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转型背景下中国企业基于社会资本的知识管理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究和分析了企业外部社会资本和内部社会资本在知识管理中所发挥的作用.论述了处于不完善的制度环境和组织制度下的中国企业如何突破制度限制以应对全球化竞争和知识经济挑战等问题。在此基础上.提出了概念模型和理论假设。并利用607家中国企业的有效数据对假设进行了检验.实证结果表明:内外部社会资本的构建有利于我国企业在制度环境不完善背景下的知识管理,有利于企业通过外部知识的获取和知识整合来构建自身的竞争优势。  相似文献   

基于企业知识理论的观点认为知识资源已成为企业最为重要的战略性资源。外部社会资本作为新创企业社会关系网络在创业活动中的嵌入,是企业知识获取的重要手段。该文以社会资本理论为基础,通过对湖北省内116家新创企业的有效问卷调查及结构方程分析,研究表明,新创企业外部社会资本的结构维度、关系维度、认知维度对知识获取、新创企业绩效有显著影响,知识获取在新创企业外部社会资本与新创企业绩效的关系中起到部分中介作用。因此新创企业应加强外部社会资本构建和管理能力,促进知识获取,从而实现企业绩效的提升。  相似文献   

国有及国有控股煤炭企业集团内部资本市场运行效率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前我国企业外部资本市场发展还不完善,外部资本市场和企业存在着严重的信息与激励问题,在企业外部资本市场融资受约束的现实环境下,构建煤炭企业集团内部资本市场,使资金在企业集团内部充分有效地流动,已成为提高煤炭企业集团整体运营效率的最佳途径.因此,结合国有及国有控股企业集团的自身特点,特别是煤炭行业整合重组过程中的特殊问题,探讨其内部资本市场运行的机制、模式及效率就显得尤为重要.本文主要从提高国有及国有控股煤炭企业集团内部资本市场运行效率的角度,研究内部资本市场优化配置国有煤炭企业集团内部资本的制度基础、运行平台、模式等运行机理.  相似文献   

本文在阅读相关文献的基础上,从一个崭新的角度即知识创造的角度来研究企业社会资本对技术创新的影响作用,构建了企业社会资本通过正向作用于知识创造而促进技术创新能力提升的概念模型,并将企业社会资本分为企业内部社会资本与企业外部社会资本两部分,着重分析了知识创造在企业社会资本与技术创新关系中的作用。  相似文献   

企业社会资本与持续竞争优势   总被引:58,自引:3,他引:58  
企业知识理论从知识的创造活动和能力上解释了企业竞争优势的来源,本文进一步讨论了知识创造的社会化过程。我们认为社会资本为企业知识活动提供了便利,它从结构因素、关系因素和认知因素三个维度影响知识创造过程;按照智力资本与社会资本共同演进的逻辑,我们提出企业要在竞争过程持续性拥有竞争优势的地位,必须以企业知识创造为导向,对企业社会资本进行战略性的管理。  相似文献   

<正>随着市场经济的发展,企业之间的竞争不断加剧,要使企业在这种环境下健康可持续发展,必须要求企业适应这种内外部环境的变化。在这种环境下企业内部控制制度就显得尤为重要。而财务管理工作贯穿于企业资本运营的全过程,它是企业管理的核心。内部控制和财务管理都是为了实现企业的持续稳定高效经营,因此一个成熟完善的内部控制体系  相似文献   

经济时代,知识是企业的战略性资源,知识管理是企业面对新形势所做出的战略反应。我国物流企业通过先进信息管理技术,逐步实行知识编码化,建设与完善企业的知识网络等,这将有利于促进物流企业的信息化建设,有利于将信息转化成企业文化,提升企业的核心竞争力,使企业在迅速变化的竞争环境中采取行动,并赢得竞争优势。  相似文献   

