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青岛啤酒1993年在香港挂牌上市,成为首家海外上市的内地企业,到2007年底,一共有近500家中国内地企业在海外证券市场通过不同方式实现了上市。  相似文献   

将跨境交叉上市视为有益于促进公司治理改善、提高投资者保护水平的重要外部机制的观点是约束假说的核心内容,然而这一假说是否成立还有赖于跨境交叉上市所带来的市场和制度环境的变化。本文基于资本投资效率的视角,利用H股回归国内A股公司作为样本,对约束假说进行了实证检验。研究发现,无论是从横向上对交叉上市和非交叉上市进行考察,还是从时间纵向上对交叉上市前后进行检验,均没有发现交叉上市行为对资本投资效率有显著提升的证据,这从一个侧面说明我国企业由境外市场回归国内A股市场的交叉上市行为并没有使公司治理水平得到有效提升,与约束假说不符。造成该问题的根本原因是境外上市企业回归国内证券市场交叉上市存在类似国内上市公司同样的融资饥渴症,将追求廉价资本作为首要目的,并没有将改善公司治理作为主要目标。此外,本文的结论也为规避假说提供了一定的证据。  相似文献   

近年来,资本市场的开放,越来越多国家的公司跨境发行证券和上市流通。目前中国证券市场的开放程度具有单向性,只允许本国企业到境外上市筹资,不允许外国公司来中国上市。随着开放程度的扩大,要求进一步开放中国的证券市场。证券市场的国际化对中国企业境外上市监管和外国企业直接进入中国A股市场两个方面产生了深远影响。中国证券市场需要金融监管部门跨部门联合监管来应对证券市场的国际化趋势。  相似文献   

境外上市企业国内IPO融资机制及其监管   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
境外上市企业返回国内融资已成为当前我国证券市场发展中令人关注的现象,本文在分析境外直接上市企业国内IPO上市的背景及动因的基础上,运用计量模型对交叉上市的定价及其影响因素进行了刻划和描述,进而考察了国内和境外相关证券市场双重监管制度和标准的差异。最后提出促进境外上市企业国内融资的机制设计原则,监管准则和政策取向。  相似文献   

上市发电企业经营业绩与高管薪酬关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
高管薪酬设计的合理与否 ,直接关系到企业的经营成败 ,关系到企业的竞争力。文章以在我国证券市场上市的发电企业为样本 ,研究其高管薪酬与经营业绩之间的相关关系。为了全面的考量这种关系 ,文章分别以净资产收益率和总资产收益率为经营业绩衡量指标 ,最后得出一致的结论 ,即样本企业经营业绩与高管薪酬之间不存在相关关系 ,这说明我国上市发电企业薪酬设计存在制度性的缺陷。  相似文献   

<正>所谓保荐人制度,是指一种企业上市制度,目前采用保荐人制度最典型的主要有英国和香港地区。保荐人(Sponsor)一词是从香港证券市场传人内地的舶来品,其作用实质上类似于我国现有的上市推荐人,但与上市推荐人又有所不同。从职责上来讲,保荐人应承担的职责要远重于上市推荐人。保荐人要对企业进行上市前的  相似文献   

我国企业在境外上市(发行H股、N股等)同时,也在国内证券市场上发行A股上市。这些企业在境内外上市时首次公开发行价格(IPO)存在显著的差异。我们对25家同时发行H股和A股的上市企业研究后发现,IPO价差与不同市场的发行机制有关,与上市企业所在行业有关。境外直接上市企业发行H股当年的H股市场年度指数收益率以及境内外发行上市的时间间隔对IPO价差影响比较显著,随着境内外发行时间间隔变长,IPO价差受发行H股当年的香港股市行情影响逐渐减弱。IPO价差受H股发行数量以及A股发行数量影响较不明显,发行A股时的企业盈利能力、发行H股当年的盈利能力对IPO价差影响也不显著。我们就境外上市企业在国内证券市场首次公开发行的定价问题提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

