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As a scientific management concept, value management (VM) is universally applied, and it acts on making strategy, realizing the maximization of business enterprise value, improving the performance of managing and promoting the lasting growth of the economy of various countries, etc. Nowadays, it has already stridden into each field of business management thoroughly, which has become the most popular management thought, idea and method in the world. The core of value management~function analysis, has offered very good theoretical foundation, method, technology and thinking for modern human resource management, which has stridden into the new era of value management.  相似文献   

The creation risk investmentof the high and new technology enterprise isthe way to finance:and invest for the business period. After we putting the capital into the high and new. technology project.that is in the devetopment stage, the enterprise can, acquire high, increase, by the. support and assistance 'of, the. capital and management. After the enterprise grew up, it can achieve high benefits by selling stock, attorning the enterprise, and dealing property rights, etc. Finally it secedes form the enterprise invested. The purpose of total analysis in the respective stage for the business investment cause including cause prosperities, object, risk, is to comprehensively understand the effect on the anticipation ratio of the benefit, investment distribution, the stock property proportion which is offered by the activity content, and the emphasis of the assessment in the respective stages of the creation risk investment cause.  相似文献   

This paper examines the issue of market access for development in the context of Africa during the age of globalization. The opportunity offered by China--the huge emerging market for Africa's exports goes in the way of openness source of economic success.  相似文献   

Most of the time, clients only have one opportunity to evaluate a service received in terms of quality and satisfaction; under this premise organizations have been concerned with developing, in a permanent manner, a quality evaluation culture in the services offered to their clients. To do this, procedures and methods that let them achieve it, have been implemented. That is the case of the model that concedes to measure and evaluate service quality, which is redefined and named Servqual, considering a multidimensional theoretical construct that explains the client's perception of quality service considering the differences between what is expected and what is received. Therefore, the goal of this study is to identify the factors that define the quality of emergency services provided by a private hospital in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mtxico, a sample of 384 patients, with a confidence level of 95% and a margin of permissible error of 5%. A questionnaire with 22 items was applied to measure the perceptions and expectations of users in terms of the quality of the service, which was subjected to an extensive evaluation of reliability and construct validity, with an estimate Cronbach's alpha of 95.6% and 97.9% respectively. The results showed that Servqual is a valid, reliable, and dependable instrument to monitor and measure the quality of the services offered in private hospitals in Hermosillo, and permit hospital administrators to identify opportunities or improvement areas, from the patients' perspective.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe forecast of requirement for human resources is the en-terprise estimate about the number and the type of people infuture for fulfilling the fixed objects.Marshall,an Englisheconomist,thinks that actually the requirement for humanresources is a derived requirement.The formation of humancapital is the derivation and result of the formation of materialcapital requirement.The forecast for human resources is ananalysis for future situation of production,and it is also theevaluation…  相似文献   

Vougiouklis & Vougiouklis have proposed the replacement of Likert scales, usually used in questionnaires, with a bar. With this proposal a discrete situation is replaced by a fuzzy one. There are identified certain advantages concerning the use of the bar as compared to that of a scale during both the stages of filling-in as well as processing a questionnaire. The main advantage associated with business research requirements is the fact that it is expected to be much quicker to fill in and much easier to explain to participants. The bar provides the potential for different types of processing Likert scales cannot. Therefore the researchers are allowed to ascertain that the given answers follow not only the already suggested and used Gauss distribution but also a parabola distribution as it will be suggested in present paper, and which is expected to give the researcher the opportunity to "correct" this tendency. Therefore, a possibility of choosing amongst a number of alternatives is offered, by utilizing fuzzy logic in the same way as it has already been done in industry and combining mathematical models with multivalued operations.  相似文献   