本文把企业家社会资本分为两个维度,即企业家的制度性社会资本和企业家的市场性社会资本,并分别考察两者对企业绩效的影响效应。企业家通过利用他们在社会结构中这种特有的资源形成了企业在竞争战略层面提高企业价值的不同路径选择。本文以中国制造业上市公司数据对所提假设进行检验,结果表明,企业家制度性社会资本通过差异化战略提升企业绩效,市场性社会资本则通过低成本战略的中介效应提升企业绩效。即拥有制度性社会资本的企业家更容易从政府、科研机构获取知识、信息等优势资源而选择差异化战略,进而提高企业绩效;发展拥有更多市场性社会资本的企业家则可通过与客户供应商等良好的关系降低产品成本而选择低成本战略,实现企业的成功。  相似文献   

内部控制制度是社会经济发展到一定阶段的产物,也是进行现代企业管理的一种必不可少的手段,不断完善企业内部控制制度,保证会计信息质量,对于防范舞弊,减少损失,提高资本的再生能力具有积极的意义。内部控制的有效实施将会促使企业生产管理登上一个新台阶,促进企业经营流程的合理化和正规化。因此,在市场经济快速发展、竞争不断加剧的今天,企业内部控制制度只有不断地完善,才能使企业在激烈的竞争中生存和发展。  相似文献   

本文融合社会资本理论,构建了转型经济中企业社会责任影响组织竞争优势的理论框架,并运用151家中国企业的调查数据进行了实证检验。结果发现:企业社会责任与经济绩效之间不存在相关性,但与组织声誉正向相关,社会资本会明显强化企业社会责任的声誉效应。具体而言,等级制社会资本会显著促进企业社会责任与组织声誉的相关关系,而市场社会资本则限制了企业社会责任对组织声誉的贡献。本文从研究方法的跨层次风险、资源依赖的动态性和整合能力等方面进行了应用性的讨论,建议中国企业用基于社会资本的战略性社会责任超越慈善导向的社会责任,通过这种战略转型积聚组织竞争优势。  相似文献   

Research summary: Many boards view their chairs as valuable resources. We predict that whether a board adopts such a view depends on the board chair's human and social capital. Data from S&P 500 firms suggest that while a board chair's human capital increases the probability that the board views him or her as a resource, social capital has no overall effect. In a post‐hoc investigation, however, we find the board chair's independence to be an important boundary condition for the effect of social capital. With this exploratory research, we aim to spur research devoted specifically to board chairs. Such research will become increasingly important over time as firms continue to separate their CEO and board chair positions. Managerial summary: The purpose of this research was to determine the factors that lead a board of directors to view its chair as a valuable resource. We expected that board chairs with high human and social capital would be more likely to be viewed as a resource by their colleagues. Surprisingly, only human capital exhibited such an effect overall. Social capital increases the likelihood a chair is viewed as a resource when the chair is independent, but actually decreases the likelihood a chair is viewed as a resource when the chair is either the current or former CEO. These results suggest that boards generally value human capital in their chairs, but view social capital through a somewhat more complex lens. We explore the possible implications of these findings in the article. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

企业理论的社会资本逻辑   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
本文在回顾以知识为基础的企业理论的基础上,提出了社会资本不仅是企业战略资源,也是企业的一种有效的治理机制。企业交易复杂性程度越高,社会资本治理存在的价值就越大。按照社会资本治理的逻辑,企业比市场更能有效地创造社会资本,更能充分有效地利用社会资本的价值;与之相适应,本文分析了企业制度安排从资本为基础转向以社会资本为基础的可能性与现实性。  相似文献   

本文按照资本形态的不同,将利益相关者划分为货币资本利益相关者、人力资本利益相关者、生态资本利益相关者、社会资本利益相关者,构建了企业社会责任的利益相关者模型。以46家上市公司2003—2007年的数据为依据,运用面板数据模型,研究了企业社会责任与财务绩效之间的关系。研究表明:我国上市公司已经开始关注其社会责任,但社会责任的披露信息仍然很少;大多数企业社会责任变量对当期财务绩效的影响为负;长期来看,企业履行社会责任对其财务绩效具有正向影响作用。  相似文献   

