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Agricultural productivity in East African smallholder systems is notoriously low and food production faces multiple challenges, including soil degradation, decreasing land availability, poor market integration, disease burdens and climate change impacts. However, recent evidence from an in-depth study from two sites in Kenya and Uganda shows signs of new social dynamics as a response to these multiple stressors. This paper focuses on the emergence of local social institutions for collective action, in which particularly women farmers organize themselves. Although previous research on collective action has largely focused on common-pool resource management, we argue that collective action is one potential pathway to livelihood and sustainability improvements also in a setting of private land ownership. Trust building, awareness raising and actions to improve livelihood security through risk sharing and pooling of labour and other limited assets have given people more time and resources available for diversification, preventative activities, experimentation and resource conservation. It thereby strengthens farmers’ capacity to cope with and adapt to change, as well as contributes to the agency at the local level.  相似文献   

This paper examines everyday interactions, and particularly the role of traditional ritual and relationships, in the mobilization of rural social movements in Taiwan. In Chinese society, ‘guanxi’ (interpersonal relationships) are involved in everyday social interactions. Studies of collective action, such as social movements, cannot ignore the role that ‘guanxi’ play. This paper argues that collective action in Taiwan is strongly influenced by social practices, such as ‘guanxi’. The early part of the paper discusses social movement theories of social network, and briefly reviews ‘guanxi’ theory and its relationship with the concept of ‘social capital’. The later part examines the function of ‘guanxi’ in two recent social movements: the anti–No. 6/8 Naphtha Cracking Project (A6/8NCP) movement at Taixi and the anti–leather factory movement at Gouzao. These two social movements provide excellent case studies for rethinking how collective action functions in Taiwan.  相似文献   

The economic liberalization process has exerted acute pressures on Local Food Systems in the Andes, driving their insertion into the cash economy in the context of globalization. Simultaneously, networks of barter markets have emerged in the Andean highlands. An assessment of the role of these markets in conserving the multi-functionality of local agro-ecosystems was conducted in the Lares Valley (Cusco, Peru). We showed that barter markets are endogenous, integrated, non-monetary economic responses that allow for the conservation of agro-ecosystem multi-functionality through the recuperation of control over local production modes. Their function is to buffer cash economy imperfections while satisfying local food needs. The combination of monetary and non-monetary trading is a redefinition of the economic system within the ecological and social limits of the agro-ecosystem. A participatory action research approach enabled the collecting and unravelling of the incommensurability of values associated with the role of barter markets.  相似文献   

研究目的:考察社会资本是否影响成员在共用土地资源治理集体行动中的参与积极性。研究方法:文献研究法,经济计量模型法。研究结果:社会资本变量中成员关系网络的质量和社区非正式规范水平两变量影响着成员在集体行动中的表现。成员的网络规模和关系强度以及成员社团活动参与影响了成员对社区非正式规范的评价,间接地影响了成员的行为选择。研究结论:无论是结构性社会资本还是认知性社会资本都会在不同程度上影响成员在农村共用土地资源治理集体行动中的参与积极性,因而应着力培育和构建农村社会资本。  相似文献   

The development of shrimp aquaculture in Ecuador caused massive ecological damage, particularly in the mangrove areas. Consequently, the livelihood of the population linked to this ecosystem was disrupted. Faced with environmental dispossession, the population engaged in the defence of mangroves by articulating a national grassroots movement. In 2007, this movement implemented a novel identity politics strategy that linked mangrove ecosystem to indigeneity, and positioned itself as the ‘Ancestral Peoples of the Mangrove Ecosystem’ (PAEM). This paper focuses on the political economy of the shrimp‐farming industry in Ecuador, showing the interrelation between environmental dispossession, collective action and identity formation, and analysing how this novel political identity is understood by different members of this social movement. The work argues that PAEM refers to a category that is closely linked to the processes of mangrove defence, in direct opposition to the shrimp farmer's identity, rather than to an essentialized conception of identity based on ‘nativeness’.  相似文献   

