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目前,饭店业整体处于高能耗阶段,节能减排势在必行.但由于饭店并非属于碳排放的重点关注产业部门,因此,饭店的低碳管理研究经常被忽视.文章在现有研究文献和成果的基础上,通过聚类分析,将饭店低碳行为分类为低碳保护行为和低碳控制行为两类11个观测变量的指标体系,通过对112家星级饭店问卷样本和专业人士访谈,进行非线性最优尺度回归分析,证实了企业社会责任、感知效益、管理培训等内部驱动因素与饭店低碳行为存在着显著相关关系,并分析了各因素的影响机理.  相似文献   

国内外对饭店舒适度的研究停留在一般概念性探讨上,缺乏系统的深入研究.文章以人体工程学理论为基础,结合顾客感知价值和顾客满意度等相关理论,得出饭店舒适度的概念,并初步构建饭店舒适度指标体系.然后以高星级饭店入住者为对象实施问卷调查,通过频数分析、信度分析、因子分析,筛选并确定了高星级饭店舒适度评价指标体系.研究显示,客人感知舒适度一级因子中,心理舒适度受重视程度最高;客人总体舒适度感知受知觉舒适度边际影响较大;从行为舒适度来讲,外部环境行为与内部环境行为同样对客人舒适度感知产生较大影响.舒适度与顾客满意度相关性较高,饭店舒适度对顾客满意度提升具有积极作用.影响高星级饭店舒适度的主要因素由高至低依次是基本服务、人体感知、外部环境行为、设施用品、个性服务、内部环境行为和装饰风格.  相似文献   

随着社会化媒体的发展,顾客品牌契合行为受到学术界和业界越来越多的重视.顾客品牌契合行为是顾客因受到动机驱动而对品牌表现出的非交易性行为,是旅游企业提升品牌绩效和获取竞争优势所必需的战略要求.以往学者指出,顾客品牌契合行为源于动机因素,但鲜有研究从动机角度考察过顾客品牌契合行为发生的心理机制.该研究基于自我决定理论,以顾客与旅游品牌契合行为为例,实证研究品牌支持、品牌知识和品牌社群这3种情境因素对顾客基本心理需要及动机内化进而契合行为的影响.研究发现,品牌支持、品牌知识和品牌社群对顾客品牌契合行为有积极的影响,动机内化是上述因素影响品牌契合行为的关键心理机制.  相似文献   

星级饭店内部服务质量模型、测度的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
服务质量研究是最近几年饭店管理研究中的热点,其中提高饭店服务质量有了很多的研究,但星级饭店内部服务质量的研究甚少。本文首先回顾了内部服务质量的相关研究,然后从分析内部服务质量的影响因素入手,构建一个评价星级饭店内部服务质量的多层次指标体系,并利用因子分析法对指标体系进行定量分析,建立相应的综合评价模型。  相似文献   

游客环境责任行为驱动因素研究——以台湾为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章构建了游客环境责任行为概念模型,以台湾游客为例进行了实证研究,深入探讨了游客环境责任行为实施的复杂环境认知、态度、情感、意志的心理活动机制.研究表明:环境知识、环境态度、亲近自然旅游动机、环境行为意向、景区环境质量和景区环境政策是影响游客环境责任行为的6个重要驱动因素,其中,环境态度和环境行为意向发挥着关键的中介作用;修正后模型可解释游客的环境态度26.9%方差,环境行为意向31.8%方差以及环境责任行为77.5%方差,整个模型的解释效力较好;游客环境责任行为的形成受到个人因素和情境因素的影响,可相应划分为个人因素作用过程和情境因素作用过程两个循序递进、相互依存、相互渗透的过程,个人因素作用过程存在复杂的内部交织关系,并不能截然区分开来,其对游客环境责任行为的形成起到了主导作用,既存在直接影响,又存在间接影响,且影响程度较大,而情境因素作用过程相对简单,仅对游客环境责任行为起到直接作用,且作用力度较小.  相似文献   

饭店人才流动率高有多方面原因,其中一个重要原因是饭店企业的人才环境不尽如人意。本文对饭店人才发展的先决条件——人才环境进行了研究,根据ERG理论将饭店人才环境确定为基础环境、主导环境、驱动环境3项一级指标,利用德尔菲法确定了14项二级指标,并通过运用层次分析法,借助相关计算机统计软件,对测评指标的权重进行确定,构建了饭店人才环境评价指标体系。  相似文献   

旅游地顾客忠诚模型及实证研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
汪侠  梅虎 《旅游学刊》2006,21(10):33-38
在对国内外顾客忠诚研究进行回顾的基础上,结合旅游业的特点,构建了旅游地顾客忠诚结构方程模型,探讨旅游地顾客忠诚的度量指标和驱动因素.研究发现:(1)旅游地顾客忠诚不仅表现在重游行为上,还包括旅游者的正面口碑宣传和推荐作用;(2)顾客感知质量、顾客感知价值、旅游动机、顾客满意是旅游地顾客忠诚的4个驱动因素,对顾客忠诚均有显著的正向影响.  相似文献   

