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徐莹敏 《商业时代》2015,(10):144-145
随着中国经济的快速发展,创新越来越成为推动经济增长的重要因素,然而中国区域R&D投入却存在着较大差异,传统解释变量并不能完全解释这种差异。本文通过构建一个包含31个省份1998年到2010年的宏观面板数据,以基督教堂数作为各区域现代商业文化的代理变量,对文化因素影响区域R&D投入进行实证分析。结果发现,在控制了经济发展水平、教育、对外开放程度等因素的条件下,现代商业文化程度对于区域R&D强度的差异有着显著的正相关关系。稳健性检验的结果也同样证明了文化因素对于区域R&D投入有着显著相关性。  相似文献   

商业伦理影响着经济的进步,宗教文化影响着商业伦理的发展,在历史变迁中,宗教文化对东西方商业伦理观存在着不同程度的影响。文章论述了商业伦理的内涵及其与宗教文化的关系,阐述了宗教文化视角下东西方商业伦理观在金钱观念、契约观念、诚信观念和社会责任观念四个方面存在着差异,并进行了比较分析。根据对东西方商业伦理观的差异分析,得出结论并从四个方面得出相应的启示以提升中国商业伦理水平。  相似文献   

朱涛 《商场现代化》2008,(2):218-219
在现代设计中,文化应该是现代设计的中心。文化设计在现代商业设计中占据主导地位,特别区域特产产业经济的文化活动更为突出。区域文化是文化的分支,一个地区的区域文化对其所在地区的经济会产生巨大影响。本文着重探讨区域文化对区域经济和产品品牌形象的建立及推广的意义,分析现代设计创新与区域特色产品品牌的文化个性化设计需求。  相似文献   

再论商业文化内涵   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘建湖 《商业文化》2006,(10):86-88
商业文化产生于商品经济,反过来又作用并服务于商品经济。在构建现代先进的商业文化体系中,以商品文化为基础,以商品营销文化为手段,以商业环境文化为条件,以商业伦理文化为自律,以新商人文化为主体,以商业精神为核心,并在其相互的统一作用下构成商业文化体系的基本组成部分,共同对社会商品经济的发展产生着重要的影响。[编者按]  相似文献   

中国和西方国家是主要经济合作和贸易伙伴,但在商业文化的价值取向方面存在明显差异并由此产生各种冲突。中西商业文化的冲突有三个层次,即生活习惯,思维方式和价值取向。通过分析和比较,揭示出中西不同价值取向的文化根源,指出了进行有效沟通的途径和方法。  相似文献   

本文认为商业文化和消费文化之间存在相互影响与作用.商业文化通过广告宣传、销售服务等来影响消费文化;消费文化则通过推动商业营销理念升级、商业模式创新等影响商业文化,进而促进商业发展.  相似文献   

上海海派商业文化二十多年来,特别近十年,在理论与实践的结合上、在文化与经济的结合上,有了新的发展,取得了新的成果。海纳百川、中西融合的特点越来越突现。表现在:商业管理文化更具有魅力,商业营销文化更走向现代,商业环境文化更展现风采,商业服务文化更体现诚信,商业人才文化更显示品位。海派商业文化建设,推出了商业经济的发展,商业经济的发展,丰富了海派商业文化的内涵。  相似文献   

林振将 《中国报业》2014,(11):74-75
因为地理环境和自然条件不同,经过长期的历史过程,导致文化背景产生差异,从而形成了明显与地理位置有关的文化特征,这种区域文化借助互联网进行传播,形成各具特色的区域网络文化。目前,各类网站发展迅猛,网络媒体格局发生巨变,大型商业门户和新闻网站地位不可动摇,各种特色网站抢滩登陆,夹在中间的地方新闻网站生存空间被不断挤压。  相似文献   