This paper investigated the growth and policy implications of Global System for Mobile Communication in Nigeria. Stochastic economic modeling was used to analyze Nigeria's time series data. The models were adjudged reliable before they were used. The components of the model were defined and a prior expectation of the relationship among the variables explained for the purpose of giving the reviewers and users a deep insight into the phenomenon under study. The secondary data used for the study were processed using the E-View for windows electronic packages. The outcome of the empirical and stochastic investigations shows that Global System for Mobile Communication has a positive relationship with output growth in Nigeria. The impact is of a higher magnitude. The usage of Global System for Mobile Telecommunication led to 17 percent rise in the output growth. The findings suggest the need for the Nigerian Communication Commission (NCC) and the federal government of Nigeria to expand tele-density and directly make telephone communications cheap and accessible. To achieve this goal, more licenses should be given to GSM operators in order to allow for healthy competition among them. This will lead to improved quality of services, quality of product and consequently sustain the growth and development of the country.  相似文献   

On the first anniversary of the first issue of Ecological Economy, please accept our sincere greetings and best wishes for the New Year. In the past year, whether you read and contributed to Ecological Economyor made criticism and proposals for us, we are grateful for your active participation. On behalf of all the members of the editorial office, I'd like to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your great support and encouragement, and your concern for Ecological Economy, Specially,  相似文献   

The Value of the World's Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital by Costanza in 1997 is generally regarded as a monumem for the research of valuing ecosystem services. However, the classification of ecosystem services, the method of various services summation and the purpose for static global value had be confronted by many criticisms. Based on the summary of these criticisms, suggestions, related function assessment and further study direction, the sustainability of ecosystem Services is presented. The two basic indicators in ecology, productivity and biodiversity, respectively charactering the ability of producing and self-organizing, not only represent the internal function of ecosystem, but also are proportioned to its external function of supporting and providing for human life. On presenting the general.form of ecosystem services assessment, this paper improves the mathematical formula by giving a function adjusting coefficient composea of productivity and biodiversity. Theoretically, the integration of the two indicators reflects the changes of ecosystem services at spatial and temporal scales, can physically assess the sustainability of ecosystem services, and build a firm scientific fundament of value assessment for ecosystem services. Objectively, its application should be strictly tested in next step.  相似文献   

知识型服务业国际转移趋势与中国承接对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,以美国为代表的发达国家知识型服务业向具有智力人才优势的新兴市场国家转移的新浪潮正在兴起,标志着经济全球化进入了新的发展阶段.目前我国知识型服务业基本上还处于发展的起步阶段,但同时也存在着巨大的发展潜力,面临着承接国外转移的良好机遇.当前要站在国家产业发展的战略高度来充分认识承接知识型服务业国际转移的重要性和迫切性,并采取积极有效措施来迎接这轮新的全球产业布局调整.  相似文献   

中国银行业改革的侧重点:产权结构还是市场结构   总被引:141,自引:1,他引:141  
本文对运用SCP(结构—行为—绩效 )框架及其从行业结构的角度揭示中国银行业主要问题的思路及提炼出的政策含义提出了批评 ,认为在现代技术不断改变着银行运作机制、主要发达国家的银行业的行业结构进一步向集中化发展、各个银行在努力追求规模经济和范围经济效应的背景下 ,中国银行业保持一定程度的集中率是符合国际银行业发展趋势的。中国银行业的主要问题是国有银行产权结构单一 ,而不是行业集中的问题。从行业结构的角度为突破口的改革将可能导致中国经济的振荡。正是中国银行业的资产与市场份额集中于带病的国有商业银行 ,改革的侧重点就不能从行业结构的调整为起点 ,而是相反 ,要充分利用进入WTO后的有限的过渡期 ,在国有银行的市场份额发生显著萎缩之前 ,坚决地进行国有商业银行的产权改革 ,努力避免潜在金融风险的总爆发。  相似文献   

加快发展文化产业是提高国家文化软实力、增强中华文化竞争力的重要举措。党的十七届六中全会提出了加快推动文化产业成为国民经济支柱性产业的战略目标。目前我国文化产业发展进程中存在一些普遍性的问题,针对造成这些问题的原因,可以采取相应的政策建议来解决,以达到加快我国从"文化大国"转变为"文化强国"的目的。  相似文献   

创新视角下提升山西装备制造业竞争力的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
装备制造业是为国民经济发展和国防建设提供技术装备的支柱性产业,它的发展和强大将会使一个国家(或地区)的竞争优势明显增强。以山西为例,通过对山西装备制造业发展面临的机遇和在发展过程中面临的问题深入分析的基础上,指出创新是提升山西装备制造业竞争力的有力法宝,并且从创新战略、创新思维和创新路径上提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