饭店非正式员工工作满意度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在饭店行业,随着国外著名饭店集团的进驻,民营企业饭店的发展壮大,国有饭店企业改制的推进,饭店之间的竞争日趋白热化.为增强企业的竞争力,获得满意的经营利润,饭店不断通过雇佣大量的非正式员工来确保总成本上的竞争优势.在这样的背景下,本文通过实证研究探寻中国饭店非正式员工工作满意度的影响因子以及各因子的影响程度,在此基础上建立了非正式员工管理的 SPAR 模型,并从工作压力、工作态度和工作单位认可三个角度提出非正式员工管理的具体对策,以期对饭店企业非正式员工的管理提供借鉴和参考.  相似文献   

章晓盛 《旅游学刊》2006,21(Z1):81-85
按照市场需求培养应用型人才,是应用性大学寻求改变传统教学的出路所在.为此,我们以饭店管理专业为例,选择部分北京市中高星级饭店进行问卷调查与走访,切实了解饭店业对我们所设课程的意见和建议、对饭店管理人才的需求,以期调整课程设置,培养饭店需求的人才.  相似文献   

在全球经济转型背景下,饭店为推动服务创新,满足顾客消费需求的多变性,越来越重视组织学习.文章以长沙、三亚高星级饭店为例,运用结构方程模型(SEM)进行了饭店组织学习对持续创新能力的影响研究,发现知识共享、知识运用、知识记忆对技术创新、制度创新和支持创新的影响较强,知识获取对制度创新和支持创新的影响较弱;饭店必须综合考虑知识获取、知识共享、知识运用、知识记忆等要素对服务创新的影响,才能有效提升饭店持续创新能力,保持领先的竞争优势.  相似文献   

This study was designed to explore the nature of environmental performance of tourism accommodations in Goreme Historical National Park which is in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The data were collected from 73 accommodation managers by using survey questionnaire that included 39 environmental performance indicators. Findings show that tourism accommodations have low performance on energy efficiency, water conservation, responsible waste management, communication, environmental training, the environmental awareness, necessary knowledge about and interest in the environmental protection and environmental policy. The accommodations need to have environmentally sensitive, concerned and knowledgeable managerial staff in order to preserve ecological integrity in protected areas.  相似文献   

万绪才 《旅游学刊》2007,22(7):64-67
本文试图对我国旅游饭店网站评价问题进行初步探讨。文章运用调查法,从旅游服务功能视角构建饭店网站评价指标体系,建立指标量化评分方法,并对南京市星级饭店网站进行实际评价。结果表明,目前南京市星级饭店信息化水平不高,已建网站旅游服务功能总体上尚待完善,不同档次星级饭店网站旅游服务功能差异性较为明显,中低档饭店网站旅游服务功能不完善现象更为突出。  相似文献   

城市化与生态系统的协调发展是构建和谐社会的重要基础,对促进地区高质量发展和可持续发展至关重要。本文以典型旅游城市张家界为研究对象,在综合评价2005—2018年张家界旅游城市化水平与生态系统服务价值的基础上,利用耦合协调度模型和灰色关联度模型对两系统间的耦合协调程度及影响因素进行探究。结果表明:(1)在综合发展水平上,旅游城市化水平加速上升,生态系统服务价值在时序上呈先增后减的“倒V型”变化趋势,并在空间上表现为城市中心-外围逐步升高的发展态势。(2)从耦合协调发展水平来看,耦合协调度在研究期内呈倒U型发展趋势,由极度失调转化为优质协调继而又变为轻度失调,两子系统发展不平衡、不稳定。(3)就影响因素而言,旅游城市化系统中的公路旅客周转量、城镇污水处理率和星级酒店数量对耦合系统影响最大,同时生态系统中各服务功能的作用力均较高,旅游城市发展必须将生态保护贯穿始终。  相似文献   

