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国有企业资本结构存在外部融资比例过高,过度依赖银行贷款,企业资本金严重不足等问题,要解决国有企业资本结构不合理的问题,必须兼顾财政、银行和企业三方面的利益,深化国企产权制度改革,完善国有企业自我积累机制,拓宽企业资本筹措渠道。  相似文献   

中国的利率市场化改革至今已经进入最后的"倒计时"阶段,而这一市场化进程将毫无疑问对银行业带来巨大的冲击与挑战。中国的中小银行受限于自身的资金实力、人才技术水平以及品牌信誉等,在面对利率市场化造成的存贷利差缩小、利率风险凸显等挑战时相对于大银行会愈加艰难。本文认为中小银行主要面临传统业务流失、经营管理压力增加以及行业并购和破产的压力。中小银行应该从转变盈利模式,优化客户结构,增强利率风险管理能力,提高定价能力等方面着手,积极适应利率市场化改革,增强自身的竞争力。  相似文献   

郭杰  饶含 《金融研究》2023,(5):38-57
本文基于我国监管政策和金融机构异质性特征,通过构建理论模型论证了银行债券融资能力提升将产生以下效果:第一,使中小银行能够通过同业交易渠道,向大型银行借取更多低成本资金。第二,提高了银行向非银行部门主动融资的能力,从而降低银行的流动性管理需求,并向非银行金融机构供应更多抵押资产。第三,提高单个银行利用整个银行系统的信贷资产价值来补充资本的能力。这些效应共同降低了中小银行的资金成本、准备金抵押品成本和资本成本,以及整个银行系统的流动性监管引致成本,同时还向市场提供了更多优质抵押品,最终会提高货币政策影响各类信贷规模的能力,并降低银行异质性和资本消耗率对信贷结构的扭曲程度。但同时,这些效应也会因改变银行的信贷偏好而产生新的扭曲效应,并且还会提高金融机构间的债务互联性,因此会增加一些新的宏观金融风险问题。  相似文献   

中小银行发展长期以来存在着诸多困难,如法人治理结构不健全,内控机制不完善,资产质量差,资本充足率低,亏损面和亏损额严重等,使银行经营风险问题较为突出。这一直是银行经营管理层和监管机构十分关注的问题。特别是当前中小银行改革走向深入,银监会更应加强中小银行风险监管力度。  相似文献   

本文运用中国25家银行2003-2011年的年度非平衡面板数据进行了随机效应面板和固定效应面板回归,对我国货币政策传导的银行贷款渠道及银行特征对其影响进行了分类研究。结果表明,货币政策的银行贷款渠道在我国主要通过中小银行进行传导,以资本充足水平为代表的银行特征会令货币政策银行信贷渠道对银行部门产生异质性影响,资本充足率越高、资产规模越小和流动性比例越大的银行越易受到货币政策的冲击。  相似文献   

引言 改革开放以来,中国经济取得了举世瞩目的成就.但是,中国金融部门改革落后于经济改革.现阶段,四大国有银行在我国金融部门中占主导地位.由于信息不对称,大银行倾向于给大企业贷款,因而大企业更容易得到金融支持.中小银行在市场竞争中处于劣势,中小企业则难以获得足够的信贷.  相似文献   

我国银行业监督管理委员会2010年准备接受新资本协议银行的申请,届时在将实施新资本协议的大银行与旧资本协议的中小银行之间形成两种资本监管体系,这会对商业银行经营行为、信贷投放及未来行业发展产生深刻的影响。在新资本协议"双轨制"下,由于资本监管要求不同,最终使得大银行专职提供大企业的低风险贷款,而中小银行专职提供中小企业的高风险贷款,这种结果会造成各方的利益受损。本文就中小银行如何在新资本协议"双轨制"下立足与发展提出了一些相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

魏佳  刘玄 《新金融》2020,(5):22-27
德意志银行是"大而不倒"银行的一个典型代表,其近期陷入的经营危机反映了国际金融监管趋严的市场环境下商业银行所面临的转型挑战。本报告基于对德意志银行危机成因的剖析,阐述在全球经济环境日益严峻复杂的背景下欧洲银行业面临的金融监管成本高企、政策性歧视等外部困难,探讨商业银行在调整战略定位、资产负债管理以及内部公司治理等方面的难题。随着我国对混业经营限制的逐步放开,商业银行资金进入资本市场的步伐加快,需要进一步加强各监管部门之间的政策协调。对德意志银行危机成因的分析将有助于我们借鉴欧美金融监管改革的经验,在国际化进程中引导银行资金有序健康地进入资本市场。  相似文献   

银行规模扩张一般理论中的大而不倒说、资本收益说、银行成长说、新银行说和高管势力扩张说均不能完整有效地解释我国中小银行的规模扩张.我国中小银行规模扩张有着独特的行为逻辑,制度供给和市场需求中的规模偏好、资本约束缺失、市场定位偏失以及业务与盈利模式单一是形成这一行为逻辑的主要原因.  相似文献   

