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零售企业自有品牌营销组合策略分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
雷鸣  郭琳 《商场现代化》2007,(12):127-128
现代意义上的零售企业自有品牌是伴随着零售业态的创新和发展、零售企业和制造商之间的关系发生深刻变化的市场背景下产生和发展起来的。本文分析了零售企业四代自有品牌的发展,介绍了零售企业自有品牌的功能,并从传统的营销组合策略,分析了零售企业自有品牌营销组合策略。  相似文献   

新零售并不是一种新的零售业态,而是随着产业技术革命浪潮出现的一种以消费者为核心,以互联网为依托,以信息技术为主要驱动力的传统零售模式的转型升级,即传统实体零售与传统网络零售深度融合下的新型零售模式。通过运用大数据、人工智能等先进技术,挖掘用户需求与零售商的深层关系,对零售环节进行整合与数字化升级,实现线上线下的深度融合,是新零售的特征与发展方向。本文在阐述传统零售业现状及不足的基础上,全面分析了新零售产生的动因,着重探究了消费升级与技术升级对新零售的影响,继而提出了重塑"人、货、场"的关系,改变传统零售商的角色与地位,旨在运用消费数据创造全新价值点,最终构建出供应商、零售商与消费者的和谐生态圈。  相似文献   

刘杰 《网际商务》2014,(9):12-12
零售商频出新招 微信、APP、网上商城……如今零售企业希望运用更完善的移动互联网沟通工具,在与消费者零距离沟通的同时,也作为其营销的重要战场。  相似文献   

网络零售模式是指通过互联网将商品或服务销售给最终消费者的具体运作模式,基于供应链结构的网络零售模式有4种类型,包括两种不同情况的平台带动型、零售商带动型和制造商带动型。不同的网络零售模式是因为供应链中的主导者不同,并最终形成不同的制造商、零售商和消费者的关系。在现实中,网络零售模式的最终形成是在制造商、零售商、消费者之间的博弈过程中确定的,同时也决定着以自建网站或入驻平台网站的形式从事网络销售的选择。  相似文献   

我国家电产品零售价格一直持续下降,有学者认为其原因为巨型零售商向消费者让利,并用抵消性权力理论给出了解释。然而"让利给消费者"并非是巨型零售商获取最大利润的必经之路,它们完全可以通过与家电制造商签合理的定价协议以获取最大收益。本文给出了家电零售价格下降的另一可靠的说法:家电价格下降并非家电零售巨头主动让利给消费者,而是零售巨头对制造商的压制,使价格机制在"上游制造商——下游零售商——消费者"这一个整体系统中运作,其中存在于这个系统中的那些零散的小型零售商对最终零售价的下降起了关键作用。  相似文献   

陈诚  文斌 《商场现代化》2005,(12):204-205
在零售营销组合中价格是非常重要的也是极为敏感的组成部分,对零售商的利润有着直接的影响。定价对于零售商来说是一项重要的管理活动。本文在零售业定价机制的基础上,分析了常见的零售定价战略,阐明了消费者、竞争对手和战略的时限对于零售定价战略选择的重要性。  相似文献   

在零售营销组合中价格是非常重要的也是极为敏感的组成部分,对零售商的利润有着直接的影响。定价对于零售商来说是一项重要的管理活动。本文在零售业定价机制的基础上,分析了常见的零售定价战略,阐明了消费者、竞争对手和战略的时限对于零售定价战略选择的重要性。  相似文献   

陈诚  文斌 《商场现代化》2005,20(34):204-205
在零售营销组合中价格是非常重要的也是极为敏感的组成部分,对零售商的利润有着直接的影响.定价对于零售商来说是一项重要的管理活动.本文在零售业定价机制的基础上,分析了常见的零售定价战略,阐明了消费者、竞争对手和战略的时限对于零售定价战略选择的重要性.  相似文献   

零售商自有品牌战略作为零售营销理论中成长最促进新的分支,改变传统的零售功能和状态的变化的活力自有品牌战略的广度和深度的不断变化的零售营销战略和战术的出现使得零售行业不断皮革,调查的鼻祖品牌在零售的连续性和创新已成为零售营销理论位置中一个最具挑战性和径流的重要篇章,从营销渠道系统的改造检查中国零售企业,以改变中国零售企业的地位,分析其自己的品牌战略转移根据中国的实际情况,可以采取拟议的营销策略的动机和可行性构建基于中国零售商自有品牌战略公司购物中心形立体模型尺寸链业务,如供应链结构尺寸三维有机结合,并讨论了零售商的自有产品品牌和制造商品牌的均衡发展趋势。  相似文献   

