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21世纪的竞争将主要是以IOS系统等驱动的供应链与供应链之间的竞争。企业需要和供应链上的其他企业联合起来,才有可能赢得广泛的技术、在质量和可靠性方面的快速反应能力以及持续的成本优势。基于此,本文从交易成本、关系稳定、迅速反应、大规模定制和组织再造五个方面分析供应链上跨组织系统的效用,以证实这一系统在战略上是必须的,它将可能为企业和供应链在供应链与供应链的竞争中赢得竞争优势。  相似文献   

国内烟草产业的供应链竞争战略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
烟草作为特殊商品,在特殊的管理体制下,其供应链呈现与一般产品不同的特殊性。由于各个利益团体的冲突,导致供应链的断裂,从本质上削弱了供应链的竞争力。本文从烟草供应链的特征和结构分析出发,构建了烟草供应链的竞争力结构,提出在现有体制模式下,以核心企业为中心对烟草供应链进行集成,实施供应链竞争战略可以在一定程度上弥补断裂的供应链。  相似文献   

供应链:企业竞争力新要素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入 21世纪之初,美国麻省理工学院著名管理学教授查尔斯·法恩指出,知识经济时代,企业最根本、最核心的竞争力在于对供应链的管理,新世纪的竞争将是一个企业供应链与另一个企业供应链之间的竞争.那么当前我国企业如何利用供应链这一新的竞争要素,铸造和提升核心竞争力?本文将围绕这一问题提出一些看法.  相似文献   

供应链管理,就是以增强企业核心竞争力,追求顾客满意为目的,借助信息技术,对企业内外部资源进行优化整合,达到快速响应市场需求的动态联盟。一、构建供应链的影响因素及相互关系供应链的构建是一个十分复杂的系统工程,涉及许多因素,主要包括市场环境、企业内部因素、企业利益目标、企业间的信任程度、合作和竞争关系、约束机制、企业资源等。这些因素间具有十分密切的关系,彼此相互协作,才能构成一个有机的供应链管理系统。这些主要因素在供应链管理中的地位和作用是:顾客的需求是整个市场运行和一切企业行为的基础。企业要持续快…  相似文献   

在过去的十多年里,企业面临的竞争环境发生了巨大的变化.许多企业(特别是汽车行业企业)都应用JIT哲理进行管理,这样一种方法要求企业加快对用户变化需求的反应速度,同时加强与供应商的合作.全球竞争中先进制造技术的发展要求企业将自身业务与供应商业务集成在一起,缩短相互之间的距离,站在整个供应链的角度考虑增值,所以许多成功的企业都将与供应商的附属关系转向建立联盟或战略合作伙伴关系.建立战略性(客户)合作伙伴关系是供应链战略管理的重点,也是集成化供应链管理的核心.供应链管理的关键就在于供应链各节点企业之间的联接和合作,以及相互之间在设计、生产、竞争策略等方面良好的协调.  相似文献   

采用先进的管理理念和管理方法,打造一条围绕企业核心竞争力的,快速、高效、随需应变的供应链是众多企业孜孜以求的目标。一件产品的竞争力,实际上体现了供应链上各个环节的整体竞争力,未来纺织服装行业的竞争将更多地表现在供应链管理的竞争。  相似文献   

随着中国消费市场的容量不断增长,跨国企业将供应链的更多环节放到了中国。未来市场的竞争已经成为了供应链之间的竞争,优化的供应链管理,也成为企业了的“第三利润源”。如何实现供应链的系统优化和各个环节之间高效率的信息交换,从而提高企业的全球综合竞争力,已成为了现代制造企业最为关心的话题之一。  相似文献   

一、企业文化与企业核心竞争力基本概念 企业之间的竞争主要是核心竞争力的竞争,而核心竞争力的竞争实质上反映了企业文化理念的竞争。21世纪是文化管理时代,是文化致富时代。企业文化将是企业的核心竞争力所在,是企业管理的最重要内容。  相似文献   

中国纺织服装企业的竞争已经逐步转向品牌供应链之间的竞争。今后中国纺织服装供应链的发展应着眼结构调整,打破供应链的牛鞭效应,逐步建立供应链的平等合作机制等。"未来的竞争,将是整个供应链的竞争。"这已经成为纺织服装企业的共识,供应链的竞争力不是一个企业或一个环节的竞争力,而是一个产业链通过品牌整体表现出来的竞争优势。改革开放30多年,中国拥有世界最具竞争力的品牌供应链,但随着世界经济不稳定因素加剧,粗放型发展过程积累的问题也相继暴露出来:产能总量相对过剩,行业缺乏自主创新能力,产业结构严  相似文献   

