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介绍了进境大宗散货水尺计重工作的特点、影响因素及提高进境大宗散货水尺计重结果准确性的方法.以期为检验计重人员从事散货水尺计重工作提高其准确性提供参考.  相似文献   

本文通过分析比较几种近年来广泛应用的智能装备搭载的智能识别技术,研发了一种新型无人船水尺观测平台,具有自主航行、遥控功能、深度学习和图像模糊识别的水尺智能识别装置,实现了全天候、智能化水尺计重,促进了水尺计重工作的发展,提升了水尺计重工作的准确性。  相似文献   

本文通过分析影响船舶水尺计重精度的因素,提出了提高水尺计重精度的对策。  相似文献   

建立水尺计重风险评价系统对船舶进行水尺计重风险评价,在此基础上进行风险管理,有针对性的制定控制措施,保证海运散货衡重的可靠性。采用模糊综合评价法与加权着重法相结合的方法进行水尺计重风险评价,既能兼顾水尺计重风险指标多因素、多层次以及部分指标难以量化的特点,又能克服模糊综合评价法风险衰减的缺点。该系统可以对各风险指标进行单独分析,并且可以实现"预评价",即计算出拟采取措施的效果,确保措施的有效性。  相似文献   

本文主要阐述了AI技术为船舶衡运用提供的技术可能,具体通过AI技术在船舶图表应用、在压载水测量领域应用、在吃水观测领域应用、在船用物料测定领域应用,以及水尺计重结果数据处理领域应用,描绘了未来水尺计重AI时代。  相似文献   

利用Excel电子表格制作软件,结合水尺计重和容量计重工作需要,开发相应的重量鉴定软件系统,改变了传统的重量鉴定工作模式,提高了重量鉴定工作的质量和效率.  相似文献   

漂心的使用是否正确,直接影响到水尺计重的结果是否正确。而在实际中经常会出现漂心符号使用错误这种情况,这主要是由于制表时对船舶纵倾的定义各不相同,导致漂心值的符号使用不正确。大多数的船舶对纵倾的定义是:尾水尺值减首水尺值,但少量的船舶却定义为首水尺值减尾水尺值,而在有关的资料及图表中有时很难找到该船的纵倾定义。现在可以通过对散货船的船体结构进行分析找出其漂心的变化规律,从而确定漂心符号。  相似文献   

水尺计重,俗称"公估",是通过对承运船舶的排水量和船用物料(压载水、淡水、燃料油以及其他船用物料等)的测定,依据船舶的准确图表来计算出载运货物重量的一种重量鉴定方法。作为一种科学的计重方法,现已为国际上所公认,并越来越多地被国内外贸易关系人所采用。  相似文献   

对于同一船货物,其水尺计重的结果和港口衡器鉴重的结果通常不太一致,较大的差异往往会引起不同交接方的纠纷。本文根据在实际工作中遇到的一起进口散装货物重量交接纠纷,对不同计重方式进行分析、比较,寻找原因,分清责任,并对减少纠纷的途径进行探讨。本  相似文献   

针对海运内贸煤炭的水尺计重中现存的问题,通过对两千多只船舶的总结研究,归纳出4个方面关键的技术环节,以求从根本上遏制针对内贸煤炭的不法行为,维护正常的市场秩序。  相似文献   

Chaff cutter is an extensively used machine in Indian rural households to chop fodder for feeding draft and mulch to animals. A survey was conducted in five villages of Ghaziabad district of Uttar Pradesh (a northern state of India) to determine the causal factors responsible for chaff cutter injuries. It was observed that major injuries were caused during children playing with the machine and workers feeding the fodder in to the chute. Further, a survey of chaff cutter manufacturers was conducted to determine the critical dimensions of the machine so that safety interventions could be developed. Based on the survey results and mechanism of injuries, three safety interventions were developed to prevent the injuries. These interventions can be retrofitted on old machines and can be incorporated in new machines as well. Experiments were conducted using different fodder crops to observe difficulty in chaff cutting with the safety interventions. It was observed that incorporation of the interventions had no effect on performance of chaff cutting operation. These were retrofitted on existing machines at different locations and the response was very positive.  相似文献   

粮食流通市场的健康发展需要法律的支持和保障,更需要一部良法的保障。而法律成为良法需要满足很多要件,其中科学的立法技术与合理的立法定位是绕不过去的门槛。《粮食法(征求意见稿)》在规范粮食流通市场方面所作出的努力值得赞赏,但它在立法技术上的瑕疵以及在某些具体制度上立法定位的错位严重影响了该意见稿的生命力。建议粮食流通立法采用更为严谨的立法语言,科学使用援引技术,在具体制度的设计上处理好政府与市场的关系。  相似文献   

对劳动力与劳动的区分是马克思经济理论发展中一个极为重大的问题,也是全部政治经济学中一个极其重要的问题。本文从马克思经济思想发展角度,探讨了马克思经济学区分劳动力与劳动的历史过程,认为以1857年为分界线可将马克思劳动力商品理论发展划分为前后两个阶段。在早期阶段,马克思尚未将劳动力与劳动区分开来;在1857~1858年《经济学手稿》中第一次对劳动力与劳动的区分作了较为科学完整的阐述;在后期阶段,马克思深入探讨了劳动力与劳动的区分以及与资本相交换过程中的内在联系,论述了工人出卖劳动能力与劳动本身以及与工资的关系。文章提出,研究马克思劳动力商品理论要注意对早期和后期马克思有关劳动力和劳动的论述及不同表达方式有不同的理解。  相似文献   

WTO规则谈判工作组的主席加尔米斯先生于2007年11月30日公布了一份有关《反倾销协定》的修订草案,这是多哈回合反倾销规则谈判所取得的最新成果,同时也构成了下一阶段谈判的基础和出发点。该草案在归零法、因果关系认定、反规避、日落复审等方面提出了重要的修订意见,并试图协调成员方的不同立场和利益。我们应理性地评估该草案的意义。  相似文献   

In a draft recommendation, National Competitiveness Boards should be established which inter alia should monitor the developments in labour costs. The German and European Trade Unions have refused this proposal strictly. Here, as a way out, an alternative proposal is presented extending the agenda to the macroeconomic development and policy as a whole. In implementing the agenda, social partners should be included together with the other macroeconomic actors such as monetary and fiscal policy in a Macroeconomic Dialogue forum on both the national and Eurozone levels.  相似文献   

On August 30 2007, after more than a decade of legislative efforts, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), China's top legislature, completed its third official reading of the draft Anti-monopoly Law (AML) and formally adopted it as thecountry's first comprehensive competition law. The Anti-monopoly Law will become effective on 1 August 2008, to guard against monopolistic conduct, safeguard competition, improve economic efficiency, protect public and consumer interests, and promote the healthy development of the socialist market economy. After 13 years of debate, the final adoption of the AML marks an important step toward an effective competition regime in China's move toward a market economy. This article introduces the history of China's Anti-monopoly Law, summarizes some of its key provisions, highlights some of the major improvements on the June 2007 draft, and discusses the major implications for foreign companies doing business in China.  相似文献   

出版业竞争激烈,学报面临着经费不足、稿源缺乏等挑战,促进学报可持续发展是很多办刊人思考的问题。以本校资源为立足点,考虑如何做到把握好稿源关,把握好质量关及做好出版之外的工作,在办刊过程中坚持"资源节约型,环境友好型",促进学报的可持续发展。  相似文献   

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