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黄蕾  缪悦 《改革与战略》2009,25(10):134-137
文章认为,业主是物业服务企业最重要的外部利益相关者,在实际运作中业主与物业服务企业存在着物业收费、物业功能维修、公共秩序维护、物业资产管理等方面的利益关联或冲突,而冲突的根本原因在于法律法规滞后且不完善、物业服务行业与企业可持续发展面临多重问题、业主服务消费观念淡薄、业主维权意识与方式不当等。文章指出,利益冲突的有效解决需要企业、业主、政府、行业协会、社会媒体等多方利益相关者依据冲突管理的不同阶段展开系统地管理。  相似文献   

马建斌 《开放导报》2008,36(3):64-67
社会转型期的中国呈现出多元的利益结构形态,由此引发了大量的利益差别和利益矛盾。如何将日益分化的社会利益主体及其利益要求整合起来,使之有序地传输到国家的政治中枢系统,并通过政府来有效协调社会利益关系,是一个重大的现实问题。以强调阶层合作,主张协商妥协为根本特征的新合作主义可以为全面协调利益关系、化解矛盾、缓解冲突、寻求社会和谐提供独特的研究角度。  相似文献   

文章采用案例分析法,以广州市工商局A分局为样本,参考平衡计分卡模型及关键绩效指标法,通过对基层行政执法人员绩效测量体系的构建,来探讨中国地方政府如何利用绩效管理工具,以及让包括基层执法人员在内的所有内部利益攸关者参与绩效指标的构建来落实对街头官僚的问责,进而推动政府的治理转型。  相似文献   

近些年来亚洲经济、政治和军事格局发生了重大的变化,各方力量在合作和冲突中博奕,出现了许多不确定因素。主要国家实力的此消彼长,美国力量的重返亚洲,亚洲各方同美国的角力,经济模式的制约,历史问题的纠葛等,应成为观察亚洲问题需要考量的重要方面。面对亚洲格局变化的挑战,中国有必要反思自己的外交策略,有所为有所不为,同时着力于发展与改革,把自己的事情办好。  相似文献   

运用演化博弈的方法对地方政府、旅游开发商和社区居民这三类古村落旅游核心利益主体之间的博弈行为进行分析。研究表明,由于利益主体利益诉求及其博弈地位的差异导致利益冲突,并表现出非合作博弈;应从利益协调的角度进行合理制度安排,建立平等的谈判协商机制、顺畅的利益表达渠道、严格的监督约束机制和公平的利益分配机制,科学处理利益主体的利益关系,以实现利益主体的利益均衡。  相似文献   

黄婷  徐鸿昭  朱沆  包贤锐 《南方经济》2018,37(10):69-91
传承和转型是当今中国家族企业面临的两大命题,不少家族企业寄希望于通过传承来实现战略转型,然而二代继任者的战略变革往往阻力重重。现有文献多关注继任者的变革动力,少数关注阻力的文献也多归因于经济动机,不足以深入解释代际传承过程中战略变革面临的复杂冲突。文章引入社会情感财富(SEW)观点来分析华帝股份代际传承过程中战略变革障碍的变化,借此来拓展SEW的观点。我们将案例分成一代控制、两代共治和二代控制三个阶段来分析一代战略决策者的变革障碍、一代之间对于战略变革的分歧、一代和二代之间战略变革的冲突,发现(1)原有战略实施中形成的决策者与利益相关者的情感关系会阻碍战略变革,决策者对原有战略实践的投入会形成对它的情感及持续承诺,也会阻碍战略变革;(2)一代成员追求不同的SEW会导致一代(泛)家族成员对二代及其推动的变革形成不同态度,阻碍两代共治下变革的推进;(3)继任者缺少与卸任者共同的SEW减少了其推行激进变革的心理障碍,一代共同SEW的弱化导致其合作瓦解,为二代推行激进变革扫清障碍。上述发现揭示了细分SEW对于从个人层面分析家族内决策冲突和动态变化的价值,也提示了SEW的动态性和作用的两面性。  相似文献   