The peasant economy of the Yucatan Peninsula is sustained by agriculture and beekeeping. Honey production has great economic importance, given that it represents the main source of income for Mayan rural families. Furthermore, Mexico is the world's fourth‐largest exporter of honey. The honey comes from jungle that covers the peninsular territory and forms part of a production system that broadly utilizes forestry resources. Two new situations emerged in 2011 that detonated social mobilization to defend beekeeping: the Mexican government authorized the planting of transgenic soybeans, while the European Union announced that honey that originated from transgenic pollen would have to be labelled (‘contains transgenics’), whereas honey importers demand transgenic‐free honey. The introduction of transgenic soybeans in the Yucatan Peninsula is part of the modern, industrial agricultural impetus in the region, which is entering into conflict with the Mayan peasant agriculture and threatens the survival of the most important Mexican tropical forest. A movement alliance was built among different social actors, including Mayan communities, beekeeper and civil‐society organizations, universities and honey‐exporting entrepreneurs, who developed an opposition and a resistance strategy to the cultivation of transgenic soybeans. Their repertoire has included collective legal, educational and organizational action, scientific research, mobilization, information, a media presence and lobbying. This mobilization has yielded results, as in 2015 the judiciary power invalidated the authorization of the cultivation of transgenic soybeans.  相似文献   

Agroecological reconfiguration alternatives are programmes of action developed by local and regional organizations seeking to reverse environmental degradation produced by intensive industrialized farming. Growers who take part in them recognize their interdependence with the ecosystem and are aware of the need to act collectively in order to regain the productivity and competitiveness that have been lost through the degeneration of natural resources. The varied patterns of production developed by those promoting these alternatives are mixed, and have to demonstrate technical and economic viability; they must also justify themselves through commitment to a sustainable environmental and social development of the region. The diverse public and private actors involved share a sense that the ecosystem is a common heritage that must be safeguarded. Today, agroecological reconfiguration alternatives are the most effective initiatives for the environmental governance of agriculture in Mexico.  相似文献   

[目的]扶持发展壮大村集体经济,让农民共享改革成果是农村综合改革的重要目标之一,也是农村综合改革的出发点和落脚点。[方法]以财政部试点文件财农[2015]197号为指导,以2016年宁夏回族自治区8县区80个试点村扶持发展壮大村集体经济为案例。运用综合分析法,探究"四位一体"发展框架。[结果]文章创新性提出了创建村集体经济组织、建章立制、培养能力、扶持产业"四位一体"的发展构架。其中,创建村集体经济组织是首要关键环节,为发展壮大村集体经济提供合法组织保障;村集体经济管理制度建设与合作社章程建设是合法的制度保障;加强村党组织建设,选好配强村级领导班子和致富带头人是人才保障;因地制宜,选好产业,走一、二、三产业融合发展道路是发展的支撑。[结论]通过理论研究和实践探索,初步总结出了一些宝贵经验,以期为扶持发展壮大村集体经济提供可借鉴、可复制的经验和做法。  相似文献   

以福建省三明市尤溪县上源村林业专业合作社为例,基于制度分析与发展框架(IAD)分析林业专业合作社的形成、治理模式,结合行动情境内部的7个规则变量,探究林业专业合作社内部集体行动形成过程。结果表明:上源村林业专业合作社内部集体行动水平受行动情境内部7个规则变量的影响,并在这7个规则的联合作用机制下形成了较高水平的集体行动,有效发挥了林业资源的生态价值、经济价值和社会价值;在林业专业合作社内部集体行动形成过程中,边界规则确定了林业专业合作社资源与成员规模,身份规则决定了林业专业合作社成员的职能,范围规则、选择规则、偿付规则和信息规则决定了林业专业合作社成员的权利、收益、成本和监督水平,聚合规则提高了林业专业合作社成员对集体行动决策的控制水平。  相似文献   

土地整治公众参与机制中的社会资本及其作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究目的:分析土地整治公众参与机制中的社会资本内涵、表现形式及其作用于土地整治的实现途径。研究方法:文献资料法,归纳分析法,实证分析法。研究结果:厘清了土地整治公众参与机制中社会资本的概念及层次内涵,阐述了社会资本作用于土地整治的两种实现途径。研究结论:(1)社会资本是农民之间合作的基础,体现在以信任、互惠、规范和合作为基本特征而构建的社会参与网络;(2)土地整治公众参与机制中的社会资本在农村基层组织中得以显化,是建立和优化土地整治公众参与机制的充分必要条件;(3)社会资本与农村土地制度变迁相互影响相互作用。  相似文献   

