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随着社会的发展,我国的科学水平和经济水平都在不断提高,商业发展速度也在不断加快。电子商务迅速崛起对国际贸易也产生了较大的影响,电子商务深化了国际间的分工,同时也使洽谈方式、国际贸易的合同制定以及合同履行方式等多个方面发生了改变。与此同时,国际贸易的信息传递速度不断加快,而国际贸易的交易成本却在不断下降。  相似文献   

现有理论重点关注国际贸易的基础、结构及结果,而忽视了对国际贸易主体在哪里、为什么在那里以及国际贸易服务由谁提供、为什么由其提供的国际贸易空间嵌入方式研究。文章运用新兴古典经济学的理论分析框架,揭示了内生比较优势、交易效率对国际贸易买卖双方劳动分工结构的演进,进而对国际贸易方式变迁作用机理及影响路径。研究发现,内生比较优势与交易效率优势的动态变化是国际贸易买卖双方选择劳动分工模式的根本动力,分工模式的演进伴随着国际贸易方式由独立式向嵌入式演进的初期萌芽、形成发展到全面拓展跃迁。更为重要的是这一过程不仅具有优化资源配置效应,而且具有缩小贸易各方收入差距的分配效应。充分发挥和利用内生比较优势与交易效率优势是推动特大型市场集聚区向全球网货中心、贸易中心及信息发布中心升级的有效路径。  相似文献   

传统的微观经济学理论认为,交易活动是稀缺的,交易成本不为零。企业的存在是为了节约交易成本。电子商务与传统交易有很大不同,前者可以通过降低企业交易前、交易中和交易后的交易成本,降低企业的边际交易成本水平。由于边际交易成本水平的降低,企业边际组织成本必然相应降低,从而导致企业规模变小。由此,在电子商务条件下,经济规模之扩张与交易成本之降低并非互斥。  相似文献   

电子商务是一种崭新的商业模式,其成本低、速度快等特点已经对国际贸易活动产生了划时代的影响,展现出了无比强大的生命力。电子商务应用下国际贸易营销具备网络互动式营销、网络定制营销、客户是主动方等特点。电子商务的兴起能够从产品结构、国际贸易方式、企业的运营成本、交易效率、客户满意度、国际贸易量、贸易主体、国际分工等几方面对我国的国际贸易发展产生积极影响。但是,我国的电子商务运用相对滞后,本文从多方面提出了在我国进一步发展电子商务的措施。  相似文献   

随着改革开放的深入发展,我国已经进入到经济新常态,在经济新常态模式下,电子商务发挥着日益重要的作用,不仅降低了交易成本,同时提高了交易效率,更好地满足了网络信息时代的经济发展需求。当然,新常态下电子商务在国际贸易当中还存在一些负面影响,制约着世界经济一体化的发展,因此,本文在电子商务基本概念分析的基础上,重点论述新常态下电子商务对国际贸易产生的负面影响,并以此制定应对措施。  相似文献   

本文将企业作为一个基本的分析点,运用基于专业化经济的劳动分工模型研究了分工、交易成本与产业集群演进的关系,认为产业集群分工结构演进实际上是由一个个群内企业内部分工外部化决策导致的。  相似文献   

近年来,随着销售业务需求的不断增大,促进了电子商务的快速发展。其中B2B电子商务模式发展更为突出,逐渐成为电子商务的主流形式,它是利用现代信息网络和计算机技术进行的商务活动。B2B电子商务的不断发展,使其逐渐成为促进经济增长的新亮点,指导着未来商务发展的趋势。B2B电子商务形式在我国出现已经有一段时间,但是它的发展并没有达到发达水平。电子商务可以有效提高资源配置效率、降低企业之间的交易成本、促进专业化发展、提高企业分工水平。今后在电子商务交易活动中,应有效结合市场和政府的力量,规范交易活动的有序进行,提升企业的盈利份额,从而增强其市场竞争力。  相似文献   

试论国际贸易的信息化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘伟 《商业时代》2004,(26):62-62,64
本文从电子商务在国际贸易中的应用现状谈起,其体现的开放性、全球性、地域性、低成本和高效性。在电子商务对国际贸易的影响中,以细化了国际分工、统一国际市场、更新国际贸易交易手段、分化国际消费偏好、重组全球贸易条件、影响国际贸易取向等六项为主。在此基础上分析了这六种影响因素,并提出了相应的解决办法。  相似文献   

随着互联网的快速发展,不少企业改变了过去面对面签订国际贸易合同的形式,而是直接通过互联网来来订立国际贸易合同。通过电子商务平台来进行外贸交易的企业呈现扩大化趋势。利用互联网签订国际贸易合同,是大势所趋,不可避免,特别是在小额交易上,更是如此。  相似文献   

王春娜 《商》2014,(34):236-236
随着我国电子商务交易规模的不断扩大,电子商务交易成本作为影响电子商务活动的重要因素,对电子商务产业持续健康的发展有着至关重要的作用。本文在分析成本控制的内涵以及成本控制原则的基础之上,对电子商务交易成本构成的进行了解分析,并就进行电子商务成本控制进行了探讨。  相似文献   

From the Editor     
The primary rationale for international trade models has been Adam Smith's analogy of a tailor and a shoemaker. Most free trade models relate to it in some way. Unfortunately when generalized to apply to nations, the model has serious defects.

This article develops a network flow model of international trade, simple enough for general comprehension, yet capable of dealing with the many complexities of international trade. Some of the current methods of trade management are also reviewed.

