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本文利用CHARLS全国调查数据,通过Probit模型检验了金融可得性对农户适度规模经营的影响。研究结果表明:一方面,正规金融和非正规金融都能显著提高农户从事适度规模经营的概率,且正规金融的影响效应更大;但另一方面,无论是融资数量还是资金来源,非正规金融都是农户融资的主要渠道,正规金融对农户融资存在着严重的供给约束,金融需求与供给的脱节成为农户转变生产经营模式的重要障碍。因此要持续推进我国农村土地的适度规模经营就必须创新农村金融市场,提升金融机构服务能力,提高农户的金融可得性。  相似文献   

本文以农户金融需求为视角,采用问卷入户调查方式,从农户融资的现实需求和农户信贷供给的现状入手,探究农户资金需求及其约束条件,分析探讨金融支持农户增收、优化农村金融体系,降低农户融资成本的发展途径。  相似文献   

本文首先回顾了农村金融与农户融资制度的有关理论,并指出我国农户融资制度变迁的实质是城市利益导向下的金融抑制与金融约束并行的行政管制与操纵,最后从研究范式、研究结论、原因与政策主张归纳总结了国内学者实证研究的主要成果,并作简要评价。  相似文献   

基于交易费用视角,采用农户入户调查数据,研究农户意愿融资渠道偏好和实际融资渠道选择的影响因素。实证结果表明:信息搜寻费用显著影响农户意愿融资渠道与实际融资渠道;交通成本作为借贷交易的客观费用,显著影响实际融资渠道,对于意愿融资渠道的影响则不显著;利息费用作为借贷交易的显性费用,人情支出作为借贷交易的隐性费用,直接影响农户意愿融资渠道和实际融资渠道;借贷频率越高,农户的意愿和实际选择更倾向于正规融资渠道。上述研究结论的政策启示是:第一,政府部门、正规金融机构要更加关注农户的社会资本,充分发挥农村社会资本的信息传递作用,降低农户借贷交易费用;第二,要扩大农村地区金融机构服务网点、金融自助服务设备、农村金融服务站的覆盖面,提升农村信贷服务供给质量;第三,要加强农村金融知识教育,引导农户充分利用正规融资渠道满足融资需求;第四,要正视农村地区非正规金融的存在及其作用,引导非正规金融与正规金融相互补充、共同发展。  相似文献   

本文首先回顾了农村金融与农户融资制度的有关理论,并指出我国农户融资制度变迁的实质是城市利益导向下的金融抑制与金融约束并行的行政管制与操纵,最后从研究范式、研究结论、原因与政策主张归纳总结了国内学者实证研究的主要成果,并作简要评价.  相似文献   

农村金融研究核心议题之一是农户融资行为特征问题。农户在自身积累、民间融资、正规金融机构融资等多种融资来源选择中,哪些因素影响着农户融资选择行为?同时,农户融资选择是否存在一定的融资次序?本研究应用2007年人民银行委托国家统计局在全国10省区调查获得的2万份调查问卷数据,进行了系统地实证研究。实证研究表明:(1)中国农户外出务工获得非农收入对农户借贷具有很强的替代性;(2)民间互助性借贷对正规金融机构贷款具有较强的替代性,而东部和中部相对发达地区对民间互助性借贷意愿更为强烈;(3)中国农户融资显著偏向内源融资,这集中反映了中国农户借贷行为具有道义小农假说的特点;同时,农户对商业性金融和互助性金融两种外源融资之间选择并不存在显著差异,两者之间存在选择的替代均衡。  相似文献   

本文利用1994-2008年的相关数据,借助协整分析、Granger因果检验对农村金融规模、农村金融效率与农户收入增长、收入分配关系进行了实证研究.结果表明:农村金融规模的扩张并没有导致农户收入的增长,农村金融规模扩张不是农户收入增长的格兰杰原因;农村金融效率的提高是农户收入增长的格兰杰原因.农村金融规模扩张和金融效率提高导致农村基尼系数下降,农村金融规模扩张和金融效率提高是缩小农户收入差距的格兰杰原因.  相似文献   

农村金融排斥问题始终制约着农村经济的发展,而中西部金融排斥问题更为严重。基于此,通过建立Logistic回归模型从中西部农村农户的视角对农村金融排斥发生的影响因素进行实证分析,结论认为农户家庭供养比、家庭土地面积、家庭负债、农户的社会关系以及是否考虑从亲友处借款是造成农户主观性金融排斥发生的显著因素。最后,从农户之间加强内部联动,农村金融机构提升服务质量,政府增加农村金融机构数量供给,建立包容性金融体系等四个方面提出对策分析。  相似文献   

引入关系型融资,可以为破解农村领域的融资困境提供一个全新的思路。论文基于对关系型融资的内涵、效应、组织基础及外部环境等内容的理论考察和对农村金融运行特征的概括分析,进而提出,应将关系型融资的理念引入农村金融领域,充分发挥正式金融与非正式金融这两种不同制度安排的比较优势,重新构建一个从农户——农村金融机构——非正式放贷人——农户之间的内生性农村金融运行机制。  相似文献   

