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上市银行投资者关系管理的特殊性包括复杂性和重要性, 其重要意义在于能使投资者支持银行发展,让市场正确理解银行的价值;其双向沟通机制能够使上市银行高级管理层及时了解市场的看法;良好的投资者关系管理能保证上市银行以后的融资活动成功完成。因此,上市银行必须认真做好投资者关系管理工作,全体员工都应该对此有充分的认识,积极参与这项工作。上市银行做好投资者关系管理工作有以下几个关键点需要把握,即重视制度建设,创新沟通手段,持续地对投资者关系管理进行分析研究工作,防止出现选择性信息披露,适时进行市值管理。  相似文献   

商业银行投资者关系管理是上市银行与资本市场沟通的桥梁。在全球金融格局正发生着深刻变革与重构的时期,中国上市银行投资者关系管理部门在某种程度上肩负着通过向全球资本市场介绍自身运营,提升全球投资者对中国金融和银行体系市场化运营理解的使命。上市银行投资者关系管理部门应在推进与境内外投资者全方位沟通的基础上,维护和拓宽上市银行融资渠道;在充分阐述财务业绩的同时,向全球投资者提供多方位信息;提高管理层及相关业务部门对投资者关系工作的参与;加强对资本市场的监测,有效管理投资者预期,妥善处理特殊和突发事件等。  相似文献   

完善上市银行投资者关系管理的对策思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴蓉 《上海金融》2003,(8):33-35
随着国内上市银行群体的日渐庞大,加强对投资者关系管理,精心打造投资者与上市银行的信用链条,将为上市银行在资本市场的运作起到举足轻重的影响。本文作者引入国际上对投资者关系管理的正确认识和一些规范作法,并从专业化、国际化角度,就完善上市银行投资者关系管理工作提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

目前关于上市银行投资者关系的具体内容相对已经比较清晰,但如何准确定义和衡量"好的投资者关系管理",以何种标准去判断投资者关系管理工作的有效性,尚需探讨。本文主要从大型上市银行投资者关系管理的评价体系着眼,在对现有投资者关系管理评价体系进行充分研究分析后,同时结合大型上市银行的经营特征,提出一套适合于大型上市银行的投资者关系管理评价体系。  相似文献   

商业银行投资者关系管理是上市银行与资本市场沟通的桥梁.在经历了金融危机,全球金融格局正在发生着深刻变革与重构的时期,我国上市银行投资者关系管理在某种程度上肩负着通过向全球资本市场介绍自身运营,提升全球投资者对我国金融和银行体系市场化运营理解的使命.应充分认识全球经济和金融格局变迁所带来的投资者关系管理领域的机遇与挑战,抓住全球金融和银行业竞争格局变迁的时机,提升我国上市银行在全球资本市场的竞争地位和品牌价值,增强全球投资者对我国经济、金融改革和商业银行运营的信心,是我国上市银行投资者关系管理的应尽之责.  相似文献   

辛华 《西南金融》2010,(10):57-59
商业银行投资者关系管理是上市银行与资本市场沟通的桥梁。在经历了金融危机,全球金融格局正在发生着深刻变革与重构的时期,我国上市银行投资者关系管理在某种程度上肩负着通过向全球资本市场介绍自身运营、提升全球投资者对我国金融和银行体系市场化运营理解的使命。抓住全球金融和银行业竞争格局变迁的时机,竖立我国上市银行在全球资本市场的竞争地位和价值品牌,增强全球投资者对我国经济、金融改革和商业银行运营的信心,是我国上市银行投资者关系管理的应尽之责。  相似文献   

至2010年7月,我国四大国有商业银行已全部成功股改上市,成为公众持股的国有大型上市商业银行。国有大型上市银行上市后,如何加强与投资者关系管理成为国有大型上市银行的重要课题。本文从国有大型上市银行的投资者关系、主要投资人的投资行为分析、做好国有大型上市商业银行的投资者关系等方面进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   

季悦 《中国外资》2014,(4):97-98
投资者关系管理在我国起步较晚,与境外发达资本市场相比尚存较大差距。本文通过对各类定义的提炼,总结出投资者关系管理的三大特征,并从投资者关系管理的沟通主体、沟通受众、沟通内容、沟通渠道、危机管理和评估体系6个维度对其进行深度剖析,希望在完善投资者关系管理工作、塑造并持续反馈上市公司资本市场形象、提高投资者投资信心、优化股东结构以及提升上市公司估值溢价等方面有所裨益。  相似文献   

本文从制度建设的角度着眼,以国内大型上市银行已经建立的投资者关系管理制度为参考,分析了大型上市银行投资者关系管理工作开展的基本思路与运行轨道,围绕投资者关系管理制度的建设进行了探索和研究。旨在厘清大型上市银行投资者关系管理制度制订的核心理念,搭建基础性制度框架,对未来上市银行投资者关系管理制度的建立和现有上市银行投资者关系管理制度的完善起到一定的借鉴和启发作用。  相似文献   

投资者关系管理问题是近年来新兴起的课题,因其应用广泛而具有重要的研究价值。本世纪初开始,我国大型商业银行纷纷改制重组并实现公开发行上市,传统的单一股权结构得到改变,投资者关系管理工作作为大型银行的一项重要治理活动开始提到议事日程。本文即针对大型上市银行这一主体,在对以往理论和国内外最佳实践进行分析研究的基础上,探讨和完善了大型上市银行投资者关系管理的基本理论框架,力求有利于指导实践工作。  相似文献   