A variable compensatory tax is proposed to replace many of the current, inadequate trade management techniques. It is relatively simple to implement, fair to trading partners, precludes retaliation, and is based on measured performance in international trade.  相似文献   

Standard international trade models universally consider maximizing the availability of inexpensive goods as the objective of international trade. They then go on to show that tariffs and other impediments to trade cause a loss of economic efficiency. Fewer goods are available in the trading nations because of the impediments. The common method of analysis is to use price / quantity curves and two-nation / two-product curves.

Here we show that international trade is far more complex. It is a vast network beyond our present ability to accurately model. It can, however, be structured as a linear program. As a linear program it has many of the characteristics of a network. The chief difference is that linear programs provide static analysis. The world trade network is dynamic. However, by structuring it as a linear program, many of the components of international trade omitted by price/ quantity and two-nation / two-product analysis can be incorporated.

An important part of any programming analysis is determination of the objective function. Several objective functions are examined, particularly with respect to employment impacts. A variable compensatory tax (VCT) is selected as a means of dealing with the dynamics and complexity of international trade. It has the potential to repatriate 6 million jobs, is simple to implement, precludes retaliation, and would bring U.S. trade into a permanent balance of ± 5%.  相似文献   

电子商务平台理论综述   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
B2B电子商务主要是围绕电子商务平台而开展的,基于电子商务平台的交易一般模式表现为信息、谈判、执行与事后四个阶段,主要以聚集和匹配机制来实现其功能;围绕电子商务平台所形成的电子市场既可以是交易者聚集的场所,还可以是供应链整合的平台,由于受制于交易模式转换风险和平台控制权的局限,电子市场的发展方向令人关注。  相似文献   

电子商务技术和国际外包活动等新型商务实践的发展明显促进了过境交付服务贸易的发展。本文在缺乏准确统计数据的情况下,通过对现有相关统计指标和统计数据的处理,就电子商务和国际服务外包引起的过境交付数字传媒产品、电子服务贸易、IT和商务处理服务贸易等的发展程度做了粗略估计,并就这些新型过境交付服务贸易产品发展所引起的关税损失、服务质量监管和知识产权保护、发展中国家的贸易收益和经济社会安全等特殊问题进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

对构建我国绿色壁垒应对平台的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息渠道不畅、缺乏针对性的有效的咨询服务和技术支持等是目前我国大多数企业抗衡绿色壁垒的最大困难。政府应发挥其在抗衡绿色壁垒中的主导作用,构建由三大子系统、三大体系支撑的绿色壁垒应对平台,完善绿色壁垒风险预警管理系统,通过有效的运作,帮助企业最大限度地减少和避免产品出口遭受绿色壁垒的影响。  相似文献   

In this article the authors analyze trade patterns in the South African automobile industry using disaggregated harmonized system product-level data. The significance of intraindustry trade is estimated and separated into patterns of horizontally differentiated (by variety) intraindustry trade and vertically differentiated (by quality) intraindustry trade. The results indicate the presence of significant levels of intraindustry trade in automotive trade flows between South Africa and bilateral trading partners. In accordance with theoretical expectations, the empirical investigation reveals that intraindustry trade in South Africa's automobile industry is dominated by vertical intraindustry trade. Moreover, in recent years the analysis reveals some evidence that, within vertical intraindustry trade, South Africa's automobile industry produces and exports high-quality automotive products aligned with international fragmentation-based production and trade.  相似文献   

Recent reviews of the WTO, while cautioning against broadening its scope, nevertheless agree that antidumping concerns would need to be addressed “somehow”. Obviously, promoting international market access and “fair” competition is difficult in the presence of divergent rules for dealing with private market power and non-border restraints to trade. This is especially true once these differences are taken to justify preferences for highly discretionary trade policy measures in dealing with dumping concerns. Antidumping and the prerequisite competition issues will therefore have to be put onto the agenda of the new round of trade negotiations.  相似文献   

《京都议定书》机制下碳贸易与环保制约的协调   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
《京都议定书》实施计划涉及国际碳贸易与环境保护协调问题,环保通过成本对碳贸易产生影响,对于经济可持续发展是有效的。中国循环经济的发展要求必须处理好国际产业转移与国家能源结构调整的关系,合理利用市场机制与政府作为的双效作用,为《京都议定书》第三轮承诺期谈判做好准备。  相似文献   

我国已经成为世界贸易大国,但还不是贸易强国。大而不强既有客观因素,也有主观原因。客观上我国经济发展水平还比较低,主观上与我国外贸法律法规不完善、体制机制不健全、外贸政策不配套和经营模式比较落后等有关。当前,我国外贸正处在大发展、大变革、大调整时期,既面临难得的发展机遇,也面临严峻的内外挑战,要以巩固贸易大国地位、推动贸易强国进程为主要目标,以调结构、促协调、提质量为重点,加快外贸发展方式转变,优化外贸国际市场布局和国内区域布局,推进外贸生产基地、贸易平台和国际营销网络建设。  相似文献   

This paper exploits recently-developed indicators based on network analysis to investigate the pattern of international integration followed by East Asian countries and compares it with the Latin American performance. Standard trade openness indicators fall short of portraying the peculiarity of the Asian experience, and of explaining why other emerging markets with similar characteristics have been less successful over the last 25 years. The analysis offers an alternative perspective on the issue regarding international economic integration by taking into account the whole structure of international trade relationships and by determining both the position of countries in the world trade network, and its evolution over time. We find that East Asian countries are more integrated into the world economy, as they have moved from the periphery of the network towards its core. Our results support the idea that the degree of openness matters but it is not enough to characterize economic integration. The number and identity of trade partners, and the specific individual structure of trade for each country, need to be incorporated in order to fully characterize international economic integration. By doing so, it is possible to argue that the integration process of the East Asian countries mirrors their high economic performance, while the lower degree of integration of Latin America can be related to the lack of economic development of the region, even though their degree of openness has increased.  相似文献   

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