李陵申 《中国纺织》2005,(3):162-163
随着信息技术的发展与管理思维的创新,有效的供应链管理已成为企业赢得竞争优势的重要源泉.供应链是指企业在生产及流通过程中,为将商品或服务提供给最终消费者,连接上游和下游共同创造价值而形成的组织网络.而供应链管理是指对商品、信息和资金在内的供应商、制造商、分销商和顾客组成的网络管理.以最小的成本和费用提供最大的价值和最好的服务是供应链有效管理的关键.成功的供应链管理应该能够协调并结合供应联中所有活动,最终成为无缝连接的一体化过程.有人预言,21世纪的市场竞争将不是企业和企业之间的竞争,而是供应链和供应链之间的竞争,任何一个企业只有与别的企业结成供应链才有可能取得竞争的主动权.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is the empirical analysis of supply chain risk management practices. The analysis is based on a survey with 67 manufacturing plants conducted in the German automotive industry. After investigating the vulnerability of supply chains in general and examining key drivers of supply chain risks, the paper identifies supply chain risks by analyzing their likelihood to occur and their potential impact on the supply chain. The results are visualized in the probability-impact-matrix distinguishing between internal and external supply chain risks. Furthermore, instruments for dealing with supply chain risks are investigated. Therefore, the impact of supply chain risk management on performance is tested. In order to distinguish between companies with a high degree of supply chain risk management and those with no or only limited implementation the plants are grouped by means of a cluster analysis based on factors reflecting the instruments of supply chain risk management. In particular, groups are created representing two different approaches to deal with supply chain risks, i.e. reactive and preventive supply chain risk management. The clusters are investigated concerning differences in terms of performance criteria. The analyses reveal that companies with a high implementation degree show a better supply chain performance. Furthermore, the results show that the group using reactive supply chain risk management has higher average value in terms of disruptions resilience or the reduction of the bullwhip effect, whereas the group pursuing preventive supply chain risk management has better values concerning flexibility or safety stocks.  相似文献   

Integration of various theories is essential to completely understand and explain strategic alliances in a supply chain. The purpose of this paper is to develop a framework by integrating the features of transaction cost theory, resource-based theory, contingency theory, social exchange theory, and Kelley's personal relationship theory and test the framework through empirical research. The present study addresses the impact of strategic alliance motives, environment, asset specificity, perception of opportunistic behavior, interdependence between supply chain partners, and relational capital on strategic alliance outcomes. Besides, the study has also tested the role of relational capital as a central mediating construct. A sample of 2156 companies representing different industries in manufacturing in Malaysia was selected for the distribution of questionnaire. We tested the structural model using structural equation modeling (SEM). Based on the results, we conclude the following significant relationships: (1) strategic alliance motives and perception of opportunistic behavior on interdependence and relational capital, (2) interdependence on relational capital, (3) environment on strategic alliance motives, (4) relational capital on strategic alliance outcomes, and (4) the mediating role of relational capital. The current study adds significantly to the body of knowledge on strategic alliances and can help managers identify factors that influence the success of strategic alliances and provide a proper direction to develop robust and effective collaborative relationships between supply chain partners.  相似文献   

Supply chain management becomes one of the most powerful business concepts for organizations to gain a competitive advantage in the global market. Strategic alliance could enhance the performance of a global supply chain. This paper identifies three phases for strategic alliance, and proposes a practical framework for Pearl River Delta (PRD) manufacturing companies to develop a strategic partnership with their critical suppliers, by adopting total quality philosophies approach. Finally, this paper provides some critical factors for PRD manufacturing companies forming a supply network within PRD region through establishing strategic alliance.  相似文献   

Building capabilities to manage strategic alliances   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recently, academics have attributed a large part of alliance success to a firm's ability to successfully manage its alliances, also called its level of alliance management capability. We contribute to this growing body of literature by (1) verifying the impact of alliance management capability on alliance performance and (2) analyzing the drivers of alliance management capability. We measure this capability through four types of alliance learning processes and study how each of these processes affects alliance outcome. Furthermore, we take into account several possible drivers of alliance management capability such as organizational culture, commitment of the top team, alliance experience and the alliance function. We refine the results by examining how these factors affect each of the four learning processes underpinning alliance management capability. Our research model will be tested on a sample of 189 Belgian companies using PLS. We find that the commitment of the top management team is the most critical factor in explaining success with alliances.  相似文献   

