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秸秆资源是清洁能源。对秸秆发电的环境影响进行了评价,相对于煤电评估了秸秆发电的减排污染物的环境价值。通过秸秆发电环境价值评价,认为秸秆发电具有减排污染物0.064416元/kWh的环境价值,发展秸秆发电有显著的环境效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

秸秆发电,是以农作物秸秆为主要燃料的一种发电方式.秸秆已经被认为是新能源中最具开发利用规模的一种绿色可再生能源,推广秸秆发电,将具有重要意义.本文首先阐述了国内外秸秆发电技术的发展现状及秸秆发电技术的优势,结合我国的实际情况,对我国秸秆发电技术的前景进行了分析.  相似文献   

秸秆气化发电系统的生命周期评价研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
崔和瑞  艾宁 《技术经济》2010,29(11):70-74
本文以2MW秸秆简单气化—内燃机发电系统为具体研究对象,建立了基于生命周期分析方法的数学模型和支撑数据库,对系统边界、环境影响指标、决定系统环境性的重要参数进行了讨论。同时,对秸秆气化发电系统进行了生命周期评价,全面分析了秸秆气化发电过程中不同排放物和能源消耗对环境的影响。最后,得出秸秆气化发电是一种环境友好型的能源生产方式,发展秸秆气化发电要注意对其排放物的处理等结论。  相似文献   

秸秆发电,是江苏沿海地区新能源产业带建设的重要内容之一。文章分析了江苏沿海地区发展秸秆发电的现实意义、资源优势及其制约因素。在此基础上,提出该地区发展秸秆发电的路径。  相似文献   

十里泉秸秆发电项目社会效益研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
秸秆发电集社会、经济、环境效益于一体,但在目前的财税政策下,发电的财务指标远低于超临界600MW及以上煤电机组发电项目,因此科学评价秸秆发电社会效益已成为亟待解决的问题。本文从社会经济、环境、生态、自然资源和项目社会适应性层面,利用投入产出技术和对比法进行定量测算,结果发现虽然十里泉秸秆发电替代燃煤发电带来地方GDP减少904万元,但却给当地带来近千人的就业效应,每年为当地减少近3000万的环境成本等。  相似文献   

秸秆原料竞争的博弈分析——基于宿州的案例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,由于电力与纸品市场需求高速增长以及这两个产业中新技术的出现,带动了秸秆发电和草浆造纸产业的飞速发展。但是在大力提倡秸秆发电的同时却忽略了一个重要的制约因素,就是秸秆发电和草浆造纸产业对于秸秆原料的竞争,会造成秸秆电厂的原料供应不足。在对安徽省宿州市的两个产业发展状况调查的基础上,从产业经济学的角度出发,构建了一个包括秸秆供应商、秸秆电厂和造纸厂三方在内的博弈模型,阐明了秸秆电厂和造纸厂之间关于秸秆原料的竞争机制。同时,运用不同的参数组合,模拟了3种情景,以及两个产业发生原料竞争的问题。  相似文献   

河南是农业大省,农作物秸秆资源十分丰富,近10年来,河南省年平均秸秆产出量在7000万吨以上。河南的秸秆发电产业拥有得天独厚的资源条件,截止2010年底,河南省已有十多家秸秆发电厂实现了并网发电。但是,由于没有成熟的经验可以借鉴,再加上诸多预想不到的困难存在,目前已有多家企业处于亏损状态。当然,短期的挫折并不能完全否定生物质发电的优越性及可行性。  相似文献   

我国第一批秸秆生物燃烧发电厂将在河北省晋州市和山东省菏泽市单县建设。河北、山东的政府官员、投资主体和业内专家认为,利用丰富的可再生的秸秆生物资源发电,可有效解决农民增收、缓解能源短缺、改善生态环境的热点、难点问题,前景广阔。  相似文献   

