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目前西部农村贫困人口迫切需要一种比区域性扶贫战略更加精确的瞄准机制,以及比开发性扶贫更加直接的救助方式来帮助他们脱贫,解决他们的温饱问题。为此,农村低保是最适宜的制度选择。文章在实际调查的基础上,分析了西部农村最低生活保障制度推进过程中存在的问题,并提出了相关的政策建议,期望西部农村最低生活保障制度得以快速推进。  相似文献   

到本世纪末基本解决农村贫困人口的温饱问题,这是党中央、国务院既定的战略目标。南召作为国家重点扶持的贫困县,能否如期完成扶贫攻坚任务,核心在于能不能尽快地解决全县剩余的7.14万贫困人口的温饱问题。他们绝大多数分布在深山区和鸭河库区,地域偏远,交通不便,生存条件差,文化教育落后。因此,虽然贫困人口日渐减少,但扶贫的难度却很大。要想真正解决好这部分人的温饱问题,决不能满足于一般号召和大轰大鸣式的扶贫方法。今年以来,县委、县政府在深入调查研究基础上,借鉴“孟加技扶贫模式”经验,以“公司十干部十贫困户”为…  相似文献   

国务院扶贫开发领导小组副组长、国务院扶贫办主任范小建在2007年10月30日召开的"中国-东盟社会发展与减贫论坛"上说,农村绝对贫困人口从1978年的2.5亿下降到2006年的2148万,中国的扶贫开发成就为世界减贫事业作出了贡献.市场并不能自动惠及所有人群,单纯的经济增长和普惠性的政策措施并不能解决所有的贫困问题.因而中国政府组织实施了针对贫困人口的专项扶贫开发计划,走出了一条符合中国国情的扶贫开发道路,其核心就是:"政府主导、社会参与、自力更生、开发扶贫、全面发展"五大特色的中国式扶贫开发道路.  相似文献   

随着农村贫困人口大幅度减少,农村最低生活保障制度建立,农村扶贫标准的提高,中国农村的扶贫工作进入了“开发与救助”两轮驱动的新阶段。当前,一个重要任务是要实现农村最低生活保障制度和扶贫政策的有效衔接,进一步瞄准贫困人口,提高扶贫工作的“瞄准度”。而扶贫和低保衔接的核心是完善贫困人口的识别机制,重点是加强贫困人口的科学管理,目的是对贫困人口进行扶持,最终达到脱贫致富。  相似文献   

李朝林 《科技和产业》2007,7(10):25-28,32
社会和谐是中国特色社会主义的本质属性。农村贫困人口的存在,既遏制了贫困地区经济社会的发展,也拉大了贫富差距和城乡差距,对构建和谐社会是一个极大的障碍。现阶段,我国农村贫困出现了一些新的特征。根据新情况,反贫困措施主要有:一是通过教育和培训,提高贫困人口的质量、增强他们自我发展的能力;二是实现开发式扶贫和救助式扶贫并重;三充分发挥经济政策对消除贫困的作用;四是改变国家扶贫资金的瞄准机制,改革扶贫资金管理体制。  相似文献   

李淑媛 《老区建设》2009,(21):62-62
党的十七届三中全会通过的《中共中央关于推进农村改革发展若干重大问题的决定》中明确提出:“实行新的扶贫标准,对农村低收入人口全面实施扶贫政策,把尽快稳定解决扶贫对象温饱并实现脱贫致富作为扶贫开发的首要任务。重点提高农村贫困人口自我发展能力,对没有劳动力或劳动力丧失的贫困人口实行社会救助。”这标志着扶贫开发进入了一个以解决发展问题、解决相对贫困问题为目标的新的历史阶段。  相似文献   

对扶贫机制创新的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入新世纪以来,按照《中国农村扶贫开发纲要》的总体要求,我国的扶贫开发工作在原有基础上又取得了举世瞩目的新成就———扶贫资金投入更大,扶贫项目覆盖更广,贫困群体受益更多,扶贫效果更加显著。然而,我们也必须清醒地看到,伴随着国家经济以及区域经济的发展,同时隐存在社会群体中的农村中的贫困群体,在国家或者区域性发展扶贫政策的扶持下,还有始终受益较少或基本没有受益的“盲区”等待“阳光普照”,即使是已实施项目的村社贫困人口也未必直接人人受益,这不能不说是当前扶贫开发中存在的一个问题。那么,在社会主义市场经济条件下,扶贫…  相似文献   

全面建成小康社会必须加大扶贫力度,让农村贫困人口尽快摆脱贫困,进入小康水平,分享国家经济快速发展成就。回顾我国扶贫开发的历史,原有的规模性扶贫开发工程已经不适应我国现阶段扶贫开发的需要,而需要开展精准扶贫,不断优化和创新精准扶贫机制,进一步完善扶贫政策,使扶贫工作快速发展进一步缩小城乡收入和贫富差距。精准扶贫是通过前期科学调研和识别机制对部分贫困人口进行精准识别并能够分析其具体原因后采取有针对性的措施,帮助其尽快脱贫致富。文章以A市(县级市)为例,经过前期调研和深入实践对精准扶贫工作遇到的困难进行了详细分析,并提出了有效的解决方案和措施,以期对我国县级精准扶贫工作提供有益的借鉴和思考。  相似文献   

