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虚拟水贸易及其影响因素研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于水资源的分布不均和大量消耗,水资源短缺成为很多国家和地区经济社会发展的约束。虚拟水贸易作为一种解决水资源短缺的方式被提出,成为水资源研究领域的热点。以农产品的国际贸易为主体的虚拟水国际贸易也不仅仅涉及水资源的平衡问题,还涉及到很多政治、经济等因素。本文从政治、经济、社会、生态四方面对虚拟水贸易的影响因素进行分析,从而对虚拟水贸易展开研究。  相似文献   

For about 150 years, international trade theory has mostly highlighted trade in consumption goods. Such a modeling approach was likely supported by the then prevailing commodity structure of world trade. This paper shows that – at least since 1970 – only about 20 per cent of commodity trade has taken place in consumables, the remainder being intermediates and capital goods. Theoretically, this evidence suggests a move in the modelling strategy for traded goods: from utility functions to production functions. Sanyal and Jones' "new trade theory" (1982) does precisely that. In addition, some crucial research challenges emerge. These relate to dynamic changes in some general characteristics of production technologies throughout the world.  相似文献   

外贸对经济增长的影响分析:理论与经验模型验证   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
汪浩瀚 《经济地理》2005,25(4):449-452
国际贸易理论的核心问题是探究贸易利益的产生及其分配,国际贸易与经济增长具有密切联系。理论分析和经验证据均表明,一国外贸规模对经济增长有着重要作用,对外贸易的变动往往成为决定一国经济增长趋势的关键因素。文章从理论和经验模型上对我国近10多年来外贸和经济增长的关系给出了相关的实证检验,旨在探讨并揭示国际贸易促进经济增长的内在机制。  相似文献   

贸易理论的历史演进表明,比较优势是一国参与国际分工和贸易的基本动因。古典、新古典和新贸易理论分别从劳动生产率、要素禀赋、生产规模等不同视角论证了基于生产成本的比较优势,进而可表达为"相对生产成本不等式"。随着制度、生态环境、"可持续性"等要素在国际贸易中日趋重要,使用制度要素所形成的交易成本、使用生态环境要素所形成的环境成本、耗费"可持续性"要素所形成的代际成本也逐步成为比较优势的成本基础。于是,可将使用或耗费广义要素的代价理解为"全成本",它构成了一国参与国际分工和贸易的比较优势的基础。  相似文献   

The field of international business/economics is largely dualistic in nature. On one hand is the economics literature which has, for two centuries, focused on the notion of comparative advantage (technology, factor proportions) while on the other is the business literature which has recently developed the concept of competitive advantage. This paper presents a reconciliation of the two based on global value chain/supply chain analysis and the concept of vertical comparative advantage. It is shown that the theory of competitive advantage's epistemological comparative advantage lies with its ‘how to’ approach to developing an advantage, while the theory of comparative advantage's epistemological comparative advantage lies with its account of ‘what is’ and that both are complementary. However, it is also argued that the failure to recognize this complementarity as well as the shortcomings of each have prevented and continue to prevent the emergence of an integrated, empirically-consistent theory of international trade – in short, prevented us from taking advantage of the gains from epistemological trade.  相似文献   

该文以迪克西特与诺曼合著的《国际贸易理论》一书为参照,分析了现代贸易理论所面临的三种挑战,探讨了对偶性一般均衡分析方法在应对这些实践挑战与深化国际贸易理论的比较优势,并且揭示了对偶性一般均衡分析方法由一种特殊的分析技术成长为国际贸易研究中的主流分析范式的过程与原因.  相似文献   

Standard trade theory is a theory about the structure of international production which emerges from an international arbitrage equilibrium. It is not a theory about the activity of trading which is simply taken for granted or which is treated implicitly in the concept of exogenous trade costs. This paper proposes an alternative evolutionary framework based on networks as structures of non-price interactions into which price/quantity-interactions are embedded. These networks manifest different levels with specific problems of coordination and communication, i.e. levels of market transactions, of transaction-enabling transactions, of markets for market access rights, and of the respective transaction-enabling transactions. Furthermore, the theory is based on the analysis of capabilities to trade, resting upon competitive advantage, which cannot be imitated. The exploitation of competitive advantage presupposes the capability to control network interactions, identified as social capital. Finally, the security of market access reflects power balances among countries.
Carsten Herrmann-PillathEmail:

