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境外战略投资者参股中资银行与中国金融安全   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
近期,关于引入境外战略投资者是否会影响中国金融安全的讨论颇多,但研究者在讨论时所使用的金融安全概念较为模糊,不利于正确理解两者之间关系。本文从界定金融安全的概念入手,澄清了金融安全的学术含义及当前人们所关心的金融安全问题,之后对目前引进战略投资者的情况进行介绍,通过对我国的引资政策和相关数据的深度分析得出结论,认为不应该对中国金融安全过分担忧,而阻碍通过引入境外战略投资者促进银行业改革的战略。  相似文献   

从引入境外战略投资者看国有银行改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在国有商业银行纷纷将引入境外战略投资者列上日程并已付诸实施的时候,国有银行引 入境外战略投资者的必要性就成为了一个备具争议性的话题。人们在问,引入战略投资者为何成为了 中国国有商业银行的改革必经之路?为何此次银行业改革着重引入境外战略投资者而不向民间资本开 放?我们是否在贱卖银行?境外战略投资者的引入能在多大程度上帮助实现国有银行改革的目标?中 国银行业将为此面临什么样的新风险?“以开放促改革”的经验是否也同样适用于国有银行的改革? 种种疑问,需要讨论,需要得到解答。为此。本刊将“从引入境外战略投资者看国有银行改革”作为 本期名家论坛的主题,希望专家们的见解能够解开这种种疑问。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国信托业市场竞争的日益加剧,我国信托公司越来越多地通过引入战略投资者,特别是境外战略投资者来改善其公司治理机制以提高自身绩效。本文以2004-2015年我国11家引入境外战略投资者的信托公司为研究样本,对我国信托公司引入境外战略投资者前后的特征进行了比较研究后发现,引入境外战略投资者后,信托公司在公司治理、盈利性以及资产规模方面优于引入前,表现为作为第一大股东的地方政府持股比例的下降,以及公司整体的盈利能力和资产规模的提升。除此之外,与传统观点认为的境外战略投资者较易通过董事会参与公司治理不同的是,其更多的是通过完善治理结构即信托委员会的设立来产生积极影响。  相似文献   

随着我国金融开放步伐的加快和银行业改革的深入,大量境外战略投资者入股我国城市商业银行,这将对银行绩效产生影响。文中以上海银行为例加以分析,以期对其他商业银行是否引入战略投资者起到借鉴作用。  相似文献   

目前,我国银行领域出现了一个十分引人瞩目的现象:大中小商业银行通过出让部分股权,纷纷引进境外战略投资者,形成了商业银行引入战略投资者热潮。从理论上来说,商业银行积极引入境外战略投资者,不仅意在帮助实现股权结构的多样化,提高资本充足率,帮助银行境外募资上市,还在于可以促进我国中资商业银行改善公司治理结构、不断完善和促进中资商业银行风险管理和内部控制、提高商业银行业务和产品创新能力、促进中资银行国际化水平的提升、进一步强化国有商业银行的经营约束机制。境外战略投资者入股中资银行后是否能够帮助完善商业银行公司治理,这将成为本文的研究重点。  相似文献   

中国商业银行越来越多地通过引入战略投资者,特别是境外战略投资者来完善公司治理机制,提高银行绩效。研究如何引入并发挥境外战略投资者的作用具有重要的实践价值。该文通过建立商业银行与境外战略投资者的混合博弈模型,分析二者实施不同策略下的混合策略纳什均衡,并进一步构建委托代理模型,比较分析了资金股权交易模式与股权互换交易模式,得出利益目标冲突与信息不对称问题影响境外战略投资者履行其合作者义务意愿的结论。  相似文献   

引入境外战略投资者与银行效率问题研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
境外战略投资者参股给一国商业银行带来的绩效变化,主要体现于境外战略投资者的进入对商业银行公司治理的改善效应.外资银行的进入引入了新的技术和专业技能,从而增加了当地客户可获得的金融产品数量,因此外资银行的存在提高了效率并促进了国内金融市场的发展.  相似文献   

自2003年以来,中资商业银行开始了与境外机构投资者全方位的股权合作.在金融改革的大背景下,中资银行通过引入境外战略投资者,有利于提高资本充足率,改善资本结构,同时借鉴国际银行先进管理经验、技术和方法,优化公司治理机制,强化风险管理和内部控制机制,从而提升自身盈利能力和竞争力.但是,商业银行同时也要意识到引入战略投资者带来的潜在的经营风险,始终坚持"适当限制,有序进入"的原则.  相似文献   

论国有银行引入外国战略投资者   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
国有商业银行在股份制改造中是否需要引入外国战略投资者。国有商业银行资产是否被贱卖,是否会影响国家金融安全,国有商业银行能否真正学到外国战略投资者的先进技术与管理经验,已成为当前中国金融界争议最大的热点问题。本文主要对国有银行引入战略投资者的相关争议进行分析。  相似文献   

国有商业银行在股份制改造中是否需要引入外国战略投资者.国有商业银行资产是否被贱卖,是否会影响国家金融安全,国有商业银行能否真正学到外国战略投资者的先进技术与管理经验,已成为当前中国金融界争议最大的热点问题.本文主要对国有银行引入战略投资者的相关争议进行分析.  相似文献   

