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商业银行的流动性过剩主要存在商业银行存差持续扩大、超额准备金居高不下、货币供应量增长过快和商业银行信贷反弹过快等四大表现。商业银行体系流动性过剩问题是多种因素综合作用的结果,且其会对我国的经济金融造成一些危害,为此,本文从商业银行角度出发,对解决流动性过剩问题提出如下对策建议:优化资产结构,提高资金运用边际收益;以利率为主要变量,实施收益精细化经营;树立以客户为中心的经营理念,积极发展零售和批发业务;加快创新,增强商业银行管理能力;探索“走出去”战略的金融支持体系,加快商业银行发展以及改善金融生态环境等。  相似文献   

流动性过剩是当前我国宏观经济金融运行中面临的一个突出问题,近期的美国次级贷款危机也再次为人们关注流动性风险问题敲响了警种。商业银行必须"多管齐下"来应对流动性过剩对其造成的不利影响:加快改革、改善经营管理、提升核心竞争力,这是应对流动性过剩不利影响的根本所在;充分利用银行体系流动性过剩的契机,进行经营战略调整,促进经营管理模式和业务增长模式由规模扩张型向资源效益提高型的根本转变。  相似文献   

一、商业银行流动性现状描述当前,商业银行流动性过剩已成为中国经济金融运行的关键问题之一。一方面商业银行体系流动性过剩问题日益严重,体系内庞大的资金得不到有效释放和充分利用;另一方面又面临经济由偏快向过热转变、  相似文献   

大力发展金融市场是合理疏导流动性过剩压力的有效途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2006年中国经济延续了高速增长的态势,在连续四年保持两位数增速的同时,宏观经济运行中出现了不容忽视的外贸顺差过大、信贷投放过多、投资增长过快的“三过”问题,人民币流动性过剩的现象受到社会广泛关注。为了加强和改善金融宏观调控,一年来,人民银行先后两次调高金融机构存贷款利率、三次上调存款准备金率、四次向部分商业银行发行定向票据,同时还加大了公开市场操作和窗口指导的力度,使流动性收缩的效果短期内得以显现。但由于金融体系流动性过剩的矛盾尚未根本解决,货币市场资金面仍趋于宽松。因此,流动性过剩的问题是中国经济金融当前面临的一个主要挑战。加快发展金融市场,充分发挥其金融资源配置功能,将是银行体系流动性管理的有效途径。  相似文献   

2006年国际国内经济金融运行与2007年走势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于对2006年国际国内经济金融形势和2007年走势的分析和预测,本文提出以下主要观点:受美国经济增长势头减弱的影响,2007年全球经济增速将趋缓,国内经济在保持良好增长态势的同时,亟待解决以下问题:投资反弹压力仍然较大;流动性持续过剩;国际收支不平衡,与美国等发达经济体的贸易.失衡加剧;房价依然偏高,房地产调控有待加强;物价上涨压力加大,资产价格膨胀;产能过剩矛盾可能加剧;贷款增速回落的基础尚不稳固.商业银行应加快创新,主动应对流动性过剩,同时切实防范固定资产投资特别是房地产投资增长过快带来的风险.  相似文献   

在今后一段时期,商业银行将面临产能过剩和流动性过剩的双重过剩,产能过剩与流动性过剩的二律背反将给商业银行的经营带来重大影响。商业银行一方面要加快战略转型,改善业务结构,提高资产收益,另一方面要进一步提高风险防范能力,加大风险防范力度,从而实现收益和风险的最佳平衡。  相似文献   

基于对2006年国际国内经济金融形势和2007年走势的分析和预测,本文提出以下主要观点:受美国经济增长势头减弱的影响,2007年全球经济增速将趋缓,国内经济在保持良好增长态势的同时,亟待解决以下问题:投资反弹压力仍然较大;流动性持续过剩;国际收支不平衡,与美国等发达经济体的贸易.失衡加剧;房价依然偏高,房地产调控有待加强;物价上涨压力加大,资产价格膨胀;产能过剩矛盾可能加剧;贷款增速回落的基础尚不稳固.商业银行应加快创新,主动应对流动性过剩,同时切实防范固定资产投资特别是房地产投资增长过快带来的风险.  相似文献   

