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1990年以后,许多普通法系国家(地区)引入了起源于美国的独立董事制度,以期加强公司治理,提高国家竞争力。这表明,在全球化背景下,不同国家的公司治理具有趋同的趋势。然而,从实施效果来看,这些国家(地区)的独立董事制度尚存在种种问题,其有效性与美国有一定差距。这又反映了公司治理制度移植以及全球趋同的困难性。  相似文献   

刘振华 《董事会》2011,(8):82-83
世界范围内的公司治理模式主要有两种:基于严格法制基础的,和基于自愿与原则基础的。美国是采取以严格法制和规则为基础的模式,澳洲与其他英联邦国家,包括中国香港地区,则采取自愿与原则为基础的模式。对后者而言,相关机构会发布公司治理最佳实践标准,并建议公司自愿实施。如果公司具体治理措施与推荐措施并不一致,相关公司需要作出合理解释。这背后的逻辑是世界上并没有一个统一的公司治理模式,具体到公司操作层次会有实际的差异。  相似文献   

基于不同理论框架下的公司治理 --兼论我国国有企业治理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文在对当前几种公司治理理论简单介绍的基础上,分析了我国国有企业公司治理的实践,指出各种治理理论在国有企业治理过程中的局限性,我国的国有企业治理只能依据特殊国情,逐步通过制度演进来实现治理目标。  相似文献   

公司治理成为近几年企业改革的一个重要问题,而公司治理结构与会计有着必然的联系。公司治理结构不同,会计模式的选择应当不同,会计模式在不同公司治理结构中选择的好坏,直接影响着会计信息的质量。本文在分析公司治理结构与会计模式选择关系的基础上,对我国公司会计模式的选择提出几点看法。  相似文献   

Andrew Cave 《董事会》2014,(11):88-89
正对中小企业而言,最大的目标当然是业绩。不管什么治理方法,能提高业绩的就是好方法。如果遵循某个治理原则带来的只有高昂的治理成本和官僚作风,那么这件事情就不应该做金融衰退往往会使人们加强对公司治理的关注。近几年发生的经济衰退也不例外,各国的监管部门都加强了对公司的合规审查。英国Close Brothers集团的CEO Preben Prebensen表示,"过去五年来,大家都比较认可治理的重要性,而且这种认可并不局限于  相似文献   

大股东治理、机构投资者与公司治理结构改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对机构股东治理的机制及其对公司治理效率的影响进行了系统分析,指出机构投资者作为大股东在“内部控制”和“公司控制权市场”公司治理中发挥着不同的作用,机构投资者的积极行为及其对公司治理结构模式改革趋同的推动,将使公司所有权和控制权在分离基础上实现局部的统一,机构投资者因此成为解决公司控制权难题的制度解。  相似文献   

通过对公司治理结构的模式考察和责权划分的制衡分析,揭示了我国国有企业公司治理结构中的基本问题,进一步提出对完善国有企业公司治理结构的方法和策略。  相似文献   

独立董事制度的兴起是现代公司治理理论和实践发展的产物,但独立董事信息获取能力的欠缺制约了他们持续改进董事会职能的作用。随着董事会独立性(独立非执行董事人数的比例)的提高,董事会决策的公正性效率会提高,但董事会决策的达用性效率会降低。在效率替代作用的影响下,董事会的独立性高低与董事会决策交率之间并不存在线性关系,而是倒U型关系,这一模型可以对关于独立董事问题的各种争议给出很好的解释,也可以对我国探索公司治理中独立董事的人数比例,人选确定方法,遴选途径和激励约束等方面提供一个基本框架。  相似文献   

公司治理模式与会计模式的关系是当前理论界和实务中讨论的热点,国内外众多学者对公司治理与会计信息之间的关系进行了研究并得出了一些有意义的结论,但绝大部分研究者往往直接分析其间的关联,而没有就这种影响的机理作出分析。本文引入会计信息市场这一概念,作为分析公司治理与税务会计信息模式选择的工具,并针对我国现实情况,提出一些建议。  相似文献   

佴永松 《董事会》2008,(8):12-12
我国银行业的改革,引进境外战略投资者一直颇有争议。从银行自身来说,一个重要的理由是引进先进的管理经验和完善公司治理。但是,公司治理没有固定的模式,如何建立一个适合自己企业文化的有效的治理机制,重在创新。这方面兴业银行可以说是一个比较成功的典型。  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between corporate governance and corporate sustainability by focusing on an essential component of companies' governance structure: executive compensation programs. We propose an original empirical strategy based on a large set of the biggest capitalizations in Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries over the period 2004–2018, with explicit measures of how companies integrate into executive managers' remuneration precise criteria of corporate social responsibility, an incentive scheme called corporate social responsibility (CSR) contracting. Our results show that proposing executive compensation programs including CSR criteria has a negative impact on financial performance, and a large positive impact on extra-financial performance based on the following dimensions: relationship with customers and suppliers, and community involvement. Second, we explore the moderating role of the corporate governance model by distinguishing the impact between firms with a shareholder or stakeholder corporate governance model and reveal significant differences in the impact of CSR contracting. For firms with a stakeholder corporate governance model, CSR contracting is no longer associated with a fall of financial performance and has a large positive impact on human resources, environmental, and human rights performance. On the other hand, CSR contracting has a negative impact on financial performance but no impact on extra-financial performance for firms with a shareholder corporate governance model.  相似文献   

