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武陵山片区是国家区域发展和扶贫攻坚的示范区,其旅游资源极其丰富,旅游业已成为各省市区的支柱产业。文化旅游创意产业集群形成机理可从内部和从外部两个方面来看;动力机制主要包括五个方面:技术创新、消费需求的偏好、旅游资源要素比较优势、集聚的网络区域、强劲的旅游投资和旅游产业的发展环境。  相似文献   

我国旅游电子商务发展现状及问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李继红  王成  杨路明 《价值工程》2011,30(4):171-172
旅游业是全球最大的产业和发展最快的新兴产业之一,对拉动内需、扩大消费、增加就业、旅游创汇及贫困地区脱贫致富等具有积极的作用,因此,许多国家和地区都非常重视旅游业的发展。伴随着我国旅游业的高速发展,旅游信息成为行业重要的战略资源,而电子商务的发展为旅游信息化提供了重要支持。本文在对我国旅游电子商务的发展现状在发展中存在的问题进行分析的基础上,提出了我国旅游电子商务未来发展的对策。  相似文献   

任朝辉  邓兵  王雅曦 《价值工程》2021,40(3):124-126
怒江州是全国深度贫困地区,绿道建设对促进怒江州决战决胜脱贫攻坚、全面建成小康和经济社会发展,完善区域旅游交通基础设施,改善区域环境,促进旅游、文化、体育等相关产业发展,推进怒江大峡谷旅游资源的开发,加快大滇西旅游环线的建设具有重要意义。通过总体设计、路线设计、路基路面设计、桥梁设计、隧道设计、交通标志标线设计的有机组合,践行“绿水青山就是金山银山”的设计理念,绿道工程成为怒江大峡谷里的一道亮丽风景线。  相似文献   

肖亚楠 《价值工程》2010,29(2):212-213
小滦河水电综合开发区位于围场县的小滦河流域,该流域水能资源丰富,且该流域具有良好的地形地质条件。此项工程不仅能蓄水发电,同时对农业工业建设、灌溉、水产养殖、西线旅游、生态建设和扶贫开发等起到极为重要的带动作用。  相似文献   

Women’s poverty rates are higher than men’s, with single mothers having extremely high poverty rates. This article first briefly examines poverty measures and U.S. poverty rates among men and women. The author then describes and evaluates three categories of economic research on poverty: the lack or inadequacy of employment and earnings; family structure and welfare; and earnings capacities, care-giving responsibilities and employment. Finally the author assesses the policies to alleviate women’s poverty derived from these explanations.  相似文献   

This article examines the effect of poverty volatility on poverty in developing countries. Poverty volatility refers to the amplitude of the change in poverty rates over a given period of time. Variations in poverty rates can potentially arise from countries' vulnerability to a variety of shocks that induce greater macroeconomic volatility, including economic growth volatility. The empirical analysis shows that poverty volatility consistently induces a rise in poverty rates, and this positive poverty effect of poverty volatility increases as the degree of poverty volatility rises. Policies that help reduce poverty volatility (including by dampening economic growth volatility) would contribute to poverty reduction.  相似文献   

Poverty Orderings   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper reviews the literature of partial poverty orderings. Partial poverty orderings require unanimous poverty rankings for a class of poverty measures or a set of poverty lines. The need to consider multiple poverty measures and multiple poverty lines arises inevitably from the arbitrariness inherent in poverty comparisons. In the paper, we first survey the ordering conditions of various individual poverty measures for a range of poverty lines; for some measures necessary and sufficient conditions are identified while for others only some easily verifiable sufficient conditions are established. These ordering conditions are shown to have a close link with the stochastic dominance relations which are based on the comparisons of cumulative distribution functions. We then survey the ordering conditions for various classes of poverty measures with a single or a set of poverty lines; in all cases necessary and sufficient conditions are established. These conditions again rely on the stochastic dominance relations or their transformations. We also extend the relationship between poverty orderings and stochastic dominance to higher orders and explore the possibility and the conditions of increasing the power of poverty orderings beyond the second degree dominance condition.  相似文献   

