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由于我国的工商管理涉及的地域较为广泛,而且业务流程极其复杂繁琐,尤其是基层工商管理部门,面对的营业户口不仅数量巨大,而且区域也十分广泛。所以,这就对我国的工商管理信息系统提出了较高的要求,需要为工商管理部门提供完善而科学的管理。因此,可以通过GIS来进行电子信息管理。文中就如何设计出基于GIS的工商管理信息系统进行了讨论。  相似文献   

高久川  莫宇亭  吴振林  祁静 《价值工程》2012,31(32):167-168
随着我国市场经济体制的不断改革以及与世界经济的逐步接轨,如何依据工程所在国的税务及财务管理法规,研究适应所在国的税务及外账管理应对策略,成为中国石油企业境外税务及外账业务管理的重点。本文主要就印尼公司在印度尼西亚境内相关承包工程项目的税务管理模式和具体内容结合本人在国际项目的经验谈谈石油跨国公司如何在印度尼西亚对公司所涉税务及外账业务进行有效的管理。  相似文献   

一、引言 美国管理科学专家曾于上个世纪80年代初提出了并进行系统研究的一种决策分析理论—能力集分析(Competence Set Analysis)。能力集分析作为一门应用性很强的决策分析科学,在企业能力、动态战略决策等领域有着广泛的应用,包括企业业务外包决策。  相似文献   

This article builds on the existing literature on ‘country of origin’ effects on the management of human resources in multinational corporations (MNCs). It adopts a relational perspective in order to examine how actors at different levels within multinationals develop identities, and how these interact. Exploring the different sets of relations present within MNCs highlights two major areas in which the existing literature is deficient: first, a more integrated perspective on country effects within MNCs is dependent on an understanding of the potential for firms to strategically segment HR policies; second, more consideration needs to be given to the potential separation, either full or partial, of country of ownership and country of management effects, in order to reach a more realistic analysis of how national business systems shape international HRM.  相似文献   

浅析对事业单位财务会计的管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘艳云 《价值工程》2011,30(16):151-152
随着市场经济的发展,我国现行事业单位财务会计管理出现了许多与现行事业单位会计业务不相适应的地方,因此事业单位应该不断调整会计处理原则和方法,使之与不断发展的经济业务相适应。本文就事业单位财务会计管理现状及存在的问题进行了深入的剖析,并就如何加强事业单位财务会计管理提出了可行性的意见和建议。  相似文献   

In Japan, a new type of human resource management (HRM) practices called ‘performance-based HRM practices’ (seika-shugi in Japanese) emerged in the 1990s, and has been adopted by many Japanese firms. In this paper, I illustrate how these type of practices emerged as a management fashion, diffused across a large number of Japanese firms, and became institutionalized in the Japanese business context; and discuss the relationship between performance-based HRM practices and firm performance. This illustration is used to develop a theoretical framework to better understand the relationship between HRM practices and firm performance by integrating theories of management fashions, institutionalization and strategic HRM. Suggestions for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

白华  张恺 《物流科技》2004,27(6):93-94
财务管理是企业管理的一部分,是有关资金的获得和有效使用的管理工作。财务管理的目标,取决于企业的总目标。在我国,企业财务管理的目标应该是企业价值最大化,即企业所有者权益最大、企业劳动者权益最大和企业所负社会责任最大的最佳组合。在选择企业财务管理目标时,不应仅仅局限于某一个利益集团,而应综合考虑到与企业相关的各个方面的利益。  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of contemporary business practices within the American business system on established patterns of industrial relations (IR) management in European subsidiaries of US multinationals, specifically how established firm‐level settlements for the management of IR may or may not combine with host‐country effects to constrain such innovations. The empirical material leads us to evaluate subsidiaries of US multinationals as a contingent factor indicating that institutional effects at the level of the national business system are likely to be more embedded than the effects of ownership on employment and IR at firm level.  相似文献   

年度金融家2008年10月,他被纽约联储主席盖特纳、纽约市市长彭博比作和巴菲特一样重要,给人气低迷的华尔街注入了一剂强心针;同样在这个月,他大手笔地在国内银行业创下了史  相似文献   

面对各具特色的理财模式,如何将其模型化与标准化.从业务范围、单据构成、流程模板、账表支持、使用步骤与初始余额6大方面研究商贸经典、商贸仓管、商贸商务、财贸一体和财贸专业5大理财模型的关键过程、实现步骤、内部控制与系统实施的关联性、差异性和递进关系,进而实现理财模型的标准化.  相似文献   

李鹏 《价值工程》2012,31(36):54-55
随着社会经济的不断发展,我国的电力业也正高速发展。电力业扩报装作为电力企业联系客户的重要渠道,对国家及人民的生产和生活都有着至关重要的作用。业扩报装的工作质量影响着企业的服务质量和形象,要提高公司的效益,就需要加强业扩报装管理工作。本文对我国电力业扩报装管理工作的意义及存在的问题,并对此提出了一些建设性的建议,以期提高我国电力业的管理,促进电力企业及国民经济的发展。  相似文献   

汪曙 《基建优化》2007,28(1):58-60
我国建筑企业普遍缺乏完善有效的人力资源管理模式,导致技术人才流失,造成人力资源浪费,使企业处于不利的局面,文章对当前我国建设企业技术人员的现状和问题进行了较深入的分析,针对建筑企业技术人员如何建立有效的人力资源管理模式提出了一些方法。  相似文献   

