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目的 在推进农民农村共同富裕道路进程中,识别数字普惠金融缩小农村内部收入差距的作用,并从农户生计资源多元化配置视角探索其作用机制。方法 文章合并使用县域数字普惠金融指数和中国家庭追踪调查数据(CFPS),构造衡量农户收入不平等程度的相对剥夺指数,采用面板Tobit模型考察数字普惠金融对农村内部收入差距的影响,采用中介效应模型从生计资源多元化配置视角考察其作用机制。结果 (1)数字普惠金融能够有效减缓农户的相对收入剥夺程度,进而缩小农村内部收入差距,数字普惠金融指数每上升1%,农户相对收入剥夺水平下降7.87%,通过一系列稳健性检验后该结果依然可信;(2)生计资源多元化是数字普惠金融缩小农村内部收入差距的重要作用机制,数字普惠金融缩差效应的11.85%可由该作用渠道来解释;(3)数字普惠金融对农村内部收入差距缩减效应也具有明显的异质性,男性户主和45岁以下户主的农户、非农就业占比高和兼业化程度大的农户获得的数字普惠金融缩差“红利”更大。结论 作为新型金融供给方式,政府应大力推进农村数字普惠金融发展,因地制宜实施农村数字金融政策,鼓励农户生计资源多元化配置,多渠道应对风险提高收入水平,进而缩小农村内部收入差距助推共同富裕。  相似文献   

基于陕西省500户农户的调查数据,在可持续生计分析框架基础上,构建林农生计资本指标体系,运用多元Logit模型实证分析了林农生计资本对林地利用方式的影响。研究表明:第一,不同类型的林农生计资本结构差异会影响其对林地利用方式的选择;第二,在林农林地利用方式的选择上,各生计资本要素的影响存在显著差异,其中金融资本要素是改善林农生计的关键。在此基础上,从林农生计资本要素出发,提出了鼓励林地流转、发展规模经营、加快林业社会化服务体系建设等政策建议。  相似文献   

根据对江西省500个农户的调查,运用行为选择模型与协方差分析法,对当前国家林改政策对不同资源禀赋林农的营林造林决策行为影响与作用机理进行了实证分析。实证结果显示:第一,林农的营林造林行为会受林农资源禀赋的影响,显著性水平表明,经济资源禀赋和收入能力禀赋是林农营林造林决策行为的决定性动因。第二,林改政策和林木采伐指标审批政策对林农营林造林行为产生了明显的调节作用,并通过增加林农收入和稳定林农收入预期来实现的。  相似文献   

家庭禀赋对山区农户林业相关生计策略的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于浙江省山区315户农户的调查数据,描述了山区农户的生计策略、不同类型农户的家庭禀赋、收入水平及来源,运用mlogit模型就家庭禀赋对山区农户林业相关生计策略的影响进行实证分析。结果表明:家庭禀赋对山区农户林业相关生计策略具有显著影响;在人力资本指标中,劳动力人数、劳动力平均健康程度对农户选择林业专业化型、林业补充型、生计多样化型生计策略具有一定的正向影响;劳动力平均受教育程度对选择林业补充型生计策略有显著的正向影响;在自然资本指标中,林地面积对农户选择林业专业化型生计策略具有正向影响;耕地面积则对于林业补充型生计策略的选择具有正向影响;在社会资本指标中,家族能人数量对于农户选择林业专业化型、林业补充型、生计多样化型具有显著的正向影响。因此,提出促进非农就业,鼓励自主创业;充分利用自然资本;加强山区农户的人力资本建设等建议。  相似文献   

The emergence of wildlife ranching as an alternative land use option to agriculture, in Transfrontier Conservation Areas (TFCAs), has cast renewed interest on the role of cattle farming in rural livelihoods in areas close to wildlife parks. This study analysed the contribution of cattle to livelihoods and relationships between cattle and potential wildlife land uses in rural areas near Kruger National Park. Data were collected through household surveys, key informant interviews and community workshops. About 11% of households studied owned cattle, and cattle income constituted 29% of total household income. Benefits from cattle were also derived by households without cattle. About 71% of households had at least three sources of income, reflecting diversity of livelihoods. Wildlife related land uses were perceived by some households as threatening cattle production, whilst others viewed them as opportunities for alternative livelihoods. We conclude that cattle production has important livelihood roles, but is not sufficient as a driver of economic development in these areas. Incentives to encourage diversification of livelihoods at the wildlife/livestock interface, with possibilities for rural communities to explore wildlife based land uses should be put in place. In addition, land use policy and planning in such areas should focus on creating institutional mechanisms through which programmes integrating conservation and rural development goals can benefit rural communities.  相似文献   