中央一号文件的核心内容就是农民增收,而中国的贫困人口绝大多数是生活在农村的农民,这说明竭尽全力改善农村贫困人口生存状态的重要性和紧迫性。 新增贫困人口80万这样的一个事实,再一次提醒我们:当务之急是要认真运用法律、政策、文化和教育等方式切实解决贫困人口的温饱问题,减少农村贫困人口的收入差距,并真正把扶贫变成全社会的长期自觉行为。 农村贫困人口的存在,不但将导致经济发展动力不足,还将诱发一系列社会问题,最终也会影响到我们每一个人。 从这个意义上讲,帮助贫困的农民,就是帮助我们自己。  相似文献   

我国是人口大国,扶贫政策的制定关于社会的稳定和发展。发挥扶贫政策最优效果,关键在于结合农村地区贫困人口认知度差、参与度低与情感共鸣少三大特征,并从文化贫困论视角下提出建议以逐步解决贫困问题,帮助农村贫困人口树立正确的贫困文化价值体系,走文化扶贫之路,已期达到扶贫政策的最优效果。  相似文献   

Using the five waves of the China Household Income Project surveys conducted during 1988–2013, we investigate long-term changes in national income inequality and rural poverty in China. National income inequality rose markedly to 2007 and thereafter fell slightly. Income growth was widely shared, but inequality increased because the high-income percentiles had faster income growth than lower percentiles and because the gap between urban and rural household incomes widened. The fall in income inequality after 2007 reflects faster income growth among low-income percentiles and the impacts of newly introduced redistributive policies. The paper also finds a considerable, ongoing poverty reduction in rural China. A poverty decomposition analysis indicates that this rural poverty reduction was mostly due to income growth rather than redistribution.  相似文献   

金融普惠可以提高减贫质量吗?——基于多维贫困的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
切实提高减贫质量对我国打赢打好脱贫攻坚战和守住脱贫成果至关重要。金融普惠作为当前我国金融改革和脱贫攻坚的重要举措,是否有助于提高减贫质量仍是有待回答的问题。文章基于中国家庭金融调查2015年数据,从多维贫困和多维贫困脆弱性两方面出发研究了金融普惠对我国农村减贫质量的影响。研究发现,金融普惠可以同时降低农村家庭多维贫困和多维贫困脆弱性,并且对多维贫困问题严重的农村家庭有更大的作用;区分不同贫困和不同金融服务发现,金融普惠可以显著降低收入贫困、教育贫困及生活质量贫困,对健康贫困的影响则不显著;银行营业网点与金融服务点渗透、以及储蓄、贷款、保险及数字金融服务使用可以提高减贫质量,而其他金融机构渗透、信用卡使用及银行服务评价的作用相对有限。进一步地,文章研究了金融普惠减贫质量效应的环境条件,发现村庄市场及制度环境和家庭需求环境改善有助于充分发挥金融普惠的积极作用,相反则可能构成一定的制约。最后,文章检验了金融普惠的影响机制,发现促进农村家庭人力与物质资本积累、以及地区经济发展等在其中发挥了重要的中介作用。文章结论为我国提高减贫质量提供了可靠的政策工具,同时也可促进我国全面建成小康社会和经济实现高质量发展。  相似文献   

Abstract: In the last thirty years, remarkable achievements have been made in China's poverty reduction course. The dramatic fall in China's poor can be attributed mainly to a high rate of economic growth, government poverty reduction policies and targeted programmes and pro‐poor macroeconomic and industrial policies. This paper focuses on China's poverty reduction policies and programmes and their impact on the poor regions and poor households. Lessons are drawn for poverty reduction and economic development in African countries. The paper also explores the potential for collaboration in poverty reduction between China and African countries and recommendations are made for the governments and donor agencies.  相似文献   

经济增长和减贫一直是发展中国家和地区制定发展战略所考虑的重点。改革开放初期,新疆通过经济增长极大地降低了农村贫困,经济增长的减贫效果显著;20世纪80年代中后期至2010年,由于经济增长的质量下降和收入不平等程度增加,减贫趋势变缓;2011年以后,随着援疆工作和民生工程的不断推进,高速的经济增长和对贫困人口有利的收入分配对减贫起到了良好的效果,经济增长出现了益贫性特征。纵观改革开放至今,新疆减贫成就的主要原因是经济持续的高速增长、人力资本的明显改善和政府采取的反贫困行动;而其减贫趋势放缓的原因是农村经济增长质量的下降和农村收入分配的不断恶化。为此,本文认为新时期扶贫工作中,新疆应实施益贫式增长战略。从生产领域着手,在增加就业的同时通过增加穷人的资产基础以提高穷人的自我发展能力,而政府在打造民生工程时应注重市场机制,以保持减贫的可持续性。  相似文献   