The way poverty is measured is important for an understanding of what has happened to poverty as well as for anti-poverty policy evaluation. Sen's (1976) pathfinding work has motivated many researchers to focus on the way poverty should be measured. A poverty measure, argued by Sen, should satisfy certain properties or axioms and the desirability of a poverty measure should be evaluated by these axioms. During the last two decades, many researchers have adopted the axiomatic approach pioneered by Sen to propose additional axioms and develop alternative poverty measures. The objective of this survey is to provide a clarification on the extensive literature of aggregate poverty measures. In this survey, we first examine the desirability of each axiom, the properties of each poverty measure, and the interrelationships among axioms. The desirability of an axiom cannot be evaluated in isolation, and some combination of axioms may make it impossible to devise a satisfactory poverty measure; some axioms can be implied by other axioms combined and so are not independent; some others are ad hoc and are disqualified as axioms for poverty measurement. Based on the interactions among axioms, we identify the ‘core’ axioms which together have a strong implication on the functional form of a poverty measure. We then review poverty measures that have appeared in the literature, evaluating the interrelationships among different measures, and examining the properties of each measure. The axioms each measure satisfies/violates are also summarized in a tabular form. Several ‘good’ poverty measures, which have not been documented by previous surveys, are also included.  相似文献   

Abstract.  This paper studies the links between macroeconomic adjustment and poverty. The first part summarizes some of the recent evidence on poverty in the developing world. The second reviews the various channels through which macroeconomic policies affect the poor, whereas the third is devoted to the specific role of the labor market. It presents an analytical framework that captures some of the main features of the urban labor market in developing countries and studies the effects of fiscal adjustment on wages, employment, and poverty. The fourth part presents cross‐country regressions linking various macroeconomic and structural variables to poverty. Higher levels and growth rates of per capita income, higher rates of real exchange rate depreciation, better health conditions, and a greater degree of commercial openness lower poverty, whereas inflation, greater income inequality, and macroeconomic volatility tend to increase it. Moreover, the impact of growth on poverty appears to be asymmetric; it seems to result from a significant relationship between episodes of increasing poverty and negative growth rates.  相似文献   

收入差距、社会资本与居民贫困   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目标:分析收入差距与社会资本及其交互作用对居民贫困的影响,并探讨两者的影响机制。研究方法:构建Logit等计量模型,并采用三阶段最小二乘法(3SLS)与工具变量法(IV Probit)进行稳健性检验。研究发现:在社区层面上,收入差距导致了教育与财政资源在区县间的配置不均等,阻碍了医疗保险制度的发展以及产业结构的提升,进而提高了居民的贫困发生率;在个体层面上,收入差距降低了居民对教育资源的可及性,恶化了居民的健康水平,从而导致居民进入贫困状态。社会资本能够降低居民发生贫困的概率,同时也能够缓解收入差距对居民贫困的不利影响;提升就业能力与收入水平、增加教育与医疗投资、改善社会经济地位、强化融资能力等是社会资本缓解贫困的主要渠道与机制。研究创新:采用具有代表性的中国家庭追踪调查数据,研究收入差距与社会资本对居民贫困的作用机制,指出社会资本是缓冲收入差距对居民贫困不利影响的重要保障。研究价值:为相关理论研究提供更多的经验证据和路径解释;在实践中,对减贫、防贫具有指导意义。  相似文献   

This study extended the concept of ‘growth–inequality–poverty (GIP) triangle’ by using the principle component approach which allows us to composite different poverty and inequality indicators into one single index that contains most of the useful information from the original dataset. Using the idea of GIP triangle, this study examines the long-run relationship among weighted poverty index (which comprises headcount ratio, poverty gap and squared poverty gap); weighted inequality index (i.e., Watts Index, Gini Index and MLD Index) and average monthly per capita income in the designated 138 countries according to World Bank’s classification over a period of 2005–2010. The data set mainly contain countries’ unit record household survey at least one which is conducted between the countries during the sample period. The regression model encompassing the impact of economic growth and income inequality on poverty reflects that income inequality increases poverty while economic growth decreases poverty. It indicates that the impact of inequality in increasing poverty is a somewhat greater than that of growth in average income in reducing overall poverty in a sample countries. The other regression model encompassing the impact of economic growth and poverty on income inequality showed that the poverty itself is also likely to be a barrier for poverty reduction; and inequality seems to predict lower future growth rates. The final regression model depicting the impact of poverty and income inequality on mean income of the household suggests that poverty itself reduces mean income of the household while income inequality increases economic growth. The results are interesting and simply suggest that whenever social institutions malfunction, the incidence of damage would usually be distributed unevenly over the society’s members.  相似文献   

A bstract . The effectiveness of public assistance in reducing poverty in the U.S.A. is re-examined by estimating the extent of public assistance among all families and of families officially defined in poverty. Also studied is the extent of public assistance among families not defined as in poverty. The findings are further analyzed for their changes during the decade 1970–80. It is found that errors of commission (assisting families not in poverty) and of omission (not assisting families in poverty) were quite widespread in 1980, although significantly reduced from their high prevalence in 1970.  相似文献   