论互联网上零售商业基本构造及其营销能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论互联网上零售商业基本构造及其营销能力芮明杰李东杳(复旦大学,芮明杰系教授)零售商业体系是在一定时空渠道上完成人们所需要的产品和服务的再分配系统。这一系统中基本的元素是制造商、批发商、零售商、消费者以及销售渠道。商品或服务交易完成,实为这一系统中诸多...  相似文献   

互联网与移动互联网技术迅速发展,带动了许多实体零售企业投身于电子商务的创新实践,但也不乏亚马逊、阿里巴巴等网络零售企业通过投资、并购等方式积极涉足实体零售企业。文章试图解释企业进行不同战略选择的原因,采取“互联网+”或是“回归实体”的依据。在分析互联网对零售企业影响的基础上,文章建立了包括消费者与零售企业在内的一般均衡模型,分析了消费者选择不同零售企业的依据,以及零售企业的应对之策。分析结果表明,消费者在不同零售商店的相对支出比例取决于零售商店提供服务组合的相对效率。因此,基于“有限商圈”与“有限品类”的经营战略成为企业扩大销售收入的关键,现网络零售与实体零售战略选择本质上可以归纳为品类专业化与区域专业化之间的收益比较。  相似文献   

沃尔玛、家乐福在华市场营销组合比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在综述营销组合及零售营销组合理论的基础上,构建了其分析维度,进而从产品、服务、价格、地点、店面设计、促销、人员、物流配送等方面对沃尔玛和家乐福在华市场的营销组合进行比较研究,同时也对国内零售企业给出相应的几点启示。  相似文献   

随着信息环境、技术环境以及商业环境的变化,"新零售"在生鲜零售、连锁服务、快消餐饮等领域迅速发展,以创新模式满足消费者特定时空的消费期望,是零售业转型升级的重要表现。场景化要素在零售业嵌入程度的不足,导致零售业同质化现象严重,消费者体验未得到明显改善。为了使零售业能符合当前环境,提高消费者体验的愉悦度,应以零售商主导的供应链逆向整合为创新点,通过综合运用场景化要素的融合功效,依据由消费者、零售企业和供应商为核心要素的供应链创新机理,遵循全面性、分节点和成体系的原则,从消费者的消费需求、消费习惯和消费偏好出发对商业情境进行多维度、立体化的配置,强化零售商的自主经营能力,促进消费者消费体验的良性循环,提高消费者与场景的黏性,提高其持续购买的意愿,形成"新零售"供应链创新路径。  相似文献   

The emergence of multinational retailers, especially in grocery retailing, has changed the retail scenario in Malaysia over the last decade. In the past, grocery retail formats such as supermarkets, minimarkets, and night markets dominated the Malaysian retail scene, consumers are now given the choice of shopping in large retail outlets where new retail formats such as hypermarkets, warehouse clubs, and superstores now thrive and are increasingly gaining in popularity. Interestingly, large retail concepts are predominantly associated with multinational retailers such as Carrefour, Makro, Giant, and Tesco. The presence of large retailers brings with it the question of dominance and implications of changing customer preferences. This study assesses the perception of small retailers toward their abilities to compete effectively in an industry where large, multinational retailers appear to be dominating. It appears, however, that the small retailers possess distinctive qualities in relation to their strategic inputs that can essentially differentiate them from their larger competitors. It is suggested that some regulatory measures especially by local authorities are necessary, but this must not be to a point of curbing healthy competition among the different types of retailers.  相似文献   

