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新准则中存货会计处理的几点变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与现行存货准则(2001)和《企业会计制度》相比,《企业会计准则第1号---存货》(以下简称新准则)在内容上的变化不是很大,主要变化体现在不同渠道取得存货的计量等方面。除第1号准则外,涉及存货计量的准则还有第7、12、17和20号等准则。本文试分析新准则体系中有关存货会计处理的几点变化。一、关于存货成本中的借款费用《企业会计准则第17号---借款费用》规定,符合资本化条件的资产是指需要经过相当长时间的购建或者生产活动才能达到预定可使用或者可销售状态的固定资产、投资性房地产、存货等资产。可见,准则扩大了应予资本化的资产范围,需…  相似文献   

新收入准则实施后,建筑施工类业务在报表中由单边净额列示变为资产、负债分别列示,是否会对企业资产负债率、存货指标造成影响,现有研究似乎存在分歧。本文从分析建筑施工类业务新、旧准则核算差异入手,通过对不同期间新、旧准则资产负债率、存货变化情况建模比较,发现报表列示规则变化造成影响的范围,并结合上市公司数据进行验证,以期为企业在不同情况下分析财务指标变化的原因、制定预算和管理目标提供方向。  相似文献   

李明 《税收征纳》2006,(8):34-36
2006年2月15日财政部出台了一项基本会计准则和38项具体会计准则.新会计准则有些内容与旧准则相比较有了很大的变化,由于企业存货有较多的来源.在确定取得存货入账金额时,新准则与旧准则及企业会计制度在有些情况下没有什么变化,但有些存货来源的入账金额确定发生了变化.进而对税收产生影响.  相似文献   

国际会计准则委员会(IASC)颁布于1995年1月1日正式生效的国际会计准则第2号(IASZ)“存货”,是对1975年批准的国际会计准则第2号“历史成本制度下存货的估价与列报”的修订。修订前后的准则在很多方面存在一定差异,认识这些差异对于了解国际会计准则动态和制订我国存货准则都是十分有益的。本文拟从以下几方面比较IASZ新旧准则间的不同,并就我国存货准则的制订谈谈自己的看法。一、IAS2新旧准则的比较l.适用范围的有关变动。旧准则“不研究在长期施工合同下的累积存货及对副产品存货的处理”,而新准则“不适用建筑合同中的在…  相似文献   

童麒因 《时代金融》2009,(9X):101-103
<正>一、存货领用后续计量的所得税问题(一)企业会计准则规定:企业会计准则第1号——存货具体准则第十四条规定,企业应当采用先进先出法、加权平均法或者个别计价法确定发出存货子企业提供的会计信息应当具有可比性;同一企业不同时  相似文献   

新准则执行后,在存货的确认、计量、披露等方面都有所变化。这除了将给企业会计处理带来新的变化之外,在税务处理方面,由于会计与税法差异的影响,也会发生新的变化。一、存货的初始计价新准则规定,投资者投入的存货的成本,应当按照投资合同或协议约定的价值确定,但合同或协议约定价值不公允的除外。而税法规定,投资者作为资本金或者合作条件投入的存货,按照评估确认或者合同、协议约定的金额计价。对于企业由于非货币性资产交换中换入存货的计价,非货币性资产交换准则规定,应当以换出资产的账面价值加上应支付的相关税费作为换入存货资产的…  相似文献   

黄晓燕 《会计师》2009,(3):9-10
不同的存货发出计价方法的选择对企业财务状况、经营成果会产生较大的影响。因此,不同的国家都对企业选择存货发出计价方法通过会计准则做出了一些限定。比如国际会计准则(IASs,IFRSs),澳大利亚会计准则(AASB)和我国的企业会计准则都规定对存货的发出计价方法不允许采用后进先出法。但这些准则并没有具体的说明不允许采用后进先出法的原因。本文通过比较分析西方财务会计中各种存贷发出计价方法的优缺点,来探讨与存货发出计价有关的深层次问题。  相似文献   

财政部于2006年颁布了新的会计准则体系从颁布的时间看,我国适今为止发布过的会计准则体系均是在国际会计准则作修订之后发布的,可以认为,我国的准则是在充分考虑了我国国情和国际会计准则的基础上制定出来的。我国新颁布的会计准则与国际会计准则相比顺应了国际化的要求.体现了一种趋同趋势。但需要明确的是,我国的会计准则是依据我国的政治、经济、文化等特定的综合因素而制定的,与国际会计准则相比存在着一些差异周此有必要对存货准则等方面的差异进行分杭推进我国会计国际化进程。本文以存货这一有代表性的准则为切入点,将我国新旧存货准则及IAS2作比较分析,试从我国存货准则的变化及与IAS2的差异来探讨我国会计准则国际化趋势及规律。  相似文献   

