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This paper develops the direct causal mechanisms of profit (DCMP) to meet the conditions/requirements normatively drawn from the conceptual, logical and methodological dimensions of profit seeking, direct causal mechanisms, holistic and non-egalitarian approach, and deductive inference, which holds the proximate causal mechanism between technological change and needs evolution at the macro-foundations, and the ultimate causal mechanism between needs-focused innovation and explicit needs at the micro-foundations. From DCMP it derives propositions about matching goodness of the proximate causal mechanism and adaptive goodness of the ultimate causal mechanism, verifies them with the experiences of the winners/losers, and finally concludes that DCMP can work as the dominant paradigm of profit seeking, the determinants of firm/business success, and a powerful theoretical and practical foundation/framework for business model design and innovation, asserting that DCMP explains profit as outcome/effect in a more robust/comprehensive/persuasive manner than the existing paradigms because DCMP always guarantees the genuine causality.  相似文献   

制造企业发展过程表明,技术创新和商业模式创新之间存在复杂的协同演化关系。结合多案例研究方法,分析制造企业演化过程中技术创新和商业模式创新的匹配模式、协同演化关系。结果发现:技术创新和商业模式创新动态演化存在3种模式:简单线性模式、反馈控制模式、复杂系统模式。基于此,构建技术创新和商业模式创新协同演化模型,指出协同演化呈现“创新-调整-适应”等复杂的螺旋化发展过程,并提出技术创新和商业模式创新协同演化的3种机制:互动机制、学习机制、选择与反馈机制。突破了关于技术创新和商业模式创新之间简单的线性关系和静态视角,从动态视角分析技术创新和商业模式创新协同演化,补充和修正了技术创新和商业模式创新关系的认识,丰富了现有创新演化理论。研究结论对中国制造企业实施创新战略的启示在于:单一创新虽然在一定程度上能为制造企业带来盈利,但是其作用和持续性均有限,技术创新和商业模式创新有效协同是制造企业竞争力持续提升的关键。  相似文献   


Defining business model as the logic/mode/way/framework to seek profit/money and glancing at the evolution of concept business, this paper develops a business model schema (BMS) as a holistic two-dimensions multi-level tool/method for business model innovation (BMI) based on the direct causal mechanisms of profit (DCMP). First, this paper takes DCMP as the logical/theoretical framework by which business model innovation process is identified and specified. And according to that process, it develops a BMS, illustrates an example of BMS to show up its practical usefulness, compares the similarities and differences between BMS and the existing powerful one business model canvas (BMC), and finally asserts that BMS must be a good and useful method in theory and practice because it stands on DCMP that ensures the genuine causality of profit and also it turns out practically useful, recalling the Kurt Lewin’s maxim (1945), “There is nothing so practical as a good theory.  相似文献   

对高新制造企业的商业模式创新内容进行分类。从业务结构创新、盈利模式创新、经营模式创新、产业链上下游关系、战略领先及匹配程度以及市场表现6个方面构建了高新制造企业商业模式创新评价体系。据此设计商业模式创新评价调查问卷,并收集了在中国创业板37家高新制造企业在上市后的生产经营和发展情况,利用专家打分法获得样本企业的商业模式创新评价指标数据。结合熵权法和系统综合评价模型,对其商业模式创新水平进行了评价。结果显示:现阶段中国高新制造企业的商业模式创新水平存在较大差距,表现出明显的发展不平衡态势。最后,针对中国高新制造企业的特点,对其商业模式创新方向提出了具体建议。  相似文献   

龙头企业商业模式对技术创新具有重要影响,但既往文献中甚少提及,且未深入研究。以厦门汽车—工程机械产业龙头企业为例,从商业模式的构成要素与技术创新的影响因素间的交叉部分入手,分析龙头企业商业模式对于技术创新的影响。研究发现:在龙头企业商业模式中,价值定位决定技术创新起点,价值实现影响技术创新成果,价值保持促进技术创新实现。因此,从企业发展的全局出发,突破现有商业模式,重视企业技术创新,确定龙头企业创新主体地位,营造良好集群创新氛围,应成为产业集群乃至区域经济发展的重要战略选择。  相似文献   