在我国新兴市场,公司代理成本主要表现为控股股东与中小股东之间的利益冲突.A股上市公司到法律约束与信息披露环境更好的市场(同时发行H股或其他境外流通股)交叉上市是否有利于降低控股股东与中小股东的代理冲突?本文研究发现,交叉上市有利于降低控股股东控制权与现金流权分离程度及公司价值、公司业绩之间的负相关关系,在控制了交叉上市的“自选择”后结论仍然成立;进一步研究发现交叉上市能够有效约束控股股东的资金占用行为,这为前述结论提供了直接证据.  相似文献   

交叉上市、投资者保护与企业价值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文基于约束假说理论,对在香港交叉上市①的内地A股上市公司展开研究。研究发现,由于受到发达资本市场严格的法律制度、证券法规的约束,受到更高的信息披露标准制约,降低了投资者获取信息的成本,给投资者提供了更好的保护,使企业价值增加。  相似文献   

股市新数据;上半年国际证券投资出现逆差;企业从股市筹资额剧减;国有股减持暂停;2004年外企可投资内地证券公司;外企可在境内发行A、B股;15家外企将申请在深沪上市;外企在沪深上市将分三阶段;外企上市有六个条件;B股交易将实施新规则;上证所规范独立董事信息披露;独立董事正式上岗基金公司;证券市场的审计评估将实行退出机制;  相似文献   

文章研究了三地上市银行和房地产公司股票之间的收益关系,发现三个市场的银行股票收益都显著地受到房地产股票波动的影响,并且利用三地数据的结构性差异点,确定了次贷危机发生作用的时点.对比次贷危机前后的三个市场银行股和房地产股票收益的关系后发现,代表银行股收益对房地产股波动敏感性的回归系数在次贷危机后均有所增大,显示美国和中国的银行业所面临的房地产风险已经由非系统性风险转变为系统性风险,其风险敞口在加大.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of the recently introduced Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect. Using high frequency data and dynamic forecasting techniques, we find that the new Stock Connect does contribute to the increasing importance of the Chinese mainland stock market and economic activity. A weak and unstable cointegration relationship is found after this event. Additionally, the Stock Connect has also increased the conditional variance of both stock markets. We observe a leading role of the Shanghai stock market to the Hong Kong stock market in terms of both mean and volatility spillover effects after the Stock Connect. Our study indicates that the opening up of stock markets in China could enhance the leading power, influence the risk level and improve the market efficiency of the Chinese mainland stock market, since the volatility spillover effect from Shanghai to Hong Kong is strengthened. Besides, our results have important policy implications, especially on how policy makers should deal with the increased market interconnectedness and for portfolio managers in choosing potential hedging instruments. The success of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect provides valuable operational experience for the forthcoming Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect which could further improve the market efficiency in China.  相似文献   

After the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect policy was launched, markets become integrated, while A-H premium rises. This phenomenon is contrary to the existing market segmentation hypotheses. We provide a supplementary explanation for the A-H share price premium based on stock market trading mechanism. As margin trading and securities lending mechanism in Chinese mainland stock market is still immature and incomplete, limited arbitrage and asymmetric margin buying power amplifies the A-H premium even after markets are integrated. Our findings complement the financial microstructure researches on how trading mechanism may influence the dynamic price discovery process, especially those related to issues of short constraints and levered investing.  相似文献   

伴随着证券市场的产生和繁荣,证券分析师队伍也日益壮大并日趋专业。以港股为例,通过跟踪经纪行数百名分析师自2003年以来对香港上市公司的评级结果,以及重点考察不同评级结果投资组合的收益率情况后,发现尽管分析师的专业判断具有显著的投资价值,并以此确定投资标的或重点研究跟踪对象具有良好的可操作性。但由于其评级结果具有较为明显的实效性,对市场的影响力也会发生变化,因此需要时刻密切注意分析师的最新评级成果并及时更新。  相似文献   

鲁旭  赵迎迎 《经济评论》2012,(1):97-107
随着经济全球化的迅速发展,国际资本市场呈现出一体化趋势,各地证券价格的联动性也日趋显著。本文梳理已有理论文献,并总结经验成果的不足,在此基础上,构建三元VAR-GJR-GARCH-DCC整合分析框架,对沪深港股市联动效应进行了严谨而全面的实证检验。研究结果表明:沪深港三个市场具有联动效应,直接或间接引导对方;沪深股市对港市的新息冲击做出类似的反应,并且它们与港市的动态关联性具有趋同性,该结论为沪深两市合并提供了新证据;三个市场的相关性具有时变的动态特征,"中国因素"与"世界因素"的相关性正趋于增强。上述实证结论对投资者重新认识市场运行机制,合理制定投资策略以及监管当局有效防范国内外股市风险,推进股市整合均具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

