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<正>你没有富有的老爸,你没有煊赫的家世,你没有耀眼的学历……但是,你没有放弃,你想成功,你想赚钱。只是为什么你赚钱赚得这么累?无论你是否有钱,无论你是否有经验……原来赚钱,真的比你想象得还简单……只要你愿意彻底地学习使用所有的ZRK方法和策略,你的生活将从此改  相似文献   

我知道你不知道我知道你不知道我知道你不知道——“我知道,你不知道。我知道,你不知道我知道。你不知道。“我知道你,不知道我。知道你不知道我,知道你不知道。“我,知道你不知道我知道。你不知道我知道你不知道。”  相似文献   

李晓亮 《商界》2015,(1):132-134
将一只水杯赋予智能,是智能时代的必然趋势,还是多此一举?早晨,第一缕阳光从窗外爬进你的小屋,你睁开惺忪的睡眼,洗簌完毕,一个造型时尚的水杯开始闪烁、响铃,提醒你喝水,并告诉你,这次你的身体需要喝多少水;当你正在办公室兴奋地敲击着键盘,你的水杯开始提醒你要喝多少毫升的水了;如果你每天的运动仅限于打扫卫生,如果你不易流汗,你的水杯会提醒你,只用摄入多少毫升水;如果你是个运动爱好者,如果你易流汗,你的  相似文献   

测试:3年后你是富翁还是穷人如果你是个胖子,正在努力减肥,而你的朋友却请你吃大餐,你认为他的心态是什么? A.只是顺便叫你吃饭,没有别的意思B.心疼你,怕你减肥太辛苦C.考验你减肥的意志力够不够坚强D.逗你开心,希望你轻松面对减肥  相似文献   

<正> 除了最高层领导外,每个职员都有上司。如果你的工作完成得很好,你的业绩也不错,你的下属也很爱你,但你的上司可能不喜欢你,因为你只知道做自己的工作,只知道怎么管理你的下属,不注意上司怎么看你。所以,不管你是主管也好,普通职员也好,你都要懂得怎么当下属,怎样让你的上司喜欢你,器重你,提拔你。如果你要获得这样的效果,下面的七点你一定要认真地去做。一、主动报告你的工作进度当领导的心中往往有个不快:不知道他的下属在忙些什么,每天好像都很忙,又不好意思经常去问他。因而做下属的一定要主动报告自己的工作进  相似文献   

生死不离,你的梦落在那里想着生活继续天空失去美丽,你却等待明天站起无论你在哪里,我都要找到你血脉能创造奇迹,你的呼喊就刻在我的血液里生死不离,我数秒等你消息相信生命不息我看不到你,你却牵挂在我心里_无论你在哪里,我都要找到你一血脉能剑造奇迹,格起双手筑成你  相似文献   

正7宗原罪,7个弱点这个时代没有圣人,如果你是,请绕道。欲望是人的本性,欲望带来需求,需求需要满足。这就是市场营销的基本规则,你想要的,我满足你。你不那么想要的,我逼着去满足你。其实在这个物欲横流的社会里,可能最无用的就是"满足"二字吧。人的本性是罪恶,不止7项,可能有70项700项那么多,而商家的行为,就是满足这7项70项乃至700项罪恶的过程。如果你贪食,我给你美味。如果你贪婪,我给你免费。如果你懒惰,我送货上门。如果你傲慢,我送你身份。如果你嫉妒,我让你更美。如果你愤怒,我赠你平静。如果你好色,我……我总有办法。  相似文献   

1.要有信心挑战风险。你必须相信你自己,能把你的商业构想变成创业现实。风险是实现创业成功的必然因素。接受风险的勇气来源于你的自信。2.了解什么事让你高兴。你必须了解你的兴趣点在哪里,以及哪些事能让你高兴。你可以设计出一条能让你找到自己职业幸福的路径。3.优先排序。拥有远大梦想,但要明确如何在正确的阶段开展你的业务。让你的业务逐步壮大,要明确哪些事对于你和你的市场是最重要的。4.发现潜在的需求。作为一个创业者,你将对市场的供给面有所贡献。但是你必须理解需求——你的客户需要的是  相似文献   