美国商业银行资金来源结构的变迁及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了美国商业银行资金来源管理的发展历程和不同规模商业银行筹资策略的选择,发现不同规模的商业银行结合自身特点在筹资中形成了各具特色的筹资渠道,如美国大型银行依靠股票溢价和留存收益补充权益资本,而中小银行主要依赖留存收益补充权益资本;大型银行主动性负债的占比要高于中小银行,中小银行对核心存款的依赖程度要高于大型银行等.通过与中国商业银行的对比分析,作者对中国商业银行的资本和负债管理提出以下建议:增强造血性权益资本补充渠道;正确认识发行次级债券的资本补充功能;关注中小银行资金来源结构中的经营风险.  相似文献   

宋全云  李晓  钱龙 《金融研究》2019,469(7):57-75
基于大样本微观银行信贷数据,本文研究经济政策不确定性对企业的银行贷款成本的影响。研究发现,经济政策不确定性升高导致企业的银行贷款成本增加,且使得在中小型银行贷款的企业成本增加更多。异质性分析表明,经济政策不确定性升高对受政策因素影响较大的企业如小微企业、私营企业等的银行贷款成本的影响更为明显。进一步,对企业的银行贷款违约风险的研究发现,随着经济政策不确定性升高,企业的银行贷款违约风险反而降低。这表明,经济政策不确定性升高使得银行选择风险评级更低的贷款,符合谨慎性动机。本文研究结论表明,经济政策不确定性升高时,银行“自我保险”动机的增强使得企业的银行贷款成本增加,这在中小型银行中表现得更加明显,同时也更多地转嫁给中小企业。本文为经济政策不确定性对企业投资、宏观经济波动等的研究提供了微观解释机制,并揭示了政府经济政策的一致性、稳定性对维护金融稳定的重要作用。  相似文献   

In a sample of bank loans to small firms we find a positive relation between the bank's monitoring effort and the loan's interest rate. We also observe an inverse relation between the closeness of banking relationships and interest rates. Further, we see that banks less frequently monitor firms with whom they have closer relationships. We conclude that banking relationships are valuable because firms can significantly reduce their costs of capital by establishing and maintaining close ties to a particular bank. As firms successfully complete loan transactions with banks, banks monitor them less frequently and, ultimately, charge them lower interest rates.  相似文献   

This paper uses the entry of foreign banks into India during the 1990s—analyzing variation in both the timing of the new foreign banks’ entries and in their location—to estimate the effect of foreign bank entry on domestic credit access and firm performance. In contrast to the belief that foreign bank entry should improve credit access for all firms, the estimates indicate that foreign banks financed only a small set of very profitable firms upon entry, and that on average, firms were 8 percentage points less likely to have a loan after a foreign bank entry because of a systematic drop in domestic bank loans. Similar estimates are obtained using the location of pre-existing foreign firms as an instrument for foreign bank locations. Moreover, the observed decline in loans is greater among smaller firms, firms with fewer tangible assets, and firms affiliated with business groups. The drop in credit also appears to adversely affect the performance of smaller firms with greater dependence on external financing. Overall, this evidence is consistent with the exacerbation of information asymmetries upon foreign bank entry.  相似文献   

李志生  金凌 《金融研究》2021,487(1):111-130
银行贷款是我国企业融资的重要方式,在企业生产经营中发挥着举足轻重的作用。2006年和2009年,我国先后两次放松了商业银行分支机构市场准入规制,银行分支机构空间分布发生了较大变化,银行竞争水平和服务实体经济能力明显提升。本文利用2001-2012年国家统计局工业企业数据,以企业周边银行分支机构的数量衡量银行竞争水平,研究银行竞争对企业投资的影响。研究发现,银行分支机构数量的增加显著提高了企业投资水平和投资效率。进一步研究表明,银行分支机构数量增加对企业投资效率的提升作用主要表现在投资不足的企业和非国有企业中,企业融资约束降低和代理冲突减弱是银行竞争提高企业投资效率的主要原因。本研究拓展了银行竞争以及企业投资和资源配置效率的相关文献,对供给侧结构性改革和银行业高质量发展具有启示意义。  相似文献   