Studying capital market efficiency is important because result may infer that there are predictable properties of the time series of prices of traded securities on organized markets. We examine the weak form of the efficient markets hypothesis to indicate its usefulness in terms of the results of this study. Furthermore, this study of individual securities prices of traded securities on the organized markets of Hong Kong and Japan corroborate previous findings of studies of individual stocks and market indexes both in Asian nations, the United States and other stock exchanges in the United Kingdom and Europe. Daily patterns are present in the times series of securities prices. You will note also, that the models identified reflect the returns on individual firms listed on the two of the three largest Asian Stock Exchanges.  相似文献   

刘景章  项江红 《经济前沿》2012,3(4):151-160
本文以2009—2011年间在我国深交所创业板上市的276家以及2002—2011年在港交所创业板上市的108家IPO公司为样本,对风险投资与盈余管理之间的关系进行研究,旨在揭示我国深圳创业板和香港创业板两个市场上,风险投资是否可以约束IPO过程中的盈余管理行为,两个市场上风投的影响程度是否相同。研究发现,在两个创业板市场上,都显著存在正向盈余管理行为,但是风险投资并没有起到认证监督作用,即没有显著抑制上市公司盈余管理行为,风险投资功效在中国市场不显著。  相似文献   

We examine the interest rate volatility spillover between the offshore and onshore Renminbi (RMB) markets. The Hong Kong inter‐bank RMB offer rate (CNY HIBOR) and the Shanghai inter‐bank offer rate (SHIBOR) are used, respectively, as the interest rates for the offshore and onshore RMB markets. The results of our research show that there was significant volatility spillover between the offshore and onshore RMB prior to 21 June 2013 and that direction of the spillover from the SHIBOR to the CNY HIBOR is stronger than that from CNY HIBOR to SHIBOR. However, the spillover declined in strength between 21 June 2013 and 20 April 2016. We also find that the interest rate correlations are low and unstable. Our research reveals that the offshore RMB interest rate has been an independent system that is not determined by the onshore market, and that the determination of the offshore RMB interest rate is very complicated. The Hong Kong market is increasingly playing a more important role in the determination of the RMB. This study contributes to our understanding of the interest rate determination in China and has important implications for policy makers in terms of interest rate policies in the offshore and onshore RMB markets.  相似文献   

This paper examines differences in the connectedness between exchange rates and stock prices for companies with different asset currencies on the Hong Kong stock market, and it seeks to explain those differences by proposing a hypothesis on asset-denominated currency difference. Under a framework of investor heterogeneity, we establish a dynamic, discrete theoretical model to analyse the connectedness between exchange rates, the stocks of local Hong Kong companies, the stocks of companies from the mainland and foreign exchange interventions. Using monthly data from January 2000 to August 2018, we adopt the time-varying parameter vector auto-regression (TVP-VAR) model to empirically study the dynamic relationships between exchange rates and the prices of both Hong Kong-based and mainland-based stocks. The results show significant differences in the ways that exchange rates and prices for the two types of stocks are linked. The exchange rates are positively correlated with mainland stocks and negatively correlated with Hong Kong stocks. Moreover, foreign exchange intervention is found to be an effective means for stabilising exchange rates, although such intervention tends to increase stock volatility.

Abbreviations: TVP-VAR - time-varying parameter vector auto-regression model; MCMC - Monte Carlo-Markov Chain method.  相似文献   

适度的噪音能够增加市场的流动性,但噪音交易的过度存在会对股票市场的效率产生负面的影响。本文借用分形理论的R/S分析法,对中国股市的收益率进行了实证检验,计算其赫斯特(hurst)指数,并与美国和香港的赫斯特指数进行横向比较,以此来分析中国股市的有效性以及噪音交易的程度。  相似文献   

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