Stochastic dominance techniques have been mainly employed in poverty analyses to overcome what it is called the multiplicity of poverty indices problem. Moreover, in the multidimensional context, stochastic dominance techniques capture the possible relationships between the dimensions of poverty as they rely upon their joint distribution, unlike most multidimensional poverty indices, which are only based on marginal distributions. In this paper, we first review the general definition of unidimensional stochastic dominance and its relationship with poverty orderings. Then we focus on the conditions of multivariate stochastic dominance and their relationship with multidimensional poverty orderings, highlighting the additional difficulties that the multivariate setting involves. In both cases, we focus our discussion on first‐ and second‐order dominance, though some guidelines on higher order dominance are also mentioned. We also present an overview of some relevant empirical applications of these methods that can be found in the literature in both univariate and multivariate contexts.  相似文献   

The paper presents the multidimensional measurement as a transparent and easy-to-interpret method to measure poverty, where poverty is measured with a set of direct and indirect poverty indicators side-by-side. Multidimensional measurement is formalised and compared to the traditional, one-dimensional measurement. This formalisation is based on the idea about a set of indicators that are measuring different manifestations of the same latent variable. The Latent Class Model (LCM) is proposed as a method to select a valid and reliable set of poverty indicators for multidimensional measurement. The LCM is used to test if these different poverty indicators really measure the same latent referent – an assumption on which the multidimensional measurement is based. Before this method presented here, constructing and selecting indicators for the multidimensional measurement of poverty has relied practically on theory and substance only. Naturally, the method presented here can be used generally for studying and developing multidimensional measurements.  相似文献   

More than 19 percent of people in American central cities are poor. In suburbs, just 7.5 percent of people live in poverty. The income elasticity of demand for land is too low for urban poverty to come from wealthy individuals' wanting to live where land is cheap (the traditional explanation of urban poverty). A significant income elasticity for land exists only because the rich eschew apartment living, and that elasticity is still too low to explain the poor's urbanization. The urbanization of poverty comes mainly from better access to public transportation in central cities.  相似文献   

研究目标:借鉴马克思及西方产权理论主要思想,研究揭示中国农村特色扶贫开发道路的制度选择及经验。研究方法:基于产权理论对经济事实进行逻辑推演,并采用1978~2012年中国农村统计数据进行检验。研究发现:中国农村特色扶贫开发道路主要体现在农村资源(土地和人力)的产权制度改革上,由此形成的资源产权激励效应和正向扩散效应,正是中国农村人口发生大规模减贫的最重要原因及主要经验,并构成了中国特色社会主义制度的一部分。研究创新:本文基于产权理论的研究为减贫提供一个新的微观制度视角解释。研究价值:总结提炼中国农村特色扶贫开发道路的一般性理论经验,对今后减贫事业推进具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

We introduce a new methodology to target direct transfers against poverty. Our method is based on estimation methods that focus on the poor. Using data from Tunisia, we estimate ‘focused’ transfer schemes that highly improve anti‐poverty targeting performances. Post‐transfer poverty can be substantially reduced with the new estimation method. For example, a one‐third reduction in poverty severity from proxy‐means test transfer schemes based on OLS method to focused transfer schemes requires only a few hours of computer work based on methods available on popular statistical packages. Finally, the obtained levels of undercoverage of the poor are particularly low.  相似文献   

新型农村合作医疗的减贫、增收和再分配效果研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文使用2003~2006年覆盖全国30个省区的微观面板数据,对新型农村合作医疗的减贫、增收和再分配效果进行了评估。结果表明:新农合的减贫效果明显,不仅能在农户层面上显著降低贫困发生概率,而且能在省区层面上显著降低贫困率;新农合能显著促进低收入和中等收入农民增收,但需要有利的外部经济环境作为支持条件;新农合能显著降低村庄内部的收入分配不均等程度,但对省区范围内的农民收入分配状况没有产生显著影响。  相似文献   

Poverty as a multidimensional phenomenon can be approached from different points of view. In this paper we study poverty in large towns in Spain taking into consideration three different definitions: a) relative monetary poverty, or scarcity of resources as compared with population averages, b) poverty measured through physical indicators, i.e. deprivation of certain goods, and c) subjective poverty. This last one appears to be related to inequality, which is also considered and analyzed. The source of statistical information used is the Spanish Household Budget Survey of 1990–91. Possibilities and drawbacks of this survey in the analysis of poverty and inequality are also reviewed.  相似文献   

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