我国林产品贸易与森林生态研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国日益成为世界主要林产品生产和对外贸易大国,人均森林资源严重不足、森林生态十分脆弱、林产品贸易与气候关系被世界各国密切关注的背景下,文章从林产品贸易与森林资源的关系、林产品贸易和森林生态安全的关系、森林资源与森林生态的关系及林产品贸易和碳排放的关系等方面,总结了有关林产品贸易和我国森林资源及生态关系文献的研究概况,之后从理论创新、数据类型和概念界定、方程设定和回归估计方法等方面分析了现有相关研究文献的特点,最后从林产品贸易和森林资源、生态关系相关研究文献的研究方法、研究结论、研究前提、研究视角、研究范畴等方面做了评论,并且从国际贸易学、生态学、系统动力学、系统论等研究技术和方法、Ec—Re—En系统模型设计、耦合理论和仿真技术等方面,对我国林产品贸易安全与森林生态关系未来的研究方向做了展望。  相似文献   

For the most part, neoclassical trade theory has restricted its concerns to the effect that trade has on the production and distribution of commodities. It implicitly assumes that international trade leaves unchanged the institutional structure of domestic economies.The empirical evidence presented here supports the claim that international trade induces innovation in the institutions regulating the capital-labor relationship. Existing trade theories, neoclassical or otherwise, that assume away such changes give only a partial answer to one of the central questions a theory of trade must answer: What are the effects of trade, and are these effects beneficial?  相似文献   

徐晨  王祥玮  孙元欣 《技术经济》2024,43(4):177-188
海外研发被视为后发国家实现技术赶超的有效路径,现有文献基于经贸自由化的前置条件证实了海外研发提升创新绩效的反哺作用。然而在全球贸易保护主义抬头的背景下,资源要素的自由流动愈发困难,海外研发能否发挥应有的作用尚不得而知。为此,基于中国高科技上市公司的数据,本文探索了中美贸易摩擦如何影响中国企业的海外研发绩效。研究发现,中美贸易摩擦非但没有侵蚀中国企业的海外研发绩效,反而产生倒逼效应,推动中国企业提升投资效率并积累国际投资经验,继而增强了海外研发的反哺作用。通过区分海外研发目的地,本文进一步发现倒逼效应在赴非美国家的样本中更显著。赴美研发受到贸易摩擦的冲击更为直接,稀释了提升投资效率和积累国际化经验所带来的收益。研究结论深化了国际商务理论关于贸易保护和壁垒如何影响跨国企业投资绩效的相关研究,为中国企业在高度不确定的投资环境下如何充分释放海外研发的潜能提供启示。  相似文献   

新兴古典经济学派从消费者与生产者的统一出发,构建了贸易产生的内生化新体系。该体系拓展了国际贸易的新理论建构,以专业化与分工为基础,引进外生交易费用、内生交易费用、市场组织与层系等参数,可使得国际贸易在经济中的产生内生化,并由此形式化贸易的发展历程,为国内贸易与国际贸易建立统一的基础,克服以新古典经济学为框架的传统国际贸易理论中国际贸易与国内贸易具有不同基础的理论困难,提供了国际贸易理论的全新思路,对21世纪全球市场的形成与发展具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

电子商务对国际贸易的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张旭 《财经科学》2007,(7):112-117
随着信息化技术和经济全球化的快速发展,电子商务在国际贸易中的广泛应用已成为知识经济时代的必然潮流.本文总结了电子商务的兴起对国际贸易产生的影响,分析了将电子商务应用于国际贸易时所面临的问题,最后从观念的转变、信息基础设施的建设、关键技术的研发以及配套政策的完善等方面提出了我国在国际贸易中应用电子商务时应采取的主要对策.  相似文献   

基于计量经济学模型的中国旅游服务贸易研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国山河锦绣,有着丰富的自然资源,自然景观和人文景观相互映衬;中国是人类文明的发源地之一,中华民族共同创造的灿烂文化构成了巨大的人文旅游资源优势。近十年来,旅游业在全球蓬勃发展,而壮丽旖旎的中国也吸引着来自世界各国的游客。旅游服务业的发展对中国服务贸易的发展有着举足轻重的影响。本文通过对中国旅游服务贸易出口的计量经济研究,找出影响因素,从而对今后中国旅游服务贸易发展提出建议。  相似文献   

