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经过20多年的市场洗礼,我国酒店业的竞争由单一价格竞争转向品牌竞争,经营管理也由简单模仿到自主创新,经营注重实效,管理渐趋科学,已经能够比较坦然地面对来自国外酒店巨头的竞争.但以单体为主的国内酒店在客源挖掘、市场推广、渠道拓展等方面还略显迟滞,预订系统的建立尚处于起步阶段,虽然出现了若干个在国内来说略有规模的酒店集团,但因区域色彩浓厚,经营手段单一,其规模优势难以显现,严重制约了我国酒店业走出国门的步伐,也不利于我国酒店业向纵深发展.  相似文献   

星级酒店利益相关者结构及其影响分析——以广州为例   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
熊伟  吴必虎 《旅游学刊》2007,22(4):92-96
文章采用实地访谈的方法,对广州星级酒店业的高层管理者、股东以及政府部门相关负责人等18位行业人士进行了深度访谈,访谈结论认为广州星级酒店利益相关者由核心利益相关者、战略利益相关者、边缘利益相关者以及环境利益相关者构成,各利益相关者对酒店的经营发展有着重要的影响,但这种影响的力度和内容存在较明显差异,同时受访者还普遍认为酒店要建立利益相关者管理模式意义重大,但是实践具有一定的难度.  相似文献   

熊伟  骆雅洁 《旅游学刊》2012,27(4):71-81
信息技术与酒店业的结合给酒店业带来了新的发展机会.国外有大量的学者致力于信息技术投资与企业生产率及业绩之间关系的研究,但并没有一致的结论.文章通过对广州市高星级酒店的相关调查,获取了第一手数据,借助AMOS软件的验证性因子分析及SPSS软件的相关性分析和多元回归分析功能,以检验信息技术的应用对酒店业绩的影响.结果显示,信息技术“生产率悖论”在高星级酒店业内不存在,前厅应用、客人相关界面应用、餐厅及宴会管理系统及后台应用均对酒店业绩有积极的作用.其中,客人相关界面应用对酒店业绩影响最大,因此应着重投资.文章的结论将为高星级酒店业决定是否战略性地投资于信息技术或集中于某些特定领域提供重要的信息.最后,文章还对研究的局限性以及后续可以开展的研究进行了一定的展望.  相似文献   

广州长隆旅游度假区是景区和酒店并存互补的旅游综合体,本文基于共生理论,分析研究广州长隆度假区景区和酒店之间的共生关系,运用共生的思想和概念,从客源带动作用上分析长隆度假区景区和酒店的共生模式,并就广州长隆旅游度假区景区如何和酒店互利共生给出相关建议。研究结果表明:广州长隆旅游度假区景区和酒店存在明显的共生关系;二者的共生模式是互利共生,但景区对酒店的带动作用更显著。长隆度假区酒店在开发和建设上存在酒店选择性少、酒店价格高、酒店住客在景区享受特权和优惠不全面等问题。基于研究结果,就加强酒店的建设、增强酒店的吸引力、增加酒店和景区之间的互利共生关系等提出改进建议。  相似文献   

宋灵燕  闰娟 《当代旅游》2013,(10):59-60
酒店业在全球的快速发展给我国的酒店业带来前所未有的挑战,酒店英语人才的缺乏严重制约着我国高端酒店的发展.因此,对酒店业进行饭店职业英语培训势在必行。酒店业现有的英语培训存在着较多弊端.对此,笔者就如何转变陈旧的培训观念、如何把握培训需求、如何建立三位一体的培训机制和如何设计合理的员工英语培训方案等几个方面,对问题的解决做了初步探讨。  相似文献   

举国关注的WTO加入终于完成了。这对国人来讲是越过了一道线。打开了一扇门。一扇通向富强和发展的快车之门。但同时也面临着前所未有的挑战与艰辛,因为。入世是全面性开放。那么。面对挑战。我们准备好了吗?弄清楚将要面临的竞争状况了吗?酒店业必然是面临冲击的前沿阵地之一.在众多设施豪华装修一流的宾馆酒楼当中无疑将会上演一幕幕没有硝烟的客源争夺战。迎接国家级、世界级竞争。我省鳞次栉比的星级酒店。是否明确了大市场通行的游戏规则?迎接挑战,首先要明确和学习竞争规则。对挑战对手的状况有所了解。基于上诉原因,记走访了早年曾在国外专攻酒店管理的省特级劳模——山西大酒店总经理张建平(以下简称张)。  相似文献   