夏清华  李雯 《技术经济》2009,28(3):22-26,44
本文主要从资源特征和成长向量两方面来描述科技型创业企业战略特征的演进,利用湖北省16家高科技上市企业在业务范围、无形资产、技术创新水平、利润结构等方面的数据,对科技型创业企业的战略特征进行了实证分析。得出结论:高科技企业在从建立至IPO这一时期专注于主营业务发展,其经营方向和核心业务非常稳定,创新能力逐年增强,无形资产的重要性愈加显著,以技术创新和产品更新获取竞争优势,并且更倾向于内部成长。  相似文献   

Technological innovation is widely recognized as a major factor influencing competitiveness. This is particularly true i n turbulent and dynamic IT markets. Consequently, the effective strategic management of technological innovation by companies is one route to securing their survival and growth. The focus of the research presented is the evolution of marketing strategies by innovators facing diverse competitive challenges in the expert system market. The study examined the role of strategic marketing i n the commercial exploitation of technology and how this role changes, especially after market launch. What was interesting urm the extent to which suppliers were not only designing new technologies but also creating business applications for the new technology. The acquisition of market know-how to devise end-,user applications was a vital ingredient i n securing a competitive advantage.  相似文献   

Technological innovation is widely recognized as a major factor influencing competitiveness. This is particularly true i n turbulent and dynamic IT markets. Consequently, the effective strategic management of technological innovation by companies is one route to securing their survival and growth. The focus of the research presented is the evolution of marketing strategies by innovators facing diverse competitive challenges in the expert system market. The study examined the role of strategic marketing i n the commercial exploitation of technology and how this role changes, especially after market launch. What was interesting urm the extent to which suppliers were not only designing new technologies but also creating business applications for the new technology. The acquisition of market know-how to devise end-,user applications was a vital ingredient i n securing a competitive advantage.  相似文献   

优化营商环境、激发市场主体活力是我国新时期推动经济高质量发展的重大举措。选取2009-2018年30个省市级面板数据,构建中介效应模型,实证分析营商环境质量对企业家精神的激励效应及技术创新的促进作用。研究发现:①营商环境优化对中国技术创新具有显著正效应,但其影响更多表现为资金供给而非制度供给;②企业家精神是营商环境与技术创新的中介变量,营商环境要素、企业家创新精神和创业精神激励结构对技术创新的影响存在异质性;③营商环境显性激励作用明显,但内生激励不足。研究结论可为持续优化营商环境、激发企业家精神、促进技术创新提供政策启示。  相似文献   

数字经济时代数字技术与实体经济深度融合,中国制造企业面临通过战略变革实现创新发展的机遇和挑战。囿于理论视角和研究方法,现有研究难以指导管理者实现有效的战略变革。鉴于此,立足战略三角框架,运用模糊集定性比较分析方法(fsQCA),基于2018年中国A股上市制造企业样本数据,检验政府效率、创新创业活跃度、过往绩效、控股股东性质、市场竞争度与战略变革幅度6项条件对创新绩效的组态效应。结果表明:战略变革不构成高创新绩效的必要条件,不同制度情境下企业应依据组织要素特征选择战略变革模式。4种组态能够引致高创新绩效:高政府效率、非高创新创业活跃度环境下高绩效国企宜实施回避式战略变革;高政府效率、高创新创业活跃度环境下高绩效民企应实施妥洽式战略变革;高政府效率、高创新创业活跃度环境下非高绩效国企宜实施转向式战略变革;非高政府效率、非高创新创业活跃度环境下非高绩效企业应进行复兴式战略变革。  相似文献   

