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澜沧江——湄公河国际河流通航问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 澜沧江——湄公河通航的必要性澜沧江——湄公河是东南亚最重要的国际河流,也是世界上流经国家最多的少数河流之一,其航运潜力较大,有两个国家的首都(老挝的万象,柬埔寨的金边)和十多个重要城市位于湄公河沿岸.澜沧江——湄公河流域属于弱度开发地区,社会经济发展水平普遍较低。目前,它是全球最大的“和平红利区”,已引起世界各国投资者的重视.我国作为流域上游国,通过澜沧江——湄公河航道联系,经济发展合作前景良好.随着云南及西南对外开放的进一步深入,澜沧江——湄公河国际航运的开通显得愈来愈迫切和重要.此航道使云南及西南具备了直接深入中南半岛腹地的便利条件,其开发的成功与否对我国西南走向东南亚具有举足轻重的作用,也是云南省实现“中路突破”战略的关键步骤.澜沧江——湄公河作为国际河流,按照国际协定,凡流经国家皆有权全程自由航行,这样,开通航运将标志着中国具有了从内陆前往泰国、柬埔寨、马来西亚、新加坡等国家的航运权,可以不受周边国家的制约,直接与这些国家发展经济联系,比其它通道更为方便、省事.昆明的游客和货物经澜沧江到达泰国首都曼谷仅1800km,比经我国南方沿海港口出发到曼谷,缩短了运距2000多km,减少运时2/3以上,节约大量运费.近年来,我国与老挝、泰国等国家领导  相似文献   

澜沧江--湄公河欠区域国家的合作(Cooperation of Lancang and Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) countries)是20世纪90年代初由亚洲开发银行(ADB)倡导并资助的一项次区域合作项目(简称“澜--湄合作”)。其目的是推动澜沧江、湄公河流域六个国家之间以、科技为主的合作,即柬博寨、老挝、缅甸、泰国、越南和中国(中国境内以云南为主)。上述区域人口为2.5亿,国内生产总会120亿美元。区域合作的发起者是泰、老、柬、越四周,时间始于1957年,合作的启动时间是1992年。“澜--湄合作”规划的指导方针是“促进次区域贸易与投资、提供区域发展机会、促进跨边界问题的解决,促进实现资源共享或满足其它需要”。目前,经过区域内各国各方的努力,“澜--湄合作”已取得实质性进展,并在建立连接湄公河流域各国的公路和铁路,开通澜沧江--湄公河航运,进而开展旅游、贸易和投资方面的合作达成了共识。  相似文献   

积极应对澜沧江--湄公河次区域经济合作   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
澜沧江-湄公河次区域经济合作已成热点,越来越多的次区域国家和其他国家及地区投入到这一热潮之中,随着世界经济一体化和区域化和集团化趋势的迅速发展,澜沧江-湄公河次区域经济合作将成为亚太地区一个新的经济增长中心。面对这种发展趋势,研究澜沧江-湄公河次区域经济合作的必要性和重要性,有针对性地提出应对措施,就有了现实意义。  相似文献   

本从西部地区的对外开放现状出发,提出了构建西部地区对外开放的整体构架,即陕西、重庆、四川为桥头堡的开发;澜沧江——湄公河流域国际区域合作;以新亚欧大陆桥为纽带发展与中亚国家的经济合作。  相似文献   

淡水资源危机是影响全球的最大环境问题之一。世界范围的水资源短缺引发了国家之间的"水冲突",尤其是因国际河流的开发导致的冲突时有发生。我国西南地区国际河流流域面积广阔,而开发相对落后,问题的关键在于缺少有效的制度安排。文章通过借鉴海洋共同开发模式,结合国际河流的流域生态系统整体性特征,建构西南国际河流的流域生态系统共同开发法律机制,以期通过国际法的手段预防和解决西南地区国际河流开发引发的国际冲突。  相似文献   

澜沧江—湄公河鱼类资源堪忧   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
澜沧江—湄公河,带着青藏高原的冰雪、云贵高原的泥土,流经六国,最后注入南中国海。吴哥窟的浮雕真实地记录了千百年来这一流域的居民怎样利用鱼类资源维持生计,他们与流域内的自然资源形成了一种和谐的共存关系。近20年来,流域内各国政府采取各种措施,并加强国家之间的合作,成立了“湄公河委员会”、“澜沧江—湄公河次区域合组织”等机构,积极发展区域经济。但是,过分追求经济高速发展使“可持续发展”一词在流域内许多区域丧失了它应该有的内涵。经济的发展往往以牺牲生态环境为代价,“经济效益—生态效益—社会效益”这一可持…  相似文献   