Research summary: Shareholder activism has become more widespread, yet the role of corporate governance as antecedent to shareholder activism remains equivocal. We propose a new conceptual model that characterizes the stochastic of observable shareholder activism as a compound product of two latent components representing (1) shareholder activists' propensity to target a company and (2) executives' propensity to settle activists' demands privately. Our model explicitly decouples corporate governance expectations for the two latent components embedded in activism process, and thus allows us to relax assumptions of homogenous shareholder interests and constrained managerial discretion where corporate managers are expected to negotiate privately and settle only value‐creating activist demands. Bayesian analysis of zero‐inflated Poisson regression reveals that corporate governance relationships with activism vary across shareholder demands and private settlements. Managerial summary: Increasing shareholder activism has generated debates as to whether activism promotes managerial accountability and responsibility or instead encourages managerial short‐termism. Our research model allows for heterogeneous interests among a company's shareholders. We theorize and empirically investigate a broader role of corporate governance: governance mechanisms need to ensure that executives are not (1) ignoring activists' value‐increasing demands or (2) accommodating activists' value‐decreasing demands in a private, opaque manner that disenfranchises other shareholders. Our results indicate that corporate governance implications differ for visible shareholder demands in contrast with private activism. A plausible application of our model is that it provides estimates of the probability of the numbers of shareholder demands to be received by a firm and the probability of privately settling a demand. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了探究知识产权保护对技术创新影响的行业差异,本文运用中国37个行业2006~2011年的面板数据,基于技术差距和相对规模,探究了知识产权制度变革对产业创新影响的行业异质性。研究发现:人均专利数量是衡量技术创新的理想指标;加强知识产权保护,有利于促进技术进步;技术创新渠道正在发生变化,即更注重国内自主创新和内部技术转移;技术差距越小越有利于技术进步,相对规模越大越有利于技术创新。本文建议:在研究技术创新时,可以选择从业人员人均专利数量作为创新指标;加强知识产权执法水平,提升知识产权保护力度;技术创新过程中更应该注重自主创新和内部技术转移,不断缩小与发达国家的技术差距,同时还应该扩大行业相对规模。  相似文献   

企业理论的社会资本逻辑   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
本文在回顾以知识为基础的企业理论的基础上,提出了社会资本不仅是企业战略资源,也是企业的一种有效的治理机制。企业交易复杂性程度越高,社会资本治理存在的价值就越大。按照社会资本治理的逻辑,企业比市场更能有效地创造社会资本,更能充分有效地利用社会资本的价值;与之相适应,本文分析了企业制度安排从资本为基础转向以社会资本为基础的可能性与现实性。  相似文献   

公司治理特征与公司绩效之间的关系一直是理论研究和实证分析的焦点。DEA 方法在公司治理与企业绩效之间的关系分析中的应用已受到越来越多的关注。本文选取2012~2015 年我国制造业上市公司数据,运用主成分分析和混合DEA 模型来剖析公司治理和公司效率之间的关系。输入变量是固定资产的净值、员工数量和公司治理,而输出变量是总收入和税前利润。对于国有和非国有制造业上市企业,公司治理是一个重要的影响公司效率的因素。研究结果表明:国有和非国有制造企业可以通过有效地使用员工、固定资产和改进公司治理来提高效率;而低效的公司治理是国有与非国有上市制造业企业效率低下的主要原因;同时,由于过度的公司治理,国有企业的低效率远高于非国有企业,这表明非国有企业的公司治理效率高于国有企业。  相似文献   

企业制度与企业管理   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文深入讨论了我国企业制度与企业组织形态的基本形式、现代企业制度的内涵和组成部分,认为中国企业管理的加强和完善要注意与企业制度和组织形态结合起来,要建设以公司制为主体的现代企业制度,解决国有企业公司制改造过程中诸如公司制改造的形式选择、法人治理结构等问题,从根本上处理好制度与人的关系。中国企业未来的发展趋势之一是建立综合的、系统的、科学的管理制度,形成真正市场经济体制下的管理模式。  相似文献   

How the company is conceptualized has important implications for employees. Divergent theoretical approaches towards the company are synthesized below to form three models: the ownership, nexus of contracts, and social institution models. The first two endorse current UK corporate governance practice, in which companies are run for the ultimate benefit of their shareholders, who have the exclusive right to appoint the board. The third model questions this arrangement and, more generally, the characterization of the company as a wholly private association. The conclusion examines the implications of the third model for reform of company law and governance in the UK.  相似文献   

Corporate governance and Asian companies   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0  
While prominent differences in corporate governance exist across the Asia Pacific region, there are common concerns about controlling shareholders expropriating wealth from minority shareholders at the expense of overall wealth creation, as well as about the roles and qualifications of managers in Asian companies. The contributors to this Special Issue of the Asia Pacific Journal of Management address these concerns and provide new evidence on their empirical relevance, as well as the factors conditioning that relevance. They also provide cautionary insight into the merits of specific proposals to reform Asian corporate governance. An important theme emerging from this Special Issue is that one needs to understand the institutional framework in which organizations operate in order to understand the rationale for and consequences of specific corporate governance models, as well as the likelihood that specific governance reforms will be adopted and prove effective. In this context, informal institutions are often more important than formal institutions. In addition to advancing our understanding and appreciation of the linkages between formal and informal institutions, corporate behavior, and performance, as well as the prospects for corporate governance reform, the papers in this Special Issue also suggest challenging and potentially fruitful areas for future research.  相似文献   

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