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介绍了我国柴油生产和市场供需情况,指出应该提高我国生产企业的柴汽比。从世界石油市场发展趋势来预测,世界各地石油市场的柴汽比都在增长,其中韩国和日本尤为突出;到2000年,韩国的柴汽比仍高达3.24,中国将高达1.45至1.46;在增产柴油的同时,还必须抓紧柴油质量的提高。  相似文献   

三、我国生物柴油发展现状 中国开展生物柴油的研究开发工作较早,1981年已有用菜籽油、棉籽油等植物油生产生物柴油的试验研究。近年来,辽宁能源所、中国科技大学、江苏石油化工学院、北京化工大学、吉林省农业科学院等一些科研单位和大专院校先后进行了生物柴油的研究工作,并研制成功利用菜籽油、大豆油、废煎炸油等为原料的工艺。我国政府也制定了一系列政策和措施支持生物柴油的研究开发工作,促进了生物柴油产业的快速。  相似文献   

生物柴油的现状与发展前景   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
概述了清洁柴油标准的演变,介绍了生物柴油的主要特性、开发和应用情况,从生物柴油的竞争力不断提高,政府对生物柴油的扶持政策和汽车车型柴油化趋势三个方面分析了生物柴油的发展前景,并对我国生产生物柴油的原料及发展进行了讨论。  相似文献   

通过对我国轻柴油标准现状的分析及我国标准与美国,欧盟和澳大利亚标准的对比,并结合我国柴油生产的实际情况,提出我国应将柴油分布为车用柴油和普通轻柴油两个标准。普通轻柴油机标准以GB252-94标准中的一等品为基础,只设一个等级,车用柴油价格应与90#汽油价格基本接近。  相似文献   

长庆石化公司140万吨/年催化裂化装置分馏系统,柴油生产面临以下问题:柴油凝点普遍偏低、柴油95%点偏低,柴油生产方案单一。本文通过不断对柴油生产的各个环节分析,找出一种可以提高柴油质量的操作方法,达到提高柴油产品质量的目的。  相似文献   

随着我国国民经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,我国航空煤油的消费呈高速增长的势头,中国石油和中国石化对所属部分炼厂炼油能力的扩建,从能力上可以保障国航煤的供应。由于生产航煤的经济性与航煤和柴油的价差相关,从国际上较长时期航煤和柴油的价差看,当航煤价格比柴油价格高140元/t左右时,生产航煤和生产柴油的经济性基本相当。从航煤的价格影响因素看,原油价格直接影响着航煤的价格。由于我国成品油定价机制的特殊性,航煤价格主要受国际原油市场价格、国内石油和油品比价和国内成品油市场的供求关系等多种因素的影响。  相似文献   

国内柴油市场需求分析及预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国柴油主要用于大型汽车运输和农业,渔业生产,近两年柴油消费量以超过7%的速度增长,2000年消费量达到6715万吨,据有关部门预测,2005年我国柴消费量为8530万吨,2010年为10830万吨,2015年将达到13300万吨,供需矛盾会更加突出,因此增产柴油,增加柴油供应量仍将是一个长期的艰巨任务。  相似文献   

一、柴油生产和消费我国柴油的生产和消费增长率居各油品之首,需求增长一直保持强劲势头。“七五”期间产量增长率5.2%,消费增长率6.7%;“八五”期间增长速度加快,产量增长率达7.9%,消费增长率达10.0%。我国柴油产率逐年提高,1998年达30.1...  相似文献   

中国柴油市场的特点及未来走势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国柴油生产以中国石油、中国石化两大集团为主.2005年,我国柴油产量增加9.5%,至1.1亿吨;柴油需求在连续两年的强劲增长之后,呈现6.3%的平稳增长态势,表观消费量达到1.1亿吨.从消费结构看,交通运输业和农业占柴油总消费量的80%以上;从消费区域看,华东、中南及华北地区近年来约占全国柴油消费量的3/4,而东北、西北和西南地区仅占全国消费量的1/4.我国柴油进口量近年波动较大,总体呈下降态势;广东、浙江两省柴油进口量稳居各省市前列;柴油进口来源地较为集中,主要来自周边国家和地区.2005年,我国通过来进料加工出口的柴油占全国柴油出口量的比重比上年增加18.3个百分点,至85.9%;以保税仓库货物和保税区转储方式出口的柴油占总出口的比重同比下降17.8个百分点,至13.5%.越南稳居我国柴油出口国家和地区的榜首,贸易方式几乎全部为来进料加工.预计我国2010和2015年的柴油消费量将分别达到15400万吨和19400万吨,2005-2010年、2010-2015年柴油消费年均增长率分别为7%和4.8%.  相似文献   

生物燃料是指通过生物资源生产的燃料乙醇和生物柴。油,可以替代由石油制取的汽油和柴油。近年来.受世界石油资源、价格、环保和全球气候变化的影响,我国石油需求快速增长,石油进口不断增加,国际油价持续上涨,油价飙升推动了国际生物柴油和燃料乙醇等生物燃料化工产业发展,特别是以粮食为原料的燃料乙醇生产已初步形成规模,生物柴油产业已经起步。  相似文献   

