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肖崎 《财经论丛》2006,(6):35-41
近年来,提高货币政策的透明度正在成为一个国际趋势。本文从如何度量货币政策透明度的角度出发,介绍了国外关于货币政策透明度评估体系的研究,通过建立透明度指数来量化货币政策的透明度,以及对不同国家透明度进行评估和实证检验。文章还对目前透明度度量方法中的不足和改进进行了简要评析。  相似文献   

徐平 《价格月刊》2010,(9):55-58
通过采用广义货币政策透明度的概念,把货币政策透明度分为:目标透明度、决策透明度、信息透明度和行为透明度,并论述了中国人民银行从1984年专门行使中央银行职能以来提高货币政策透明度的实践,最后分析了货币政策透明度的效应并运用宏观经济指标检验了我国货币政策透明度的效应,得出货币政策透明度的提高有助于货币政策效应的提高。  相似文献   

本文从介绍货币政策透明度的内涵入手,探讨了提高货币政策的透明度的方法,然后分析了货币政策透明度的作用及局限,最后针对我国货币政策透明度问题提出相关建议。  相似文献   

本文从介绍货币政策透明度的内涵入手,探讨了提高货币政策的透明度的方法,然后分析了货币政策透明度的作用及局限,最后针对我国货币政策透明度问题提出相关建议.  相似文献   

本文基于E&G指标体系打分法研究中国的最优货币政策透明度问题。通过研究发现中国在货币政策透明度方面努力的目标并不是让E&G体系中的所有指标都透明,而是要结合中国的实际情况把握好货币政策透明度中的"度",即找出符合中国国情的最优货币政策透明度。  相似文献   

本文首先阐述了货币政策透明度的内涵、产生的理论背景及其有效性研究,然后介绍了国外中央银行几种透明度做法,并对我国货币政策透明度问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

本文基于2004-2012年中国A股上市公司样本,系统考察了货币政策对企业信贷期限结构之影响,以及信息透明度所具有的调节效应.研究发现:货币政策越紧缩,企业信贷期限结构越短,而信息透明度能够在一定程度上缓解银根紧缩的冲击;深入分析排除了政府干预、大股东控制、成长性与企业信贷需求等潜在干扰因素的影响.本文研究表明,货币政策对企业信贷融资的影响主要由供给主导,而非需求方的主动选择,同时阐明了信息透明度在信贷资源配置中发挥的重要作用,对深化我国银行业市场化改革具有重要启示.  相似文献   

文章分析了中央银行言行一致的行为记录和良好的反通胀成绩等行为特征与央行独立性和透明度等制度特征对货币政策可信度的影响,以及这两类特征因素的关系;对中国央行独立性和透明度进行了评价和国际比较,并分析了提升我国货币政策信誉的体制改革路径。基本结论是:(1)行为特征是决定公众对央行政策信任程度的最直接因素,但体制特征是决定货币政策信誉最根本的主导性因素;(2)与主要的发达国家相比,我国央行的独立性和透明度还相对较低;(3)由于我国政治制度、经济金融基础和社会文化环境的特殊性,应该把中央银行体制改革的重心放在增强央行透明性而不是独立性上。  相似文献   

我国货币当局在调整利率、存款准备金率等重大货币政策决策上,更多地采用了较为模糊的操作方式,这种操作目标上的不明朗将导致市场预期混乱,使货币政策调控的作用下降,时滞成本和监督成本上升,并且有可能导致金融风险的产生。针对这些情况,本文将重点研究货币政策操作透明度下的通货膨胀目标问题,建议建立一个更为简单透明的政策操作框架,以保证货币政策操作的效果。  相似文献   

通过考察金融市场参与者的行为变化或分析市场利率在政策公告后的变化趋势,可以间接对货币政策透明度进行度量;利用相应的货币政策透明度检验模型和我国金融市场的利率数据进行检验,可知我国中央银行在基准利率调整和准备金率改变等重大的政策决策上,货币当局更倾向于采用模糊的政策操作方式,由此会导致市场预期的混乱,并最终对政策实施效果产生负面影响,因此,我国有必要借鉴西方国家的政策操作经验,进一步增加政策操作方面的透明度,并借以最终建立一个简单透明、效率更高的政策调控框架。  相似文献   