建筑企业供应链管理中的不确定性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对建筑企业供应链管理中的不确定性因素进行了详细的剖析,分析了它们对建筑企业供应链管理的影响,并深入探讨了降低建筑企业供应链管理中不确定性影响的措施。  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss the economic evaluation of a supply chain innovation. We look at a situation in which a single manufacturer and a single distributor consider relocating assets and reengineering processes, in order to reduce total assets and total costs in the supply chain. The selling price between the manufacturer and distributor needs to be adjusted to reflect the new costs and asset levels. We investigate the price adjustment needed to maintain the ROA (Return on Assets) of both companies and to yield a nonnegative NPV (Net Present Value) for both companies. We identify conditions under which ROA and NPV yield the same results, such as the absence of implementation costs. We also demonstrate that the minimum price required by the manufacturer may lie above the maximum price acceptable for the distributor. Then the price range is empty and companies will not be able to find a price adjustment that results in a nonnegative NPV and nondecreasing ROAs for both companies.  相似文献   

In recent years, companies have paid growing attention to supply chain management at a global level. With regard to the upstream part of the supply chain, the need for better suppliers, the research into specific competences and concerns related to international competition have forced companies to improve their ability to cope with suppliers located in different countries around the world. The literature suggests that the geographical distance of suppliers should create higher inventory levels primarily because of longer and more uncertain lead times. However, as this paper aims to demonstrate, companies can limit this effect by means of specific investments in the supply chain and in their relationships with suppliers. The empirical analysis is based on data from the last edition of the International Manufacturing Strategy Survey (IMSS). The results show that companies performing global sourcing have invested in supply chain management (SCM) and that this has been helpful in keeping their inventories under control.  相似文献   

建筑供应链管理模式(CSCM)应用研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
供应链管理倡导合作、共赢、集成,全面提高供应链整体竞争力,广受关注,并在制造业取得很大绩效。章通过对制造业供应链与建筑业供应链的比较,分析了建筑供应链管理模式应用的可行性及实施步骤,研究了建筑供应链管理模式的发展趋势,并对供应链建筑管理模式与传统建筑管理模式进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

The integration of environmental practices in a supply chain has been study for the past few decades. However, most of the work relies on centralized decisions made by one player. Few papers address the complex dynamics of environmental decentralized supply chains and how these dynamics can affect environmental and economic outcomes. To study this problem, we consider a supply chain with a manufacturer and two different suppliers: a recycled-material and a raw-material supplier. The players make individual inventory decisions to satisfy demand and reduce cost. Further, this supply chain encompasses stochastic elements such as in demands, returns, and collection leadtimes. These decentralized decisions and random factors can cause underperforming results; therefore, new inventory models and technologies are needed to help companies increase coordination within these systems. We model the implementation of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in the supply chain to determine if real-time inventory monitoring and information sharing can help the system attain higher environmental benefits (more returns) and higher economic benefits (less cost). We study two scenarios through a simulation-based analysis: No RFID and RFID. Numerical studies show that environmental benefits are significantly increased with the attainment of more returns. However, although economic benefits are realized, they are less significant than the environmental benefits. Further regression and sensitivity analyses on the cost performance measures reveal that economic benefits depend on several drivers inside the system. We present managerial insights that illustrate what configurations within this complex system can lead to the achieving of environmental as well as economic benefits.  相似文献   

虚拟整合的概念模型与价值创造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在阐释虚拟整合概念的基础上,分析了虚拟整合与虚拟企业、供应链联盟、虚拟供应链、价值网、虚拟价值链等概念和理论之间的关系,并将其纳入同一框架下,提出了虚拟整合的概念模型;同时,对虚拟整合的价值创造机制与路径进行了分析和探讨,指出虚拟整合实现了合作企业的价值创造活动由实体空间向虚拟空间的延伸,而信息共享、跨组织流程再造、基于顾客价值的商业模式创新以及基于价值星系的开放式创新等则是虚拟整合在虚拟空间实现价值创造的主要路径。  相似文献   

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