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本文将经济地理空间权重矩阵引入通胀惯性和通胀预期共存的新凯恩斯混合菲利普斯曲线框架,通过空间动态面板模型计量方法考察我国地区通胀在时间和空间上的特征。我们通过蒙特卡罗模拟发现,使用拟最大似然函数方法估计空间动态面板模型明显优于用于估计动态面板模型的向前正交离差广义矩方法。分析发现,消费者物价指数和零售商品物价指数空间传染性较强,GDP平减指数空间相关性较弱。新凯恩斯混合菲利普斯曲线较好地拟合了我国通胀的运行机理,其中,在影响当期通胀水平上,通胀惯性明显占优于通胀预期,治理通胀必须承受必要代价。  相似文献   

本文基于1991—2020年的季度数据,通过构建适应性学习预期的状态空间模型,采用卡尔曼滤波算法对我国学习型预期进行了测度,并将适应性学习预期、高阶滞后适应性预期、理性预期和混合预期分别代入新凯恩斯菲利普斯曲线进行经验研究,进而分析我国新凯恩斯菲利普斯曲线的混合学习预期特征。研究结果表明:首先,我国适应性学习预期并非完全理性预期,而是一种近理性预期,具有近理性特征。其次,我国新凯恩斯菲利普斯曲线具有高阶滞后适应性预期与适应性学习预期的混合学习预期特征,同时高阶滞后预期对通胀率的影响表现为逆向的通胀惯性。最后,适应性学习预期特征要强于高阶滞后适应性预期特征,即相比于高阶滞后适应性预期,适应性学习预期可以更好地反映我国通胀预期形成机制,但适应性学习预期相对于高阶滞后适应性预期的强度受通胀率衡量指标的影响。  相似文献   

本文构建了分区制附加预期的新凯恩斯菲利普斯模型,构造物价一致合成指数作为通货膨胀变量,基于时变概率马尔科夫区制转移(MS-TVTP)方法分析通胀预期对通胀形成的差异化影响并研究通货膨胀状态的时变转换特征。结论认为,在适度通胀阶段,通胀预期最易于形成通货膨胀;在高通胀状态下,受到经济基本面和通胀"惯性"的影响,通胀预期对通胀的影响程度减弱;低通胀区制中的通胀预期往往难以自我加强,通货紧缩的循环不稳固。此外,MS TVTP模型中通货膨胀时变区制转换概率的估计结果表明,相对于推动通胀上升,需求和供给因素驱动通胀回落的时滞更长,并且需求和供给因素对通胀状态转换的作用由稳定向逐渐增强转变。管理好通胀预期,提高通胀调控政策的精准性和有效性,将成为稳定物价的重要内容。  相似文献   

温涛  陈思 《当代经济科学》2012,(3):35-42,125
本文基于具有微观基础的混合式新凯恩斯菲利普斯曲线模型,利用1985-2009年的省际面板数据,分析了预期因素、需求冲击及产出缺口与通货膨胀之间的动态过程及其地区差异。研究发现:总体上,无论是适应性预期还是理性预期对当期通货膨胀都有较强的推动作用;作为需求冲击的居民消费支出、固定资本形成以及产出缺口对通货膨胀都具有正向拉动作用。从通货膨胀持久性的地区差异上看,西部地区的通胀持续性最长,中部最短。  相似文献   

本文立足于公众预期的有限理性,将三种适应性学习过程引入混合新凯恩斯菲利普斯曲线,构建刻画通货膨胀非均衡运行机制的动态模型。使用2001年1季度至2015年3季度实际数据估计参数的基础上,遴选出合意的学习模型。模拟分析发现:(1)在适应性学习预期下,通货膨胀运行呈现出非均衡特点;(2)降低通胀预期和通胀惯性在通胀驱动机制中的影响力可以有效抑制均衡通胀,通胀惯性的影响力度大于通胀预期;(3)公众预期的理性程度提高有助于降低实际通胀对均衡的偏离度。本文认为稳定物价的货币政策应从两方面推进:(1)通过提高公众预期的理性程度降低实际通胀对均衡的偏离;(2)长期内须引导经济收敛于一个合意的低水平均衡通胀。本文建议货币政策应结合制度建设长短配合共同抑制均衡通胀;同时预期管理要规避短视化倾向、完善信息披露机制,在长期则须提高国民的经济学受教育程度、增强公众对经济状况的判断力。  相似文献   

本文在结构凯恩斯菲利普斯曲线框架内研究我国通胀动态行为,首先运用Gibbs抽样算法估计我国产出缺口,最后运用广义经验似然方法实施有限样本下的稳健结构经济计量分析。研究揭示我国通胀动态具有混合预期和非粘性的特征。基于此,本文提出降低宏观层面的通胀预期和提高货币政策执行力及透明度的政策建议。  相似文献   