The Fed's credibility regarding control of inflation helps to anchor public expectations of price stability. This makes the Fed's actions more predictable in any given set of circumstances and thus strengthens the monetary policy transmission mechanism and shortens policy lags. The importance of the Fed's credibility can be illustrated by the consequences of its absence in the 1970s. This paper discusses the roots of the Fed's current credibility: a systematic approach to controlling inflation, transparency of its policy decisions, and timely communication of the decisions and the considerations upon which they are based. The paper also discusses areas in which there is room for further improvement. It argues that the most important future step would be to adopt specific inflation targets. Such a step would not only enhance credibility, it would help to focus policy-making itself. While there are some risks to establishing specific numerical targets, these risks can be managed and are outweighed by the benefits of explicit targets. JEL Classification E58  相似文献   

美国由于对资产价格做出的货币政策滞后给经济带来了很大负面影响,我国也应该认识到积极的财政政策和货币政策会带来资产价格泡沫隐患,尤其是房地产泡沫问题应该受到关注。现阶段货币政策调控房地产市场面临着放松调控将导致房地产泡沫卷土重来,过度调控会阻碍经济的持续发展,微观主体预期对货币政策有效性构成挑战,基层中央银行落实政策难到住等问题。完善我国货币政策调控体系就要增强货币政策的连续性、一致性和透明度,防止心理预期的变化引起房地产价格的震荡,还要加强一般性货币政策与选择性货币政策之间的配合以及货币政策与其他调控政策的配合。  相似文献   

The European Central Bank has often been accused of lacking transparency in the conduct of its monetary policy. This article analyses the theoretical strategy of the ECB and compares it with the policy actually pursued. Conclusions are drawn and recommendations made for future policy.  相似文献   

Several legislative efforts are under way that aim to impose greater congressional oversight of and influence on the monetary policy decision making of the Federal Reserve System. Some of these initiatives might do little harm or even make marginal improvements. But others pose more serious threats to the operational independence of monetary policy. Proposals to require the Federal Reserve to frame monetary policy decisions according to a mathematical formula imply a concrete simplicity of policy that is inaccurate and misleading. And the reporting requirements associated with these proposals threaten to negate the major advantage of monetary policy as a countercyclical weapon—speed. Proposals to subject the non-monetary policy functions of the Fed to the appropriations process provide Congress with additional leverage that could be used to apply pressure to monetary policy decisions. For its part, the Fed should continue to increase transparency through more timely and complete release of relevant information and analysis. To best promote the objectives of stable prices and maximum employment, the operational independence of the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy decision making needs to be preserved and protected.  相似文献   

Citizen engagement (involvement of everyday citizens in policy decisions) is now seen as a major component of governance and policy making. Government transparency is a central tenet of citizen engagement. This study was sought by Health Canada in order to learn from citizen groups in other countries about the nature and degree of transparency related to food and health product review in their country. Health Canada anticipated learning from their experiences and perceptions so that it could increase the transparency of its own review and regulatory process. The opinions of a cross‐section of stakeholders in the United States, the European Union (especially the UK), Australia and New Zealand, solicited via an e‐mail survey, were analysed. The results clearly indicate that, in general, respondents do not feel that their food and health product review system is transparent. These opinions varied depending on which of the seven dimensions of transparency was being examined. Of the 64 recommendations tendered for increasing government transparency, the 32 suggestions for improving their own systems were quite different from the 32 made for Health Canada to consider. Collectively, they provide rich insights into the refinement and clarification of the food and health product review process.  相似文献   

Transparency is a crucial condition to implement a CSR policy based on the reputation mechanism. The central question of this contribution is how a transparency policy ought to be organised in order to enhance the CSR behaviour of companies. Governments endorsing CSR as a new means of governance have different strategies to foster CSR transparency. In this paper we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of two conventional policy strategies: the facilitation policy and the command and control strategy. Using three criteria (efficiency, freedom and virtue) we conclude that both strategies are defective. Most attention is paid to the facilitation strategy since governments nowadays mainly use this. In evaluating this strategy we analyse the Dutch case. As an alternative we introduce a third government policy: the development of a self-regulating sub-system. By construing an analogy with the historical development of corporate financial disclosure, we point out that the vital step in the creation of a self-regulating subsys- tem is the creation of strong informational intermediate organisations.  相似文献   

近年来,西方国家在货币政策操作中逐渐利用告示效应来实现其政策利率目标,在告示效应对经济变量施加影响的作用机制中,中央银行的信誉度、责任性及透明度状况起了重要作用;相比传统的公开市场操作,告示效应具有影响直接、效果明显和操作成本低的优点;基于此,我国有必要在货币政策操作中强化告示效应的影响机制,以建立一个更为简明有效的货币政策操作框架.  相似文献   

In 2006 and 2007,China further lowered its tariff rate,increased market access to trade in services,and enhanced the transparency of its trade policy.  相似文献   

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