目的 探究个体因素和环境因素对提升村民参与农村人居环境治理行为的综合影响,明晰村民参与行为的激励机制,从而激发村民积极参与,可持续以相对较低成本改善农村人居环境质量。方法 文章基于社会资本与政府规制整合视角,收集云南省278位村民的调研数据,构建结构方程模型(SEM)探讨村民参与行为的影响机理,并采用Process插件检验政府规制在社会资本影响村民参与行为中的调节作用。结果 (1)在农村人居环境治理中,社会资本显著正向影响村民参与行为;(2)道德责任感与群体认同感显著正向影响村民参与行为,并在社会资本与村民参与行为之间均起部分正向中介作用;(3)政府规制在村民社会资本与其参与行为之间部分起调节作用。其中,激励型规制起负向调节作用,存在对社会资本的挤占效应;而约束型规制调节作用不显著。结论 农村人居环境治理过程中应坚持农民主体地位,以提升村民社会资本、提高村民的责任意识和群体认同感,减少激励型政策的挤占效应并慎用约束型政策,引导村民逐步实现自治,从而提升村民参与行为。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the result of a major foresight exercise commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation on the prospective developments of the agriculture and food industry up to the year 2030. The exercise identified economic, technological, social and ecological trends that will greatly influence both supply and demand in the industry. The findings provide a decision base for policy-makers to improve the technology base and to ease the reliance on technology imports. The country’s agricultural producers have been struggling with the introduction of new technologies, and customers are showing conservative demand patterns. Previous research showed that technology transfer into Russian agricultural enterprises suffers from a low knowledge level especially in receiving organizations. The country’s own S&T system requires support both for technology development and technology transfer, especially for breeding of best-suited plants and animals for local circumstances. Furthermore, consumer behaviour could be influenced towards higher demand, for example, organic food or ethical husbandry.  相似文献   

利用铜川地区桃农调研数据,构建随机前沿生产函数模型,将社会资本各维度加入技术效率损失项,测算桃农生产技术效率水平,分析社会资本对桃农生产技术效率的影响。结果表明:桃农的平均生产技术效率为79.38%,存在着一定程度的技术无效率;在社会资本各维度中,关系网络,集体行动以及信息交流的改善能够显著提高桃农生产技术效率,而干群关系、信任与团结对桃农生产技术效率的影响未通过显著性检验。因此,改善桃农关系网络,集体行动,信息交流状况,是提高桃农生产技术效率的有效途径。  相似文献   

There are many research on consumer perception of fish product attributes. To increase fish consumption, as recommended by international health organizations and dietary guidelines, there is a need to better understand what drives consumers to fish consumption behaviour. The objective of the research is to explore determinants of fish frequency consumption, with focus on healthy attitude and socio-demographic or family structure characteristics. The research interviewed 740 consumers face-to-face. Data elaboration includes a factor analysis, with PCA and Varimax rotation, and multiple multivariate linear regressions. Results show that consumer health-orientation and social influences are better drivers to increase fish consumption frequency, compared to socio-economic characteristics, including households with children. Easing consumer time constraints and fish purchasing favor convenience and at home fish consumption frequency. Given the health advantages of higher fish consumption, government initiatives should support fish food industry marketing strategies.  相似文献   