Helpman and Krugman (Market structure and foreign trade. Increasing returns, imperfect competition, and the international economy. MIT Press, Cambridge, 1985) provide a synthesis of the traditional factor proportions theory of international trade and the theory of international trade due to the exploitation of scale economies in imperfectly competitive markets. They derive illuminating results about trade patterns and gains from trade, among other things, leaving unanswered the question of existence of equilibrium, however. The central significance of their characterization of properties of free trade equilibria with inter-industry and intra-industry trade calls for an analysis of existence of equilibrium. This is the object of the present paper. We prove the existence of equilibrium for the integrated multi-sector multi-factor Helpman–Krugman economy without national borders. Well-known conditions ensure that the world economy under free trade reproduces this equilibrium and thus establishes existence of a free trade equilibrium. Since an equilibrium of the integrated economy is not necessarily unique, the same holds true for a free trade equilibrium.  相似文献   

袁欣 《经济经纬》2006,1(6):7-10
马克思在劳动价值论中对于商品的国民价值向国际价值转移的内在机制及相关理论没有形成系统的论述。笔者认为,商品的国际价值量由“世界劳动的平均单位”决定,并且只有进入国际市场的那一部分商品才具备国际价值量的属性。遵循价格围绕价值波动的基本原理,国际价格也是围绕国际价值波动的。在国际贸易利益的分配上,参与国际贸易的商品可以获取国际价值和国际价格的双重利益。  相似文献   

This paper explores the links between international trade theory and the practice of trade and industrial policy in open economies, with special attention to three areas where theoretical lessons have been misunderstood in policy debates. I argue that the "concertina rule" for tariff reform justifies reductions in high tariffs but not moves towards uniformity and particularly not increases in low tariffs. I show that the basic principles of tariff reform are the same in unilateral, multilateral and customs union contexts. Finally, I suggest that the theory of strategic trade policy does not justify subsidies to high-technology industries.  相似文献   

周经  戴翔  刘梦 《财经研究》2018,(5):83-96
当前,全球贸易增速出现了大幅下降,这难以简单地从危机冲击及其后续影响层面进行解读.实际上,贸易的基础是分工,看待当前全球贸易失速现象理应深入到国际分工层面.鉴于此,文章构建理论模型以刻画上述现象及其成因,研究发现:(1)全球价值链分工演进的阶段性变化对贸易增速具有深刻影响,当分工深化到一定程度后,贸易规模扩大的"基数效应"和分工深化的"边际效应"会导致贸易增速下降;(2)对单个国家来说,价值链攀升也会影响贸易增速.进一步地,利用跨国面板数据的计量分析表明:(1)在有效控制其他影响因素的条件下,全球价值链分工深化的程度对贸易增速呈倒"U"形的非线性影响;(2)价值链攀升对单个经济体的贸易增速具有显著的负面影响.由此可知,在当前全球经济处于深度调整的特殊时期,价值链分工深化趋势减缓乃至"停滞",是导致当前全球贸易失速的根本原因之一;而中国的外贸失速除了受到上述因素影响外,还与自身的价值链升级有关.因此,面临全球贸易增速下降的压力,中国外贸发展亟待转型升级,充分发挥"稳定"全球贸易增长的应有作用.  相似文献   

The stability of international trade networks has been investigated using the pairwise stability concept. This concept is suitable to study the formation of bilateral agreements. However, it cannot be used to determine the stability of global trade agreements. This article proposes an alternative stability concept that can be adopted to determine the stability of global agreements such as the Doha agreement. This concept is named in this paper Global Treaty Stability.  相似文献   

International law is currently undergoing a major transformation that has provoked a ‘legal turn’ in the field of International Relations. At the heart of this transformation are the juridification of international politics and subsequently the judicialisation of international law. This contribution argues that scholars of critical International Political Economy have not yet paid enough attention to this process. What is needed is a theory of international law that is able to grasp the societal implications of this transformation. In a first step some accounts drawing on Antonio Gramsci and Evgeny Pashukanis are presented, with a view to making their theory fruitful for analysing international law. Against the background of an empirical study that compares the global regulation of trade in goods with the trade in services, delivered notably through natural persons, some major shortcomings of these accounts are outlined. The last part of the contribution presents some ideas on how to further develop a critical theory of international (trade) law that introduces a communicative dimension into the legal turn with a view to distinguishing between different extra-economic dynamics.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the basic concept of comparative advantage, used in international trade theory to establish choices of commodities exported, can also be used to explain choice of technology by a firm. A firm with a current leading position in a given technology may spurn a new technology, which is developed by a currently lagging firm, leading to future overtaking.  相似文献   

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