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跨境电商是全新的贸易和销售方式,直接面对世界各地不同背景和多元化的的消费者。这些消费者具有个性化的消费需求与独特的创造愿望,能够为企业提供丰富的创意资源。通过价值共创提升消费者的品牌偏好成为了跨境电商领域的热点问题。文章从产品设计与产品营销两个阶段、创意共创与创意选择两大体系,建立了跨境电商消费者参与价值共创的四种类型对品牌偏好的影响模型,并展开实证研究。研究结果表明,创意选择体系主要影响品牌识别,创意共创体系主要影响品牌形象,品牌认知和品牌形象都有助于提升消费者对品牌的偏好。  相似文献   

在产品同质化严重、消费者需求变幻莫测的市场中,一系列以情感为核心的品牌营销竞争策略优势突显。消费者需求是一个复杂的心理过程,其消费动机直接受情感因素影响。本文通过构建基于情感偏好的消费选择模型来研究情感对消费行为的作用机理问题。研究发现:满足消费者物质利益需求的物质品牌无法延伸,而情感品牌能够延伸;在物质利益相同条件下,消费者对产品的偏好来源于情感系数的大小。  相似文献   

易建华 《江苏商论》2004,(10):40-42
在同类产品市场上,某品牌产品的效用大小,取决于该产品的每项价值功能与消费者对该价值功能的偏好程度乘积的累加值,消费者通过对产品的效用和价格进行权衡,做出购买决策。在市场的有效需求总量一定,且消费者对产品价值功能偏好特定的情况下,企业可通过调整本企业品牌产品的各项价值功能或价格,扩大市场份额。  相似文献   

本文以高端教育产品为研究对象,就消费者的自我概念系统与品牌个性的一致性对品牌偏好的影响进行了实证研究。研究发现我国高端教育产品消费者自我概念系统与品牌个性的一致性程度对消费者的品牌偏好具有积极的影响。  相似文献   

消费者绿色品牌偏好的形成和变化受到多重因素的影响。为对其变化趋势进行量化分析,本文建立了基于绿色营销的消费者品牌偏好变化的BP模型。实证分析表明,消费者绿色偏好的形成及转变与消费者认知存在非线性关系,绿色偏好的发生更多集中在与自身直接相关的产品上,绿色偏好更易受消费者群体影响。消费者品牌偏好变化趋势是:逐渐向绿色产品转变,细分群体化趋势明显,绿色知名品牌偏好形成速度加快,变化效果受制于产品属性变量。在此基础上提出相应建议。  相似文献   

网络消费者品牌偏好与品牌选择的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了网络消费者品牌偏好与品牌选择之间的关系。从品牌偏好形成过程的视角,界定网络消费者品牌偏好的三个维度,构建了以购买意愿为中间变量的品牌偏好与品牌选择的概念模型。本文以手机使用的主要群体——年轻人作为研究对象,利用问卷调查获得相关数据,并对其进行信度和效度分析,运用结构方程建模来研究品牌偏好和品牌选择的关系。研究结果表明,品牌偏好的三个维度:认知偏好、情感偏好以及行为意向偏好对购买意愿有正向影响,并通过购买意愿间接影响品牌选择,其中情感偏好直接对品牌选择产生显著的正向影响。  相似文献   

许多品牌之所以能被人记住并在市场上脱颖而出,归根于他们对品牌进行了独特的定位,使得产品在高同质化和分化的时代,能在消费者的心目中占据一个独特而有利的位置,当消费者对该类产品或服务有所需求时,企业的品牌能够在消费者的候选品牌类中跳跃出来。那么定位的方法都有哪些呢?  相似文献   

一、饭店品牌经营的必要性(一)满足现代消费需求 品牌具有强烈的感染力和巨大的诱惑力,开展品牌经营,是顺应现代社会消费需求的必然趋势。(二)饭店产品的特殊性 认牌选购成为消费者选择饭店的重要手段。(三)提高市场竞争力 优秀的品牌既是一种重要的知识产权,也是一种无形资产,具有强大的市场号召力,  相似文献   