本文研究媒体报道对通胀预期的影响以及预期对现实通货膨胀的驱动效应。文章根据发行量排名、影响力和覆盖范围选取媒体库并计算相关媒体报道的量化指标,通过调查数据获得现实中公众对未来的通胀预期,进而检验媒体报道是否对公众预期通胀率具有显著影响。文章还进一步构建了基于微观基础的新凯恩斯菲利普斯曲线模型,用以考察通胀预期对现实通胀率的驱动效应。研究结果表明,中国的媒体舆论显著驱动公众预期,媒体舆论对公众预期变化的解释程度接近30%;单份报刊每增加1篇关于物价上涨的相关报道,公众预期通胀率会上升0.1%~0.2%;同时,公众预期又对现实通胀率具有显著驱动效应,公众预期通胀率每上升1%,现实通胀率上升0.3%~0.7%。因此,我国存在着从媒体报道到公众预期再到现实通货膨胀的传导机制。  相似文献   

基于中国1978-2008年31个省市的动态面板数据,运用系统广义矩估计方法,分别考察了传统的菲利普斯曲线、新凯恩斯菲利普斯曲线和混合菲利普斯曲线在中国的适用性及稳健性。结果表明三种类型的菲利普斯曲线在中国省际动态面板数据意义上都是成立的,且都是稳健的。政策含义是,政策制定需高度重视人们对通货膨胀率的前瞻性预期。  相似文献   

凯恩斯经济学派的衰落源于一个长期无法解决的问题,这就是通货膨胀无法与宏观经济实现顺周期的问题.人类最理想的宏观经济情形就是菲利普斯曲线所描述的那样:经济繁荣时有通胀无失业,经济萧条时有失业无通胀,但"滞涨"打破了这一局面,现实经济与菲利普斯曲线的偏离导致凯恩斯宏观调控政策的失灵以及凯恩斯学派的衰落.本文提出了内生性通胀和外生性通胀的概念,其中内生性通胀完全是与宏观经济顺周期的,可以通过财政政策解决,而外生性通胀则与经济周期无关,需要用产业政策和货币政策有针对性地解决.本文还计算出了内生性通胀与经济增长之间的计量关系,这一中国新凯恩斯主义通胀理论的提出可以让凯恩斯经济学实现重新复兴.  相似文献   

张勇 《财经研究》2008,34(6):131-143
文章以1994年前后的价格冲击下人民银行将适应性政策转变为非适应性政策这一事件为背景,考察了公众对政策可信性的变动及其对通胀预期形成方式和菲利普斯曲线稳定性的影响。我们首先在理性预期假定下设定引入政策可信性变量的菲利普斯曲线模型。通过对"产出-物价"曲线的判断,SVAR模型中通胀冲击下通胀和产出缺口的响应函数以及菲利普斯曲线模型的递归最小二乘法检验,得出我国公众对政策的可信性增加,进而导致其通胀预期形成方式中的前向参照政策信息的成分增加,菲利普斯曲线发生改变。这就意味着,如果人民银行试图维持通胀预期形成方式和菲利普斯曲线的稳定,就应该保证政策可信性具有稳定性,而且,从长期实现价格稳定目标的角度来看,人民银行还应不断提高这一政策的可信性。  相似文献   

通胀预期测度是通胀预期管理的前提。文章基于通货膨胀持久性特征,在无套利假设下,将实际通胀率这一宏观变量纳入传统的因子模型中,并运用银行间债券市场收益率数据对我国居民通胀预期进行了估计,结果显示我国居民通胀预期并不完全满足理性预期假设,而是与实际通胀之间存在有规律的系统性偏差,短期实际利率的变动是造成偏差的主要原因。文章认为通过强化货币政策前瞻性可以消除这种偏差,从而抑制实际通货膨胀水平。  相似文献   

中国通货膨胀的动态特征研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
现有测度通胀惯性的常用模型是仅含自身滞后因子的自回归模型,该模型不能有效反映通胀预期和波动性对通胀惯性的影响。本文在自回归模型基础上,构建了一个包含通胀惯性、学习型预期和波动性特征的通胀动态模型。该动态模型从均值和波动项两个方面反映了我国通胀水平的动态变化趋势和特征。针对上述模型不能有效反映通胀状态体制变化的缺点,本文还引入Markov机制转换模型来测度我国通胀水平的状态转移特征。利用分位数回归方法下的自回归模型、本文构建的通胀动态模型以及Markov机制转化模型实证研究了我国通胀的动态特征。分析表明:我国通胀水平具有较强的惯性特征;通胀惯性的形成机理比较复杂,学习型预期只能部分解释通胀惯性;通胀水平的状态转移时间比较长;通胀水平与其波动性有着正向的关系。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the persistence of inflation in the euro area and, in particular, whether the persistence properties have changed since the start of European Monetary Union(EMU). For that purpose, we compare pre‐ and post‐EMU inflation persistence, use rolling‐window estimates of persistence, and apply tests specifically designed to detect break dates near the end of the sample period. In contrast to previous research, we find that inflation persistence has fallen significantly since the start of EMU. Persistence of consumer price inflation, which is central to the European Central Bank's policy mandate, has fallen more than the persistence of deflator inflation. The drop in inflation persistence is consistent with the results from a simulated small New Keynesian model with a shift toward a more aggressive monetary policy stance.  相似文献   