姜森云 《上海商业》2014,(10):22-25
从上世纪80年代末胡平提出商业文化的概念至今,中国商业文化研究已经走过了近30年的研究历程。对于商业文化的定义,大部分学者都认为商业文化是商业物质文化、商业制度文化、商业精神文化的一体化。本研究将商业文化定义为:与商业经济发展相适应、受社会制度及社会文化影响和制约,通过商品交换反映出来的价值观念、行为准则、道德观念和传统习俗的总和。  相似文献   

试谈区域文化的区域经济效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区域文化对区域经济的发展影响很大,这种影响有两个方面引人注目:区域文化环境影响区域内个体经济意识;区域文化影响区域内企业文化的形成。实践证明:要改变落后地区的经济状况,就要采取切实措施,重视区域文化建设,把区域文化建设放到经济发展战略高度考虑。  相似文献   

The study investigated the effects of three cultural variables – country of employment, race/ethnicity and religion – on managerial views of profit and 15 other business priorities. In total, 203 responses were obtained (120 randomly and 83 by quota) from executives and managers belonging to either of two race/ethnic groups (Caucasian and Chinese) and three religious denominations (Christian, Buddhist and Malay Muslim) located in three different countries (Australia, Singapore and Malaysia). Findings indicated that these three different cultural variables affected (to varying degrees) the attitudes of managers towards profit and other related business concerns. Managers working in Malaysia, the Malay Muslims and Caucasians in particular, had the highest regard for profit whilst those employed in Australia were found, on the whole, to be the most (socially) considerate toward their employees, customers and environment. This study pointed to the need for cultural ethics as a complementary function in business. After majoring in Psychology and Sociology in the Bachelor of Arts (Multidisciplinary) Program at Victoria University, I went on to do my Master of Arts in Applied Social Research at Monash University. With these given areas of specializations and with the support of a scholarship from Victoria University, I was able to complete my doctoral studies in business ethics and foreign labour employment in 2006.  相似文献   

欧美酒店业的现状及其对中国酒店业发展的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈新跃  杨德礼  伊娜 《商业研究》2003,(19):158-160
欧美酒店业作为当今世界酒店业的重要组成部分,因其历史文化的特点决定了欧美酒店业的服务设施、经营管理的独特性。系统分析了欧美酒店形成的文化背景、建筑特色、经营特点,借鉴其精华,提出了中国酒店业未来发展的对策与建议。  相似文献   

Characteristics of Ethical Business Cultures   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The purpose of this study was to identify general characteristics attributed to ethical business cultures by executives from a variety of industries. Our research identified five clusters of characteristics: Mission- and Values-Driven, Stakeholder Balance, Leadership Effectiveness, Process Integrity, and Long-term Perspective. We propose that these characteristics be used as a foundation of a comprehensive model that can be engaged to influence operational practices in creating and sustaining an ethical business culture.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to determine whether there are cross-cultural differences between Chinese and Canadian business students with respect to their assessment of the ethicality of various business behaviors. Using a sample of 147 business students, the results indicate cultural crossvergence; the Chinese (72 students) and Canadians (75 students) exhibit different ethical attitudes toward questionable business practices at the individual level but not at the corporate level. A social desirability bias (a tendency to deny socially unacceptable actions and to admit to socially desirable ones) is also found to be a cross-cultural phenomenon, with the Canadians demonstrating a greater bias than the Chinese. Finally, this bias causes respondents to increase their assessment of the un-ethicality of questionable business activities.
Paul DunnEmail:


In the last decade, the discussion about how marketing is changing has focused largely on practices in more affluent industrialized economies. Far less attention has been given to understanding the marketing strategies and practices of firms in emerging and transition economies. In this paper, we compare marketing of multinational firms versus local firms in Argentina. We identify the environmental characteristics of Argentina's emerging economy and, using survey data of 96 firms, we group firms into five clusters. We refer to two clusters as “traditional/local” as they use very basic marketing methods, with one serving business markets and the other consumer markets. The other three clusters we refer to as “progressive” as they represent state-of-the-art practices. The first two of these are foreign-owned and serve consumer and business markets, the third represents locally-owned service firms. The managerial implications are examined.  相似文献   