Marketing activities that influence shoppers along the various stages of their path-to-purchase are gaining attention from both manufacturers and retailers. Using a dataset with detailed information on 105 new products (NPs) launched in the U.K. by 44 leading brands and sold across 13 major retail banners, we provide strong support for the prominent role of both upper- and lower-funnel marketing actions that influence consumers before (upper) or during (lower) their shopping trip. We show which of these shopper-marketing instruments have the largest effect on NP performance at a retailer, and whether and how their effect is moderated by the retailer's store context. When it comes to NP success, the lifeblood of CPG companies, the lower-funnel marketing actions targeting shoppers directly at the point-of-purchase predominantly decide your fate. Thus, manufacturers should work ever harder to collaborate with retailers and push the store-specific shopper-marketing instruments in a favorable direction through information sharing and tailoring of their marketing program to individual retailers. Indeed, not all news is bleak for brand manufacturers. We identify five pieces of good news that brand manufacturers can use to their advantage.  相似文献   

Demographic changes' occurring in developed countries has meant that older consumers are becoming an increasingly important consumer segment that retailers need to pay particular attention to. It is essential that their specific needs within the food and other service sectors are met, as food plays an important role in their social well‐being. Very little research has focused upon the extent to which retailers meet their demands and particular needs. The aim of this study, as part of a wider study on older consumers, is to address this lack of information by examining the level of awareness held by food retail management as to the needs of older consumers (60+ years old) and the problems that they encounter while shopping. Qualitative data were collected using face‐to‐face interviews with retail managers (n = 5) from food retailers in Northern Ireland. These were analysed according to Gillham's content analysis guide. Food retailers stated they were aware of the issues older consumers face and recognize their importance as a growing consumer segment; however, there would appear to be relatively little actual consideration/evidence of them meeting their needs. All interviewees expressed an interest in improving the food shopping experiences of older consumers, and were keen to make an increased effort towards this segment of the population, but these were often not put into practice. In order to overcome the problems faced by older consumers and strengthen the food shopping experience for this age group, it is suggested that retail management make practical changes to improve in‐store facilities, increase affordability of food products and home delivery services, and enhance customer communication.  相似文献   


This study investigates the factors that affect how retailers in a border zone manage the elements of the retail mix with respect to foreign national consumers. Several hypotheses concerning the effects of competition from foreign retailers and currency devaluation(s) on variables of the retail mix and traditional measures of perceived retailer outcomes are advanced. Results indicate that while perceptions of devaluation have an impact on the planning of the retail mix as well as on perceived retail outcome measures, competition from foreign retailers is not perceived to be an important factor. Research and managerial implications are offered.  相似文献   

Retail sector survives in the face of severe competition caused especially by outshopping activity. Outshopping involves residents—urban or rural—of one area travelling to another area, usually larger retail developments, to buy goods. This practice is of special concern to retailers particularly when consumers outshop even if the product is available locally. This study aims to understand how psychographics influence the propensity to outshop among urban and rural consumers, and more specifically to find out which products they purchase. It analyzes a quota sample of 298 usable responses from urban and rural areas of northern Gujarat. A structured questionnaire was administered through survey approach. From an exploratory analysis, six factors were extracted and regressed with a propensity to outshop among consumers, followed by the analysis of variance to determine which products were outshopped by consumers. The study demonstrates that rural consumers’ propensity to outshop is influenced by factors such as outlet prone, local involvement, and time saving opinions, urban consumers’ propensity to outshop is influenced by travelling oriented, outshopping interests, and time saving opinions. Additionally, rural consumers outshop for sports goods and flooring materials, while urban consumers outshop for children's clothing and fancy items for women’s use. This study can help retailers to tailor-make their communication strategies for rural and urban consumers. In addition, it can contribute significantly in understanding the retail flow for specific product categories, which in turn, can help retailers in designing marketing mix strategies for expanding their customer base.  相似文献   

The decline of shopping streets and the rise of shopping malls have been major trends in European retailing for decades. So far, research has failed to investigate this shift of agglomeration format (AF) patronage from a marketing perspective, including the consumers' point of view. This paper presents a theoretical discussion of the generic similarities and conceptual differences between shopping streets and shopping malls. Subsequently, the AF-specific characteristics perceived by consumers are compared and discussed with respect to their impact on agglomeration attractiveness. This leads to the development of a conceptual framework which is empirically tested using a web-based survey of almost 1000 consumers representing a typical urban central European retail market. The relative importance of nine distinctive AF characteristics on attractiveness was analysed using structural equation modelling. The findings proved to be quite similar for both shopping streets and shopping malls; the retail tenant mix and atmosphere had the highest relative importance.  相似文献   

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