研究目的:分析移民易地安置区不同类型农户生计多样性及其土地利用变化,为区域土地优化与自然资源可持续利用提供参考。研究方法:问卷调查、半结构访谈及数理统计等方法。研究结果:移民政策实施以来,研究区纯农户比例急剧下降,不同类型农户的兼业行为趋势明显,农业生计多样化指数增加,但非农生计方式单一;移民兼业行为和非农生计行为明显,但原驻民的农业生计多样性指数更高;不同类型农户土地利用变化表现出,农户兼业程度越高,耕地面积减少越快,林地扩张程度越高,农用地面积变化越明显等特点;移民政策实施以来,研究区土地利用集约度明显提升,且表现出非农程度越高,耕地利用集约度水平越高的趋势,但因林地大面积扩张导致农用地集约度总体水平较低且呈现下降趋势。研究结论:移民安置区不同类型农户面临的生计压力不同,应优化配置土地资源,帮助农户发展多样化的非农生计活动,提高农户生计多样化和土地集约化水平。  相似文献   

This article uses a quantitative activity choice approach, based on identification of activity variables and application of latent class cluster analysis, to identify five major rural livelihood strategies pursued by households (n= 576) in Bolivia, Nepal, and Mozambique. Income sources and welfare outcomes are compared across strategies and household differences in asset holdings are analyzed using multinomial logit regression. Findings reveal that income diversification is the norm, that a higher degree of specialization does not characterize more remunerative livelihood strategies, that nonfarm income significantly contributes to higher income earnings, that environmental reliance does not vary across strategies, and that small‐scale farmers are the largest and poorest livelihood group. Some livelihood strategies are superior to all other strategies in terms of income earned; access to more remunerative livelihood strategies is determined by land ownership, education, and ethnic affiliation. Finally, the article also highlights that additional work is required to determine the most suitable methods for livelihood strategy identification.  相似文献   

基于2016年福建省林权改革监测调研数据,利用二元Logistic模型,分析影响福建省欠发达山区林农参与碳汇林生产经营意愿的因素;贫困户与非贫困户对碳汇林项目经营意愿是否有差异及产生差异的原因。结果表明:贫困户与非贫困户对于碳汇林项目的响应程度有一定的区别,对于全体受访对象和非贫困户,是否参加过碳汇林生产培训、家庭林地面积、家庭林业总收入对提高其参与林业碳汇项目的意愿有显著的促进作用,而木材采伐销售收入反向影响其参与林业碳汇项目的意愿;对于贫困户,是否参加过碳汇林生产培训显著影响其参与林业碳汇项目经营的意愿。因此,提高贫困户和非贫困户的碳汇林经营意愿应各有侧重,在政策的制定上应给予贫困户一定的倾斜,调动贫困户的经营积极性,拓宽收入渠道,最终实现精准扶贫。  相似文献   

利用2015及2016年东北、内蒙古国有林区411户职工家庭的跟踪调查数据,运用绝对收入流动性指标、马尔科夫链转移概率矩阵和普通最小二乘法(OLS)实证分析了森林抚育补贴政策对职工家庭收入流动性的影响。研究结果表明:国有林区职工家庭对森林抚育的参与程度处于较低水平;森林抚育补贴政策对职工家庭收入流动性的影响并不显著,但对高收入组产生了一定的积极影响;作为政策目标受益群体的低收入职工家庭,其收入水平并未因森林抚育补贴政策的实行而向上流动。  相似文献   

农地流转对农户生计转型影响的实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]为清晰识别土地流转对农户生计转型的影响程度,以期为后期土地流转政策及农户生计引导政策提供科学的决策依据。[方法]文章借鉴已有研究方法,基于农户可持续生计分析框架,利用内蒙古4个市区的380户农户样本数据,采用Multinomial Logit模型对参与土地流转和未参与土地流转农户的生计模式进行了分析,客观评价农村土地流转对农户生计转型的影响。[结果]农地流转在一定程度上对农户的生计转型产生了显著影响,拥有较低自然资本和较高金融资本的农户倾向混合型和务工型生计策略,同时人力资本水平高的家庭更倾向于采取混合型生计策略,而不是采取农业型生计策略。[结论]农地流转后,农户从繁重的种植业活动中得以解放,有了更多时间和精力从事非农生产活动,生计策略由单一化走向多样化,从传统的主要依赖种植业到经营养殖业、从事建筑业、交通运输业、批发零售业等非农行业,多元化了农户的收入来源。  相似文献   

The diversity of rural livelihoods in low income developing countries is receiving increased attention in discussions about rural poverty reduction. This paper explores just one facet of livelihood diversity, namely the reasons for households to adopt multiple livelihood strategies. The distinction is made between diversification of necessity and diversification by choice. Six determinants of diversification are considered in the light of that distinction, and these are seasonality, risk, labour markets, credit markets, asset strategies, and coping strategies. The paper concludes that under the precarious conditions that characterise rural survival in many low income countries, diversification has positive attributes for livelihood security that outweigh negative connotations it may possess. Policy should facilitate rather than inhibit diversity. Diverse rural livelihoods are less vulnerable than undiversified ones.  相似文献   