你可能有这样的经历,很喜欢光临某个小饭店,因为每次走入店中,店主都会热情地叫着你的名字迎上来,你刚就坐,一杯你喜欢的热茶随即奉上;还没等你点菜,店主已经报上了你喜欢吃的菜名征询你的意见,同时还针对你的口味推荐店里的新菜;结账时,店主主动给你的餐费打折。此外,在你繁忙的时候  相似文献   

你没有富有的老爸,你没有显赫的家世,你没有耀眼的学历……但是,你没有放弃,你想成功,你想赚钱……只是……为什么你赚钱赚得这么累?其实有很多人都会这么觉得。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2017,60(5):597-601
These days, it seems, nearly everyone aspires to be an entrepreneur. But many entrepreneurs think and act differently than the way in which most other businesspeople do and the way much of today’s business education encourages them to think and act. My in-depth examination of dozens of entrepreneurs I’ve come to know well over the past 2 decades tells me that their unconventional—or, dare I say, counter-conventional—mindsets and behaviors are marked by six common patterns: (1) ‘Yes, we can;’ (2) beg, borrow, or steal; (3) think narrow, not broad; (4) problem-first, not product-first logic; (5) ‘No’ is something waiting to be turned into ‘Yes’; and (6) ask for the cash and ride the float. Thankfully, we now know that entrepreneurs are made, not born. These six patterns of entrepreneurial thought and action are eminently learnable. If you want to someday be an entrepreneur, or if you want the people in your company to become more entrepreneurial, then developing—or encouraging and incentivizing your people to develop—such a mindset might constitute a suitable first step toward preparing you to follow a more entrepreneurial path or to foster a more entrepreneurial culture in your company.  相似文献   


Central to current thinking on what makes companies competitive is the notion that “it's not what you do, it's the way that you do it”. The way a task is carried out in a company is itself very much related to the attitudes and opinions of the company's managers. This article focuses on top managers’ attitudes to product design and shows which ones are related to superior competitive performance. An examination of the attitudes shows that there are seven basic managerial orientations to design. The most successful orientation is called the “balanced orientation” and consists of attitudes that underpin a commitment to leading the field technically and making developments market‐relevant.  相似文献   

裴超 《中国会展》2020,(6):32-39,8
近一段时期以来,新冠肺炎疫情对中国经济、社会稳定造成了一定程度的影响。参照2003年非典时期的经验,在基准情景下,预计2020年4月中国各项经济活动可能逐步恢复正常。2020年是中国全面实现小康目标的收官之年,为了实现这一目标,新冠肺炎疫情后经济刺激的重点应该落笔在哪些领域?更为具体的是,结合短期和中长期的目标,站在这个历史时点上,应该有一个怎样的经济扶持或经济刺激计划呈现,未来的发展蓝图能否为中国会议行业的发展带来助力,而哪些方面又会对会议经济的发展造成一定影响。绘制图景还得先未雨绸缪?全面强调行业复工后的中国会议产业发展是持续做强,还是步入衰退。能否成为促进经济发展的新引擎,已经成为当下中国会议行业广泛关注的焦点。  相似文献   


Tactics to deter deviant consumer behaviour have received limited attention in the literature despite deviance being an ongoing problem in the marketplace. Across two studies, the findings suggest there is a heterogeneous response to the rules placed on consumers’ behaviour, which manifests from an absence of consensus among consumers on what is right and wrong behaviour undermining the it’s wrong, don’t do it approach to deterrence. Further, risk perceptions of being caught and punished are low, if not absent, undermining the you will be caught and punished approach to deterrence. Alternate underlying mechanisms were tested and found to influence deviant consumer behaviour (perceived prevalence, perceived outcomes and moral identity), which could underpin alternate deterrence tactics, including social proofing, moral triggers and humanising the victim.  相似文献   

周南 《中国市场》2010,(51):40-41
<正>一身笔挺的西装,一副金丝眼镜,认真而不苟言笑的神情,这就是李光斗在演讲时留给大家的标志性印象。而作为媒体人,初识李光斗,也是通过他那一篇篇对热门事件鞭辟入里的评判。紧跟时尚的推手在百度中输入"中国品牌第一人",一系列关于李光斗的故事以及作品跃然在目。品牌对于李光斗的意义不言而喻。其实,李  相似文献   