杨晓燕  夏咏  王钰 《武汉金融》2022,(10):51-59
提高农户个体的主观能动性对破解农户融资困境以及助推农户创业具有重要的现实意义。本文利用中国家庭追踪调查数据,通过构建“软信息-金融借贷-农户创业”的理论框架,结合Logistic模型和逐步回归法等,从金融借贷的中介视角实证检验了软信息对农户创业的影响。实证结果表明:社会网络、人格特征和风险态度均显著正向影响农户创业,正规借贷显著促进农户创业,而民间借贷对农户创业无显著影响;社会网络、人格特征和风险态度通过影响农户正规借贷进而促进农户创业,正规借贷起到部分中介效应,而民间借贷在该路径中不存在中介效应。鉴于此,本文认为要从源头上推动农户经济发展理念更新;优化农户创业的外部金融环境;金融机构要依托金融科技将农户软信息“硬化”,完善农户信用评级,甄选潜在创业者。  相似文献   

Tournaments in Mutual-Fund Families   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examine intrafirm competition in the mutual-fund industry.We test the hypothesis that fund managers within mutual-fundfamilies compete with each other in a tournament. Our empiricalstudy of the US equity mutual-fund market shows that they adjustthe risk they take depending on the relative position withintheir fund family. The direction of the adjustment depends onthe competitive situation in that family. Risk adjustments areparticularly pronounced among managers of funds with high expenseratios, which are managed by a single manager and which belongto large families.  相似文献   

We analyze the investment behavior of affiliated funds of mutual funds (AFoMFs), which are mutual funds that can only invest in other funds in the family, and are offered by most large families. Though never mentioned in any prospectus, we discover that AFoMFs provide an insurance pool against temporary liquidity shocks to other funds in the family. We show that, though the family benefits because funds can avoid fire sales, the cost of this insurance is borne by the investors in the AFoMFs. The paper thus uncovers some of the hidden complexities of fiduciary responsibility in mutual fund families.  相似文献   

陈北 《国际融资》2009,(9):45-47
2009年5月20日,美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马签署了《2009年美国救助家庭住房法》(Helping Falnilies Save Their Homes Act)。该法案简称《住房按揭法案》,批准动用政府信用,为处在金融链条终端,因按揭困难而将要申请破产的美国贷款购房者提供金融救助。这让所有处于金融困境中的人翘首以待的法案,似乎从实施之初就遇到了阻碍。初期,申请该项救助的购房户高达40万户,但经轮番审核之后,仅仅有50户合格。如此悬殊的数字对比,让更多被住房按揭危机煎熬着的美国人大失所望。  相似文献   

Fund Families as Delegated Monitors of Money Managers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Because a money manager learns more about her skill from hermanagement experience than outsiders can learn from her realizedreturns, she expects inefficiency in future contracts that conditionexclusively on realized returns. A fund family that learns whatthe manager learns can reduce this inefficiency cost if thefamily is large enough. The family’s incentive is to retainany given manager regardless of her skill but, when the familyhas enough managers, it adds value by boosting the credibilityof its retentions through the firing of others. As the numberof managers grows, the efficiency loss goes to zero.  相似文献   

Parenting defines and cultivates gender roles for men and women, from both biological and cultural angles. From scanning the latest trends, issues, and social pulses on parenting, families and the gender roles encapsulated, it is evident that changes are taking place: dual-income families, a health insurance crisis, family-work conflicts, bioengineering, same-sex marriage, and increasing health concerns — just some of the issues — are changing in the US, while families and gender roles are being shaped and reshaped in the process. In this article, four alternative future scenarios generate implications that challenge mainstream assumptions about the future of parenting and reveal possibilities for future male and female roles. Four scenarios (Mr. & Mrs. Right Now, Marriage Marketplace, The New Waltons for the 21st Century, and Desperate Housewives) emerged from an informal workshop held at the University of Houston, Clear Lake (UHCL) February 19, 2005.  相似文献   

A large body of financial accounting research explores the quality of accounting in different countries. An important assumption in most of that research is that common law provides a firmer foundation for good accounting transparency than civil law. Researchers usually regress their proxy for accounting quality on an indicator variable that designates the firm's country as a common or civil law jurisdiction (along with other regressors). But what is the support for that nearly universal assumption? This study addresses that question. It traces the distinctions made by legal scholars that characterize the two ‘families’. It analyzes La Porta et al. (1998), which is the nearly universal citation to support the civil/common dummy, and assesses the design and development of research designs that use law in accounting studies. It concludes that the use of the civil/common distinction as applied in accounting studies cannot be supported, and offers suggestions for how to better investigate the ways in which the law interacts with financial reporting.  相似文献   

本文选取我国2008年12月31日之前成立的偏股型基金,研究了2006年1月1日至2009年12月31日期间,基金家族内部基金经理根据每年前期家族内部业绩排名而对后期风险进行调整的行为,发现在基金家族内部前7个月排名靠后的基金,后期会显著增大投资组合风险,说明我国基金家族内部存在基金竞赛,即前期排名靠后的基金经理后期倾...  相似文献   

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