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为落实减排承诺,实现2050年碳中和目标,德国联邦政府立法明确从2021年起引入国家碳排放权交易体系,针对未纳入欧盟碳市场的交通和建筑领域实施二氧化碳排放定价。本文通过介绍政策背景、交易基础和各要素情况,对比欧盟碳排放交易制度,初步探析德国即将实施的国家碳交易体系。  相似文献   

正12月18日,北京市发改委、河北省发改委、承德市政府联合举行新闻发布会,宣布京冀两地率先启动全国首个跨区域碳排放权交易市场建设,承德市作为河北省的先期试点,其境内的纳入碳交易体系的重点排放单位将完全按照平等地位参与北京市场的碳排放交易。用市场之手推动节能减排,控制温室气体排放,将推动京津冀协同发展。近年来,京津冀地区已经从局部环境污染逐步发展  相似文献   

欧盟第2008/101/EC号指令将航空运输纳入欧盟排放权交易体系的做法遭到各国的强烈反对。本文客观评析了目前对该指令适法性的各种质疑,并根据《联合国气候变化框架公约》否定了该指令的适法性。作为单边措施,该指令的实施也面临诸多挑战,航空业减排终将走向国际民航组织所领导的全球性减排模式。  相似文献   

目前存在两种减排措施:碳税和碳排放交易。碳税是针对单位二氧化碳排放量征收税费;碳排放交易则是允许排放超额的企业向排放低于限额的企业购买排放额度。有学者表示,碳排放交易的实施目前缺乏一定的先决条件,比如需要有效的管理系统、成熟的法律体系、  相似文献   

国际碳交易减排效果探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨永杰 《生产力研究》2012,(1):13-14,16
碳交易是国际上减少温室气体排放的有效措施,温室气体排放是一种经济活动的外部性行为,科斯通过市场交易解决外部性问题为碳交易提供了理论支持。《京都议定书》等是碳交易的法律渊源。国际主要的碳市场欧盟排放交易体系、英国排放交易体系、芝加哥气候交易所等的有效运行,促进了低碳技术的发展和应用,推动经济实体在管理方面进行节能减排的努力,达到了减少温室气体排放的目的,国际碳交易是抑制全球气候变暖有效的制度选择之一。  相似文献   

陈和  吕洪业 《生产力研究》2012,(8):172-173,207
欧盟于2008年通过的航空排放指令,将抵离欧盟的所有航空排放纳入其碳排放交易体系,招致全世界的普遍质疑与反对。文章认为,欧盟的航空排放指令没有域外效力,但却会从宏观和微观层面上对世界航空业产生深刻影响。  相似文献   

杨钊  孙彤 《经济与管理》2012,26(8):19-22
融资问题一直是制约企业节能减排项目发展的关键因素,排放权交易的试点运作开启了基于排放权交易市场的节能减排融资模式的新篇章。利用节能减排项目的减排效果,能够构建一个基于排放权交易的节能减排项目融资模式,有效拓宽了节能减排项目的融资渠道。  相似文献   

我国建立碳排放交易体系要实现两个基本目标,或者基于两个前提来进行制度设计:首先是保障我国的发展权,满足经济社会发展所必要的碳排放的基本需求;其次才是通过排放交易体系发现和形成中国的碳价格,使碳长期均衡价格等于社会减排边际成本,以符合经济效益的原则实现全社会减排。  相似文献   

2004年,世界上第一个排放交易体系——欧盟排放交易体系(EUETS)成立后,全球碳交易市场呈现爆炸式增长,碳交易额从2005年的110亿美元上升到2010年的1400多亿美元。受欧债危机影响,2011年全球碳交易市场低迷,新西兰碳交易体系(New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme,NZETS)交易却逆势而上,市值由2010年的910万欧元增长至1.06亿欧元,增长了25%。虽然NZETS市值与欧盟  相似文献   

我国政府已经把减少污染物排放作为约束性指标纳入到国家中长期发展战略之中,采取有效的污染物减排政策是中国缓解环境压力、实现经济社会可持续发展的重要手段.排污权交易制度是在总量管制的情况下,通过污染物排放权的分配,最终实现该区域总的排污量削减.本文从经济学的视角,研究了排污权交易的实施基础,并与行政强制性减排以及环境税减排进行了效率比较,结果表明排污权交易比单纯的行政强制性排污和环境税约束具有更高的市场效率以及灵活性,同时并不会降低整个社会的污染物排放效果.此外,从市场势力的影响、市场信息的影响、交易规则的影响等方面讨论了影响排污权交易市场效率的因素,对我国排污权交易市场的发展提出了相应的建议,为排污权交易市场的稳定运行提供了理论参考.  相似文献   