We investigate how financial permeation affects rural poverty reduction by matching representative county household data with the local banking market, FinTech development, and county characteristics data from China. We discover that financial permeation via bank branch expansion boosts household income and mitigates household vulnerability to poverty, and these effects are magnified on lower-income and more vulnerable households, especially in impoverished counties. Further considering the potential substitution effect of FinTech, we verify that enhancing financial permeation via bank branch expansion still matters to rural poverty reduction even in the digital era. Exploring the channels, we find that financial permeation accelerates rural poverty reduction directly through improving financial utilization and motivating investment activities and indirectly through spurring local economic growth. Notably, the more pronounced marginal effects of the channels on households in impoverished counties, to some extent, explain the poverty reduction effect of financial permeation. The results imply the necessity of financial permeation via bank branch expansion for the realization of shared prosperity.  相似文献   

Rural Labor Migration and Poverty Reduction in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Using various sources of data, this paper examines the contributions of rural labor migration to economic growth and poverty reduction in China. The results show that there is still a significant number of people living in poverty in rural areas, while the effectiveness of migration on poverty reduction has declined, implying an urgent need for new approaches to poverty reduction. China's experiences could also be valuable for the formulation of development strategies in other developing countries.  相似文献   

This study uses a unique set of annual provincial data on soil and water conservation (SWC) investments during the period 1989–2005 to estimate the impact of such investments on the extent and severity of erosion, the growth rate of agricultural gross domestic product (GDP) and rural poverty reduction in China. We find that SWC investments made by local governments have a significant negative impact on the extent of erosion and (in recent years) the severity of erosion, whereas SWC investments made by farm households until recently had a significant negative effect on the severity of erosion. In its turn, the severity of erosion is found to have a significant negative impact on agricultural GDP. Estimation of the impact of the extent of erosion on agricultural GDP provides mixed results. Based on these results, we derive that one RMB invested in SWC by local governments increases agricultural GDP in 2002 with 0.84–1.25 RMB. Finally, we find that agricultural GDP has a significant negative impact on the rural poverty rate. The resulting indirect effect of SWC investment on rural poverty reduction, however, is small compared to other types of public investment. We conclude that (local) government investments in SWC do not only serve environmental goals, but also make a non-negligible contribution to agricultural growth and rural poverty reduction.  相似文献   

近年来,学者和政策制定者逐渐将贫困的研究视角从单一的收入贫困扩展到多维贫困。文章基于CFPS的2010年基线调查数据,采取Alkire和Foster提出的双界限方法,根据《中国农村扶贫开发纲要(2011-2020)》提出的目标任务选取贫困维度,对我国农村的多维贫困进行了测度,并对测度结果进行了稳健性分析。测度结果表明,我国农村多维贫困状况比收入贫困状况恶劣。维度分解结果表明,社会保障和生活质量等维度的剥夺情况比较严重。地区分解结果显示,西部地区被剥夺状况高于中、西部地区。稳健性分析结果显示,测度结果对权重的选取是稳健的。因此,我国在此10年中,应从多维视角识别农村贫困,有针对性地提高扶贫政策的有效性。  相似文献   

Miracle reductions in absolute poverty led China to announce, in late 2019, the strategic change from targeting absolute poverty to targeting relative poverty. After highlighting China's success in the fight against absolute poverty, this paper attempts to assess the roles of growth and income inequality in affecting both absolute and relative poverty rates. Poverty decomposition and panel-VAR modelling results show that growth played an overwhelming role in achieving the miracle of poverty reduction but relative poverty has been consistently rising. And growth, contrary to the case of absolute poverty, actually has contributed to the rising trend of relative poverty. Conversely, income inequality has played a small role in aggravating absolute poverty but a moderate role in raising relative poverty. Therefore, it seems appropriate for China to continue targeting absolute poverty with a higher poverty line. In the case that China insists on shifting the poverty alleviation strategy, market-led growth can no longer be relied on to reduce relative poverty. Instead, government-led pro-poor policies must be instituted by providing employment, education, training and other opportunities to the disadvantaged groups, in addition to the usual social assistance.  相似文献   

武丽娟  徐璋勇 《南方经济》2018,37(5):104-127
文章利用全国27省份517个村庄的4023户农户微观调研数据,使用模糊断点回归方法,对农村普惠金融的贫困减缓效应和经济增长效应进行了实证检验。结果发现,在东部地区,普惠金融的发展降低了绝对贫困和相对贫困水平,促进了经济增长;在中部地区,普惠金融的发展有利于绝对贫困水平和相对贫困水平的下降,对于经济增长的促进效用不明显;在西部地区,普惠金融的发展有利于绝对贫困水平的下降,但增加了相对贫困并抑制了经济增长。基于此,文章提出在农村普惠金融的推广过程中,应注意其发展战略实施的区域差别化,以实现普惠金融积极效应的最大发挥。  相似文献   

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