If you think about the last television commercial for an Italian pasta brand you have seen, are you sure it is really Italian? In many cases, especially in the food sector, neither the company nor the product originate from the advertised country, meaning that the company is pursuing a foreign branding strategy and is trying to benefit from positive stereotypes customers have about the specific foreign country. By collecting both quantitative and qualitative data through a point-of-sale intercept survey, this article assesses the impact of alleged origins on customers’ willingness to buy (WTB) and willingness to pay (WTP) if the actual origin is disclosed. The sample consisted of 200 German customers who were asked to answer questions related to one of two hedonic products they had just bought. It is empirically shown that foreign branding has a positive impact on the brand’s performance. However, as soon as customers find out that they were misled with regard to the origin of the product, both their WTB and their WTP decrease. This study contributes to the knowledge on the role of products’ origins on customers’ WTB and WTP. In contrast to the vast majority of the studies in this field, the communicated origin of the product is based on a foreign branding strategy and not on the product’s actual origin. Consequently, it was possible to manipulate within-subject variables by disclosing the actual origin of the product. The results of our study suggest that foreign branding may be a successful strategy for companies to increase their customers’ WTB and WTP. At the same time, our results raise concerns about the suitability of foreign branding as a long-term marketing strategy, unless a company can successfully maintain its foreign image. Future research opportunities include the choice of consumers with a different cultural background, of other hedonic products or of utilitarian products.  相似文献   

One of the worst things about being disabled is the loneliness. Able-bodied people do not have to wait for busy friends to find time to visit them. They can get on to a bus or a tube or a train and go visiting, or to the shops or a cinema or club, as the mood takes them. If you are in a wheelchair, you can't. You will get taken to hospital or a day centre or to your doctor, if need be, but nowhere for fun. The idea has arisen in several countries that there should be a special service for people with disabilities, who cannot use public transport and cannot drive or use friends' cars. This would be the equivalent of what taxis provide for the able-bodied — the possibility of getting out and going where you want, when you want, when there is no public transport, or car, available to take you.  相似文献   

What another would have done as well as you, do not do it. What another would have said as well as you, do not say it; written as well, do not write it. Be faithful to that shich exists nowhere but in yourself—and thus make yourself indispensable.  相似文献   

谢挺  李娟 《中国市场》2012,(8):58-60,5
<正>宁波永发集团,这家成立于1988年的企业发展一直波澜不惊,和宁波的大多数企业一样,最擅长的是做贴牌。不过,和宁波的大多数企业不一样的是,它做的既不是服装,也不是鞋类的贴牌,而是给保险箱企业做贴牌。按多数中国民营企业的贴牌路径,这只"保险箱"的故事似乎可以预见:在原材料不断涨价的夹缝中求生存。但是,如  相似文献   

Employees of large blue chip corporations in the 1950s through the mid-1960s demonstrated great loyalty to their employers. In return, those employers provided cradle to grave job security and benefits for their workers. During the 1980s, however, this social contract between employees and employers seems to have undergone a change. The norms of the organization man of the earlier period passed from use and a new normative framework seems to have developed. The norm of loyalty on the part of both parties seems to have passed from practice. Employers would now terminate employees if it was in their short term interest to do so, while employees began to move from company to company, no longer making a career with one employer. Many writers have attributed this new employment relationship to the dynamics of the times, as we move from modern to late modern/early post-modern times. This paper reports the findings of a pilot qualitative study done with graduating seniors from an AACSB accredited business school (n=48). The subjects were asked to write self-reflective essays on the following themes: Given the nature of the new employment contract, are careers a vestige of the past? How do you feel about such concepts as career self reliance and career resiliency? Do you feel “at risk” in the new world of work? If so why, if not why not? If so, how do you plan to deal with it? The paper reports the critical response patterns of these graduating seniors and draws insights and conclusions from the literature illuminating the student reflections.  相似文献   

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