辽宁省新能源产业现状及政策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在今后15年左右,太阳能热水器,风力发电和太阳能光伏发电,地热供暖/发电,生物质能利用技术将进入一个新的发展阶段,挑战传统能源的地位。在国民经济中,新能源产业将成为一个新兴产业,并具有巨大的发展空间。目前,新能源产业已成为我国"十二五"规划的重点目标,对我国低碳经济建设具有重要影响力。从新能源储量、制造业基础、能源及产业结构、生态环境四个方面论述了辽宁发展新能源产业的必然性。通过对辽宁省新能源产业发展现状的分析,发现辽宁省新能源产业建设中存在的问题主要集中在研发费用不足导致的技术力量薄弱,产业政策缺乏竞争力、地方财政难以承载国家产业政策上。根据辽宁省发展阶段的特点,对新能源产业政策提出建议并规划了新能源产业的发展目标。到2015年,把辽宁省新能源产业建成在国际国内具有重要影响和地位以及较强竞争力的产业集群。  相似文献   

中国房地产市场的地域特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苗天青  朱传耿 《经济地理》2005,25(3):324-328
建立在全国性市场假设基础之上的关于我国房地产业市场集中度较"低"和"过度竞争"的推断,忽视了其本地性。事实上,由于房地产市场的本地特征,不同"板块"间相互分离。房地产企业只是与"板块"内相邻的企业发生竞争,即便是这样,它们也还都有其各自的垄断市场区;加之房地产业存在较高的进入壁垒,垄断性较强,房地产企业拥有着较强的市场力量①。  相似文献   

战略性新兴产业发展规律及对策取向研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
战略性新兴产业是以重大技术突破和重大发展需求为基础,对经济社会全局和长远发展具有重大引领带动作用,成长潜力巨大的产业,是涉及国家竞争力、国家影响力、国家安全和国家战略目标实现的产业。加快培育和发展战略性新兴产业,是抢占世界未来科技制高点、把握经济发展主动权的战略选择,是转变经济发展方式、调整经济结构的根本途径。本文在对新兴产业发展理论分析的基础上,就新兴产业的内涵和特征、新兴产业的产生来源进行了研究,提炼出了新兴产业的选择标准和培育准则,并就培育和发展我国战略性新兴产业的对策给出了相关建议。  相似文献   

体育产业的结构效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章用规范研究和实证研究相结合的方法,通过考察经济发达国家体育产业的状况,发现体育产业已经成为许多经济发达国家国民经济体系中的支柱产业,产值在国民经济体系行业排名中已名列前茅,并且每年都以较高的增长率快速成长。体育产业是现代服务业的组成部分,体育产业的快速发展不仅使其成为一个新的经济增长点,而且产生了良好的结构效应,通过产业关联带动整个产业链的快速发展,促进整个产业结构的升级,为经济服务化做出了贡献,推动了经济的发展。  相似文献   

健康的生态及其经济运作,是人类健康生存和可持续发展的基础。核电的各种间接成本和风险成本,迄今都没有计入核电企业的生产成本,而是由国家、社会乃至全球人类分担了,致使电力行业感到发展核电站比较合算。日本福岛核电站泄漏事故,再一次警告全世界必须全面计算核电的各种成本,进行生态经济比较,决定取舍或合理布局。  相似文献   

论我国高技术产业的发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
自20世纪90年代起,我国积极发展高技术产业,其规模不断扩大,已经成为经济增长的火车头.在提高科技持续创新能力、实现技术跨越式发展的原则下,推动各项高技术产业的发展.在高技术产业快速发展过程中,有市场增长速度高、固定资本形成快、高科技产品需求快速增长、研发人员总量大、劳动力成本低、产业聚集效应逐渐成形等诸多优势.但仍然存在若干发展问题与跨国公司主导我国高技术产业发展、高技术研发被跨国公司所控制等产业安全隐忧,产业安全问题应特别引起关注.  相似文献   

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