foreign and co-operative banks in India. The study found that the adoption factors had a significant impact on customers’ behavioural intention to use mobile banking. The findings of this study provide insight into digital banking channels, contribute to existing research on digital banking adoption and will educate banks and financial institutions on the adoption of mobile banking in India.


Customer’s adoption of mobile banking portrays tremendous growth in developing countries. However, it seems that there is a lack of studies about customer’s experiences and expectations on mobile banking services, and more research is needed considering generational differences between mobile banking customers in Iran. The purpose of this study is to explore the customer’s mobile banking experiences and expectations among generations X, Y, and Z in a developing country context, Iran. Twenty-seven in-depth interviews were conducted from active users of mobile banking services with a generational split in Iran. A qualitative content analysis was employed to understand customer’s mobile banking experiences and expectations. This study identified specific features of different generations regarding their experiences and expectations of mobile banking services. Each generation displayed distinct characteristics of mobile banking. Generation X customers perceive mobile banking as complicated; generation Y customers prefer to use mobile banking for quick payments, while generation Z customers want to have more customized services and ranked mobile banking as a spontaneous solution. Every generation expects different features to focus on: generation X expects to have more user-friendly functions; generation Y prefers to have an online transaction tracker while generation Z appeals to have enhanced the user interface. This study offers a detailed strategic starting point for management to tailor dynamic customer expectations among different generations.  相似文献   

Financial service providers have increasingly offered customers new remote access to such services, with Internet banking being the latest example. While Internet banking has been available for years, the early adoption by customers of this technology was disappointing to most. This paper examines the demand for remote access to banking accounts by consumers and finds that when the technology is new, the traditional risk return models including variables allowing for heterogeneous risk add power in modeling the adoption decision. Perceived risks in Internet banking are seen to be responsible for some of the hesitation to adopt. Ironically, older consumers are found to be less likely to adopt Internet banking regardless of their risk tolerances. However, younger consumers are found to be early adopters only when they have relatively high levels of risk tolerance.  相似文献   

目前证券行业竞争日趋激烈,营业部数量的骤增以及服务模式严重同质化,导致佣金快速下滑。整合现有资源,创新服务产品,实施差异化服务以保持其核心竞争力,从而有效保持客户的稳定性和忠诚度,是证券公司面临的重要研究课题。本文在深入研究券商客户特点和服务方式的基础上,设计了客户积分模型,探讨此模型在券商行业的应用,进一步论证积分模型的应用效果,在阻止佣金下滑、提升市场份额方面发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

We estimate private costs in the Swedish banking sector for the production of payment services and investigate to what extent the price structure reflects the estimated cost structure. We find that (i) banks tend to use two-part tariffs but (ii) variable costs are poorly reflected in transaction fees towards both consumers and corporate customers. (iii) There exist large cross subsidies between different payment services, foremost from acquiring card payments to cash distribution to the public, while payment services as a whole are not subsidized.  相似文献   

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