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目前中国就业压力明显趋于增大,结构性失业和不充分就业问题也趋于恶化;在总需求不足的宏观背景下,高等教育需求却长盛不衰,且严重供不应求.提出了通过制度创新来扩张高等教育产业以治理结构性失业的构想.  相似文献   

结构性矛盾已成为中国高校毕业生失业的重要特征,许多西方发达国家与新兴发展中国家都曾经历,其主要原因是高等教育结构无法及时适应市场需求结构。对中国而言,毕业生结构性失业原因涉及高等教育结构、分割的劳动力市场以及毕业生自身的就业能力等因素,但开放经济环境下中国经济的高速发展、产业结构的快速变迁等因素则更是强化了中国高校毕业生失业的结构性这一特征。  相似文献   

在我国现有政治经济制度与传统文化背景下,从当前高等教育的发展水平与特点出发,立足于国民经济发展水平与产业结构的现状,文章把大学生结构性失业从理论上细分为以下六种形式:即层次性结构失业、专业性结构失业、素质性结构失业、观念性结构失业、区域性结构失业与经济性结构失业。  相似文献   

自从1999年随着高等教育改革的推行,高校毕业生在面临供给大于需求这一总量性失业困境的同时,其结构性失业问题也越来越为人们所关注。所以文章借助文本分析的方法,对国内核心期刊中58篇相关论文进行分析,多种视角对我国高校毕业生结构性失业现象的产生原因及解决策略进行重点评述,希望能够为大学生就业增加理论基础。  相似文献   

大学生结构性失业问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学生结构性失业在我国表现尤为突出,主要有思想观念型结构性失业、知识技能型结构性失业、区域差别型结构性失业以及体制制度型结构性失业,其形成原因与大学生思想观念的落后、知识技能的缺乏以及区域结构的差别、体制制度的障碍等密切联系,其治理要依靠各方面通力合作,大力提高大学生的就业力.  相似文献   

曲展  田生祥 《北方经贸》2012,(12):48-49
当前我国高等教育进入大众化初级阶段。但是在高等教育大众化教育阶段却出现了"结构性失业"这一现象。这对于高等教育学科专业无疑是一个警钟,需要审视我们的学科专业设置。鄂尔多斯地区高校学科专业设置的完善对策:高校主动与产业结构对接、科学制定学科专业发展规划和建立专业设置调整的科学机制。  相似文献   

吕希勤 《现代商业》2012,(24):144-145
中国改革开放三十年,经济飞速发展,取得世人瞩目的显著成果。随着改革的继续深化,目前山西正处于实现新型工业化、发展新经济的进程中,受体制转变和产业兴衰转移的巨大影响,出现大量失业人员与职位空缺并存的现象,即结构性失业。结构性失业问题并不是孤立的,而是与特定的经济和社会发展背景紧密相连的。分析结构性失业的一般模型,并从成因角度区分结构性失业的不同类型,对于解决山西省结构性失业将具有重要意义。  相似文献   

浅析中国普通高校大学生就业市场的变化趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
丁明鲜 《商场现代化》2006,(27):161-162
随着普通高校招生规模的不断扩大和毕业生人数的持续增加,我国大学生就业市场将呈现六大变化趋势:应届毕业生的就业率降低,在主劳动力市场的失业率呈上升趋势;工资水平总体呈下降趋势,经济地位相对降低;获得“好工作”的机会趋于减少,“高学历低用”者比例增大;找寻工作的时间延长,“摩擦性失业”与结构性失业并存;在“先就业、再择业”意识增强的同时,在就业市场上的诚信度可能下降;供需双方趋于理性,复合型人才走俏。  相似文献   

我国面临着严峻的失业压力,而结构性失业在我国尤为突出.当前我国结构性失业主要表现为:东南沿海地区的"民工荒"突出、全国范围的"技工荒"明显、大学生结构性失业问题凸显、下岗失业人员实现再就业困难、中高级人才荒愈演愈烈.  相似文献   

<正>一、大学毕业生就业难的原因我国大学生就业难的原因在哪里?是不是大学生人数总体上太多了?据国家统计局人口抽样调查显示,我国大学以上学历者只占全国总人口的3%,这与发达国家30%- 50%相比相差甚远,就是与中等收入国家平均8.8%的比例也有相当大的差距。可见,从整体来说,并不存在我国大学生多的问题。我国大学生失业多属于结构性失业与选择性失业。而结构性失业又分为行业结构性失业和地区结构性失业。我国目前正在进行经济结构调整和产业升级工作,导致了行业结构性失业。一方面,随着生产集约化程度的提高,第一、第二产业会产生愈来愈多的剩余劳动力;  相似文献   

This work asks whether there is a supply-side story to be told about labor market outcomes in Latin America. We present stylized facts about the connection between the demographic transition and changes in education (the size and quality of the labor force), with labor supply, inequality, and unemployment. The main conclusion is that the neglected topics of demographics and education improve our understanding of the overall decline in employment, the changing pattern of unemployment, and the rise in wage inequality. By adding them to the well-established demand and institutional factors behind these outcomes, we can obtain a clearer picture about labor markets in Latin America.  相似文献   

