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通过对零点青年公益创业发展中心平台上公益创业经典案例的介绍,分析类似零点青年公益创业发展中心这样支持大学生公益创业的平台对大学生创业的重要意义,公益践行类社团如何在公益创业平台上获得更好的发展,同时对大学生公益创业平台在中国的发展前景进行展望。认为大学生公益创业平台可以为提升大学生社会责任意识提供新思路,同时可以培养大学生创新创业能力与实干精神。但是大学生公益创业平台的搭建面临很大的挑战。  相似文献   

公益创业是在社会使命的激发下,追求创新、效率和社会利益的创业活动,具有公益性、创新性和市场导向性三大特点.目前,我国高职院校的公益创业教育缺失,不利于开启大学生创业的新格局.为拓宽大学生创业渠道,培养社会公益事业人才,高职院校必须在人才培养目标的基础上,积极探索出具有高职特色的公益创业教育新模式.  相似文献   

近年来,"互联网+"创业模式蓬勃发展,作为大学生公益创业也需要顺应时代,结合这种模式,促进大学生公益创业的创新发展。浙江海洋大学大学生创业团队以"公益创业"为理念、应用互联网技术,构建了"智慧+人文社区公益服务平台",但在运行中也面临着居民认同感不足、商户积极性不高、与当地社会组织衔接不够、志愿者服务不稳定等问题,如何增加居民认同感、提高商户积极性、加强与社会组织的衔接及志愿者的管理是平台未来发展的重点。  相似文献   

张成 《创业家》2010,(11):32-33
企业履行社会责任需要坚持,青年人投身公益创业同样需要坚持。联想集团,在成功实施了两届公益创投计划之后,又连续实施了两届"青年公益创业计划",呼吁社会各界关注和支持青年公益创业,共同推动公益事业发展  相似文献   

公益创业教育是创业教育的继承和发展,是融入了社会责任教育、创新教育、创业教育于人才培养全过程的一种教育模式。文章基于利益相关者的角度从创业成功者、校企合作方及家校互动企业、大学生公益创业者、独立学院、政府机构、第三方机构、当地社区等方面对独立学院公益创业教育模式设计进行了探讨与分析,对于改善独立学院公益创业教育效果具有积极意义。  相似文献   

随着大学就学率及毕业率的提升,大学生就业途径等相关问题已被社会各个方面各个阶层广泛关注。近几年大学生对于创业的热情以及倾向度逐渐升高,而公益创业作为一条同时具备了实践性和挑战性的创业途径,不仅仅造福了大学生,更是促进了社会经济的发展。然而我国的创业发展仍不完善,在政策、市场竞争、创业教育、个人能力等方面对公益创业造成了阻碍。因而笔者也积极的在这几个方面寻找突破现状的有效办法。  相似文献   

公益创业既有利于学生创新创业能力的培养,又能够培养学生的社会责任感,高职院校应激励学生进行公益创业的尝试与努力。本文阐述了公益创业的概念与高职院校学生开展公益创业活动的意义,并在研究现有高职学生公益创业实践的基础上,从加大公益创业宣传推广力度、构建系统化的公益创业教育体系、发挥公益性社团的载体作用、提供学生参与社会公共服务的机会、鼓励学生通过公益活动提升其创业能力、加强大学生社会责任意识和创新就业能力的培养等方面,提出构建高职院校学生公益创业支撑体系的具体策略。  相似文献   

大学生公益创业虽然不是主流,却是"双创"工作的必要组成部分,大学生公益创业具有必要性和可行性,以童善儿童关爱中心为例,分析大学生公益创业存在的问题、原因,以此可以通创新商业运营与公益慈善新理念、开展好公益创业教育、加强政策与法治的保障力度来进一步发展大学生公益创业。  相似文献   

文章从社会支持理论的角度,分析大学生创业所需要获取的社会支持来源,初步指出了为了让大学生在创业过程中获取更强大的社会支持,家庭、学校、政府、民间组织需要采取一系列有效的措施,鼓励和支持大学生自主创业。  相似文献   

文章主要针对福建省当前大学生公益创业状况,分析该方面教育存在的问题,找出解决福建省大学生公益创业教育问题的关键,同时结合福建省独特的区位优势和侨乡文化,对福建省大学生公益创业项目存在的融资问题提出可行性建议。  相似文献   


