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<正>2015年7月16日凌晨,几十个国家的驻华武官们早早来到座落的玉泉山下的中国人民解放军空军最高学府——空军指挥学院,等待着为他们本国的军事留学生授予军事硕士学位。上午九时整,空军指挥学院为来自21个国家的35名外军留学生隆重举行授予学位仪式。马健院长和王志学政委分别为外训系学员颁发了学位证书和学位认证书。同时,学院还为第16期来自48个国家  相似文献   

高考与教学的关系,是我国亟需研究的一个课题。硕士学位论文能够反映出我国各领域的发展现状、存在问题及一定程度的创新。对有关高考科目与教学关系的76篇硕士学位论文进行概括和分析,从论文的研究主题、学位授予单位以及所属学科这三个方面来总结出研究现状并进行分析。研究发现,研究高考"主科"与教学关系的硕士学位论文数量明显多于研究高考"副科"的论文数量;高考科目与教学关系的硕士学位论文主要来自非"985工程"院校;属于教育学门类的高考科目与教学关系的硕士学位论文占据了主导地位,其它学科研究该方面的硕士学位论文只有文学学科。  相似文献   

吴菁  陈永莉 《消费导刊》2012,(1):155-156
本文就目前独立学院学位授予过程中所面临的问题进行探讨,明确了独立学院自2012年始的学位授予模式,并对独立学院学位授予条件提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

中国社会科学院研究生院关于在职人员以研究生毕业同等学历申请硕士学位暂行办法的实施细则(1996年9月2日院长办公室会议通过)一、我院可以开展在职人员申请硕士学位的系(所)和学科专业1.有5届以上毕业硕士研究生的学科专业经审核批准可开展在职人员申请硕士...  相似文献   

西安石油学院,是一所以工科为主,理、工、管、经、文、法、教相结合的多科性综合大学,总部位于西安高新技术开发区,现设有6个二级学院10个直属系部,35个本科专业,13个硕士学科专业,7个省部级重点学科,拥有工程硕士学位授予权及在职人员同等学历申请硕士学位授予权。在校生1-3万余人,其中研究生400余人。  相似文献   

2007年5月22日,日本享有盛名的樱美林大学,在青岛举行了特别仪式,授予青岛啤酒股份有限公司董事长李佳荣名誉博士学位。而在此之前,樱美林大学还请李桂荣出任该大学孔子学院七位评议员之一。荣誉折射了什么记者见证了樱美林大学授予李桂荣名誉博士学位仪式的全过程。这  相似文献   

随着研究生规模的跨越式发展,研究生培养质量还不能完全适应经济社会发展的需要。文章提出了研究生学位论文质量过程控制的管理思路,建立了硕士学位论文考核评估体系,对研究生教育具有一定的指导价值。  相似文献   

<正>误区一:自主研发的成果不申请专利就有知识产权一些技术人员认为只要是自主创新,就有了自主知识产权。其实不然,专利是一种垄断权,自主研发的技术成果如果不申请专利,就得不到法律确认和保护。当他人盗用其研究成果时,因研发者对成果不具有专利权,得不到法律保护,就无法追究盗用者的法律责任。同时,在我国,专利申请采用的是先申请原则,具有创造性、新颖性和实用性的发明创造谁先申请了,专利就授予谁。因此,研发者如不及时申请,而被他人抢先申请并被授予专利权,研发者就无法追究他人的法律责任。  相似文献   

专利权的保护何时生效专利权的保护是一个广义的概念 ,它的核心是指专利申请人或专利权人对自己的发明创造的排他独占权。专利申请授权后 ,专利权肯定受到保护。但专利申请自申请日起至授权前 ,权利也受到保护 ,只是程度不同 ,表现形式也不同。以发明专利申请为例 ,自申请日起至该申请公布前 ,这时申请处于保密阶段。这一阶段对其权利的保护表现在对该发明专利申请后同样主题的申请因与其相抵触而将丧失新颖性 ,不能授予专利权。自该申请公布至其授予专利权前这一阶段是“临时保护”阶段。在这期间 ,申请人虽然不能对未经其允许实施其发明的…  相似文献   