劳动力成本上涨成为中国劳动密集型企业普遍关注的问题,它也是推动第三产业转型的重要原因。酒店作为典型的劳动密集型企业,员工流动问题一直备受关注,但是从人力资本角度的研究很少。本文运用人力资本投资理论对珠海向澳门的劳动力迁移现象进行了实证分析,发现基础工资差距是导致酒店业劳动者个体迁移的主要原因,而两地员工福利水平的差距及地理临近性进一步增加了酒店业个体劳动者迁移的愿望。文章最后建议,珠海酒店企业可以采取增加员工收入、完善员工福利保障及创新盈利模式的措施来解决员工高流动性的问题。  相似文献   

李东娟  熊胜绪 《旅游学刊》2011,26(12):37-41
在线旅行预订已经成为消费者日益青睐的旅游产品消费模式,其中酒店的在线预订增长量尤其明显。目前在酒店在线预订市场中,既有旅行在线代理商也有酒店官网,且两者竞争越来越激烈。这两种主要的酒店在线预订其价格有没有显著性差异?不同类型酒店差异表现是否一致?文章借用配对样本£检验方法对我国酒店在线预订价格竞争进行实证研究,深度剖析两种在线预订渠道的定价规律及形成原因,并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

吴巧红 《旅游学刊》2005,20(5):93-94
2004年是中国酒店业自亚洲金融危机以来经营状况最好的一年,这不可避免地在2005年引发了各地对酒店业的新一轮投资热潮。为了帮助各地地产开发商或投资企业更加理性地涉足这一领域,7月20日至22日,浩华管理顾问公司、索金国际地产投资银行和中国旅游饭店业协会在北京共同主办了首届“中国酒店开发与融资论坛”。  相似文献   

星级酒店的人才现象透视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
众所周知,目前酒店业的竞争十分激烈,而其中人才竞争也是十分激烈的。但是,现在也出现了一个奇怪的现象:“酒店管理专业毕业的大学生不愿到星级酒店工作,而星级酒店也有宁要职高生也不要大学生的招聘原则”,这到底是什么原因呢?有两组数据:(1)广州某全国重点高校酒店管理专业98届共有35名应届毕业生参加就业分配。据统计,到各级党政机关就业的有1名;到科研教育部门就业的有3名;到各类企业就业的有11名,其中旅游酒店类的有8名;回生源地参加第二次分配的有15人;准备留校继续读研究生的有2名。(2)三星级酒店抽…  相似文献   


Thailand has some of the finest conference venues in Southeast Asia, and the convention/exhibition industry is important to the development of the nation's overall tourism industry. The convention/exhibition industry is good for the tourism industry, because it helps to enhance the quality of accommodations, hospitality, and services that are located in such an exotic location. Also, it stimulates the convention/exhibition industry investment in terms of associated facilities and services. An analysis of the performance of the convention and exhibition industry in 1996 and 1997 was conducted in this paper. The results solidly suggest that Thailand has a strong convention and exhibition industry which should produce substantial economic impact in the years ahead. Recommendations for future research are also provided.  相似文献   


Singapore's meetings, incentive, convention and exhibition industry (MICE) attracts over 4,000 events and over 400,000 foreign participants every year. Since 1982, Singapore has been the top convention destination in Asia and today ranks among the top ten in the world. An assessment of Singapore MICE attractiveness shows that while the country has many strengths, particularly infrastructure and management, it has a number of weaknesses, as well, including limited entertainment and cultural attractions. Further analysis shows that much of Singapore's success has been based on regional meetings, rather than truly global events. As regional competition heats up, Singapore will need to better develop the global market. To do this Singapore is attempting to leverage its well developed transportation, hospitality and human resources, along with its role as a regional and global economic center.  相似文献   

我国饭店业整体绩效水平较差,本文从产权结构和市场结构的双重视角对我国饭店业进行了深入分析,提出我国饭店业是国有饭店主导的竞争性行业,国有饭店主导和竞争性行业的不相容性必然造成我国饭店业整体绩效水平差,因此改善我国饭店业状况的首要问题是产权改革,实施国有化饭店退出,而不是规模化、集团化经营问题.  相似文献   

关于中国城市饭店产业评价的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张润钢 《旅游学刊》2003,18(6):52-54
中国饭店业的发展加深着人们对饭店业的认识。单体饭店在走向成熟的同时,也需要整个饭店行业的成熟。文章提出衡量一个区域或城市饭店业是否成熟,有这样几个标准:拥有一批好的饭店群体,城市(地区)饭店的结构合理,有自身特色,有标志性的饭店,与城市特点相协调,有健全的行业法规,成熟的投资动机,成熟的职业经理人队伍,有成熟的市场和成熟的消费者,有成熟的饭店衍生业以及成熟的行业自律组织。  相似文献   


