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This study develops a research model that can be used to evaluate website brand equity from the perspective of web contents. To evaluate the model and to examine the effects of web contents on brand equity, a SEM analysis is conducted on twenty Chinese websites which could be classified into four different types. The results show that the website brand equity model, which is composed of five dimensions, namely brand loyalty, perceived quality, brand relationship, brand experience and brand attraction, is useful for measuring website brand value, and also applicable to different web types. Web contents factors, such as recourses, design, service and interactivity, are found to be the antecedents of website brand equity, and they all affect dimensions of website brand equity. However, the effects vary according to web types. The results also demonstrate that portal websites’ brand equity value is the highest while shopping websites’ brand equity value is the lowest among the four web types. Suggestions and implications are provided for website brand management.  相似文献   

王育琨  林宏达  程林 《中国市场》2012,(34):18-23,7
<正>【人物简介】李彦宏,百度公司创始人、董事长兼首席执行官。1968年,生于山西省阳泉市。毕业于北京大学信息管理专业,随后赴美国布法罗纽约州立大学完成计算机科学硕士学位。创立百度之前,李彦宏已跻身全球顶尖搜索引擎工程师行列。他领导的百度使中国比肩美国、俄罗斯和韩国,成为全球仅有的4大搜索引擎核心技术拥有国之一。李彦宏曾获得"CCTV中国经济年度人物"、"改革开放30年30人"等荣誉,并多次被《商业周刊》、《财富》等杂志评为"中国最具影响力的商界领袖"和"全球最具影响力人物"。  相似文献   

<正>一路走来,虽有坎坷,但"丁丁"找到了属于自己的宝藏。网易的员工喜欢亲昵地称呼自己的老板为"丁丁",而丁磊也确实像《丁丁历险记》中的"丁丁"一样,历尽千辛万苦,找到了属于自己的宝藏,成为了人人敬仰的英雄。纵览中国互联网历史,丁磊的网易几乎把握住了每一个关键点——最早一批成为中国网站的标杆性企业,从而在纳斯达克上市;转型门户后又最早发现了短信的增值价值,  相似文献   

周南 《中国市场》2010,(51):40-41
<正>一身笔挺的西装,一副金丝眼镜,认真而不苟言笑的神情,这就是李光斗在演讲时留给大家的标志性印象。而作为媒体人,初识李光斗,也是通过他那一篇篇对热门事件鞭辟入里的评判。紧跟时尚的推手在百度中输入"中国品牌第一人",一系列关于李光斗的故事以及作品跃然在目。品牌对于李光斗的意义不言而喻。其实,李  相似文献   

In China, persistent and severe episodes of poor air quality have raised the population’s awareness of the deleterious impact that air pollution can have on their health and lead many people to explore physical means to limit their exposure to air pollution and therapies to help their immune system cope with this stress. Using a netnographic approach we explored Chinese consumers’ understandings of the impacts on their health caused by air pollution, and the key attributes (expected benefits, forms, and patterns of consumption) they expect of functional foods designed to help them recover from the pollution-driven impact. Relevant Chinese consumers’ discussions were selected from two Community Question Answering websites, “Zhihu” and “Baidu Knows”. The impact of pollution on the respiratory system was considered to be of the most concern and homemade TCM therapies and diet adjustment were the main forms of remedies discussed online. Results from this study will support the commercial success of functional food products designed to help Chinese consumers recover from the impact of air pollution on their health.  相似文献   

Critical success factors for electronic commerce (e-commerce) have been a hot topic in both the academe and industry. This paper puts forward hypotheses on success factors for e-commerce of traditional companies first. Then, it conducts an empirical study on the Chinese publishing industry in order to verify the hypotheses. After testing the validity and reliability of the data, this paper verifies the hypotheses with regression analyses, and finally identifies factors impacting e-commerce success such as leadership, strategy, organization, management, IT, customers, comprehensive functions of website and customer-oriented functions. In addition, customers, strategy, IT and comprehensive functions of website are identified as the critical factors impacting e-commerce success. This research not only stimulates e-commerce research in China, but also has an instructional effect on the implementation of e-commerce so that Chinese publishing enterprises can increase the success rate of their e-commerce objectives. Translated from Xitong Gongcheng Lilun yu Shijian 系统工程理论与实践 (System Engineering Theories and Practice), 2006, 26(2): 27–35  相似文献   