刘娅 《中国证券期货》2013,(7X):177-178
存货是指企业重要的流动资产,企业持有的存货通常用于日常经营活动,因而,存货成本的核算也成为会计核算中不可或缺的一部分。我国企业会计准则规定,企业应当采用先进先出法、加权平均法或者个别计价法确定发出存货的实际成本。存货计价方法的不同,对企业财务状况和经营成果均会产生不同影响。本文将从存货计价方法入手,重点阐述企业在核算过程中对计价方法的选择及其影响。  相似文献   

郝转权 《中国外资》2010,(24):112-112
存货是企业流动资产的一项重要项目,其金额通常占企业总资产的较大比重,因此,企业存货成本能否得到正确的核算对企业资产负债表的真实性有着重要影响。由于企业的存货成本在计算过程中涉及到企业的销售成本。因此在核算构成中对企业的损益也会起着或多或少的影响,最终影响企业利润的真实性。因此,我国为了解决该问题以及顺应经济全球化的趋势,我国在旧存货准则基础上出台了新的存货准则。在旧的存货准则基础上对企业的多方面加以完善,并更加客观、有效地反映企业的经营情况。本文据此相关分析了新旧存货准则的差异以及在企业损益中新旧存货准则的重要性分析。  相似文献   

This exploratory paper investigates the concept of a natural inventory. Three stages are envisaged. In stage one, an organization's acreage and habitats would be established and one of six levels of natural inventory undertaken. In the second stage, the organization's non-critical habitats would be valued either at a market or at an amenity valuation, complemented by an ecological grading. Finally in stage three, the results would be aggregated and published in summary form in the organization's annual report. Levels 1, 2 and 5 of natural inventory are applied to an actual real-world organization. Further research is called for to apply the concept to a large land-owning corporation and to involve accountants in the preparation and, particularly, in the communication of the results.  相似文献   

利用2004-2018年我国房地产库存和金融发展结构的省际面板数据建立GWR模型,考量空间变异特征下金融发展结构对房地产库存的影响。结果表明:金融发展结构对房地产库存的影响呈现出显著的动态市场异质性特征,即不同经济发展阶段、不同的经济发展区域、金融发展结构对房地产库存的影响不同;房地产开发企业国内贷款和商品房房价对房地产库存的影响具有典型的市场异质性,且表现出非线性特征;房地产开发企业自筹资金、房地产开发企业利用外资、房地产开发企业其他资金对房地产库存具有抑制作用;房地产开发投资额对房地产库存具有促进作用。  相似文献   

綦建红  尹达  刘慧 《金融研究》2020,479(5):95-113
出口频率作为出口决策的重要一环,是企业出口扩张的新边际,也是出口变化的“晴雨表”。本文在随机存货模型的基础上,考察了经济政策不确定性对企业出口频率的影响及其传导渠道,并采用2000-2006年工业企业数据库与海关数据库的匹配数据进行实证检验,结果发现:目的国经济政策不确定性增加会显著降低企业出口频率,且这一影响存在部分惯性效应;经济政策不确定性通过贸易成本、存货成本和市场需求波动共同影响企业出口频率的中介效应十分显著,其中贸易成本是最重要的传导渠道,占比达到19%以上;如果进一步考虑目的国、产品和企业异质性,会发现出口目的国经济发展水平较高、出口产品为中间品和消费品的企业,其出口频率受经济政策不确定性的影响较小。因此,政府和企业应高度关注出口频率的变化趋势,合理应对经济政策不确定性对出口决策的外部冲击。  相似文献   

In the 199os, Hewlett-Packard's PC business was struggling to turn a dollar, despite the company's success in winning market share. By 1997, margins on its PCs were as thin as a silicon wafer, and some product lines hadn't turned a profit since 1993. The problem had everything to do with the PC industry's notoriously short product cycles and brutal product and component price deflation. A common rule of thumb was that the value of a fully assembled PC decreased 1% a week. In such an environment, inventory costs become critical. But not just the inventory costs companies traditionally track, HP found, after a thorough review of the problem. The standard "holding cost of inventory"--the capital and physical costs of inventory--accounted for only about 10% of HP's inventory costs. The greater risks, it turned out, resided in four other, essentially hidden costs, which stemmed from mismatches between demand and supply: Component devaluation costs for components still held in production; Price protection costs incurred when product prices drop on the goods distributors still have on their shelves; Product return costs that have to be absorbed when distributors return and receive refunds on overstock items, and; Obsolescence costs for products still unsold when new models are introduced. By developing metrics to track those costs in a consistent way throughout the PC division, HP has found it can manage its supply chains with much more sophistication. Gone are the days of across-the-board measures such as,"Everyone must cut inventories by 20% by the end of the year," which usually resulted in a flurry of cookie-cutter lean production and just-in-time initiatives. Now, each product group is free to choose the supply chain configuration that best suits its needs. Other companies can follow HP's example.  相似文献   