The bottom of the pyramid (BOP) market has gained importance in international entrepreneurship due to its large market potential. Drawing on the literature of international business education, as well as social entrepreneurship and international entrepreneurship education, we propose a course to educate students how to develop business intimacy with the BOP community. We employ the experiential-learning pedagogical framework and design elements including a short-term study abroad service trip, an entrepreneurship project, and structured reflections. Using both qualitative and quantitative data, we demonstrate that the course facilitates students’ learning in the key areas of international and social entrepreneurship, including the economic and social value of community embeddedness for BOP ventures, the emotional intelligence in interacting with BOP communities, and the attitude toward social entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

发展低碳经济为大学生的创业提供了机遇,如更多有前景的创业项目,政府的支持,以及创业环境的不断优化。在此背景下的创业教育,应以低碳经济为主题,加强政策宣传和低碳项目的推广,调整课程设置,将低碳教育融八课程体系,倡导低碳消费,实施低碳管理,同时加强大学生的社会责任和创新思维教育。  相似文献   

论述了我国大学生创业面临诸多困难和问题,加强大学生创业服务体系建设,构建完整的校园创业教育体系、协调有序的社会创业扶持服务体系是促进大学生创业发展的重要途径。  相似文献   

大学生创业是促进大学生就业的重要途径。文章以江苏镇江的大学生创业为研究对象,在查阅文献和问卷调查的基础上,从社会、高校、个人三个层面分析制约大学生创业的瓶颈,创业瓶颈是由创业环境、创业教育、创业意识三个方面的原因造成的。要解决大学生创业瓶颈问题,就必须采取提升城市总体经济实力、完善创业保障机制、加强对大学生创业意愿培养。  相似文献   

Crime is an anti-social blight on communities that increases the cost of doing business, including for entrepreneurs. Drawing on Australian longitudinal data, this study examines the links between crime rates and the propensity for entrepreneurship within communities. We do so by matching propensity for entrepreneurship with types of crime found at the community level where crime occurs. We find that higher total crime rates, crimes against the person and property crime, significantly lower the propensity for entrepreneurship in communities. We also show that the core facets of community social capital – trust, membership in voluntary organizations and support and cooperation – mediate this relationship.Executive summaryWe comprehensively examine whether higher community crime rates – crime on people and crime on property – cause lower rates of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship research extensively examines how gaining social capital, defined as the social resources one gains within one's community, promotes entrepreneurship. This study considers whether a pervasive community dynamic in crime impedes entrepreneurship. Specifically, we show that the two main kinds of crime – people and property – inhibit entrepreneurship.We show the facets of community social capital that mediate the relationship between crime and entrepreneurship. We inform the role of community-based social capital in promoting entrepreneurship (Kwon et al., 2013) by considering how higher crime lowers social capital and in turn entrepreneurship. We show that core facets of relational social capital – trust, voluntary membership in community bodies, support, and cooperation – mediate the relationship between crime and entrepreneurship. Likewise, communities with more robust reserves of social capital are better able to withstand crime and promote entrepreneurship.Examining the link between crime and entrepreneurship allows us to contribute to the literature on entrepreneurship and social capital. We discuss the various ways in which crime diminishes social capital to shape entrepreneurship. In our framework that is predicated on theory on community social capital, crime creates distrust because it causes citizens to be wearier and more suspicious of each other, impeding sharing of ideas and knowledge for ventures. Crime impedes the efficacy and membership of community-based organizations that allow entrepreneurs to network. Crime reduces the support available for founders to start and sustain businesses in focal communities, as individuals seek opportunities and resources outside their communities. Crime diminishes the extent to which people take pride in and identify with their communities, as evidenced by voluntary membership in community organizations. Crime reduces collaboration because it leads to self-protective behaviors, including flight from high-crime communities, that hinder norms of reciprocity. Crime reduces cooperation as criminals are more likely to resort to coercion, as enforced by monitoring and violence, to solve business problems.Findings rely on a comprehensive database of crime rates across Australian postcodes. Crime is typically a localized phenomenon – it affects business outcomes in local communities. We obtain community-level crime rates from each Australian state and territory police force or relevant government agencies and match these data with entrepreneurship rates by postcode. Our primary identification strategy follows Dustmann and Fasani (2016), who estimate the effect of local area crime on mental health in the United Kingdom (UK). This identification strategy removes the effects of residential sorting and correlates crime with time-varying unobserved entrepreneurship determinants if there is no endogenous migration from local crime. The main findings are robust to instrumenting for local area crime to which movers are exposed and for historical abortion rates in the state or territory where the individual lives, as well as a number of other approaches to obtaining causal inference.The article holds considerable practical relevance for policymakers seeking to promote community entrepreneurship. Our study is highly relevant to community leaders and policymakers working to boost local entrepreneurship. Findings strongly suggest that efforts to reduce crime are a primary mechanism to protect social capital within communities and, therefore, entrepreneurship. Policy initiatives dedicated to creating and expanding social ventures would a) boost entrepreneurship and social capital and b) mitigate the detrimental effects of crime on entrepreneurship (Wry and York, 2017).  相似文献   