Defining social capital in terms of the information benefits available to a firm due to its strategic alliances we present a theory of social capital that conceptualizes it as a multidimensional construct. We draw from the literature to argue that social capital yields three distinctly different kinds of information benefits in the form of information volume, information diversity, and information richness. This extends current theoretical and empirical research by specifying and empirically demonstrating three interrelated yet distinct dimensions of social capital. Firms vary in their levels of social capital not just on their structural position in an alliance network but also in the dynamics that underlie alliance formation and maintenance. More importantly, the different dimensions of social capital theoretically provide differential benefits. We establish the construct validity of our proposed three‐dimensional conceptualization of social capital using longitudinal data on the population of strategic alliances formed during the period 1980–94 by firms in the global steel industry. In addition, we establish predictive validity by demonstrating that the information dimensions have differential effects on firm performance, using firm nationality as a contingency. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Excess CEO returns refer to CEO financial returns in excess of shareholder returns. How do boards rein in excess CEO returns? Introducing a social capital view of board monitoring, we suggest that boards face two competing normative pressures—corporate elite norms and monitoring norms. How boards conform to such normative pressures for controlling excess CEO returns is affected by their external and internal social capital. Further, we substantiate our arguments by showing that powerful CEOs and institutional investors may facilitate or constrain the normative pressures existing in the social network and alter the effects of board social capital on excess CEO returns. Data from a sample of U.S. corporations listed on the Standard and Poor's 1,500 index from 1999 to 2010 largely support our framework. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

电力供给与需求的背后是社会结构等因素,经济学需要研究以利益关系和利益矛盾为核心的社会生产关系。社会关系是电力企业发展的深层根基和逻辑起点,电力企业生存和发展有赖于其获得、重构和保持社会资源的能力。社会资本理论将企业理论和我们对于隐含在市场分配过程背后的社会机制的理解联系起来,为电力企业发展开辟了一个独特的分析视角。  相似文献   

Social capital is generally believed to enhance the effectiveness of organizations in certain cultural contexts. However, even with substantial social capital in place, China, during its economic transition towards market systems in the past decades, witnessed problems stemming from underdevelopment and organizational dysfunction. To address this paradox, we delineate a unique type of networks-based social capital in China: dense strong-ties accompanied by sparse weak-ties. Drawing on extant literature, a conceptual framework is proposed to reveal the dynamics of the unique social capital set-up in the Chinese context: first, a view of how the country’s social capital system was formed under conditions of resource scarcity, and of how it was further modified by its unique Chinese cultural contexts; and second, an examination of how Chinese social capital led to certain unfavorable societal and organizational consequences—namely, market fragmentation, state intervention, and rent-seeking activities. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The findings of the chief executive officer (CEO) characteristics–research and development (R&D) investment relationship remain incomplete if previous unexamined contingencies are not considered. Very few studies in this area have invariably focused on the constraints from the external environment and overlooked the important influence of board social capital on such relationship. This study uses insights from resource dependence theory to examine how the effects of CEO characteristics on R&D investment are contingent on board social capital. The results show that board social capital mitigates/enhances the negative/positive effect of CEO tenure/CEO educational level on R&D investment, supporting the view that board social capital, as an important conduit to link firms to critical information and essential resources in the environment, may offer better counsel to CEOs and enhance their decision‐making capabilities in moving toward R&D. One important implication is that firms wishing to encourage innovation through R&D spending should consider nominating directors with rich social capital to the board because they may assist CEOs in coping with R&D complexities and acquiring requisite resources, leading to a better planning of R&D.  相似文献   

本文以新型城镇化建设中的准公益性PPP项目为研究对象,建立政府、企业、银行三方合作的理论模型,采用一般均衡分析与数值仿真模拟方法对项目最优资本结构及其影响因素进行分析,结果表明:PPP项目存在理论上的最优股权结构与资产负债率,公众收入水平、资本产出效率、折旧率、债务利率、企业所得税率以及政府偏好等因素影响项目经营收益与成本、资本运作效率、利润分配方式,并重置最优资本结构。因此,PPP项目融资方案设计应该参考多方合作共赢条件下的最优资本结构,同时,基于项目风险控制以及经济社会效益平衡的目标,通过调节各类影响因素完善项目最优资本结构。  相似文献   

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