Low adjustment cost for inventory implies that firms can optimally substitute inventory investment for fixed investment by weighing incremental gains against total costs of adjusting the two types of capital. I empirically show that such inventory dependence—arising due to adjustment-cost difference and substitutability—renders firms’ fixed investment significantly less responsive to various measures of investment demand. An analysis from the allocation-of-funds standpoint reveals that in response to one additional dollar available, a high inventory-dependence firm spends 14 cents more (8 cents less) on inventory investment (fixed investment) than does a low dependence firm although the total allocation to investing activities is similar across the two types of firms. Overall, this article uncovers substantial firm heterogeneity in inventory dependence and its impact, there providing empirical guidance for accounting for it in one’s analysis of corporate policy.  相似文献   

Daniel Pinson 《Futures》2004,36(4):503-513
The need for cross disciplinary boundaries appeared in scientific research at least twenty years ago. Since its foundation, at the beginning of the 20th Century, urban planning has been claiming the assets of multidisciplinarity. It is particularly concerned with transgressing disciplinary boundaries. However, multidisciplinarity may weaken urban planning as a discipline, because it is a recent knowledge domain that has borrowed without questioning from the knowledge acquired in both the social and engineering sciences. Urban planning may forget to formulate an inventory and to build its own theoretical and practical assets. This article argues that it is only when a dsicipline has acquired its own identity that it can implement a fertile transdisciplinarity contribution.  相似文献   

本文首先对存货指数的定义进行了探讨;接着介绍了国外存货指数的研究情况;然后重点介绍了我国在存货指数计算时,对从国家统计局取得的工业企业景气调查问卷数据进行处理的方法。在进行数据处理时,作者曾经进行了多种设想和尝试,最后找到了一种比较令人满意并符合存货指数计算需要的数据处理方法。  相似文献   

Since the 1980s UK manufacturers have been exposed to the strong promotion of inventory control and reduction as a component of Just-in-Time (JIT), World Class Manufacturing (WCM) and Supply Chain Management (SCM) supported by a range of Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERPS) software packages. There is evidence that these ideas have found extensive favour in practice although existing research studies have also shown that inventory control and reduction is challenging and its impact on performance appears mixed. However, the questions of whether inventory reduction has been achieved and whether it has been beneficial to corporate performance have not been subject to systematic investigation in the UK setting. This study rectifies this deficiency by providing evidence on inventory and inventory turnover levels and trends in UK manufacturers over the two decades ending in 2005. This is supplemented, by benchmarking UK companies against those of Japan, USA and Germany, by investigating possible factors that can explain variation in inventory levels, and by exploring the association between high standards of inventory control and the financial performance of companies.  相似文献   

Since 2008, the WTI oil futures curve has been positively sloped for extended periods. We test whether changes in inventory alone can explain this atypically long contango. To do this, we estimate monthly VARs of the CME WTI oil futures spread and OECD and U.S. inventory in line with standard theory, and add petroleum consumption and implied volatility to the vector of endogenous variables. When we model the futures spread as one continuous series, results confirm two-way causation between inventory and the futures curve, as predicted by the theory of storage. However when we separate negative and positive futures spreads we find that: two-way causation between the futures spread and U.S. inventory breaks down; shocks to OECD petroleum consumption cause more negative spreads and shocks to U.S. consumption cause more positive spreads in addition to inventory-driven changes; and increases in volatility directly raise positive spreads. These new causal channels have become significant since 2008 and can be related to higher inventory, inelastic supply of oil and uncertainty about global economic conditions.  相似文献   

By now, most executives are familiar with the famous Year 2000 problem--and many believe that their companies have the situation well in hand. After all, it seems to be such a trivial problem--computer software that interprets "oo" to be the year 1900 instead of the year 2000. And yet armies of computer professionals have been working on it--updating code in payroll systems, distribution systems, actuarial systems, sales-tracking systems, and the like. The problem is pervasive. Not only is it in your systems, it's in your suppliers' systems, your bankers' systems, and your customers' systems. It's embedded in chips that control elevators, automated teller machines, process-control equipment, and power grids. Already, a dried-food manufacturer destroyed millions of dollars of perfectly good product when a computer counted inventory marked with an expiration date of "oo" as nearly a hundred years old. And when managers of a sewage-control plant turned the clock to January I, 2000 on a computer system they thought had been fixed, raw sewage pumped directly into the harbor. It has become apparent that there will not be enough time to find and fix all of the problems by January I, 2000. And what good will it do if your computers work but they're connected with systems that don't? That is one of the questions Harvard Business School professor Richard Nolan asks in his introduction to HBR's Perspectives on the Year 2000 issue. How will you prepare your organization to respond when things start to go wrong? Fourteen commentators offer their ideas on how senior managers should think about connectivity and control in the year 2000 and beyond.  相似文献   

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