Financing constraints are important to triggering controlling shareholders' share pledges. However, the related literature faces two major challenges: the endogeneity problem and the lack of direct evidence of why and how individual share pledges can ease corporate financing constraints. Based on China's Share Pledge Reform (SPR) in Q4 2012 and the phenomenon that private firms face discrimination when obtaining bank loans, this paper studies the impact of financing constraints on share pledging behavior and its mechanisms by building a difference-in-differences (DID) model. The SPR makes it more convenient for shareholders to raise money through share pledges, and shareholders of private firms facing stronger financing constraints are more vulnerable to this reform than are state-owned enterprises (SOEs). After the SPR, the probability of share pledging by controlling shareholders of private firms is approximately 23.04% higher than that of controlling shareholders of SOEs, and the pledge ratio is approximately 16.53% higher. Further tests reveal that, after the SPR, controlling shareholders of private firms are more inclined than those of SOEs to provide loans to the company to alleviate its financing constraints. Heterogeneity tests further corroborate the finding that this effect is more significant in private firms that are smaller and do not have shareholders of banking and institutional firms among their top ten shareholders.  相似文献   

Loan rates for seemingly identical borrowers often exhibit substantial dispersion. This paper investigates the determinants of the dispersion in interest rates on loans granted by banks to small and medium sized enterprises. We associate this dispersion with the loan officers’ use of “discretion” in the loan rate setting process. We find that “discretion” is most important if: (i) loans are small and unsecured; (ii) firms are small and opaque; (iii) the firm operates in a large and highly concentrated banking market; and (iv) the firm is distantly located from the lender. Consistent with the proliferation of information-technologies in the banking industry, we find a decreasing role for “discretion” over time in the provision of small credits to opaque firms. While widely used in the pricing of loans, “discretion” plays only a minor role in the decisions to grant loans.  相似文献   

在深化银行业供给侧结构性改革背景下,如何科学评价银行业的结构性全要素生产率(TFP)增长具有重要意义。区别于早期针对个体样本的技术性TFP增长研究,本文通过构建并分解加总的Luenberger生产率指标对我国银行业以及不同类型银行的结构性TFP增长及来源进行有效评价。结果显示,研究期间,我国银行业的结构性TFP增长表现良好,其中,整体技术进步是主要驱动力;进一步分解发现,制度创新改善和加总的个体技术进步推动了银行业结构性TFP增长。在整体效率变化方面,加总的个体技术效率变化和结构效率变化都有待提高,其中,范围效率变化是抑制结构效率改善的主要因素。考虑不同类型银行,制度创新变化对所有类型银行的结构性TFP增长都影响显著,加总的个体技术变化对股份制和地区性银行的结构性TFP增长贡献更突出;加总的个体技术效率变化、结构效率变化、范围效率变化和规模效率变化对不同类型银行的结构性TFP增长作用有限。  相似文献   

In many countries consolidation in the banking industry has reduced the number of small banks and led to significant shifts in market shares; deregulation has fostered entry in local credit markets and the expansion of branch networks, increasing competition in local markets. Small businesses are believed to be more vulnerable to these changes, since they are more dependent on credit from local banks. In this paper we investigate the consequences of consolidation and entry for these borrowers compared with those for large firms. We employ a data set for Italy, which provides information on volumes of loans and bad loans by size of borrower with a detailed geographical partition. We find that mergers are followed by a temporary reduction in outstanding credit to all sizes of borrowers and by an increase in bad loans, most likely due to the reassessment of banks portfolios. Entry has a relatively persistent negative impact on credit supply to small and medium-sized firms. Our results also show that concentration, branch density and the share of branches of small banks affect the volumes of credit and bad loans of small borrowers.  相似文献   

李波  朱太辉 《金融研究》2020,481(7):134-152
近年来我国利率市场化改革积极推进,实体经济发展积极向创新驱动转型,一个亟须研究厘清的关键问题是,银行业竞争如何驱动企业创新活动?本文关注银行价格竞争对企业创新的影响,以2013—2018年沪深两市的上市企业为样本,采用“中介效应”因果分析模型,实证检验了银行价格竞争对企业研发投资的影响,并识别出以融资约束为中介渠道的作用机制。研究发现,银行价格竞争不仅会提高银行的风险容忍度,直接增加R&D投资的信贷供给意愿,而且还会通过降低贷款价格和增加贷款可得性来缓解企业整体的融资约束,间接促进企业创新活动。这一机制在解除贷款利率管制之后以及在民营企业层面体现得更加明显。本文的研究结果对于深化金融市场化改革、改善金融服务实体经济效果以及实施经济创新驱动发展战略,具有明确的政策启示。  相似文献   

Using a sample of 3725 loan facility–years for supplier firms that have financial data on their major customers during the period 1995–2011, this study investigates whether the earnings performance of major customers has effect on the price and nonprice terms of loans to the supplier firms. We find that various contracting terms are more favorable for loans to supplier firms whose major customers have higher return on assets (ROA). More importantly, we find that the effect of major customers’ earning performance on loan contracting terms is weaker for the borrowers with prior loan relationships with banks, while it is stronger for the borrowers that are highly dependent on their major customers. Our results suggest that banks take into account major customers’ earnings performance when contracting with their supplier firms, and the informativeness of customer earnings varies with the nature and strength of the customer–supplier relationships.  相似文献   

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