The increase in number of international tourist arrivals, the holding of the Olympic Games in Sydney in 2000, and a solid domestic tourism industry has had an effect on the meetings, incentive, convention, and exhibition (MICE) industry in Australia, worth A$7 billion in 1996/1997. To meet this increasing demand from the industry to train professionals for the tourism and hospitality industry, some institutions are offering specialized subjects to prepare students for employment in the MICE industry. One of the inherent problems in teaching such a subject is to introduce a practical and experiential element. This has been addressed successfully over the past two years by offering students an opportunity to take part as delegates attending a specifically designed conference while spending a night at one of the many 5-star international hotel properties with convention facilities on the Gold Coast. In 1999, 135 students stayed at an international 5-star hotel, with the hotel cooperating with the university to provide a full-day conference on conference management, including hotel inspections and workshops. Students were assessed on their experiences at the hotel with the completion of a semester report and a questionnaire on the perceptions of their stay. Almost three-fourths of the students surveyed responded that they had benefited from the visit by being able to apply theoretical concepts to real life scenarios and that this enhanced their individual understanding of the subject.  相似文献   

论我国经济型饭店发展的产业示范意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦宇 《旅游学刊》2007,22(7):68-73
本文讨论了我国经济型饭店发展的产业示范意义。对于民族饭店业而言,经济型饭店的示范意义在于以品牌为中心建立了产品形象、通过跨地域经营获得规模经济以及采用多模式扩张提高增长速度。对于整个中国饭店业而言,经济型饭店的示范意义在于通过产品差异化创新获得了很好的绩效。认识到这些意义,我们可以从更具有战略性的高度去看待今天中国经济型饭店的发展。  相似文献   


As Korea comes increasingly into the spotlight with globally recognized events and its heightened importance as an international business destination, the demand for the modern and innovative convention and exhibition facilities has increased. This paper provides an overview of Korea's convention and exhibition industry, with a special focus on the development of convention and exhibition centers. Following the delineation of the boom of convention and exhibition center development, it concludes with some pertinent issues.  相似文献   

会展旅游发展模式之探讨   总被引:54,自引:0,他引:54  
王保伦 《旅游学刊》2003,18(1):35-39
会展业的发展需要其他行业为之提供相关服务,旅游业是其一。因此,讨论会展旅游也成为题中应有之义。本文在明确会展旅游概念的基础上,依据旅游业和会展业的一些特性,结合我国旅游企业的行为特点,围绕协会的功能的发挥和游戏规则的建立,试图构建旅游业与会展业协同发展的,模式来推动我国旅游业更深地融入到会展业中,促进在我国尚处起步阶的会展旅游走向成熟。  相似文献   

The global hospitality and tourism industry is not only burdened with high turnover rates but also may soon be in the throes of a labor shortage. As such, a better understanding of industry employment perceptions has become a critical issue for hospitality managers. Of particular concern are the perceptions of those potential employees that do not have prior employment experience in the hospitality industry. Accordingly, the purpose of this research is to consider perceptions of hotel employment among the segment of the potential employee population that has no current or past experience working in hotels. Per the tenets of Constraint Theory, perceptions of pay, promotion opportunities, work-to-life conflict, and workplace-induced isolation are proposed to significantly affect potential employees’ attitudes toward hotel employment. In turn, these attitudes are proposed to affect both intention to apply for hotel work and the intention to recommend applying for hotel work to others.  相似文献   

中国省域星级饭店业的优势特征及其形成机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄静波 《旅游学刊》2007,22(5):61-65
运用因子分析与综合评分分析相结合的方法,测算出我国各省区市饭店业综合实力的优势指数值.据此,可将我国省域星级饭店业划分为4种类型:发达型、较发达型、欠发达型、不发达型.从2000年到2004年优势指数值变化特征看,我国省域星级饭店业综合实力差异在缩小.从空间分布看,星级饭店业发展水平的分布规律是东部沿海地区大于中部地区大于西部地区.区域经济发展水平、旅游资源禀赋、区位、交通、区域产业政策与发展环境是影响星级饭店业发展水平的重要因素.最后,对我国星级饭店业的发展提出了一些建设性意见.  相似文献   

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