George Town, Penang, has always been one of the most popular destinations among Malaysian and international tourists. In 2008, George Town was accorded a listing as a UNESCO World Heritage Site (WHS). With the listing, increasing tourist arrivals and intentions to visit heritage hotels have been very promising in recent years, prompting the emergence of the adaptive reuse of heritage buildings into heritage hotels. In line with this development, this study examines the effects of perceived price, experience quality, prior knowledge, perceived authenticity, and social influence on tourists’ intention to visit heritage hotels at the George Town WHS, Penang, with perceived value as a mediator. The findings indicate that perceived price, experience quality, prior knowledge, perceived authenticity, social influence and perceived value exert positive and significant effects on tourists’ intention to visit heritage hotels. The study also determines the mediating effect of perceived value on the relationships between independent variables and the intention to visit heritage hotels. This study provides an in-depth understanding of the attributes that affect tourists’ intention to visit heritage hotels at the George Town WHS and helps the owners and operators of heritage hotels to formulate future strategies in designing and promoting their services.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to research into environmental certification schemes in the hospitality industry, by discussing three objectives of such schemes: (1) promote the implementation of sustainability practices in the hospitality industry; (2) increase profitability; and (3) provide more accurate information to guests. This paper provides a first insight into the perception of managers towards certification schemes. Interviews with 21 London managers from a range of star-rated hotels, and an analysis of 196 websites of London hotels, indicates that these objectives are not all achieved. It is discussed how certification schemes provide knowledge to hoteliers and helps against claims of ‘greenwash’. The effect of certifications on profitability, however, is questioned, and due to limited communication of certifications by hotels, certifications are failing to provide guests with more accurate information. Implications, recommendations and limitations of the research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study illustrates that determinants of customer satisfaction in hospitality venues can be identified through an analysis of online reviews. Using text mining and content analysis of 42,668 online traveler reviews covering 774 star-rated hotels, the study found that transportation convenience, food and beverage management, convenience to tourist destinations and value for money are identified as excellent factors that customers booking both luxury and budget hotels consider important and for which the performance is much satisfactory to them. Customers paid more attention to, but were less satisfied with, bed, reception services and room size and decoration. Most determinants of customer satisfaction also showed a consensus over luxury versus budget hotels, except for factors referring to lobby and sound insulation. As per its findings, the article concludes by presenting theoretical and managerial implications.  相似文献   

This paper uses the data envelopment analysis approach to measure cost, allocative and overall technical efficiencies of international tourist hotels (ITHs) in Taiwan during 1997–2006. There are three outputs, three inputs, three input prices and four environmental variables in the empirical model. The cost inefficiency of these hotels is from overall technical inefficiency. International tourist hotels in Taiwan have an average efficiency of 57%. Chain systems, non-metropolitan areas and occupancy rate have significantly positive impacts on all efficiency scores of Taiwan's ITHs. The distance from the nearest international airport significantly worsens their efficiency scores.  相似文献   

An 800 km stretch of the Eastern coast of Australia contains some of the last remnant fragments of the sub-tropical rainforests that once covered much of the region. This natural resource – declared as World Heritage in 1986 as the Central Eastern Rainforest Reserves of Australia, but now known as the Gondwana Rainforests of Australia – serves as an important drawcard for tourist visitation to the region. Using a content analysis of 343 tourism brochures collected across one section of the Gondwana Rainforests area, this study examined the extent to which ‘rainforest’, ‘World Heritage’ and the ‘Gondwana Rainforests’ are present within text and imagery. Findings reveal a low prevalence of this ‘branding’; indeed only 3% of brochures mention ‘Gondwana’ or ‘Gondwana Rainforests’. As presentation is a key component of World Heritage-listed forests like Gondwana, the study's results reveal the importance of building awareness of the brand in the minds of users and the community.  相似文献   

This study examines the factors influencing the adoption of renewable energy technologies at two hotels in Botswana. Interviews with key informants from Gaborone Sun and the Cumberland Hotel were used to collect the data for this study. The study was designed along the general conceptual model of the drivers and barriers of corporate “greening.” Narrative analysis was used to present the findings. Results point to the fact that the availability of the biogas and solar technology in Botswana, political leadership, financial benefits, the availability of a comprehensive environmental sustainability program, and strong environmental management values were the driving forces behind renewable energy adoption by the two hotels. The major barriers against biogas adoption by the Cumberland Hotel included lack of financial resources and limited waste. For solar energy adoption at Gaborone Sun, the main problem was lack of space for further expansion, which has also constrained the hotel’s efforts for wastewater recycling. These results have implications at both local and national levels. Environmental management strategies and values should drive the exploitation of renewable energy by local hotels. At the national level, results imply that the government should take a more responsive approach in facilitating the adoption of renewable energy plans by the corporate world.  相似文献   

While the impact of tour guides’ interpretation on tourism experience is well acknowledged, little research has been conducted on the production of effective interpretation by tour guides. In this study, effective interpretation is defined as producing a positive outcome on tourists’ knowledge and understanding of the visited heritage site, feelings and emotion, satisfaction and likelihood of visiting other relevant nearby heritage sites. Based on a literature review, a conceptual model of effective interpretation consisting of four propositions was formulated and examined by empirical on-site research in the World Cultural Heritage Site in Macau. The empirical findings support the four propositions and the applicability of the model for effective interpretation in Macao. The research was conducted in two phases: on-site guide evaluation and a linked tourist survey. The target market was mainland Chinese visitors. The results revealed the influence of four factors on effective interpretation, namely, heritage and tourist information knowledge, service attitude, communication competence and emotional intelligence. Special attention is given to the use of humor, provocation and emotional sensitivity. Future research should further investigate tourists’ emotion management and the applicability of this model to other tour guides’ heritage interpretation, at different types of site and in different regions.  相似文献   

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