John Madeley 《Food Policy》1979,4(2):136-138
A major preoccupation of agricultural policy makers in the 1970s has been how to obtain maximum benefit from new high-yielding seeds. ‘Tailored packages’ have been developed to suit conditions in different countries, specialized training has been arranged for farmers to help them cope with the techniques needed for the new seeds, and banks, at least in some countries, have extended their activities deeper into the rural areas. Some attempts have also been made to avoid the ‘freezing out’ of small farmers for whom the new seeds, with their demands for precise applications of water and fertilizers, were likely to be a risky business. The emphasis has been on increased output. Less effort has gone into programmes designed to deal with a problem that the high-yielding strains create once they have been grown and harvested — an increase in post-harvest losses. Estimates suggest that between 20% and 40% of the grain produced in developing countries each year ends up nourishing insects, rodents and birds or is otherwise spoiled by fungi. The food lost in Africa alone each year could feed 55 million people. India loses sufficient grain to feed 50 million people a year.The high-yielding varieties of seeds are even more susceptible to loss than traditional seeds because they cannot be kept securely in traditional storage facilities. A good example of this problem — as well as an innovation which is attracting attention from many other countries — is in Zambia where maize is the staple crop.  相似文献   

国内萘及萘系产品的产量不能满足市场日益增长的需求,进口量基本上呈逐年上升趋势;预计2010年欧、日、美等国家需求将达600kt,年增增长率2.3%。我国多年来一直需要进口中弥补供求缺口,新的市场应用前景广阔。  相似文献   

随着国民经济的持续、快速发展,交通运输、汽车等支柱产业迅速兴起,对石油产品的需求不断增长,使石油在我国能源消费构成中的比例逐年提高,而原油增长速度相对较低,导致国内石油的供求矛盾日益突出。为确保我国石油、石化工业长期稳定发展,亟须落实石油资源并优化资源配置。从近中期我国石油供需形势的分析预测入手,探讨了原油配置的区域优化问题。  相似文献   

近10年来长三角的公共投资(分配)过多地流向了上海、杭州、南京等大城市.导致这些城市人均资本拥有量总体大幅上升,从而引发其边际生产率递减情况的发生。而它们的资本利用效率或者技术创新水平至少是没有明显提升(或是下降),还不足以抵消其资本边际生产率下降的趋势。而位于长三角外围边缘的中小城市的资本边际收益正处于上升期却显得公共投资不足以及人均资本存量过低。倾斜式的公共资本分配政策延滞了长三角中小城市的经济发展。  相似文献   

高校扩招引发了"大学生潮",中国迎来了第二个劳动力相对过剩的时期,为中国制造升级到中国智造提供了充足的、廉价而高素质的人力资源。中国企业学会怎么用好它了吗?  相似文献   

The competitiveness of the residential real estate brokerage industry has attracted much attention. Anecdotal evidence suggests some local markets are concentrated, yet no systematic market structure study has been conducted. We collected cross‐sectional data on real estate brokers in 90 diverse markets across the United States and collected longitudinal data for Louisville, Kentucky. In medium and large markets, no evidence exists that market concentration might create problems for competition. Small markets, on average, have higher Herfindahl‐Hirschman Indexes than medium and large markets. The longitudinal data reveal that many small brokers sell a house or two one year and none the next year.  相似文献   

针对油井检泵周期短、生产时率低的问题,从管杆泵等设备、油层物性和原油物性、技术配套、作业施工和采油管理等5个方面进行了详细的剖析和查找原因,在此基础上建立了5个方面的延长油井检泵周期的质量保证体系,在实施过程中加大了体系的控制和考核力度,取得显著效果。与2006年相比,减少断脱45井次,油井平均延长检泵周期63d,全年减少栓泵183井次,提高生产时率增产原油1293t,获效益1689万元。  相似文献   

The development of the cable industry in Japan has been steady but slow. The Japanese cable penetration rate is not as high as in the USA and Canada for several reasons, and in this article the focus is on how broadcasting policy in Japan has affected the cable television market. Nevertheless the number of cable television systems has increased every year, and the future of the cable business in Japan is also discussed.  相似文献   

Over the last fifteen years Delft University of Technology has developed a unique educational program in its undergraduate curriculum. In this program health, safety, environmental and social aspects of chemical engineering are studied explicitly in separate courses while being integrated into the whole of educational and research activities. The program's activities include a required (“dedicated”) third year course, Chemical Risk Management, which covers environment as well as safety. There is also a required first year course, Chemistry and Society/Industrial Orientation, which studies how industries and government react to environmental and safety problems. Another required activity is the Safety Report, which fourth year and graduate students must write and have accepted in order to be allowed to carry out laboratory work. All these activities are closely related to and coordinated with one other. The program, which has been followed by more than two thousand students over the last fifteen years, requires extensive cooperation with industry.  相似文献   

分析了机械密封失效现象的原因,指出:给动静磨擦副提供稳定的动压油膜、根据现场工况选择相应的密封结构、保证实施合理的安装使用操作是保证机械密封正常运行的有效方法使用这些方法后的现场运行表明。机械密封的性能得到了很大提高,使用寿命从最短的一个月延长至一年以上.  相似文献   

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