"中国制造"已经不再是廉价的代名词,令人惊喜的中国品牌已经出现,2015年十大智能手机品牌中有八个是中国的,华为等跻身前列,而其他中国品牌正在快速瓜分着苹果和三星的市场份额。随着智能手机市场的迅速发展,营销方式的多元化,分析消费者的偏好意愿成为新服务、新产品取胜的关键因素,准确的把握用户需求,是实现精准营销至关重要的因素。本研究采用联合分析法,通过对手机消费者偏好的现实模拟,分析产品的特性效用值和特性水平重要性,建立消费者对手机产品的接受偏好模型,明确了消费者对手机产品特性接受偏好的重要性排序以及他们对每一特性水平的喜好态度,并根据手机消费者的性别、年龄统计变量进行对比研究,对生产商的产品设计和营销进行分析并提出改进建议。  相似文献   

独特化需求对虚拟代言人说服效果影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虚拟代言人在营销沟通中担任重要角色,但以往研究多关注各项拟人化特征对广告效果的影响,鲜有对消费者的独特化需求特质如何影响虚拟代言人沟通效果的研究。通过三个实验研究,考察两类代言人(虚拟代言人与真人)与消费者独特化需求水平(从低到高)交互作用下的广告说服效果。研究一表明:不同代言人类型的广告说服效果受消费者独特化需求水平的调节,其中高独特化需求的消费者对虚拟代言人的反应更积极。研究二进一步发现:独特化需求和代言人类型的交互作用是通过积极情绪作为中介路径,进而提升广告说服力。研究三加入品牌类型(奢侈品牌与大众品牌)作三阶调节效应检验,结果显示:虚拟代言人在大众品牌广告中,对高独特化需求的消费者说服力要比真人代言人的说服力更强;然而这种调节效应在奢侈品牌广告中差异不显著。  相似文献   

文章以参考价格的研究文献为理论基础,在中国零售环境下针对家电产品研究了影响消费者参考价格形成的一些因素.研究结果显示:在中国零售环境下针对家电产品,消费者的参考价格指数:与产品或品牌的售价正相关;与现场其他产品或品牌的相对价格负相关;在消费者购买高价产品时,与消费者对品牌的喜好正相关;在消费者购买低价产品时,与消费者的价格搜寻活动正相关;与需求紧迫性无显著相关关系.此外,年龄、学历和月收入都对消费者的参考价格指数有影响.最后对研究结果进行了讨论.  相似文献   

This article describes research tools that permit zoomorphistic explications of self-viewing of human self-behavior in terms of the behavior of animals. Transference theory, archetypal, culture, and early experiences propositions also serve to inform the etic interpretations of an informant's zoomorphistic self-report. The article describes applications of the forced metaphor-elicitation technique (FMET) that provides case-study data including storytelling and paradox resolution by informants. The article closes with advocating acceptance of Gigerenzer's proposal that method can drive theory advancement. The discussion reviews relevant literature on examining dual thinking processes by humans—implicit and explicit beliefs, attitudes, decision processes, and behavior. The research evidence helps to decode consumers' implicit thinking and behavior toward products and brands; such evidence serves to inform ourselves and brand executives of consumers' dreams about brands and how such dreams become reality—or what prevents consumers from buying the brands playing roles in consumers' stories crafted through implicit thinking.  相似文献   

Recently, many luxury brands have begun to launch limited edition (LE) products. When this happens, advertisers implement two typical types of scarcity messages for LE products: limited‐time scarcity (LTS) versus limited‐quantity scarcity (LQS) messages (Cialdini, 2008). Prior research offered empirical evidence that these scarcity messages make consumers feel that LE products are more special, unique, and valuable, and thus, positively influence their evaluation of the product (Aggarwal, Jun, & Huh, 2011). The current study examined the differential effects of LTS and LQS messages on different types of LE products by focusing on consumers’ need for uniqueness.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether East Asians are more likely than Westerners to purchase a brand presented as a best‐seller given that East Asians tend to have a higher need for conformity and Westerners tend to have a higher need for uniqueness. Results show that East Asians are more likely than their Western counterparts to purchase such brands when the perceived risk is low. However, when the perceived risk is high, both East Asians and Westerners tend to prefer a brand presented as a best‐seller. Results also show that, in a three‐option set in which the C option is dominated by the B option but not by the A, both East Asians and Westerners are more likely to select option C when it is presented as a best‐seller than when it is not. Managerial implications and the study's limitations are also discussed.  相似文献   