本文从中央媒体头部效应明显、科技类行业媒体积极探索和高影响力平台渠道较少三方面分析了我国科技创新国际传播能力现状。在此基础上,从受众和访问量分析、栏目设置、内容产品质量和访问体验四个方面分析总结了中国科协英文网国际传播能力现状。进而从提高汉英新闻编审能力、做好主体本位表达、引领全国学会英文网站发展和推出“中国科学家”品牌栏目四个方面对已有成功经验进行总结凝练并确定下阶段着力提升的重点之处。基于以上分析,为提升中国科协英文网国际传播能力、助推中国科协英文网长足发展和让世界了解并理解中国科技群团等目标给出建议。  相似文献   

With the rapid development of apparel mobile commerce in the United States, more companies view mobile commerce as a new source of competitive advantage. Despite the importance of apparel mobile website quality and its effect on consumer satisfaction and future purchase stimulus, extant research has paid little attention to these topics. This study proposes a website quality–consumer satisfaction–purchase intention research model based on the self-regulatory process theory. Six dimensions of apparel mobile website quality—website visual appeal, apparel visual appeal, brand trust, website information quality, website response time, and website security—were investigated. In all, 293 eligible responses were collected via an online survey. Multiple regression analysis was utilized to test the proposed relationships. Results reveal that website information quality, website visual appeal, apparel visual appeal, and website security positively affect consumer satisfaction toward apparel mobile commerce websites, while website response time and brand trust show insignificant impacts on consumer satisfaction. With higher satisfaction on an apparel mobile commerce website, consumers are more likely to purchase apparel through the website.  相似文献   

The Internet is a global communication medium that is increasingly being used worldwide as an innovative tool for marketing goods and services. At the end of 2010, Internet users in China reached 420 million. However, online shopping in China is not widely practiced and organisations investing in B2C online shopping need to understand the factors that affect Chinese consumers′ online buying behaviour. This research develops a theoretical research model as a framework to identify the key decision factors influencing Chinese consumers′ to shop, or not to shop online. A self-administered questionnaire was used to gather information from 435 respondents in Beijing, China. The empirical analysis identifies and ranks seven important decision factors: perceived risk, consumer resources, service quality, subjective norms, product variety, convenience, and website factors. All of these decision factors impact on Chinese consumers′ adoption of online shopping. Moreover, managerial implications and recommendations are also presented.  相似文献   

中国门户网站商业模式剖析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
余伟萍  周锐  罗梁军 《商业研究》2003,(23):113-116
随着互联网的泡沫在2001年的破碎,让成千上万的网站关门大吉。于是,人们就开始怀疑:互联网完竟是什么?门户网站的贏利靠什么?以迈乏尔·波特教授的价值链分析方法为工具,把中国三大门户网站新浪、搜狐、网易作为研究对象进行分析,归纳出了门户网站经营运作的商业模式,即门户网站如何实现盈利的问题。  相似文献   

浅析我国企业的网络营销策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国企业网络营销存在着基础设施相对落后、网络安全问题突出以及地区发展不平衡等问题。在网络营销策略的制定过程中,企业应充分利用网络的互动性、实时性等特点,开发出适合我国国情和企业实际情况的网络营销新方式、新策略:以网站为主体的产品策略;个性化的服务策略;由顾客做主的逆向沟通策略;全方位满足用户的承诺策略;以价值为中心制定的价格策略。  相似文献   

Mr. Bo Xilai, Minister of Commerce of China, and Mr.Walker, Foreign Minister of Chile, signed the China-Chile FTA on behalf of their respective government on November 18, 2005. Chinese President Hu Jintao and Chile President Lagos attended the signing ceremony, according to a press release on the website of Network Center of MOFCOM.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the influence of website usability on both consumers' satisfaction and intention to use a website, as well as the impact of satisfaction on usage intentions. Additionally, we study the moderating effect that consumer risk perceptions may have on the influence of website usability. Results show that website usability affects satisfaction which in turn affects intention to use. Contrary to expected, usability does not directly affect intention to use but has an indirect effect through consumer satisfaction. Finally, the usability effect on consumer satisfaction is moderated by perceived risk.  相似文献   