张军民 《经济地理》2008,28(2):247-249
遵循联合国宪章、国际水法,履行合作开发权利和义务,协调并满足各国的用水利益,是伊犁河流域水资源分配、利用及管理的基本原则。中哈两国利益冲突的焦点:水资源短缺与用水不断增长的矛盾;水资源污染与生态环境保护;分水、用水不均及相关利益协调与补偿等。中方大规模水土开发、水利水电工程,特别是向南北疆跨流域调水将改变流域水资源的分配格局和利益分配模式。在国际合作层面,中哈石油合作对实现两国政治安全、经济安全、能源安全及区域安全等根本利益具有重大影响,伊河开发应服务于中哈能源合作,与中哈两国区域一体化战略保持一致。  相似文献   

澜沧江─湄公河流域地区已成为国际关注、研究和投资的热点区域。以推进该地区可持续发展为目标,国际间开展了十多个各种合作。有不少合作内容和范围是重复的,但合作项目之间无内在关联,行动不统一不协调。这不仅在合作过程中产生紊乱,还对可持续发展产生负面影响,而这种状况尚未引起各流域国及国际社会的足够重视。本文对此进行了讨论,提出解决有关这类问题的一些思路和对策。  相似文献   

澜沧江-湄公河流域(亚行称之为"大湄公河次区域",以下简称"澜湄次区域")横跨中国(云南、广西)、缅甸、老挝、泰国、柬埔寨、越南六国,面积256.86万平方公里,总人口约3.2亿,连接起中国和东南亚、南亚地区,地理位置十分重要。区域内蕴藏着丰富的水资源、生物资源和矿产资源,经济潜能和开发前景巨大。1992年,在亚洲开发银行(ADB)倡议下,6国举行首次部长级会议,共同发起了  相似文献   

我国国际河流环境安全问题与法律对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国的国际河流众多,对我国和邻国边境地区的经济发展具有重要的战略意义.但由于我国国际河流开发严重滞后于经济发展,国际河流环境安全问题日益突出.将国际河流环境安全作为我国的国家战略,在对我国国际河流充分利用的基础上,加强国内国际河流环境安全保护机制的同时,保持和发展与相邻国家和国际河流流域内国家间的信息交流与合作,引进国际舆论和国际组织监督机制,从而实现我国国际河流环境安全的长效良性的发展.  相似文献   

The framework for water accounting is applied to an international river basin, the Orange River Basin, which is shared among Botswana, Namibia, Lesotho and South Africa. Each of the riparian states faces water constraints and relies increasingly on shared international water resources. The countries have adopted the principle of an economic approach to water management, once basin human needs are met, and all but Lesotho have constructed national water accounts to assist in water management. The water accounts for the Orange River Basin bring an economic perspective to water management at the regional level. The accounts include supply and use tables, which are used to compare the contribution to water supply from each riparian state to the amount used. The water accounts are then linked to economic data for each country to calculate water use and productivity by industry and country. There are considerable disparities in water productivity among the countries, which should be taken into account in future decisions about water allocation, pricing and infrastructure development.  相似文献   

Daniel Haines 《Geopolitics》2014,19(3):632-655
The construction of territorial sovereignty is key to conceptions of modern states. Yet after the Partition of India and Pakistan in 1947, when both became independent from Britain, the precise nature of India’s relationship to Pakistan was open to some question. Was Pakistan a foreign country? Was India’s relationship to it international? This article uses the example of a dispute over water resources in the Indus Basin to highlight the process through which Indian officials in New Delhi’s External Affairs and Law ministries came to define Pakistan as constitutionally, as well as geographically, “outside” India between 1948 and 1951. Yet while Indian policy makers manoeuvred into an aggressive stance against Pakistan, both countries’ membership of the British Commonwealth implied an international relationship blurring the formal distinction between “domestic” and “foreign”. Negotiating the contradictions between Commonwealth rules and the desire to assert sovereignty over territory and resources, I argue, made Indian sovereignty contingent on circumstance.  相似文献   

为了培养既懂国际惯例理论知识,又具有实际动手能力的高层次应用型国际经贸人才,尤其是为新疆经济和外经贸发展培养高素质专业人才,我们必须适应我国加入WTO的形势,构建包括认识实习、社会调查、课程实习和双语教学、校内学年实习、校外毕业实习及撰写毕业论文等模块在内的实践教学体系。  相似文献   

吕耀  谷树忠  王兆阳 《经济地理》2004,24(6):838-841
农业除了生产食物和纤维以外,还在经济、社会和环境等方面具有非商品功能。农业多功能性问题日益受到各国关注。全球经济一体化形势下国际农产品贸易政策改革进程中,对农业多功能问题的争辩体现了农产品进口国与出口国的利益之争。作为一个发展中农业大国,农业经营规模超小型等特点决定了我国在WTO框架下的农产品国际贸易中处于不利地位,因此我国应顺应世界农业功能多元化的潮流,在强调农业食物功能的同时,充分利用“绿箱政策”进行农业生产能力建设,积极发展功能多元化可持续农业。  相似文献   