当前高校财务管理专业人才的培养及就业已经逐步成为了高校日常工作的重点及难点,一直以来,我国对人才的市场需求和高校目前的人才培养模式之间存在着不衔接的问题。究其原因主要在于应届毕业生实践能力普遍较差,在岗位上难以满足工作需求以及我国高校的人才培养模式存在实践和理论相脱节等方面。各高校应当在教学过程当中大力的开展素质教育、职业教育和技能教育,明确基本的方向和定位,真正意义上打造出具有自身特色的教学模式,关注教学的重点及难点,树立起科学的发展观念,明确服务的方向,打造出具有品牌观念的教育理念,加强对创新和创业精神的教育,从而更好适应当前社会经济发展的根本需求,培养出综合型的、高素质的人才。  相似文献   

大学生创业已经成为新形势下拉动就业的强大驱动力,是国家未来经济发展的重要支柱,但是.当前我国大学生创业成功率极低.制约我国大学生创业的关键因素是创业支持体系不完善。要想尽快提升我国大学生的创业水平,一定要构建并能落实好一套全方位的高效的创业支持体系。青年大学生有广博的知识、创新的思维、创业的智慧,他们是创业的主力军,是建设创新型国家的重要引擎,理应得到政府、高校及社会的重视,将创业支持的重心转移到青年大学生身上是落实科学发展观,促进大学生创业就业,实现社会全面、协调、创新、可持续发展的重要保障。  相似文献   

This study aims to evaluate entrepreneurship education and training in higher educational institutions in Ghana. The purpose is to come out with an innovative approach to teaching entrepreneurship. The mixed method research design was used to collect and analyze data from five out of ten polytechnics selected randomly. Chi-square analysis was used to explore the variables. The study revealed a continual usage of the traditional passive and the incremental teaching approach to entrepreneurship. This approach was observed to affect students’ ability to practically apply their knowledge and skills acquired through education and training. It is recommended that attention should be drawn to the globalized art of science of teaching and learning of entrepreneurship. To promote a strong educational system in teaching and learning of entrepreneurship, constant innovation should be encouraged. This would assist in producing competent graduates with employability skills.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship education is central to student entrepreneurship. Previous research has attempted to understand the role of entrepreneurship education in the formation of students' entrepreneurial intention and behavior, albeit in an isolated manner. Universities can support entrepreneurship in many ways, but it is important to measure students' perception of the support that they receive in order to understand the extent of such support and its impact on students. The current study proposed and tested an integrative, multiperspective framework. We have hypothesized that the three dimensions of university support, that is, perceived educational support, concept development support, and business development support, together with institutional support, shape students' entrepreneurial self‐efficacy. In turn, entrepreneurial self‐efficacy and individual motivations constitute the fundamental elements of the intention to start a business. A sample of 805 university students took part in the study and data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. Our findings showed that perceived educational support exerted the highest influence on entrepreneurial self‐efficacy, followed by concept development support, business development support, and institutional support. Self‐efficacy in turn had a significant effect on entrepreneurial intention. Individual motivations such as self‐realization, recognition, and role had an additional impact on intention. However, intention was not related to financial success, innovation, and independence. The findings suggest that a holistic perspective provides a more meaningful understanding of the role of perceived university support in the formation of students' entrepreneurial intention. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

对大学生进行创业教育既是时代的呼吁,也是社会的要求。在金融危机的大背景下,大学生的创业教育又有了新的机遇与特点。通过对大学生创业教育实践需要把握的理念与现实存在的突出问题的分析,为大学生创业教育实践提出了解决问题的基本途径。  相似文献   

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