To address land degradation and rural poverty the Chinese government has put in place a series of land conversion programmes in the Loess Plateau area in northern China. In addition to problems arising from unsustainable land use, water resource availability driven in part by climatic forcing is also a threat to livelihoods in this region. To understand climate impacts on farming practice in poor areas of China, field observation and village reconnaissance took place in the summer of 2009 in three selected counties of Shaanxi and Ningxia Province, northern China. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with householders in rural communities aiming to explore the impacts of recent climate and environmental changes and the role of land management practices on individual and community livelihood incomes as well as individual understanding and engagement with these concepts. The findings were complemented with secondary agricultural, economic and climatic data from the study regions. Respondents argued that land conversion programmes improved income potential, sustainability of livestock grazing and environmental quality in the region. However, water availability was thought to increasingly limit agriculture and human wellbeing in some of the regions with water resources becoming notably scarcer. Understanding of climate change as a concept varied amongst farmers potentially hampering the ability to adapt existing farming practices to maximise livelihood incomes sustainably. Positive effects of the government's land management schemes were unevenly distributed within villages and amongst regions, often linked to a lack of knowledge transfer and shared resources resulting in marginalised households and/or communities. Off-farm labour (in many cases relating to young adult rural to urban migration) appears a crucial source of income for households in the study region. Respondents in Ningxia expressed reservations about the future prospect of productive farming if the water availability continued to diminish.  相似文献   

基于浙江省5个县(市)21个行政村的211户农户调查数据,采用实验经济学的方法测度农户风险偏好,利用多元回归模型实证分析了碳汇经营目标下农户风险偏好对延长轮伐期的影响。研究结果表明:风险偏好变量在10%的水平下具有显著的正面影响;家庭年总收入变量在5%的水平下具有显著的正面影响;林地面积和林地与村委会海拔高度在10%的水平下具有显著的正面影响;地块分散程度、林地实际经营面积和阳坡林地所占比例在10%的统计水平下具有显著的负面影响。在其他条件不变的情况下,拥有较高家庭年总收入的高风险偏好者和不经营的林地面积大且较为集中的高海拔阴面林地更倾向于延长轮伐期投入到长期的碳汇收益中来。根据研究结果,提出了对风险厌恶和风险中性的农户给予适当激励;在碳汇项目选择和实施过程中需要考虑地块质量和农户基本特征的问题;建立健全林地流转体系,增加林地规模效应;建立方便快捷的碳汇评估交易平台,增强农户碳汇供给动力等针对性的建议。  相似文献   

林权抵押贷款需求影响因素分析——以江西省遂川县为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究利用2011年在江西省遂川县的115户农户调查数据,采用二元logistic模型探寻影响林农林权抵押贷款意愿的主要因素,对林农家庭的基本属性、土地拥有情况、年收入与支出三大类的19个变量进行回归分析。研究结果表明:受教育程度和家庭生产性支出对农户的信贷需求产生正的显著影响;个体经营收入对农户的信贷需求产生负的显著影响。最后,研究基于以上分析,提出相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

Transfer of land-use rights from the state to individual households and groups of households to encourage community forest management (CFM) and use of forest resources for livelihood improvement, has been in place in Vietnam since the 1990s. However, to date there has been no evidence of allocation to groups of households as community entities with joint ownership. This paper examines the success of processes tested in four villages in mountainous northern Vietnam to officially secure joint ownership of and exclusive rights to community forest land. After four years, implementation of CFM led to enhanced equality and distribution of benefits, and better protection of forest resources. Household income remained largely unchanged, in part because of loss of income from activities which were now illegal, but also because it was too early for benefits to flow from new forestry initiatives. Active participation of and between village communities in land-use planning and allocation, and a willingness to compromise, particularly on the position of land boundaries, were essential elements to ensuring equity in the distribution of benefits. Lack of enabling processes and experience in the implementation of government policies mean that further support for village communities is needed to fully realize the benefits from joint management of the allocated community forest.  相似文献   

Protected areas are cornerstones for biodiversity conservation, yet they can be controversial because of their potential impact on the livelihoods of local people due to restrictions on agricultural land use and the extractive use of natural resources. This study evaluates the impact of PAs on households’ livelihoods, as measured by total household income (THI) and livestock income (LI). We use a survey and a quasi-experimental design to gather socioeconomic and biophysical data from households living within, adjacent to and outside three national parks (NPs) in Ethiopia and employ matching methods to isolate the impact of NPs. Our findings suggest that there is no evidence that the establishment of NPs adversely affects local livelihoods. Instead, we find that households within and in adjacent areas to NPs have higher incomes compared to those living outside. Understanding the heterogeneity of the effect of NPs on local livelihoods can help in designing well-targeted policy interventions that improve conservation goals while also addressing livelihood concerns of resource-dependent local communities.  相似文献   