近几年,流动性过剩已成为困扰我国经济稳定发展的突出问题,而又主要体现在商业银行体系。随着我国流动性过剩问题的日益严重,流动性过剩对商业银行的负面影响越来越大,它加剧了信贷市场过度竞争,加大了信贷风险和利率风险,导致银行经营效益受损,甚至影响我国经济的正常发展。因此,合理改变银行经营策略,降低流动性过剩带来的风险,已经势在必行。  相似文献   

商业银行体系的流动性过剩究其本质,是经济失衡在金融领域的体现。从紧货币政策下,当前商业银行的超储率、存贷差和银行间本币市场利率等指标显示商业银行体系流动性过剩状况有所缓解,但并没有达到趋紧的状态。由于商业银行流动过剩产生的机制仍将长期存在,预计商业银行体系流动性仍将继续充裕,但商业银行需高度关注资金稳定性下降和资金结构不匹配等问题。  相似文献   

本世纪初以来,中国经济和金融运行的基本特点之一就是流动性过剩。今年"两会"期间,温家宝总理在《政府工作报告》中指出"银行资金流动性过剩问题突出,引发投资增长过快、信贷投放过多的因素仍然存在"。并明确提出2007年要"继续实行稳健的货币政策。综合运用多种货币政策工具,合理调控货币信贷总量,有效缓解银行资金流动性过剩问题"。银行体系的流动性问题受到了广泛关注,应该说,流动性过剩是全球经济格局及我国所处特殊发展阶段下的自然结果。本刊邀请三位分别来自央行、国有商业银行、学术界的嘉宾共同诊脉银行体系流动性过剩的现状及影响,探讨这种过剩的成因及解决之策。  相似文献   

Banks can deal with their liquidity risk by holding liquid assets (self‐insurance), by participating in interbank markets (coinsurance), or by using flexible financing instruments, such as bank capital (risk sharing). We use a simple model to show that undiversifiable liquidity risk, that is, the liquidity risk that banks are unable to coinsure on interbank markets, represents an important risk factor affecting their capital structures. Banks facing higher undiversifiable liquidity risk hold more capital. We posit that, empirically, banks that are more exposed to undiversifiable liquidity risk are less active on interbank markets. Therefore, we test for the existence of a negative relationship between bank capital and interbank market activity and find support in a large sample of U.S. commercial banks.  相似文献   

The theory of financial intermediation highlights various channels through which capital and liquidity are interrelated. Using a simultaneous equations framework, we investigate the relationship between bank regulatory capital and bank liquidity measured from on-balance sheet positions for European and US publicly traded commercial banks. Previous research studying the determinants of bank capital buffer has neglected the role of liquidity. On the whole, we find that banks decrease their regulatory capital ratios when they face higher illiquidity as defined in the Basel III accords or when they create more liquidity as measured by Berger and Bouwman (2009). However, considering other measures of illiquidity that focus more closely on core deposits in the United States, our results show that small banks strengthen their solvency standards when they are exposed to higher illiquidity. Our empirical investigation supports the need to implement minimum liquidity ratios concomitant to capital ratios, as stressed by the Basel Committee; however, our findings also shed light on the need to further clarify how to define and measure illiquidity and also on how to regulate large banking institutions, which behave differently than smaller ones.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between bank capital and liquidity creation against the backdrop of the 2007–2008 financial crisis. Analyzing an unbalanced panel of 11,617 U.S. commercial banks from 1996 to 2016, we find a negative association between regulatory capital and on-balance-sheet liquidity creation, but positive associations for small banks and after the financial crisis. Further, we observe lower liquidity creation among banks that participated in the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). The results are largely robust to several alternate variable proxies and model specifications. Our findings suggest that “one-size-fits-all” policy may have some unintended consequences for banks.  相似文献   

This paper uses a sample of quarterly observations of insured US commercial banks to examine whether the effect of bank capital on lending differs depending upon the level of bank liquidity. We find that the effect of an increase in bank capital on credit growth, defined as growth rate of net loans and unused commitments, is positively associated with the level of bank liquidity only for large banks and that this positive relationship has been more substantial during the recent financial crisis period. This result suggests that bank capital exerts a significantly positive effect on lending only after large banks retain sufficient liquid assets.  相似文献   