郭娟娟  王伟 《现代商贸工业》2011,23(19):216-217
撰写毕业论文是申请学位必不可少的一个环节,也是检验一名本科毕业生四年来学习的有效凭证。从多角度对撰写论文过程中出现的问题进行分析,并提出解决问题的对策。  相似文献   

Marketing ethics and education: Some empirical findings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study explores possible links between educational background and ethics among marketing professionals. Data from two surveys of members of the American Marketing Association suggest that marketing professionals with master's degrees and higher are similar to their less educated counterparts in both their ethical standards and their intended ethical behaviors. Marketers with business degrees, however, have lower ethical standards than do graduates of non-business programs, though they report behavior as ethical as that of their non-business educated peers. Business schools may be producing cynics likely to accept marginal behaviors of colleagues though not likely to engage in such behaviors themselves.Sharyne Merritt is Professor of Marketing at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, and a consultant in the areas of marketing and survey research. She has a Ph. D. in Political Science and was a Visiting Scholar at UCLA's Graduate School of Management. She has lectured and published widely in the fields of marketing and social issues.  相似文献   

Many people go for training to upgrade their skills which is hoped to pave the way for better pay. But what are the kinds of skills that really affect wages? Employers have emphasized the value of generic skills such as interpersonal and communication skills, teamwork and problem solving. Does possession of these skills translate to at least the same or better wages as compared with having broad skills represented by educational qualifications and job‐related training? This paper, arising from the research project on the Skills Utilisation in Singapore, aims to answer which skills can have more influence on wages and which job‐related training in terms of training duration can have more impact on wages. Using ordinal logistic regression, our findings show that educational qualification and initial training time can influence wages as well as utilization of leadership, planning and problem‐solving skills.  相似文献   

随着网络借贷平台的兴起,为研究借款者学历在信贷市场的实际价值及影响机制提供了新的机会窗口。依托A网贷平台的公开业务数据发现:信贷市场的信用配给存在学历价值区分效应,拥有高学历者在获取贷款及更低借款成本具有优势;学历价值的具体效用存在区域异质性,相同学历背景的借款人在东部地区较中西部能够获得更多融资优势。研究结果表明,学历作为易被观察的显性标签,可以在信贷市场风险识别中发挥更大作用;教育价值评估需充分考虑区域经济社会发展水平,关注区域异质性。  相似文献   

徐红  王君  冯易  陈薇 《中国广告》2009,(2):129-133
多元集成式"三合一"广告人才培养模式的实践包括"一专三元"因材施教的广告人才培养计划的制订、围绕专业课程进行的各项教学改革和"1+1+1"的广告学专业毕业设计模式的探索与创新。实践证明,我们的努力是卓有成效的。我们在教学研究、毕业设计模式、专业建设和课程改革等方面取得了一系列的成绩,培养的学生广受用人单位欢迎,在各类学习竞赛、课外实践活动和广告大赛中取得优异成绩。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the outcomes of a replication study of a survey of British employers that requested information on the qualifications sought when recruiting employees and on subsequent training and development. While the British survey was interested in the uptake and use of the British National Vocational Qualifications, the study reported in this article is primarily focused on the uptake and use of the Australian Qualifications Framework qualifications by North Australian employers. This study was prompted by the skills shortages and recruitment difficulties being experienced by organizations throughout rural and regional Australia. Previous studies have found that vocational qualifications were not valued by UK employers and few employers were encouraging employees to undertake vocational awards. If this is also the case in Australia, it may in part explain problems in recruiting skilled workers. This research clearly demonstrates that employees in regional and rural Australia are seeking to improve their knowledge and skills through vocational training and higher education qualifications. Also, employers are providing access to training and are supporting managerial and professional employees to gain higher educational qualifications. When recruiting all types of worker other than unskilled labourers, the majority of organizations prefer to recruit workers with qualifications. In rural and regional centres, however, a more pragmatic stance of recruiting unqualified employees in some areas is observed. Clearly, employers will attempt to minimize training costs by recruiting skilled employees, but in the end they will have to provide access to training and education to ensure that they have a skilled workforce that can deliver essential services and products.  相似文献   