以2014—2019年沪深A股成长期上市公司作为后发企业代表,借助Word2Vec的文本分析方法,基于公司年度财务数据度量后发企业商业模式创新水平,实证研究后发企业追赶过程中商业模式创新、技术创新以及二者匹配性与企业绩效间的作用机理。结果发现:商业模式创新对后发企业绩效具有显著正向影响;技术创新对后发企业绩效具有显著正向影响;商业模式创新和技术创新的平衡性与后发企业绩效正相关;商业模式创新和技术创新的组合性与后发企业绩效正相关。结果表明,对于后发企业而言,商业模式创新与技术创新为互补关系,而非互替关系,二者间的匹配性对后发企业绩效提升具有增强型交互作用。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes current trends in the strategic management of technology in a sample of 25 companies. It is particularly concerned with the balance of responsibility between the corporate level and the business unit level for accumulation of technological assets. It is argued that preuious tendencies to decentralize these issues, along with K & D operations, to the business unit level are being partially rtversed. A new paradigm of corporate management of technological assets is identified. This analysis is then used in conjunction with existing taxonomies of innovation strategy and corporate strategy to propose a new taxonomy of corporate technology strategies.  相似文献   

商业模式创新、技术创新都是企业提升竞争力和绩效的重要手段。以58家创业板上市企业为样本,对商业模式创新与企业绩效的关系、技术创新与企业绩效的关系以及商业模式创新与技术创新的交互作用进行了研究。结果发现:商业模式创新只对企业营业收入增长具有显著的正向影响,技术创新只对企业利润增长具有显著的正向影响,而商业模式创新与技术创新是互补关系,二者的交互对企业绩效(营业收入增长、利润增长)具有显著的正向影响。这些结果表明,对于企业特别是类似于在创业板上市的科技型中小企业来说,商业模式创新与技术创新对于企业绩效的贡献是不同的,只有综合推进商业模式创新与技术创新并形成互补关系,确保商业模式创新和技术创新完全成功,才能全面提升企业绩效。  相似文献   

基于从知识管理到价值创造的思路,重新审视了企业技术创新能力的内涵。通过系统的文献回顾,总结了已有企业技术创新能力评价指标体系相关框架(包括点状模型、线状模型、链状模型和面状模型)的特征和不足,提出了由问题驱动、思考未来、多样化知识、创新文化、利益相关者协同、经济价值与社会价值构成的企业技术创新能力评价体系新框架,并构建了新框架的二级指标,为企业技术创新能力的理解、体系框架的构建和评价提供了理论和实践参考。  相似文献   

Business model innovation is one of the firm’s most important strategic decisions. Top management team (TMT), as the critical decision-makers, has essential influence upon such decisions. However, the role of TMT diversity in shaping the performance of business model innovation is less explored in the literature. Based on a sample dataset of 906 observations of small and medium enterprises from China Startups Stock Market during the period of 2009–2011, we find that TMT diversity exhibits a significant threshold effect on the relationship between business model innovation (in terms of novelty-centred and efficiency-centred business model) and firm performance. More specifically, when TMT functional diversity arrives at a certain level, the positive relationship between novelty-centred business model and firm performance becomes more pronounced. On the other hand, the positive relationship between efficiency-centred business model innovation and firm performance will be more significant when TMT tenure diversity increases to a certain level.  相似文献   

基于2004-2016年中国内地30个省市面板数据,采用耦合协调模型和PVAR模型,实证检验科技创新与绿色治理的协调效应及动态关系。结果显示:2004-2016年全国各省市科技创新与绿色治理的协调水平偏低,并且由东向西的区域阶梯递减特征显著,多数省市科技创新滞后于绿色治理发展,协调等级处于濒临失调水平以下;东部地区科技创新与绿色治理之间存在双向因果关系,科技创新对绿色治理的影响不显著,长期看呈现为负向冲击效应,绿色治理对科技创新呈现出显著正向、持续影响;东北地区科技创新与绿色治理存在单向因果关系,科技创新对绿色治理的冲击效应不显著,绿色治理对科技创新呈现出显著正向、持续影响;中部和西部地区科技创新与绿色治理不存在因果关系,绿色治理对科技创新的冲击作用具有相似性,但科技创新对绿色治理的冲击效应存在较大差异。  相似文献   