本文基于我国现实背景和《巴塞尔协议Ⅲ》,利用2008年至2017年间194家商业银行的相关数据,对我国银行净稳定资金率进行了度量,并在此基础上,检验了货币政策对我国商业银行流动性风险的影响,探究了其影响机理和传导渠道。研究表明:扩张型货币政策会提高商业银行的流动性风险;不同经济环境下,货币政策对流动性风险的影响存在差异但不具备异质性;不同类型的商业银行中,货币政策对流动性风险的影响不具有异质性;在货币政策对流动性风险的影响中,银行信贷行为是重要的传导渠道。因此,央行可基于货币政策对流动性风险的影响差异进行相机抉择;商业银行则要加强信贷规模和质量的管理,优化资产结构,通过弱化信贷渠道作用来降低货币政策对银行流动性风险的不良影响。  相似文献   

本文根据鲍莫尔-托宾模型建立商业银行流动性管理模型,并在假定影响商业银行流动性管理有市场利率、预期不确定支付、流动性不足成本、流动性准备过剩和流动性准备不足的时间等因素的基础上,研究了这些因素与商业银行流动性管理水平之间的关系。结合我国商业银行流动性管理过程中出现的管理激励不足等问题,本文提出了加强预期管理、合理运用货币政策、发展资本市场、实现利率市场化、适度放松对商业银行的微观管制等政策建议。  相似文献   

商业银行流动性过剩与区域金融资源配置失衡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩大海 《金融论坛》2007,12(7):20-25
本文从区域金融学的角度对我国商业银行流动性变化及其区域差异进行了剖析.研究发现,东部沿海发达地区信贷资金投放量过度,城乡金融资源配置差别太大,区域金融资源配置的失衡导致了全国城市商业银行流动性过剩.文章认为,疏通、引导社会资金流向,改善、优化欠发达地区的金融生态,防范、控制发达地区的金融风险,分步实施我国地区均衡开发战略,这是解决当前全国流动性过剩的根本路径.  相似文献   

本文从区域金融学的角度对我国商业银行流动性变化及其区域差异进行了剖析。研究发现,东部沿海发达地区信贷资金投放量过度,城乡金融资源配置差别太大,区域金融资源配置的失衡导致了全国城市商业银行流动性过剩。文章认为,疏通、引导社会资金流向,改善、优化欠发达地区的金融生态,防范、控制发达地区的金融风险,分步实施我国地区均衡开发战略,这是解决当前全国流动性过剩的根本路径。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the relationship between capital, risk and efficiency for a large sample of European banks between 1992 and 2000. In contrast to the established US evidence we do not find a positive relationship between inefficiency and bank risk‐taking. Inefficient European banks appear to hold more capital and take on less risk. Empirical evidence is found showing the positive relationship between risk on the level of capital (and liquidity), possibly indicating regulators' preference for capital as a mean of restricting risk‐taking activities. We also find evidence that the financial strength of the corporate sector has a positive influence in reducing bank risk‐taking and capital levels. There are no major differences in the relationships between capital, risk and efficiency for commercial and savings banks although there are for co‐operative banks. In the case of co‐operative banks we do find that capital levels are inversely related to risks and we find that inefficient banks hold lower levels of capital. Some of these relationships also vary depending on whether banks are among the most or least efficient operators.  相似文献   

This paper tests the impact of risk and competition on efficiency in the Chinese banking industry over the period 2003–2013. Comprehensive types of risk-taking behaviour are considered including credit risk, liquidity risk, capital risk, and insolvency risk. Competition is measured by the Lerner index. The results are cross-checked using an alternative econometric technique as well as an alternative competition indicator. The findings show that the technical and pure technical efficiencies of Chinese commercial banks are significantly and negatively affected by liquidity risk. They further show that greater competition precedes declines in technical and pure technical efficiencies of Chinese commercial banks. The results suggest that Chinese bank efficiency is significantly affected by bank diversification, banking sector development, stock market development, inflation and GDP growth rate. The findings also indicate that, compared to state-owned commercial banks, joint-stock commercial banks and city commercial banks have lower technical and pure technical efficiencies.  相似文献   

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