The unemployment–inflation trade-off can be interpreted as a proposition concerning the response of these two variables to aggregate demand shocks. In this paper, we study the possible presence of the trade-off in the Euro Area and in a wide group of Euro-area countries in the last 20 years, that is, since the start of EMU. We use the structural VAR methodology that allows the separation between supply and demand shocks. Our main finding is that the existence of a trade-off is largely confirmed both at the Euro Area and at the national level. Nevertheless, the size of the trade-off, measured at different horizons, shows some heterogeneity among countries. No less important, when we augment the VAR model by introducing monetary policy in the context of an open economy, we find that monetary policy shocks push inflation and unemployment in opposite directions in the currency area. Another interesting result concerns the evidence of a relatively flat relation between unemployment and inflation, conditionally to monetary policy shocks. The bulk of these conclusions seem to be confirmed by a number of robustness checks.  相似文献   

Unemployment and proprietorship can be related in several ways. As unemployment increases, individuals with fewer job alternatives may choose to start their own business resulting in an increase in proprietorship. Alternatively, if an increase in unemployment is the result of a depressed economy, higher unemployment may lead to less demand for the products and services of proprietors, thus reducing proprietorship. Finally, greater proprietorship may lead to future increases in employment as these businesses grow. This can potentially reduce unemployment in the long run. We apply a panel vector autoregressive model to unemployment and proprietorship data from the U.S. states for the years 1976 to 2009 to examine if these effects are apparent in the data. We find that unemployment Granger causes proprietorship, but proprietorship does not Granger cause unemployment.  相似文献   

This paper compares the formation rates of co-operatives and conventional firms in Finland using regional data. The Finnish co-operative “wave” that began in the mid-1990s provides a useful setting for testing the hypothesis that co-operative formation rates are higher in depressed economic conditions. The empirical results support this hypothesis. Co-operatives are formed more often in regions with high unemployment; in contrast, conventional firms are formed more often when unemployment is low and demand growth is high. Furthermore, the existence of dedicated advisory services boosts the formation of co-operatives. These results indicate that co-operatives may play a useful role in reducing unemployment and that the formation of co-operatives may be influenced by policy measures.  相似文献   

在东北老工业基地改造的过程中,失业是需要迫切解决的问题.东北老工业基地的失业以总量性失业为主.从总量性失业的供求分析,人口生产的无计划性是决定劳动力供给规模的首要因素,农业剩余劳动力的转移导致了劳动力供给的持续性增加,产业结构不合理阻碍了劳动力需求的扩张,所有制结构调整迟缓限制了劳动力需求的增长.东北老工业基地失业的治理,应控制劳动力供给的增长,扩大劳动力需求,大力发展第三产业,增强科技进步对就业的扩张效应.  相似文献   

In his reply, Niemeier accuses Boysen Hogrefe and Stolzenburg of erroneously ascribing the failing of the Greek programme to insufficient “ownership”, whereas the true cause is — in his view — an inadequate austerity policy. The alleged success of this policy in Portugal and Ireland refers solely to GDP growth and ignores the continuing high levels of unemployment in those countries. Boysen- Hogrefe and Stolzenburg insist that the “success” of a rescue programme actually implies that the respective country is able to return to capital markets. The Greek crisis was structural rather than cyclical, so a temporary stabilisation of domestic demand (financed by additional foreign debt) would not have solved the issue.  相似文献   

中国经济在高速增长的同时出现了高失业的反常现象,有学者提出资本过度深化是经济增长就业弹性低的主要原因。但中国是一个劳动力资源非常丰富而资本比较稀缺的国家,不可能在所有的领域都出现资本过度深化。本文认为,城镇国有企业出现的资本深化和中小民营企业出现的劳动深化都会抑制企业对劳动力的需求,从而加剧失业。  相似文献   

This study develops a natural unemployment rate based upon education attainment. Behind this natural rate are labor force participation rates that vary positively with education attainment; observed unemployment rates that are inversely related to education attainment; and deviations of the observed unemployment rate from this hypothesized natural rate that are related to several expectation-based variables. With a lower natural unemployment rate today compared with years past, results point to a number of education-based challenges that employers will face. Matching employer needs with education will become more complicated as both education and needs become more specialized. Global labor markets will play an increasing role both in terms of skills and cost considerations. Next, the retirement of the baby boom generation will pose a unique challenge. Aside from the challenge of finding replacements from a pool of new workers smaller than the pool of retiring workers, retirements will not be easily predictable, thanks to the elimination of the earnings penalty for social security benefits. Finally, as college degrees become more prevalent, postgraduate studies will likely rise in importance as a distinguishing feature among skills.  相似文献   

在科学技术飞速发展的今天 ,我国社会主义市场经济中资本有机构成不断提高。这一变化趋势对我国目前的就业状况产生影响。一方面相对排挤了原有资本对劳动力的需求 ,引起失业的产生 ;另一方面也给人类社会的活动范围、劳动对象开辟了更广阔的空间 ,并创造了大量的就业岗位。应采取大力发展教育、建立健全劳动力市场等措施 ,解决我国的就业及下岗职工再就业问题  相似文献   

试论我国经济发展中的“知识失业”问题   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
“知识失业”是指受过高等教育的劳动力处于不得其用的一种状态。在我国经济发展的现阶段 ,“知识失业”也开始浮现。本文在对我国知识失业的现状及其发展趋势进行计量预测的基础上 ,对知识失业的社会影响及其成因进行了探讨 ,并结合中国就业环境的约束条件 ,提出减弱知识失业的对策建议。  相似文献   

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