苏志文  吴先明 《技术经济》2014,(1):33-38,74
以两家中国企业通过跨国并购成功实现技术创新的典型事件作为案例,运用多案例研究方法,探究了基于并购的动态能力在创造性资产寻求型跨国并购过程中对企业技术创新的作用,建立了基于并购的动态能力对企业技术创新的作用机制模型.研究结果显示:并购选择能力通过驱动跨国并购的开展而构建技术创新的起点;并购识别能力通过识别技术资产并促进并购实施而奠定技术创新的基础;并购重构能力通过重构创造性资产而保障技术创新目标的实现.指出:基于并购的动态能力从3个维度作用于跨国并购的全过程,而目标企业的创造性资产是基于并购的动态能力对企业技术创新发挥作用的受力点.  相似文献   

企业战略管理理论演变与战略风险思想探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经营环境的复杂、多变和不确定,战略风险成为企业面临的最大风险,战略风险被称为战略的副产品,为从根源上把握战略风险的本质,本文系统回顾了企业战略管理理论的产生、发展和演变,并对主要战略管理学派一战略规划学派、环境适应学派、战略定位学派、资源基础论和核心能力学派以及动态能力学派的内在演变逻辑、主要观点和蕴含的战略风险思想进行研究。研究表明战略本身作为一种风险规避的手段,随着环境的变化战略管理的内容也在不断演变,同时战略本身的风险也因环境的变化在不断增加;战略风险产生的根源是战略、企业资源和能力与环境动态匹配失衡的结果,战略风险来源于战略、资源能力及环境各要素之间的不匹配以及战略管理过程的不确定。战略风险与战略相伴而生,随着战略风险重要性的提高,战略风险将不断融入战略管理过程,成为战略管理的有机组成部分。  相似文献   

选取2013—2016年我国民营上市公司经营数据作为研究样本,基于管理层权力配置视角探索企业创新决策动因及其规律性,结果表明:①基于研发与营销的职能区别,随着管理层权力配置程度增加,技术创新和市场创新两类创新行为的决策倾向呈现差异化演变,具体表现为管理层权力与技术创新行为正相关,与市场创新行为负相关;②公司成长状态对管理层权力与技术创新行为的关系具有显著调节作用,具体表现为:公司经营风险水平较高时,管理层权力对技术创新行为的促进作用会被弱化,公司盈利能力较强时,管理层权力对技术创新行为的促进作用会被强化;③公司成长状态对管理层权力与市场创新行为关系的调节作用不显著,即管理层权力对创新行为的影响机理不会因公司经营风险水平和盈利水平的差异而发生改变。  相似文献   

Incubation has already proven to be of great value in promoting small and medium enterprise (SME) entrepreneurship activities and technological development in developed and developing countries. Incubation not only provides a diversified and integrated service for entrepreneurial ventures but also contributes upward to regional and national innovation and economic growth. Building upon the logic of co-evolution theory, this paper argues that incubation acts at the meso-level as a critical interface between macro-innovation systems and micro-business ventures. These multi-directional coupling elements in innovation ecology co-evolve to achieve collective interests and excellence, which in turn may stimulate technological development and social change. Important processes/mechanisms, including a policy kit and action, strategic networking, supportive associations, knowledge and intellectual capital management, among others, are discussed. Drawing on the national innovation system (NIS) and business incubation (BI) experience in Taiwan, we discuss the future prospects of incubation and innovation policies, including industrializing and globalizing incubation activities and virtual business incubation.  相似文献   

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