Although agri-environmental policies have been launched by the European Union to mitigate environmental pollution and sustain agricultural development, there is not much understanding of how to manage the asymmetries between the objectives and the effectiveness of the implementation of the policies on local scale. The nitrate directive (ND) is an emblematic case in this context. This research focused on the role of ‘hybrid knowledge’ (scientific and local) and the process of knowledge integration in understanding the nitrate problem as an agri-environmental issue emerging from a complex set of biophysical and social factors. We conducted an integrated analysis of a case study on nitrate pollution in an intensive dairy district under Mediterranean conditions. A participatory action research approach was applied to elicit stakeholders’ knowledge and perspectives and to create new learning spaces among farmers, researchers and policy makers at case study scale. We explored the effectiveness of social learning triggered due to participatory field experiments, by bringing together stakeholders to generate new ‘hybrid knowledge’ for agri-environmental sustainability. The dramatic shift from the initial defensive position of farmers to an agreement on concerted actions proved that the integration between local and scientific knowledge may contribute to an increase in the effectiveness of the ND.  相似文献   

中国集体林产权制度改革回顾与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用历史产权制度研究方法,利用详实的历史数据与信息,系统地分析改革开放以来中国集体林产权制度改革每个重要时期的改革内容与进程以及集体林地林木流转制度演化历程,发现改革开放四十年中国集体林所有权和家庭经营的基因没有变,变的是集体林地承包经营权的实现形式;指出集体林产权制度变迁道路中的困惑;提出未来集体林产权制度的选择路径。  相似文献   

以集体林权制度改革为政策背景,采用C-D生产函数模型,根据新疆林业经济统计数据,就林业科技进步、林业资本投入、林业劳动力投入、新增造林面积以及作为虚拟变量的集体林权制度改革等要素,对新疆林业经济增长的贡献做出定量评价。结果表明:集体林权制度改革后林业科技进步、林业资本投入、林业劳动力投入对林业经济增长具有明显推进作用,作为虚拟变量的制度因素集体林权改革对林业经济增长具有正向推动作用。新疆林业经济的增长在很大程度上依赖于林业资本的大力投入,因此新疆林业要实现经济快速增长,必须继续深化集体林权制度改革,落实林权证的发放,不仅要继续加大劳动力投入和科技投入的力度,而且要促进林业劳动力投入和科技进步的结合;同时还要不断完善人才培养机制,加快新疆林业技术人才的引进。  相似文献   

河北省集体林权制度改革的实践与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重点论述了河北省集体林权制度改革的范围、重点和目标,以及改革的实质、思路、主要内容。指出目前已取得了初步成效:群众造林绿化积极性明显提高,社会资金开始向林业聚集,农民从林业中得到了更多实惠等,但依然存在思想不解放、确权发证工作困难、林权抵押贷款工作落实困难等突出问题。认为应继续加大宣传力度;坚持依法确权发证,把矛盾纠纷解决在当地;坚持政府协调,推动财政、保险等部门对林业的协作支持;加快配套政策的研究与改革。  相似文献   

集体林地使用制度改革与资源市场化配置   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
集体林地使用制度改革的反复与曲折,与过分强调集体林地的具体经营方式紧密相关。集体林地使用制度的突出问题之一在于弱市场化配置,因此集体林地使用制度改革不应简单地在集体山林的分户经营、股份合作制或其他经营方式之间进行选择,改革的主要目标之一是构建有利于市场机制充分发挥作用、提高集体林地资源配置效率的制度。强化集体林地资源的市场化配置可以从四个方面入手,一是以集体林地租赁经营逐步取代无偿承包制;二是推行集体林地使用权的招标出让和拍卖出让;三是培育以林地使用权流转为核心的林业要素市场;四是以产权为纽带,促进集体林地使用权与社会资本的结合。  相似文献   

集体林业制度改革研究前沿   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合中共十九届四中全会提出的深化农村集体产权制度改革任务,从深化改革的重大意义和目标任务等6个方面对集体林权制度改革理论和政策研究的相关文献进行系统分析,指出已有的集体林权制度改革研究宏观分析过多,中观、微观分析不足,存在以静态分析为主的倾向;大部分研究忽视了各项制度之间的逻辑关联和目标协同,同时还有研究目标定位不够清晰、研究内容与国家既定改革目标需求衔接不够紧密的现象;对未来集体林业经营模式、林业行政管理模式、公共财政支持模式以及与之相适应的制度方式的争论还没有形成共识。因此,提出深化集体林业经营制度改革提升集体林业经营发展水平的若干前沿研究命题,以期为后续深化研究提供指引。  相似文献   

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