A key factor in improving Malawi's trade and economic growth will be how Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) provides a platform for stakeholders to come together to manage Malawi's supply and value chains so as to also improve livelihoods, in particular in the agriculture sector, the most prominent in the country. This article analyses what motivates businesses in the Malawian agriculture sector to implement CSR, and how companies and other stakeholders give shape and substance to their partnerships. It examines three case studies that reflect the types of CSR partnerships that have emerged within the sector. These highlight the transition from issue-specific partnerships to ones established to address the underlying business case for CSR to promote competitive advantage and innovation in companies' core business strategies. The article concludes that the new models of partnership emerging in Malawi are indicative of the next generation of partnership development in Africa and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper illustrates how, in relation to globalization, formal and informal land institutions are prone to generate conflict over land rights and examines the implications of such conflicts on security levels of access to primary assets for the poor in two villages in Cameroon — Vekovi and Ekona. The land laws in Cameroon are an outcome of its colonial heritage and exist alongside the communal tenure system. As the issue of land awareness comes to the fore, engendered partly by population pressure, relative price changes and the commoditization of land, conflicts develop: farmer–grazer conflicts in Vekovi, and farmer–farmer and indigenous people–state conflicts in Ekona. The rent‐seeking attitude of administrative and judicial authorities, who use inconsistencies in the dual tenure system, reduces the possibility of negotiating lasting solutions to land‐related conflicts in these villages. The social cost of this behaviour is not limited only to mutual distrust but also includes the opportunity costs of both time and financial resources mobilized by the parties in conflict to follow‐up legal procedures. The informal land tenure system generally operates in opposition to the national land laws in our case study villages, an atmosphere that generates or exacerbates conflict situations that create insecurity and restrict productivity‐enhancing investments. Land markets are more buoyant in Ekona, which is relatively more cosmopolitan and with farm‐to‐market roads that are fairly developed, than in Vekovi, which experiences net out‐migration and is poorly accessible. As a more homogenous society with strong traditional conventions, land transfer in Vekovi remains biased in favour of males, while Ekona enjoys gender neutrality in access to land. Conflict adjudication in the case study villages would be more legitimate if both formal and informal interpretations inform the land dispute settlement mechanisms.  相似文献   

科索沃冲突中的宗教因素解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪末以来,宗教冲突取代意识形态冲突成为地区性群体对抗和冲突的主要形式。科索沃冲突是冷战后国际政治研究的重点议题。科索沃单方面宣布独立引发的多米诺骨牌效应,在随后的南苏丹独立以及中东地区动荡中都有所体现。纵观科索沃冲突整个过程,宗教因素既是冲突爆发的深层根源,同时也是推进冲突烈度和强度变化的重要动力源。在现代社会,宗教发展的多元主义倾向使宗教分布地图不具备类似主权国家地图的一元性。宗教边界的运动性是削弱政治边界的潜在威胁,典型例证就是以科索沃为代表的、针对宗教圣地归属的直接并且长期的暴力冲突。当地区政治和宗教的整体结构表现出弱国强宗教的特征之时,国内宗教问题外溢以及随之带来的宗教安全困境需要谨慎对待。  相似文献   

熊广勤   《华东经济管理》2011,25(2):90-93
古典理论认为,市场中"无形的手"可以完成对标的物转让的定价。然而,我国企业产权转让往往涉及多个利益群体的利益及对转让的认可度,如何从机制设计上保护他们合法利益,成为关心的焦点。文章在详细考察湖北白云边股份有限公司转让产权的供求约束及相应的行为假定的基础上,提出了一种附加非价格约束的转让机制:协议转让、招投标和拍卖三种转让方式是一个交易的三个环节,具体推进到哪一步取决于竞争程度。该机制通过对三种转让方式的创新组合,在一定程度上实现了潜在购买者在转让价格和非价格两个维度上的竞争,从而使政府能够很好地兼顾收入最大化和妥善安置原企业职工,对原经营者合法权益的补偿,地方品牌的保留与发展等多重目标。因此,这是一个相对有效的转让机制。  相似文献   

杨洁  王志亮 《特区经济》2011,(6):283-285
从2008年底至今,国美电器大股东和职业经理人之间展开激烈的控制权争夺。对于这场争夺所折射出的中国民营企业公司治理缺陷及问题,本文将从利益相关者理论出发,探讨如何从股东权益保护、董事会设置和治理制度体系设计等方面完善公司治理,促进民营企业健康发展。  相似文献   

Previous studies have cited inequality as a major factor relating to conflicts in Indonesia, while consideration of polarization and fractionalization as drivers of conflict is limited. The current paper examined the roles of three indices (polarization, inequality and fractionalization) in explaining the incidence of conflicts in Indonesian provinces over 2002–2012. This study used income (proxied by expenditure) differences to measure polarization and inequality, with subnational data as the unit of analysis. In addition, to complete the analysis, the present study used a variety of socioeconomic indicators as additional control variables. This paper verified that the high degrees of income polarization, ethnic fractionalization and income inequality are associated with the high probability of conflicts in Indonesian provinces. It also found that socioeconomic factors such as poverty, unemployment, population and natural resources, as well as some types of local government spending are significantly associated with conflicts.  相似文献   

尹德先 《特区经济》2009,242(3):303-304
公司治理是公司生命机体的核心和灵魂,有效的公司治理取决于公司治理科学合理的价值取向。以经济和法律的视角来看,股东利益最大化、关注利益相关者等价值取向都有各自的矛盾,公司治理应坚持以公司利益为主的价值取向。  相似文献   

