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白帆 《时代经贸》2008,6(19):28-29
随着全球化趋势的加剧以及几十年来我国经济的迅速崛起与腾飞发展,国内富裕人群日益增多,消费习惯以及理念逐渐发生变化,国内消费者对奢侈品的消费需求持续增长。奢侈品以及奢侈行业在我国已经有了广阔的市场前景和特定的群众基础。在这样一个大环境背景下,本文描述了我国奢侈品市场的发展现状趋势,就奢侈品的定义、奢侈品消费动机以及我国的奢侈行业企业如何能够在这样的竞争环境下求生存、得发展,如何针对目标客户展开有效的市场营销活动做了分析,以期对我国奢侈品市场的发展以及相关行业企业的经营提供思路。  相似文献   

近年来,奢侈品消费在中国增长迅速,中国市场已成为奢侈品消费的重要市场。品牌延伸是奢侈品牌拓展市场的重要战略,但这方面的学术研究却相对单薄。本文以奢侈品牌为研究对象,通过实证研究探讨了在不同广告类型下,延伸契合度对消费者延伸评价的影响。研究发现,对于奢侈品牌,延伸契合度与广告宣传类别对消费者的延伸评价都存在显著影响,且两者之间存在交互作用。具体而言,奢侈品进行品牌延伸时,与母品牌契合度高的延伸产品更能获得消费者较高的评价;与宣传延伸品的产品特征相比,宣传延伸品的品牌形象更能提高延伸吸引力与购买欲望。此外,在低延伸契合度下,宣传延伸品的品牌形象产生的这种积极影响更为显著。  相似文献   

对于奢侈品一直没有一个被广泛接受的定义,本文总结了关于奢侈品定义的历史研究,在此基础之上提出了奢侈度的概念,并根据奢侈度给出了奢侈品的定义方法。  相似文献   

由于经济发展,中国奢侈品市场也在蓬勃地成长.作为东部沿海的重要省份福建,其奢侈品市场也面临着种种机遇和挑战.本文针对福建奢侈品市场的现场进行分析,探求发展奢侈品市场的策略.  相似文献   

由于经济发展,中国奢侈品市场也在蓬勃地成长。作为东部沿海的重要省份福建,其奢侈品市场也面临着种种机遇和挑战。本文针对福建奢侈品市场的现场进行分析,探求发展奢侈品市场的策略。  相似文献   

奢侈品管理科学的范式研究是以广义定义为核心内容的规范研究到论证和确定狭义定义为主要方向的实证研究之间至关重要的一个研究阶段,起着承上启下的作用。从奢侈品形成的历史考略入手,对奢侈概念进行了系统的整理,确定了现代奢侈品定义的发展逻辑,理清概念间的逻辑关系和差异的历史成因,构建了奢侈品管理科学的基本范式,并在此基础上对奢侈品广义定义进行了修正和补充,为奢侈品管理领域的研究解决了科学划界问题。  相似文献   

目前,世界奢侈品牌企业都在盯着中国奢侈品市场.那么中国本土企业有没有成为奢侈品牌的可能呢?如何才有可能达到目的?创建奢侈品牌的秘诀是什么?  相似文献   

蔡亚林 《经济》2007,(10):82-84
万事达卡近日发布了最新的亚太地区奢侈品市场报告,报告显示中国将持续带动奢侈商品及服务的需求,而且年轻富裕族对奢侈品需求的增幅比年长富裕族高.  相似文献   

奢侈品的广义定义及其研究框架   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱明侠  周云 《经济师》2008,(7):31-32
一直以来,学术界对奢侈品的理解存有歧义,主要表现为概念上同高端消费品的混淆,以及奢侈在传统文化中的原意造成了大众对奢侈品的曲解,理论上更是忽视奢侈消费类型与奢侈品消费的本质区别,以至于出现了以顶级品牌管理取代奢侈品管理的趋势。主要原因在于奢侈品是发展的概念,各类文献中奢侈品定义已经不能满足其内涵的变迁。所以,很有必要澄清整理奢侈品定义发展的脉络,确定符合现代经济特征的奢侈品广义定义。  相似文献   

随着众多奢侈品公司进入中国,奢侈品市场越来越受到关注,中国GDP的快速增长及经济持续走强使得任何一个大的跨国公司都不能不关注中国市场,奢侈品公司也不例外.奢侈品在中国市场的销售表现越来越好,随着全球奢侈品抢滩京沪等大都市意味着中国成为国际大牌关注之地,可以说,中国的奢侈品消费时代已经来临.同时中国奢侈品市场也面临着境外奢侈品市场的强烈冲击和挑战,目前中国的奢侈品市场与欧洲成熟的奢侈品市场比较有其特殊性,在诸多方面来说是一个错位的且非常复杂的奢侈品市场,国际奢侈品在中国目标市场还没形成稳定的消费群体,如何应对这种挑战,如何把握中国消费者的消费心理,如何开发具有中国特色的奢侈品市场,从而实施行之有效的营销策略是奢侈品成功的关键.  相似文献   