以两种发电技术——PC发电和IGCC发电为例,研究了在碳排放约束下发电企业的技术选择问题。结果表明:当碳排放价格处于低位时,PC发电的投资价值仍优于IGCC发电;随着碳排放价格的提高,IGCC发电的投资价值将超过PC发电,因此投资PC发电极可能是短视的;当企业投资CCS技术后,投资IGCC发电可能使企业拥有氢能源转换期权,该期权能激励投资IGCC发电的企业更早投资CCS技术。最后,基于破坏性创新理论,进一步论证了投资PC发电可能是短视行为的原因。  相似文献   

生物质秸秆收集成本研究及实证分析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
生物质能技术在我国已经有了越来越多的应用。对于以生物质秸秆为主要生产原料的企业而言,其产品的成本受生物质秸秆收集成本的影响很大,控制生物质秸秆的收集成本在可接受的范围之内是企业所必须要加以解决的问题。本文通过应用定积分微元分析法,对给定环境下生物质秸秆的收集成本的计算进行了推导,建立了数学模型。最后,本文考察了在山东省应用生物质气化发电技术(Biomass Gasification and Power Generation,缩写BGPG)的收集成本情况。  相似文献   

概述了选择实验理论及其应用,在此基础上对利用选择实验方法研究食品需求的国内外文献进行综述。得出结论:美国的此类研究主要聚焦于消费者对食品质量和安全属性的偏好和支付意愿方面;欧洲的此类研究除了关注消费者的食品质量和安全需求外,还关注转基因、动物福利等问题。提出后续基于此类方法的研究应进一步关注食品特定属性的变化对消费者或社会福利的影响以及由此导致的市场效应的评价,而消费者需求行为与食品生产者行为、政府角色的结合可作为未来研究的切入点,同时应将选择实验方法更多地应用于中国食品需求研究。  相似文献   

The Incredible Economics of Geoengineering   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The focus of climate policy so far has been on reducing the accumulation of greenhouse gases. That approach, however, requires broad international cooperation and, being expensive, has been hindered by free riding; so far, little action has been taken. An alternative approach is to counteract climate change by reducing the amount of solar radiation that strikes the Earth—“geoengineering.” In contrast to emission reductions, this approach is inexpensive and can be undertaken by a single country, unilaterally. But geoengineering also has worrying consequences: it may harm some countries; it would not address ocean acidification; it would pose new risks. The fundamental challenge posed by this new technology is not free riding but governance: who should decide if and under what circumstances geoengineering should be used?  相似文献   

文章分析了土地可持续利用提出的背景,并在阐述土地可持续利用含义的基础上,结合实际存在的影响土地可持续利用的普遍性问题,提出实现土地可持续利用的原则措施。文章首次指出土地资源的供需平衡是实现土地可持续利用的关键,因时制宜是实现土地可持续利用的重要措施之一,对于土地利用决策有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

When a weed invasion is first discovered a decision has to be made on whether to attempt to eradicate it, contain it or do nothing. Ideally, these decisions should be based on a complete benefit-cost analysis, but this is often not possible. A partial analysis, combining knowledge of the rate of spread, seedbank longevity, costs of control and techniques of economic analysis, can assist in making a good decision. This paper presents a decision model to determine when immediate eradication of a weed should be attempted, or more generally whether weed control should be attempted at all. The technique is based on identifying two ‘switching points’: the invasion size at which it is no longer optimal to attempt eradication but where containment may be an option; and the invasion size at which it becomes optimal to apply no form of control at all. The model is applied to a woody perennial weed in a natural environment. The results show that seedbank longevity is the main constraint on the maximum eradicable area and spread rate is the main constraint on the maximum containment area. Stochastic simulations are undertaken to derive probability distributions of costs which are than used to evaluate the effect of budget constraints on areas that can be eradicated. We find that, in the absence of a budget constraint, it may be desirable to eradicate invasions from areas as large as 8000 ha, but when budget constraints typical of those faced by agencies in Australia are introduced, feasible eradicable areas are less than 1000 ha.  相似文献   

This paper explores which patent policy should be applied to complementary innovations that are aggregated into broader technologies. I compare a setting in which complementary innovations must be bundled prior to patenting, with a second setting in which they can be patented separately. The first setting can improve static efficiency by avoiding the costs resulting from the scattering of complementary patents. But it also limits the disclosure of small innovations, which may lead to inefficient R&D cost duplications. A model capturing these effects shows that patenting complementary innovations separately is not efficient when innovations can be developed rapidly. This result justifies the enforcement of a severe “inventive step” or “non-obviousness” requirement in sectors where complementary innovations are frequent.  相似文献   