李艳  孟凡强 《南方经济》2015,33(12):104-114
结合马斯洛的需求层次理论,文章拟用佛山数据研究新生代农民工需求层次变化及其劳资冲突行为选择。研究发现生存、发展和精神三个层次的渐进需求均对珠三角地区新生代农民工劳资冲突行为选择存在显著影响:对生存需求和发展需求的满足程度越低,珠三角地区新生代农民工越倾向于选择集体停工等激烈的劳资冲突行为;具有精神价值需求的新生代农民工倾向于选择合法维权等温和的劳资冲突行为。对三大需求的比较分析发现,生存需求中的工资收入变量对劳资冲突行为选择的影响最为显著,其次是精神价值需求中的法治平等意识变量,而发展需求变量组的影响系数最小。这说明基本的生存需求对新生代农民工的劳资冲突行为选择依然具有最大影响力,但与上一代农民工不同的是,法治平等等精神价值需求在新生代农民工劳资冲突行为选择中的作用正在凸显。  相似文献   

Corporate governance mechanisms designed to alleviate manager‐shareholder agency conflicts can worsen shareholder‐bondholder conflicts. This study examines how one such corporate governance mechanism, monitoring by large outside shareholders, influences the choice between public and private debt. I conjecture and find that firms with higher outside blockholdings are inclined to choose bank loans over public debt when they borrow, consistent with the notion that banks are better monitors than public debt markets. I also find that bank loans carry less price protection than corporate bonds against increased agency risk associated with outside blocks. Corroborating the monitoring story, I document that bank loans contain more accounting‐based covenants and dividend restriction provisions for firms with higher outside blockholdings than for those with lower blockholdings. I find no such relation for public debt covenants. This supports that banks' monitoring of their loans counters the agency risk caused by blockholders. This study extends prior research that associates governance mechanisms with agency costs of debt, by incorporating lenders' differential monitoring mechanisms in the overall corporate governance system.  相似文献   

What was the impact of military conflict on economic inequality? I argue that ordinary military conflicts increased local economic inequality. Warfare raised the financial needs of communities in preindustrial times, leading to more resource extraction from the population. This resource extraction happened via inequality-promoting channels, such as regressive taxation. Only in truly major wars might inequality-reducing destruction outweigh inequality-promoting extraction and reduce inequality. To test this argument I construct a novel panel dataset combining information about economic inequality in 75 localities, and more than 700 conflicts over four centuries. I find that the many ordinary conflicts — paradigmatic of life in the preindustrial world — were continuous reinforcers of economic inequality. I confirm that the Thirty Years’ War was indeed a great equaliser, but this was an exception and not the rule. Rising inequality is an underappreciated negative externality in times of conflict.  相似文献   

陆爽 《特区经济》2011,(1):116-118
中俄"灰色清关"事件与中美"轮胎特保案"事件,都是在华尔街金融危机的时代背景下,俄美两国政府迫于其国内压力而采取行动,给中国相关外贸企业造成重大损失,并且极可能带来连锁反应和造成深远影响的重大外贸事件。本文通过对两事件的比较分析,对我国如何处理好与不同类型国家的贸易摩擦进行有益的探讨,进而提出,加强对经济转型过渡期、法制环境不太完善的非WTO成员国家与我国贸易摩擦事件的研究已是一个刻不容缓的课题。  相似文献   

在战后日美汽车贸易争端中,丰田等大型企业在缓解摩擦、应对外压中日益起到积极的作用,这也成为透视战略性贸易摩擦的一个重要案例。战略性贸易摩擦涉及的产业和企业具有较长的产业链和价值链,较强的产业外溢和辐射效应,因此其发生和发展具有一定的必然性。从丰田的案例可以看出,在战略性贸易摩擦中,企业在发挥自身力量实现市场多元化、提高核心竞争力、运用国际法理及其机制的同时,有必要主动借用、积极配合政府的干预和斡旋,实现"官民互补"。  相似文献   

资产属性、联盟冲突与独资化趋势   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在20世纪末独资化已成趋势的中国大背景下,作者引入内生交易费用经济学机会主义和不完全契约的假定,从专用性资产的套牢效应和专有性资产的溢出效应导致联盟冲突的角度,对中国电梯工业的合资独资案例进行研究,研究表明,资产属性导致联盟内生冲突是跨国公司在中国独资化的本质原因。最后,作者给出强势联盟和异质联盟是保持合资企业相对稳定的治理结构的原创性建议。  相似文献   

I. Introduction When Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh announced in 2005 that Mumbai will be like Shanghai for India, a trigger was fired. Little did he know that his statement would be taken out of context and interpreted differently than what he had meant. Since then, the term “Shanghaing Mumbai” has caught on in the city development discussions in India.The Chief Minister of Maharashtra said that he would do his best to fulfil the dream of making Mumbai into a World Class Ci…  相似文献   

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