Firms gain many benefits from well-designed websites. But which elements of website design quality really matter, and how do these elements influence usage behavior? With the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) as the theoretical foundation, this paper proposes that website design quality is a multi-dimensional construct with a higher-order structure that, when successfully incorporated into the UTAUT model, outperforms existing models. Results are based on a survey of 216 users of internet banking. Findings indicate that the technical, general content and appearance dimensions of a website are most important for users. These dimensions are significantly related to usage behavior directly and indirectly. A halo effect may influence overall evaluation of a website because the dimensions of website design quality are interrelated. The implication is that improvements to the appearance of a website should enhance the overall evaluation of the site, leading to greater usage intentions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to theoretically identify the salient elements of e-retailing websites and empirically verify them through a rigorous scale development process. A mixed method approach was followed to achieve these objectives: a qualitative (content analysis) and a quantitative approach (factorial and confirmatory surveys). Three findings emerge from the current study. First: this study provides sound empirical support for e-retailing website elements as a high-order construct that consists of eight first-order factors. Second, the current research suggests that the measurement instrument for e-retailing website elements, which contains 54 items, is a valid and reliable using the following factors: hedonic website design elements, technical website design elements, website experiential elements, website relational elements, product-related elements, order-related elements, security-related elements and social media presence. Third, the proposed measurement instrument of e-retailing website elements strongly predicts e-satisfaction and e-trust. The key contribution of this study stems from developing and validating a multidisciplinary scale that synthesizes and integrates the major perspectives of e-retailing website elements.  相似文献   

Groupon式团购网站与商家合作关系的法律分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从法律的角度分析发现,在不同的网络团购环境下,电子券的运用和网站收取货款是两个关键要点;团购网站和商家具有完全不同性质的合作关系,即;Groupon式团购网站和商家之间首先应当是一种委托关系,然后商家又以自己的名义跟消费者发生了直接的团购交易关系,进而Groupon式团购网站又从商家处获得相应的佣金报酬。因此,将Groupon式团购网站、商家和消费者三者间的关系界定为行纪合同关系更为合理。  相似文献   

If you are considering to trade with companies in Japan or expanding your .business to Japan, we are ready to help from the very beginning." You will find this greeting at the first sight on the Chinese website of Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO). JETRO has committed itself in delivering highly efficient and quality services to meet the demand of internal and external customs including Japanese companies, hence winning a good reputation in the international trade arena. In recent years, with its priority in advancing business cooperation in South and East Asia, JETRO has made great achievement in promoting trade between China and Japan. Therefore, China's Foreign Trade interviewed Mr. Yoichi Maine, Deputy Director General of JETRO BEIJING.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to analyse the moderating effects of gender and education on users’ loyalty to the website of an airline. We provide a tested model for greater understanding the effects of gender and education on the loyalty of experienced users in utilitarian purchasers of airline’s website. The results reveal that website quality, e-satisfaction, e-trust and affective e-loyalty are antecedents of conative e-loyalty in loyalty relationships between passengers and airline websites, as well as the importance of university education in the configuration of loyalty to the website. Consumers with university education are found to be more likely to purchase through the websites of airline companies than those without. Also, according to the most recent literature, the moderating effect of gender has been found non-significant in most of the causal relationships presented in the model studied.  相似文献   

随着计算机科学技术的飞速发展,信息的传播方式也在发生翻天覆地的变化,正经历从广播、报纸、电视到互联网的发展。互联网对分类信息的影响非常深远,将成为最主要的信息传播方式。目前中国分类信息网站众多,但具有一定规模和影响力的大型网站主要有四个,分别是58同城、赶集、地球城和百姓网。这四大分类信息网站将对我们的生活产生深远的影响,本文将对目前中国四大分类网站进行深入分析与研究。  相似文献   

网络营销因其独特的优势,成为21世纪旅游目的地最重要的营销方式之一。营销网络信息的质量最为重要,是目的地网络营销成功的关键。英国旅游目的地网络营销以旅游者行为理论和旅游营销理论为指导,围绕营销目标,提供了满足潜在旅游者个性化需求的信息,使英国旅游营销取得了成功。应根据英国旅游目的地网络营销信息特征,制定改善我国旅游目的地网络营销信息的措施。  相似文献   

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