苏梽芳  陈凡 《金融评论》2012,(2):54-61,125
本文拓展有限理性菲利普斯曲线模型并结合中国参数进行校准,然后利用校准模型研究中国通货膨胀惯性特征及其与通货膨胀不确定性之间的关系。结果显示,有限理性菲利普斯曲线模型能很好地模拟出与中国实际通货膨胀惯性类似的特征。进一步研究还发现,研究样本期间,中国通货膨胀惯性总体上呈现先上升而逐渐下降的驼峰型特征,而且与通货膨胀预期不确定性存在正向相关关系。这些发现意味着,我国中央银行货币政策滞后效应正在缩短,而为了进一步降低通胀惯性并提高货币政策有效性,引导通货膨胀预期保持稳定是一大途径。  相似文献   

Peter Tillmann 《Empirica》2010,37(4):445-453
This note analyzes the persistence of inflation in Switzerland. In particular, we assess the impact of the new monetary framework adopted by the SNB in 2000 on inflation persistence. A set of rolling-window estimates shows that inflation persistence has fallen significantly since the end of the 1990s.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the relationship between sticky information and inflation persistence by implementing a novel approach to estimate the Sticky Information Phillips Curve (SIPC). The degree of sticky information is estimated using a GMM estimator that matches the covariance between inflation and the shocks that affect firms’ pricing decisions. Although the SIPC contains an infinite number of terms, the theoretical covariances derived from the model have finite dimensions, thus allowing the estimation of the structural parameters without any truncation of the original model. This work shows that sticky information is significantly different if the model is estimated by matching inflation persistence or inflation variance. Previous empirical literature found that the SIPC model does not provide an accurate representation of the US postwar inflation. This paper qualifies such a finding by demonstrating that the SIPC is able to match the inflation persistence only at the cost of mismatching the inflation variance.  相似文献   

The adoption of a credible monetary policy regime such as inflation targeting is known to reduce the persistence of inflation fluctuations. This conclusion, however, is typically derived from aggregate inflation or sectoral inflation rates, not from regional inflation data. This paper studies the regional dimension of inflation targeting; that is, the consequences of inflation targeting for regional inflation persistence. Based on data for Korean cities and provinces it is shown that the adoption of inflation targeting leads: (i) to a fall in inflation persistence at the regional level; and (ii) to a reduction in the cross‐regional heterogeneity in inflation persistence. A factor model lends further support to the role of the common component, and, hence, monetary policy, for regional inflation persistence.  相似文献   

This paper constructs a new trend inflation measure for Thailand based on the multivariate unobserved components model with stochastic volatility and outlier adjustments (MUCSVO) of Stock and Watson (2016). Similar to core inflation, the MUCSVO produces an estimate of trend inflation utilizing information in disaggregated data, but also allows for time-varying weights that depend on the volatility, persistence and comovement of the underlying sectoral inflation series. Based on the empirical results, the majority of sectoral weights show significant time-variation in contrast to their relatively stable expenditure shares. Volatile food and energy sectors that are typically excluded from core inflation measures also turn out to help explain approximately 10 percent of MUCSVO trend inflation rate movements. Compared against other benchmark trend inflation measures, we show that the MUCSVO delivers trend estimates that are smoother, more precise, and are able to forecast average inflation over the 1–3 year horizon more accurately both in-sample and out-of-sample, especially since the year 2000.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the performance of the New Keynesian Phillips curve when survey forecasts of inflation are used to proxy for inflation expectations. Previous authors such as Brissimis and Magginas (2008) have applied survey measures of inflation expectations to the NKPC, and have concluded that these estimates are superior to those estimated using actual data on future inflation. However this approach employs the use of the labor income share as the proxy for real marginal cost, something which is highly problematic once we consider the countercyclicality of this variable. This paper develops and tests a procyclical marginal cost variable alongside various survey measures of inflation forecasts in the NKPC, while recognizing the problem of weak instruments that occurs when estimating the model using conventional GMM. We find that the NKPC produces a counter-intuitive negative and significant coefficient on procyclical marginal cost when surveys of inflation forecasts are used, which casts serious doubt on the empirical viability of the NKPC model, even when estimated with survey inflation forecasts.  相似文献   

This article has three different motivations. Firstly, we wish to contribute to the debate on whether French inflation has been persistent since the mid-eighties. Empirical evidence in this domain has been mixed. We use the standard method of testing for breaks in the mean of the inflation series to conclude whether possible unit root findings are the result of neglected breaks. Then, we build standard autoregressive representations of inflation, using an automatic general-to-specific approach. We conclude against inflation persistence in the sample period, and the point estimates of persistence we obtain are several percentage points below those achieved with other break tests and model selection methods. Moreover, our final model is congruent. Secondly, we provide the first empirical application of the new impulse saturation break test. The resulting estimates of the break dates are in line with other literature findings and have a sound economic meaning, confirming the good performance the test had revealed in theoretical and simulation studies. Finally, we also illustrate the shortcomings of the Bai–Perron test when applied to a small sample with high serial correlation. Indeed, we show the Bai–Perron break dates’ estimates would not allow us to build a congruent autoregressive representation of inflation.  相似文献   

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