In this research, we examine the relationship between the reputation of investment banks and the investor clientele to whom they market initial public offers. We hypothesize that the most reputable investment banks have considerable distribution power but confine initial public offer sales to investors with long-term horizons in an effort to maintain prestige. Using the level of relative after-market trading volume to proxy for investor type, we find that as underwriter reputation increases investors with short-term trading horizons (“flippers”) tend to dominate the offerings over the lower prestige levels. For underwriters in the upper reputation tier, however, this dominance begins to decline with increasing reputation. In addition, we find a negative relation between the after-market price performance of the initial public offer firm and the first week's trading volume. The results suggest that flippers can be detrimental to the performance of initial public offer firms. While distributing power may be essential for the maintenance of the reputation of investment banks, the type of investor clientele also appears to be of major importance.  相似文献   

本文通过构建商业银行核心竞争力评价指数模型,对2009年工商银行与10家国际大银行进行比较分析,得出如下结论:2007年以来,工商银行克服国际金融危机和国内经济波动的影响,核心竞争力稳步提升,与国际大银行之间的差距逐步缩小,净利润、总市值和品牌价值已成为并继续保持全球第一;资产质量大幅提升,风险管理能力进入前列;但产品...  相似文献   

Reliability of Banks' Fair Value Disclosure for Loans   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This study investigates whether banks manage the disclosed fair value of their major asset, the loan portfolio. Using two cross-section samples, I find evidence that suggests banks manage the fair value of loans. The estimated extent of overstatement of loans' fair value is negatively related to regulatory capital, asset growth, liquidity and the gross book value of loans, and positively related to the change in the rate of credit losses. These relations imply that some banks overstate the disclosed fair value of loans in an attempt to favorably affect the market assessment of their risk and performance.  相似文献   

刘桂峰 《投资研究》2012,(2):150-154
员工既是银行利润的主要创造者,又是其风险的主要承担者和管理者。如若行为失当,将会给银行带来负面影响甚或重大损失。因此在当前错综复杂的外部形势下,关注并把握员工行为风险的种种形态,剖析其背后的深层原因,采取针对性措施,尤其进行体制和机制方面的设计,乃是推进操作风险管理有效性的关键所在。  相似文献   

Unstable banking     
We propose a theory of financial intermediaries operating in markets influenced by investor sentiment. In our model, banks make, securitize, distribute, and trade loans, or they hold cash. They also borrow money, using their security holdings as collateral. Banks maximize profits, and there are no conflicts of interest between bank shareholders and creditors. The theory predicts that bank credit and real investment will be volatile when market prices of loans are volatile, but it also points to the instability of banks, especially leveraged banks, participating in markets. Profit-maximizing behavior by banks creates systemic risk.  相似文献   

将银行破产风险分解为经营不确定性与风险覆盖能力、杠杆风险与资产组合风险,建立动态面板模型并采用2003~2013年中国上市银行的数据和系统广义矩估计方法,分析特许权价值激励银行降低风险承担的途径和方式。研究发现:我国银行特许权价值具有抑制银行风险的自律效应,银行为避免过高风险而遭受监管惩罚或丧失市场资源,保持特许经营条件和优势,将进行积极的风险管理;特许权价值的风险自律效应主要通过促使银行提升风险覆盖能力、降低资产组合风险和杠杆风险来实现。  相似文献   

UK high street banks are continuing to extend the choice of channel through which customers can manage their moneycolon; an obvious example is e-banking. They have been keen to exploit technological advances and changing customer attitudes to alternative channels. Additionally, competition from leaner new market entrants has provided an added incentive to adopt new approaches. In the light of such developments, it is worth reflecting on the changing nature of the bank–customer relationship. This paper suggests that banks are finding it difficult to manage relationships effectively due, in large measure, to the sheer volume of customer data generated by new interactive, technology-based channels. Paradoxically, it seems that the more data banks have about customers the less likely they are to know them on a personal level. It is further suggested that channels such as e-banking potentially reduce the level of personal contact between bank and customer to the extent that a ‘virtual’ relationship develops. This paper concludes that, given the tendency towards ‘virtualisation’, it is inconceivable that bank–customer relationships will become any more intimate in the future. Indeed, a greater degree of personalisation in customer communication may be the very best that banks are able to offer.  相似文献   

While bank capital requirements permit a bank to freely substitute between equity and subordinated debt, lenders and investors view debt and equity as imperfect substitutes. It follows that, after controlling for the level of regulatory capital, the mix of debt in capital isolates the role that the market plays in disciplining banks. I document that the mix of debt in capital affects bank behavior, but only when investors can impose real constraints. In particular, the mix of debt reduces the probability of failure and future distress for BHC-affiliated institutions (where the investor has control rights through an equity position) and for stand-alone banks before the Basel Accord (when debt issues included restrictive covenants). However, substituting equity for subordinated debt at the bank holding company level or in stand-alone banks since the Basel Accord (where the investor has few protections) only increases the probability of distress and failure.  相似文献   

邢会强 《金融论坛》2006,11(5):32-37
内地银行到香港上市将面临新的法律风险。包括商业银行及其员工的违法行为、商业银行经营管理不善以及内地法律政策变化带来的风险。商业银行作为第一责任者应深入学习香港法律和内地法律,提高法律意识;完善公司治理机制和内控机制,强化董事会职能,合法合规经营,防止内幕交易和违规关联交易,防止出现大案要案;制定详细的信息披露制度并严格执行;高度重视投资者关系管理工作等。国家也有责任为商业银行防范法律风险提供环境和政策支持,包括主要以法律手段管理经济;以规范、统一的方式发布政策;提供相应的政策支持,如减轻税负、开展综合经营试点、实施员工激励计划等。  相似文献   

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