分析了中国服装消费市场进口的现状,并从消费人群、社会因素和心理因素等不同角度探讨了中国服装奢侈品消费市场现状原因。指出中产阶层是服装类奢侈品的消费主要人群,消费心态还是攀比为主,消费信贷在中国现阶段发展迅速。中国的服装类奢侈品市场具有广阔的发展前景,毛皮以及皮革类服装消费仍是服装奢侈品市场的主要消费。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to study and analyse the intemationalisation strategies chosen by the main luxury-goods players in the Chinese market, demonstrating the business intemationalisation processes. The research questions are: ttow luxury companies have developed distribution strategies in the Chinese markets? What are the main formats of distribution for the Chinese markets? Are there any differences in the internationalization process between the main players of the luxury markets and the smaller ones? The methodology is based on the analysis on multiple-case ~.nalysis on a sample of luxury-goods companies and identifies and compares the different strategies used by the players analysed. The research process starts from identifying and selecting the most well-known companies operating in the luxury branded sector, which have established a presence in the Chinese market with their own brand, collecting secondary data for the selected companies (website, corporate profile, articles on websites and in trade magazines and interviews with the management), analysing the data collected and interpreting the main results to have emerged from the research. The main findings and conclusions are that the route to development in the Chinese market taken by the players in the luxury-goods sector, historically undertaken by delocalising production operations, has in recent years begun to accelerate with new forms in play, principally linked to distribution. The Chinese market tbr luxury brands is ever more an outlet market rather than a production hub. The ability to create brand awareness will become a key factor for successful consolidation of the competitive position in this market, an operation that can only be performed through distribution. Moreover, Chinese high-end consumers are becoming ever more demanding, seeking out an ever more sophisticated shopping experience. Just as happening in other markets, opening directly operated stores is a strategic choice for reaching and convincing end-consumers, sinc  相似文献   

Outward Foreign Direct Investment (OFDI) from emerging economies has begun to increase significantly and has been growing at a faster pace than Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) from the developed world. This research seeks to assess the impact of Chinese acquisitions and their implications for the "Made in Italy" luxury sector and its firms. This paper presents a cross-case analysis of two Chinese acquisitions in order to provide some in-depth insights into the influences and the motives driving Chinese firms to invest in the luxury Made in Italy sector, the patterns and modes of the Chinese acquisitions as well as the competitive strategies and the distinctive challenges that both investors and acquired firms have to face. From the findings, it emerges that both the investor and the acquired firm need to overcome several key challenges to be mutual benefits from the acquisition.  相似文献   

This article examines the impacts of UN Security Council sanctions on North Korea's banned luxury goods imports from 2004 to 2017 by investigating the bilateral trade flows between North Korea and its 71 trading partner countries. This analysis provides some evidence that the sanctions were effective only for those countries that implemented the sanctions. Overall, it is difficult to conclude that United Nations Resolution 1718, which was mainly targeted to ban luxury goods exports to North Korea, was effective in curtailing North Korea's import of luxury goods for the time period from 2006 to 2007. The article argues that the lack of a clearly defined list of luxury goods and the lack of enforcement are important reasons for the ineffectiveness of the sanctions.  相似文献   

高溢价产品的品牌资产驱动因素模型初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘国华  苏勇 《经济管理》2006,(16):37-42
随着奢侈品在我国市场的增长,越来越多的企业和个人开始思考高溢价产品背后的原因。本文基于营销学、心理学、社会学和经济学的研究成果,提出了高溢价产品的品牌资产驱动因素的定性模型,并提出了高溢价产品的市场建议。  相似文献   


In China, some scholars have argued that luxury spending is socially beneficial to equalise wealth, under the assumption that the total endowment of resources is a fixed amount. This argument is not only consistent with Confucianism but also might point to another lesser known side of Confucianism that the luxury spending of the rich can be regarded as a wealth-transferring mechanism. Furthermore, luxury spending was encouraged for purposes of enjoyment; it did not involve the consideration of power and protection. This is in sharp contrast to the extravagance of the European nobility; their intention was to maintain a hierarchical structure.  相似文献   

基于三螺旋理论,构建了包含政府、产业、大学和研究机构、资本部门四类创新主体的协同创新四螺旋模型,从互信息视角挖掘Web of ScienceTM核心集合引文数据库中2006-2016年中美两国论文发表数据,运用N螺旋算法,实证测度和对比中美两国4类创新主体协同创新程度与发展态势。结果发现:①伴随着传统“学-产”协同创新的不断稳定,其它二维协同形式正在不断加强和发展,但相较于美国而言,几种二维协同创新形式仍比较薄弱,部分二维协同创新协同程度与美国差距较大;②中国三维协同创新协同程度趋于稳定,但稳定程度不及二维协同,且协同程度弱于美国,而中国“产-资-政”协同呈现较大幅度波动,协同程度强于美国;③中国四维协同创新协同程度优于美国,整体而言比较稳定,但部分年份有轻微波动。  相似文献   

In this paper we estimate the income elasticity of demand for recreational services and other traditional groups of goods in Sweden and test for potential changes in such estimates over the twentieth century. Due to the difficulty of directly observing the demand for recreational services, we employ an indirect methodology by using the demand for some outdoor goods as a proxy for the demand for recreational services. In line with most prior research, our results confirm the expectation that recreational services, as a public good, is a luxury good in Sweden. Our results also show that the income elasticities for traditional goods are stable over time, indicating that consumer preferences for expenditure on these specific commodities do not change over time.   相似文献   

This paper investigates the strategic environmental decisions of a luxury car manufacturer. Through case study research, the investigation sheds light on why and how the company is adopting green technologies. Being pressured by different stakeholders to become greener, luxury car manufacturers carry significant opportunities for environmental improvement given the nature of their manufacturing processes and products. Because of their low-volume production, manufacturers may be able to increase output and still reduce overall emissions when compared to high-volume manufacturers. In the case study company this was found to be possible only because of new ideas brought by a change in ownership. Luxury manufacturers may also be a test-bed for the development and experimentation of green technologies as part of a strategic approach to environmental initiatives. This paper contributes to the fields of green technology adoption and operations strategy in automotive manufacturing groups.  相似文献   

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