Investor–state dispute settlement (ISDS) has come to the forefront of debate over corporate rights in the contemporary era. While proponents laud ISDS as a neutral and efficient means of dispute resolution, critics claim that it shields transnational corporations from the oversight of national legal systems while enhancing their ability to interfere in host state policy matters. Moreover, because dispute settlement is carried out in international tribunals, ISDS is argued to disable citizen-driven politics. Governments have called on arbitration bodies to enhance the transparency of ISDS procedures and open spaces for civil society involvement. This reflects a desire to increase the legitimacy of ISDS in the face of mounting contestation. In this paper, I examine the multiple ways in which civil society actors intervene in investor–state arbitration inside and outside of formal channels. I focus specifically on two disputes involving foreign investors active in the water and hydrocarbons sectors of Argentina and Ecuador, respectively. I find that political pressure exerted by civil society actors influenced government decisions to break with investment rules and helped to shape government positioning within arbitral processes. Civil society actors must therefore be recognised as important participants in investor–state disputes.  相似文献   

当前国际环境形势下中国的国际贸易对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田亚平 《经济地理》2000,20(3):22-25
随着环境问题的国际化和普遍联系性特点的相互结合,国际环境形势出现了环境活动的主体性、环境行动的合作性、环境总理2的对立性和环境关系的复杂性等特点,在这种国际环境形势下,一方面环境问题越来越多地渗透到国际贸易中来,另一方面发达国家依例其环保管理入技术上的优势,趁机对发展中国家设置绿色壁垒并衽倾销,从而使中国和其他所有发展中国家的国际贸易面临严峻的环境挑战,对此,中国应该积极采取相应对策,包括开展环境  相似文献   

Economic theory has yet to provide a convincing argument that can explain why the threat of retaliation under the GATT/WTO dispute settlement procedures is not sufficient to prevent countries from violating the agreement. We consider the question of why countries violate the agreed–upon rules in the face of explicit provisions which allow them to legally adjust their trade policy. Using the GATT/WTO institutional structure and the guiding principle of reciprocity, we provide a theory suggesting when countries will choose to implement protection in violation of GATT/WTO rules, as opposed to under the relevant safeguards provisions, when trade policy adjustments are necessary between "negotiating rounds."  相似文献   

《Ecological Economics》2011,70(12):2568-2581
Elevated world temperatures, as forecasted by the 4th IPCC report, are expected to increase the hydrological cycle activity, leading to a change in precipitation patterns and increase in evapotranspiration. These in turn are expected to affect river runoff and water variability, depending on basin latitude. In this paper, we assess the impact of water supply variability on ‘treaty cooperation’ (defined here as the likelihood of treaty formation and number of treaties formed) between international bilateral river basin riparian states. The water variability measure that we use captures both annual runoff variability and precipitation variability. We employ additional control variables adopted from economic and international relations theories on international cooperation. The main results suggest that water supply variability in international bilateral basins creates an impetus for cooperation. Our results support an inverted U-shaped relationship between water supply variability and treaty cooperation. Similarly, interactions between the states in the form of diplomatic and trade relations support cooperation. Various measures of democracy/governance suggest different impacts on cooperation. Uneven economic power between the riparian states inhibits treaty cooperation. The geography variables we use are insignificant in all the estimated relationships.  相似文献   

The growing demand by countries in the eastern Mediterranean over the waters of the Jordan and Yarmuk Rivers, and the highly depleted coastal and mountain groundwater reservoirs, raise the need to explore ways and means to ameliorate existing and expected water scarcity. Economists have for some time proposed ways towards more efficient exploitation of existing water supplies, specifically by employing market incentive mechanisms in order to encourage voluntary water sharing among countries and regions. Such trading schemes may involve two or more countries. It can be shown that such schemes — given any initial assignment of property claims to water resources — can often lead to increases in the welfare of the countries concerned.The paper proposes two specific mechanisms for international markets in water claims in the eastern Mediterranean region, in which parties voluntarily engage in such trades, as they would expect to gain real benefits from these transactions. Simulation exercises with real data show that — as is true for any opening of markets to international trade — that all parties in the region might benefit to a greater or lesser degree from auctions of water.  相似文献   

Climate Change and the Stability of Water Allocation Agreements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We analyse agreements on river water allocation between riparian countries. Besides being efficient, water allocation agreements need to be stable in order to be effective in increasing the efficiency of water use. In this paper we assess the stability of water allocation agreements using a game theoretic model. We consider the effects of climate change and the choice of a sharing rule on stability. Our results show that a decrease in mean river flow decreases the stability of an agreement, while an increased variance can have a positive or a negative effect on stability. An agreement where the downstream country is allocated a fixed amount of water has the lowest stability compared to other sharing rules. These results hold for both constant and flexible non-water transfers.  相似文献   

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