Germany and Canada differ significantly regarding their migration policy as well as the structures of the national labour markets and their educational systems. This paper aims to analyse how these differences affect the labour market outcomes of immigrants and the usability of foreign qualifications and work experiences by using the health and ICT sectors as example. The comparison focuses on the question how qualifications and work experience serve as signals and are screened for in the recruiting process of enterprises. The results show clear differences as well as several commonalities between the two compared countries.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(3):29-61
The purpose of this paper is to reassess the attitudes of British employers towards education policy during the period 1935–45. This decade has often been seen as one of ‘missed opportunities’ to reconstruct educational provision in response to the economy's changing skill requirements. Yet, contrary to much received wisdom, the findings of this research indicate that this was not the result of an entrenched anti-technology and anti-business bias among ministers and civil servants. It is argued that the government was sensitive to the views of employers but the latter failed to present a case for fundamental educational reform, despite the propaganda of a minority of ‘progressive’ firms active in the British Association for Commercial and Industrial Education. This is attributed, in part, to the way employers articulated their conception of educational ‘quality’, which paid insufficient attention to a knowledge of the principles of production processes. The latter was not only an outcome of the long-term influence of the division in Britain between employers and the professional middle class, which made the former sceptical of formal educational qualifications, but also reflected their lack of conviction that such qualifications promised more suitable training than workplace experience.  相似文献   

包文君 《中国广告》2009,(9):120-123
高职院校如何在竞争的高等职业教育发展过程中取得优势,该专业的师资队伍建设是关键。但事实是我们可以看到许多学校在教学软硬件都不具备、几乎没有师资的情况下办起了该专业,其中高职院校广告设计专业师资及配备让人感到非常担忧,严重的师资数量上的不足与结构上的不舍理已经制约了广告设计人才的培养质量。本文首先从高职院校广告设计专业教育特征入手,然后通过一系列收集的数据对高职院校广告设计专业教师的资质特征分析总结出主要存在的问题、最后在所有内容研究的基础上得出结论并通过提出实际的对策试图解决该问题。  相似文献   

Tacit knowledge about customers held by contact personnel is a priority for better satisfying customer needs and creating added value. This research project seeks to develop a model to analyse the impact of tacit knowledge on loyalty for rural tourism lodgings. A questionnaire was applied to the clients of rural tourism lodgings who had either already consumed rural tourism services at least once or were then currently consuming such services. By applying structural equation models, the results demonstrate how tacit knowledge does improve the performance of employees in engaging in affective bonds and enables better understanding of the needs and expectations of customers. Furthermore, the results confirm how tacit knowledge about customers represents a resource able to promote customer loyalty and thus a very strong potential source of competitive advantage.  相似文献   

Advertising expenditure has risen globally and in Australia there has been a 2.7-fold rise in the last 10 years. It is suggested that some advertisements may be ‘unacceptable’, that is unfair, misleading, deceptive, offensive, false or socially irresponsible. Industry and regulatory responses to consumer complaints about these problems must be addressed. This research is concerned with consumer behaviour and consumer complaint behaviour specifically in the area of advertising in Australia. The general findings from the reviewed literature indicated that complainants tend to be older, have attained higher levels of educational qualifications, earn a higher gross weekly income, possess greater degrees of wealth, have higher participant levels of local community involvement and, in general terms, have more resources to avail themselves of in order to allow them to take action when dissatisfied. The results from this research engender a better understanding of the complaining public. Empirical analyses were used for determining the characteristics of people who complain to the Advertising Standards Board and inferred that their opinions regarding advertising differ from members of the general population in four key areas. This research will afford regulatory bodies a better understanding of the complaining public as well as educating marketing communications strategists in effectively reaching their target markets.  相似文献   

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