应收账款是销售的产物,是企业营运资金管理的一项重要内容。应收账款管理直接影响企业营运资金的周转和经济效益。如何管理应收账款,已经成为企业管理中不容回避的一个重要问题,也是困扰企业的一个重要问题。文章阐述了应收账款的定义与管理的必要性,分析了建筑设计企业对其管理的现状、存在的问题,并指出了加强管理的对策与思路。  相似文献   

This paper examines how norms develop and influence the planning of technological and organizational change. A case study highlights the influences of a broadly held management innovation as it is introduced into an existing organizational culture, demonstrating how norms play a role in attempts to introduce technical and management innovations. In the case, three sources of normative structuring—business process re-engineering, the consultant, and the target organization's business environment—converged to create new rules defining how to conceptualize the problem space, the appropriate ways to approach problems, who had actionable authority and how ideas were to be expressed. The emergent normative context trapped the group in a malfunctioning process and eliminated opportunities to question the process or to suggest alternative directions. This case highlights how analyzing normative systems holds promise to improve scholarly understanding of organizational technologies and to refine managerial tools for technological and organizational innovation.  相似文献   

胡服 《价值工程》2014,(23):164-166
新差旅费管理办法的出台极大地规范了云南省高校公务出差的管理,提高了公务出差的实效性,是全面深化改革,特别是深化教育领域综合改革、加快推进教育治理体系和治理能力现代化的重大举措。如何更好更规范地执行新差旅费管理办法是当前我省高校急待解决的问题。本文结合新旧差旅费管理办法和云南省高校实际,对新差旅费管理办法"三提两严一放"进行了详细解读,并提出了云南省高校在制定本校相关差旅费管理实施细则或实施办法时应当明确的事项,供高校同仁参考。  相似文献   

Drawing upon the research in institutional theory and comparative capitalism, the present study investigates how cross-national differences in the political, business, and economic institutional contexts of the United States, Italy, and Japan are associated with the ways in which companies in each of these countries prioritize and engage in their stakeholder engagement activities (SEAs). Using Porter and Kramer's framework, which classifies corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities as falling into four categories (good citizenship, mitigating harm from value chain, transforming value chain activities, and strategic philanthropy), we investigate how companies in the United States, Japan, and Italy prioritize and engage in these four SEAs. An analysis of data collected from 340 companies across these countries reveals that while companies in each of these three countries undertake the four types of SEAs, the prioritization and prevalence of the four types of SEAs vary from one country to the other, in ways that align with the prevailing institutional contexts of each country. The results contribute to a more nuanced understanding of why and how companies' approaches to CSR differ across countries. From a practitioner's perspective, the findings highlight the cultural specificity of CSR, implying that despite the global nature of CSR, the implementation of CSR needs to be tailored to a country's context.  相似文献   

Parent country nationals (PCNs) have traditionally played an important role in international business by transferring knowledge to overseas subsidiaries. Based on a case study of an Australian manufacturer in Asia, this study shows how the knowledge gap between PCNs and host country nationals (HCNs) represents a barrier to knowledge transfer. This paper uses Polanyi's (1962) tacit triangle construct to examine the nature of this knowledge gap, and discusses how it affects the relationship between PCNs and HCNs. It develops a framework explaining how PCNs can adapt their role in response to the knowledge gap.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on employee performance management (PM) to explore how multinational enterprises (MNEs) localise their human resources within their subsidiaries in a developing country. It uses qualitative research methods to examine four US and four Japanese MNEs operating in Vietnam. The paper identifies both home and host country effects as significant factors in the transfer of MNEs' PM policies and practices. The US firms emphasised financial and non-financial measurements and utilised a wide range of PM management tools and techniques. These techniques, despite being unfamiliar in Vietnam and possibly considered incompatible with Vietnamese culture, were transferred successfully to the Vietnamese subsidiaries. The Japanese firms' PM approach was characterised by a more informal form of regular performance review, within a strictly top-down process and which suffered from accusations of bias and lack of transparency by Vietnamese respondents. This paper argues that the transitional period in Vietnam from a centrally planned economy to a market-oriented one has made the national business system more receptive to new and seemingly contrasting practices. It provides no evidence to support the argument that transfer of practices is more likely, where the cultures of the countries involved are relatively similar.  相似文献   

This paper consists of two parts. First, constant-price Japan–US intercountry input–output (IO) tables are compiled, based on Japan–US IO tables of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) for 1985 and 1990, and the relative producer prices of both countries, which are estimated by the ‘peeling off’ method from OECD purchasing power parity data. Second, a factor decomposition analysis is carried out to show changes in Japan–US economic interdependence between 1985 and 1990. The Leontief inverse matrices of intercountry IO tables are decomposed into three matrices, which reflect domestic repercussion effects, spillover effects to the other country and feedback effects of own final demand from the other country. Then, a traditional decomposition analysis of changes in production for both countries is applied to see how both countries' economic interdependence changed. It is found that Japan–US economic interdependence moved from a pattern of Japan's dependence on the US to an almost equally interdependent pattern, although the degree of dependence was still higher in Japan in 1990. At the same time, there are significant industrial structural changes in the relationship between both countries, as a result of the significant appreciation of the yen relative to the dollar from 1985 to 1990.  相似文献   

我国快递业经过近30年的快速发展,先前推动快递业快速发展的经营模式已经越来越难以适应市场竞争的需要,进行战略转型,引入新的发展模式势在必行。文中根据熊彼特创新理论,结合我国快递业现状及存在的问题,提出我国快递业战略转型的方向是由传统粗放型管理模式向品牌经营模式的转型,并对如何建立品牌经营模式进行了详细的阐述。  相似文献   

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