文章运用近16年的转移支付数据验证了龚六堂2000年的观点,即中央政府对地方政府的转移支付率与地方经济增长率之间是"倒U型"的关系。并在此基础上进一步推导出地方经济增长和中央政府对地方政府的转移支付之间也存在着这样"倒U"关系。用这种关系解释两个问题:第一,转移支付对地方经济增长有部分正的刺激作用,无论是富裕地区还是贫穷地区,中央政府都应该对其地方政府给予转移支付,同时转移支付也不是越多越好,也应该有个量的限制,当地方政府的收益足够大时,转移支付对经济增长的刺激就不再那么明显,反而会抑制地方经济增长;第二,从新的角度分析转移支付均等化实现的条件,即富裕地区较贫穷地区较早的进入"倒U"曲线的边际收益递减阶段时,才可能实现均等化。  相似文献   

A pollution regulator seeking to maximize social surplus can be viewed as facing two efficiency problems. One is that, given abatement technology investment decisions, it should attempt to ensure that firms which should produce do produce and firms which should not produce do not produce. This ex-post efficiency problem is not trivial when there is noise concerning the extent of environmental damage a firm does. We use a Bayesian information framework to show that the regulator may find it efficient to tax a firm that reads as a high (low) damage polluter at less (more) than the damage reading. Unfortunately when an abatement decision has to be made, this ex-post efficient tax system also dampens the incentive to abate. In the absence of wrong-firm concerns, a regulator can solve the abatement problem by an ex ante declaration that taxes will not be adjusted for signal noise. However, the regulator has a commitment problem as such taxes may not be ex-post efficient. The most appropriate policy may involve a combination of instruments.  相似文献   


The main characteristics of the modern classical approach to growth are studied with particular reference to the notion of ‘potential output’. In contrast to mainstream approaches, which consider potential output to be exogenous and supply-determined, it is here regarded as endogenous and path-dependent. A tentative analysis is carried out of the implications of such a conception in empirical research, with special reference to the effects of the crisis on potential growth. Mainstream estimation methods (especially those used by international institutions) are shown to be deeply influenced by theory, but also to provide dubious and puzzling results. Very different empirical results and policy implications may be obtained from the standpoint of the alternative theoretical framework provided by the modern classical approach. On this basis, the paper proposes that the long-term policy target should be set in terms of the rate of unemployment rather than potential output or potential growth.  相似文献   

Unemployment insurance (UI) distorts firms' layoff decisions by reducing the cost of laying off workers. To dampen this increase, it has been suggested that UI should be financed with an experience‐rated tax. Despite the fact that increasing the level of experience rating can reduce unemployment, it can reduce the insurance coverage workers receive. With high experience rating, firms may reduce their severance payments by more than the UI benefit. We build a model where competitive firms offer contracts with severance payments to risk‐averse workers. Frictions in the labor market lead to incomplete insurance. This article shows that less than full‐experience rating enables the government to increase the insurance coverage workers receive. Welfare implications are also investigated.  相似文献   

《Journal of public economics》2005,89(2-3):487-500
In 1990, Colombia replaced its traditional system of severance payments with a new system of severance payments savings accounts (SPSAs). Although severance payments are often justified on the grounds that they provide insurance against earnings loss, they also increase costs for employers and distort employment decisions. The extent of these distortions depends largely on how much of the costs of severance pay can be shifted from employers to workers. One reason why the effects of severance pay may not be completely shifted is that workers may fear the firm will “take the money and run” by declaring bankruptcy. A system of SPSAs eliminates this moral hazard problem, so it should facilitate the shifting of severance payments' costs to workers in the form of lower wages. Empirical results using the Colombian National Household Surveys (NHS) indicate that the introduction of SPSAs lowered wages by between 60% and 80% of total severance payment contributions. These results are consistent with increased shifting after SPSAs were introduced.  相似文献   

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