公司反收购是现代公司控制权争夺过程中的必然现象,虽然有争议,但如果给予必要的法律约束,它对解决优化资源配置问题有巨大的促进作用。反收购措施起源于美国,美国历史上围绕收购与反收购的案例构成了美国反收购立法的重要组成部分。美国反收购实践展示了多种可能性,其中引人注目的是股东权利计划,又称“毒丸计划”,它已为我国的盛大网络公司对新浪公司的收购所采用,但在法理上股东权利计划并没有得到很好的研究和解释。本文主要针对美国公司反收购实践中的毒丸计划进行研究,从而论证毒丸计划在法律上的有效性。  相似文献   

We analyse the evolution of mortality rates in Spain by age and gender between 1990 and 2018. We compare municipalities, ranked by socio‐economic status (SES) and grouped into bins of similar population size, to study changes not only in levels but also in inequality in mortality across the SES spectrum. We document large decreases in mortality rates throughout the period for all age groups, including children, even after 2000, and continuing after the Great Recession. These declines are stronger for boys and men, who had higher mortality rates to begin with. We find that inequality in mortality across municipalities was low among the young by 2018, while it was higher among adult men and older women. Inequality in fact increased over the period for older men. We explore the role of different causes of death and find that this increase in inequality is driven by stronger improvements in cancer‐related mortality among men living in richer areas. These improvements are not found among women, given their increases in mortality due to lung cancer.  相似文献   

We examine performance persistence in the large and growing Brazilian equity fund market from 2000 to 2012. We find a significant risk-adjusted spread between a portfolio of top- and bottom-performing funds, which supports the idea that performance persists. This spread remains after controlling for market, size, distress, and momentum risk factors and tends to be larger and more significant for a set of small and retail funds. The spread is mostly driven by the underperformance of the bottom decile of funds, which is consistent with the existence of some fund managers with insufficient skills to recover investment costs.  相似文献   

Life insurance companies generate profits primarily with life insurance and disability protection. Individual risk assessment serves to avoid adverse selection. The assessment of medical risks is based generally on the classification requirements of the reinsurance companies. For this reason the reinsurers provide the primary insurance companies with classification manuals. The manuals from the reinsurers differ only slightly. By means of three examples (heart diseases, cancer and HIV) the development for the last 30 years of underwriting in medical risks is explained in this article.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The paper presents evidence from UK rights issues on the discounts at which large blocks of new shares plus rights are sold. The shares are renounced by the shareholders entitled to them and placed with passive investors at substantial discounts of around 8% to the expected ex-rights midpoint price of the existing shares. Tests indicate that the discounts arise because of uncertainty about issuer value and inelastic demand for the shares rather than because the issuing companies are overvalued. The finding that selling renounced shares is costly removes an apparent advantage of rights issues compared with open offers and private placings.  相似文献   

M Peltoniemi  P Kess 《Futures》2004,36(8):853-867
In Northern Finland, information and communication technology, biotechnology, environmental technology and wellness technology have been subjects of special interest in recent times. These technologies are believed to create competence and bring welfare to the area. The aim of this study was to produce possible, probable and desirable pictures of the future for discussion and debate, and for use in strategic processes in different organisations. The idea was to explore the future based on experts’ opinions. The article discusses not only the technologies the experts saw as attractive and credible but also the issues they believed to be directing the development of the technologies in question.  相似文献   

The theme of this article is the future of learning in public organizations. It outlines a way of thinking that might underpin learning, and argues that, by the year 2010, public organizations could develop a radical approach to organizational learning that would make the concept more meaningful in their everyday practice. This approach is based on various shifts in the ways in which management is thought about and enacted. These changes are a movement away from the idea of 'the public manager' to a more relational notion: 'management in public'. The author explains what 'management in public' means, and discusses how it can be put into practice in order to transform learning in public organizations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the role of eight commodity futures in asset allocation in China during the period January 2004–December 2015. The Chinese commodities and stocks are moderately correlated. We use quantile regressions based on a value-at-risk model to examine the relation between these two markets. We find no risk spillovers between the markets, suggesting that stocks and commodities in China are exposed to different risks. Using different asset allocation strategies, we show that including soymeal and soybeans in the Chinese stock index can offer some diversification gains. However, other Chinese commodities may not be useful for portfolio diversification.  相似文献   

The increasing frequency and intensity of recent floods and their economic, social, and political impacts created a situation in Hungary where flood management strategies need urgent reconsideration. Research suggests that in the case of natural disasters of uncertain and changing character, public education, information, participation, and cooperation are particularly important tools for coping. Drawing on the data collected by two recent empirical studies, this paper investigates state-of-the-art public involvement in flood control activities in Hungary. Results of a questionnaire survey and a series of semistructured interviews conducted in three flood basins of the Tisza river indicate that although the highly centralized system of flood control, and especially its strong financial background, a characteristic of state socialism, has significantly weakened since the political transition, forms of public participation, which could reduce the risk by building on a more conscious and responsible attitude of the citizens, have not developed yet. Paternalist and elitist attitudes prevail on the part of the authorities, contributing to the passivity of the public. There are signs, however, that in certain places, local government leaders take responsibility for building communication networks to raise public awareness and mobilize the public more effectively.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the sources of volatility persistence in Euro Area money market interest rates and the existence of linkages relating volatility dynamics. The main findings of the study are as follows. Firstly, there is evidence of stationary long memory, of similar degree, in all series. Secondly, there is evidence of fractional cointegration relationships relating all series, except the overnight rate. The common long memory factor analysis points to a two-factor volatility curve. The most important factor, in terms of proportion of total variance explained, can be interpreted as a level factor (64% of total variance), while the other as a slope factor (13% of total variance). Impulse response analysis and forecast error variance decomposition finally point to non significant forward transmission of liquidity shocks.  相似文献   

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