绿色认证对品牌信任和购买意愿的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
绿色认证是政府或民间机构向企业证明其产品符合相关环境保护要求的手段.通过绿色认证的企业通常会把绿色证书或标志放在公司网站和产品包装的显著位置,目的是提高消费者对企业生产的产品和品牌的信任感,提高消费者的购买意愿.文章通过问卷调查,检验绿色标志对消费者品牌信任度和购买意愿的影响,分析了消费者价值观对这种影响的作用,提出结论和未来研究方向.  相似文献   

在我国由于信任的缺失严重影响了电视购物行业的发展。文章通过实证研究影响消费者电视购物中信任的因素,研究得出了八个影响因素:风险态度、产品信息、价格、品牌、电视购物频道声誉、交易安全性、订单履行和主持人,并对电视购物频道的管理人员提出了一些营销建议。  相似文献   

This study of Indian consumers examines the effects of individual characteristics (i.e., consumer's need for uniqueness and attitudes toward American products) and brand-specific variables (i.e., perceived quality and emotional value) on purchase intention toward a U.S. retail brand versus a local brand. A total of 411 college students in India participated in the survey. Using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), this study finds that Indian consumers' need for uniqueness positively influences attitudes toward American products. Attitudes toward American products positively affect perceived quality and emotional value for a U.S. brand while this effect is negative in the case of a local brand. Emotional value is an important factor influencing purchase intention toward a U.S. brand and a local brand as well. Implications for both U.S. and Indian retailers are provided.  相似文献   

Cobranding, or the use of two brand names on a single product, generally coincides with higher purchase intentions. Prior research focuses on ingredient co-branding and suggests that attitude toward both the primary and the secondary brands and congruence between the brands are important drivers of cobranded products' success. This research shows that self-congruity with the secondary brand and need for uniqueness have significant positive impacts on symbolic co-branding purchase, in addition to perceived congruence and attitude toward the primary brand. In contrast, attitude toward the secondary brand does not relate to purchase of symbolic cobranded products. Therefore, managers should rely on self-congruity, instead of attitude toward the secondary brand, when choosing a partner for symbolic cobranded products. Moreover, product category involvement enhances the impact of self-congruity on purchase intent.  相似文献   

Market segments are defined in this article on the basis of a vector of preference levels for alternative brands. The proposed analytical procedure does not require the usual assumption of homogenous perceptions. The resulting segments are shown to differ in perceptions of the brands, correlations of attribute-specific perceptions with preference, and product-oriented AIO measures. A common joint space developed from a common discriminanr configuration of brand perceptions is compared with separate joint spaces for two of the segments. The results reveal unique brand configurations and attribute orientations for these segments, and the fit of preference vectors in these unique spaces is superior to that in the common joint space. These findings lead to the conclusion that the commonly made assumption of homogenous preceptions is unwarranted and can lead to erroneous managerial implications.  相似文献   

Consumers are increasingly bombarded with merchandise and offers, making clear the need for visually distinctive and sensorially engaging product packaging design. The current research demonstrates that the use of handwritten fonts on product packaging elicits an approach tendency and enhances haptic engagement, which influences product evaluation and choice likelihood. A pilot study quantifies the use of handwritten fonts in four grocery product categories to establish that the study of handwritten fonts as a packaging design element is a worthy one with managerial significance. Four experiments are then presented. Studies 1 and 2 use real products to show that a product label with a handwritten (vs. typewritten) font elicits haptic engagement and, enhanced product evaluations (Study 2). Study 3 identifies a boundary condition such that the focal effect is observed only for benign (safe and enjoyable) product categories, but not for risky (unsafe and dangerous) ones. Study 4 relies on a simulated store setup with actual products to illustrate the differential preference for products with a handwritten (vs. typewritten) font when choosing between brands in a benign (vs. risky) product category.  相似文献   

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