This article compares and analyzes land use and income diversification among two distinct groups of farmers in the Brazilian Amazon: recent colonists in Ouro Preto do Oeste, Rondônia, and traditional long‐term residents along the Tapajós River, Pará. We investigate the hypothesis that farmers who diversify their cash income sources clear less forest on an annual basis, and we compare these livelihood choices across colonist and traditional populations. In particular, we develop a conceptual model based on the household production framework and use econometric models to identify determinants of diversification and forest clearing. We find that diversification of agricultural cash crops is negatively correlated with forest clearing by colonists, providing limited evidence for the hypothesis. Other significant covariates of diversification and forest clearing include cash income levels, stage in family life cycle, cattle ownership, and chemical inputs. Differences in these variables, and differences in household response to these variables, explain variation in diversification and forest clearing across the two populations.  相似文献   

This article examines how different patterns of farm‐level diversification affect the income levels of rural households in China. Using quantile regression analysis of data from a rural household survey, the empirical results exhibit significant differences in diversification effects across rural income strata and various structural characteristics. Diversification, especially involving nonfarm employment and migration, brings a monetary premium to low‐income rural families and an income discount to high‐income families. The policy implications suggest the encouragement of labor‐intensive enterprises in rural areas and improvement of labor quality through rural education and training programs.  相似文献   

Loss or degradation of communal lands can have major implications for people’s livelihoods and well-being in rural underdeveloped areas. Mining operations are one driver of land loss with negative implications for people. This study assesses the livelihood effects of open-cast mining on a rural communal land village that lost 8 000 ha of land and compares it to another village nearby that did not. The results suggest that the loss of land and the ecosystem services they provide has negatively affected people’s livelihood strategies and outcomes. On average, only 23 % of households in the affected village had crop fields compared to an adjacent village, that did not lose land to the mine, where 90 % of households had a crop field. This accounts for substantial losses in income through agriculture, both as cash earnings and savings, and negatively affects household food security. As a result of the mine the affected community has also lost access to grazing, and now many households must pay to graze their livestock in other areas. Furthermore, the option to harvest several key natural resources (provisioning services) or non-timber forest products (NTFPs) such as wild fruits and vegetables, edible insects, fuelwood, and to a lesser extent resources like reeds and medicinal plants were lost due to the mine, negatively impacting local livelihoods. NTFPs are important for rural livelihoods as they allow for cash saving, income generation and act as a safety net or fall-back option during times of increased vulnerability. The findings also give a good indication of changes in agriculture and resource use over time and the varying reasons for this. Other negative effects from the mine included; cracking of houses due to blasting, dust pollution, water contamination, social and cultural effects, community alterations and conflicts, and very little was seen to be gained in terms of employment through Social Labour Plans (SLPs) or corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Households in the village affected by the mine lose approximately R 15 000 per year through losses of agricultural potential and the ability to collect NTFPs, which is larger than the annual cash incomes for most households. This value is likely to be an underestimate of the total value lost, as reductions in grazing potential and the loss of supporting, regulating and cultural ecosystem services were not included in this figure. This study highlights the importance of considering land access and associated land-based livelihoods in rural communal land areas in the context of disturbance and change. Recommendations for future assessments and policy on compensation for rural communities are made and issues relating to CSR are discussed.  相似文献   

[目的]为了解决自然保护区的资源环境保护与区内居民的可持续生计问题,如何处理自然保护区资源环境保护和区内居民生计之间的关系,是当前学术界关注的问题。[方法]利用"福建武夷山国家级自然保护区建设对区内居民生计影响"专题调研的272份问卷,实证研究了自然保护区建设对区内居民生计的影响。[结果]福建武夷山国家级自然保护区建设对区内居民生计的影响具有双重性,其中有利影响体现在通过发展旅游增加区内居民收入、为区内居民寻找替代产业和能源、对区内居民生计提供政策扶持等方面;不利影响表现为限制资源利用、野生动物肇事、旅游收入分配不均、忽视居民利益等方面。区内居民生计面临问题有缺少资金、缺乏生计技能、生计方式简单、缺乏生态补偿制度。[结论]建立福建武夷山国家级自然保护区限制了区内居民对自然资源的利用,制约了社区经济的发展,使区内居民收入减少,生活压力增大,影响了区内居民生计。并对此提出3点建议:(1)加强区内居民生计技能培训;(2)寻找合理的区内居民替代生计;(3)完善生态补偿制度。  相似文献   

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