This paper examines the dynamics of volatility transmission between EU emission allowances (EUA) and oil markets using a range-based volatility measure. We propose a multivariate conditional autoregressive range model with bivariate lognormal distribution to capture volatility dynamics and volatility spillovers between oil and EUA markets. Our findings for Phase II of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme point to the existence of volatility dynamics and leverage effects and to no significant volatility spillovers between these markets. These results remained robust to other volatility measures and model specifications.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the influence on the general equilibrium of an economy of the opening of markets of allowances, such as the European Union Emission Trading Scheme. Assuming there existed an equilibrium before the opening of allowances’ markets, we describe the changes in the firms behavior which guarantee that an equilibrium can be reached in the enlarged economy. Hence we describe under which conditions the economy can undergo the opening of markets of allowances. This paper is a substantial improvement of previous work in collaboration with Alexandrine Jamin (Jamin and Mandel 2006).The author is grateful to Professor Jean-Marc Bonnisseau for his guidance and to an anonymous referee whose comments led to substantial improvements of the paper.  相似文献   

The UK’s Climate Change Programme introduced an Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) for greenhouse gases. Firms in over 40 industrial sectors which have negotiated “Climate Change Agreements” setting quantitative energy efficiency targets can use the ETS to trade over-and under-compliance with these targets. In parallel, a limited number of firms have become major participants in the ETS as a result of an auction of subsidies for additional abatement commitments. The paper describes the UK arrangements and assesses the economic efficiency and environmental effectiveness of the ETS, drawing on evidence of participants’ behaviour both in the incentive auction, and in subsequent trading.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the implementation of pollution permits. It focuses on the distributional impacts linked with the stringency of output-based allocation when two sectors are covered by the market for permits and the total cap is held constant. A new type of profit increase in sectors that are not exposed to international competition, when energy-intensive trade-exposed (EITE) sectors are granted output-based allocations, is demonstrated theoretically. The paper also illustrates a profit increase in the electricity sector in a possible fourth phase of the European Union Emission Trading Scheme, in which output-based allocation will be granted to EITE sectors, compared with the case in which all permits are auctioned.  相似文献   

印度是农业大国,经济欠发达,农民抵御自然风险的能力不高,购买商业保险的能力有限.为保护农业利益,印度政府在支持农业保险发展上采取了积极措施,并在实践中取得了成效.本文对印度国家农业保险项目、政策性农业保险公司以及农业保险立法进行了介绍,并对我国农业保险事业的发展提出了建议.  相似文献   

In order to achieve their climate policy targets EU member states apply various regulatory instruments. We investigate the potential efficiency losses arising from the imposition of emission taxes on sectors that are covered by the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS). Our analysis indicates the possibility of substantial excess cost through overlapping regulation. We show that unilateral emission taxes on sectors subject to the EU ETS are environmentally ineffective and increase overall compliance cost of the EU ETS.   相似文献   

The EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) is breaking new ground in the experience with emission trading regimes across multiple jurisdictions. Since the EU ETS covers only some industries, it implies a hybrid emission control scheme where EU member states must apply complementary domestic emissions regulation for the non-trading sectors of their economies in order to comply with their national emission reduction targets. The EU ETS thus opens up for strategic partitioning of national emissions budgets by the member states between trading and non-trading sectors. In this paper we examine the potential effects of such strategic behavior on compliance cost and emissions prices. We show that concerns on efficiency losses from strategic partitioning are misplaced. In turn, our analysis implicitly indicates significant political economy forces behind EU climate policy, as both cost-effective and strategically motivated partitioning of national emission budgets are far off from the actual break-down between trading and non-trading sectors.  相似文献   

We empirically investigate potential determinants of the allowance price dynamics in the European Union Emission Trading Scheme during Phase II. In contrast to previous studies, we place particular emphasis on the fuel price selection. We show that results are extremely sensitive to choosing different price series of potential determinants, such as coal and gas prices. In general, only the influence of economic activity in Europe and hydropower provision in Norway is robustly explaining allowance price dynamics. The influence of fuel switching on allowance prices and, therefore, equalization of marginal abatement costs – in particular in the long run – is still rather small.  相似文献   

The determinants of individual, voluntary climate action (VCA) in combating climate change and its potential scale are frequently debated in public but largely underresearched. We provide estimates of the willingness to individually reduce EU greenhouse gas emissions by one ton, using the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme. Estimates are derived from an online field experiment with a large, highly heterogenous, and Internet-representative sample of voting-aged Germans. Jointly estimating willingness to pay (WTP), non-indifference to VCA, and prior knowledge, we uncover important determinants of preferences for VCA, such as education, the information structure among the population, and exogenous environmental conditions.  相似文献   

We extend recent advances in time substitution modeling to a directional distance function framework, in order to examine the environmental performance of firms in Sweden’s pulp and paper industry for the years 2002–2008. Our data allow us to estimate the optimal reallocation of environmental investments, expenditures and energy use to simultaneously maximize production output and minimize emissions in the years immediately before and after the implementation of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme. We find some evidence of overall productivity decline when considering both emissions and output objectives, due primarily to technological decline, and that cumulative dynamic inefficiency outweighs static inefficiency. A comparison of optimal investment with observed investment indicates that firms could have improved their performance by reallocating environmental investments to early periods and production-oriented investment to later periods.  相似文献   

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