As global business operations expand, managers need more knowledge of foreign cultures, in particular, information on the ethics of doing business across borders. The purpose of this paper is twofold: (1) to share the Islamic perspective on business ethics, little known in the west, which may stimulate further thinking and debate on the relationships between ethics and business, and (2) to provide some knowledge of Islamic philosophy in order to help managers do business in Muslim cultures. The case of Egypt illustrates some divergence between Islamic philosophy and practice in economic life. The paper concludes with managerial implications and suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

夏绪梅 《商业研究》2005,(23):46-48
影响企业成功的因素很多,诸要素彼此相互影响、互相制约,单纯强调某种因素是企业制胜法宝的观念是极其片面的。在激烈竞争的市场环境下,抓好生产、把握市场、管好财务、做好战略、搞活文化是现代企业制胜的多维视角。  相似文献   

Cross-culture is the most important character of international business negotiation, just because of this difference in culture caused some cultural clash or conflict in international business negotiation, and most of the negotiation ended up in failure because of this. So to know about both party's cultural background,avoid some conflicts caused by cultural difference is critical to a successful international business negotiation. This article begins with cultural difference, talk about the cultural difference's impact on international business negotiation,give some examples to show that the understanding of cultural difference is important in international business negotiation. At the end, the article tell us that when we are negotiating we must take well care about cultural difference, know different culture, choose the best plan and strategy, so we can well understand each other, each other's advantage and disadvantage to gain win-win cooperation.  相似文献   

企业跨国经营中的文化影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
企业开展跨国经营,是一项极其错综复杂的工程,而文化因素在其中的地位与影响是很重要的。文化作为一个社会群体的价值体系,其共性与可预知性影响着人们的个人行为。企业在开展跨国经营时,只有了解和掌握了东道国的当地文化,方能合理地制定出企业发展的计划与措施,并合理地针对不同文化制定出合乎其具体情况的经营管理策略,以此扬长避短,提升企业的国际市场竞争力和经营管理水平。  相似文献   


This paper argues that, with trade and business exchange, cultural change is introduced to business partners. After analyzing the impact of trade in societies, leading to the transformation of traditional holistic ideologies to individualistic ones, Brazilian society is appraised as a dual culture existing under a constant tension between the demands of social hierarchy and predatory individualism. The paper argues that Brazil's dual culture has been a deterrent to economic remedies that worked in societies that experienced industrialism. Finally, the possibility of cultural changes is assessed and considered as a condition for Brazil's partnership in today's global markets.

Este articulo argumenta que el intercambio de negocios y/o comercial introduce adicionalmente cambios culturales a las partes involucradas en las transacciones. Despues de analizar el impacto del comercio en las diferentes sociedades, en particular el cambio que transforma sociedades con ideologia holistica y tradicional a individualistas, la sociedad Brasilena es evaluada como una cultura dual con una lucha constante entre las demandas de una sociedad jerarquicatradicional y un individualismo depredador. Se argumenta en este articulo que la cultura dual del Brasil ha sido un impedimento para el buen funcionamiento de las estrategias economicas (remedios) que funcionaron en paises expermientaron una cultura de industrializacion. Finalmente, este escrito considera el cambio cultural en Brasil como una condicion para la incorporacion del mismo a los mercados globales.

Esse artigo defende a idéia de que as trocas comerciais geram transformaç[otilde]es culturais. Após analisar o impacto do comércio na vida social, o que gera a mutação de ideologias holisticas em práticas individualistas, a sociedade brasileira é avaliada como uma cultura dual que sofre a ação tensa e constante das exigências de hieraquização social e de um individualismo predatório. A cultural dual brasiliera é entendida como um impecilho para a ação dos remédios econômicos que funcionaram em sociedades industralizadas. E, finalmente, considera-se a possibilidade de mutaç[otilde]es culturais como fatores para a integração do pais nos merados globais contemporâneos.  相似文献   

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