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基于持股权与控制权非对等配置逻辑,文章以2009—2019年A股国有上市企业为研究主体,实证检验非国有股东超额委派董事对企业现金持有水平的影响。研究发现,非国有股东超额委派董事显著提高参股国企的现金持有水平,且随着超额委派比例增加更加显著;进一步地,该正向作用在中央层级企业及市场化进程较高地区表现更为显著;明晰其作用机理,发现其通过抑制超额持现所致的过度投资行为、迫使无效耗散的现金尽快回流进而提高持现水平;此外,非国有股东超额委派董事和超额委派比例均有助于优化现金二次配置,促使企业将超额现金用于发放现金股利及进行创新投入,并最终提升现金持有价值和企业价值。文章结论不仅印证和延伸混改推进过程中非国有资本在高层治理维度所发挥的积极作用,更为进一步深化混合所有制改革及完善中小股东保护体系提供借鉴。  相似文献   

混合所有制的国有企业参股股权管理是当前中国经济改革的重要议题之一,也是国有企业改革的重要方向之一。然而,参股股权管理涉及多方面的利益关系,涉及复杂的决策流程和各方利益的平衡。目前,国有企业参股股权管理中存在诸多问题,这些问题不仅影响国有企业的参股股权管理效率和质量,也影响到国有企业的发展和整个国民经济的健康发展。因此,文章旨在提出优化参股股权管理决策流程的对策,以提高国有企业的参股股权管理效率和质量。  相似文献   

国有企业所有制改革是国家当前经济发展阶段为刺激企业活力、管理经营创新能力而提出的,鼓励有能力、成规模的国有企业参与到民营企业混合所有制改革当中,加大国有资产在市场经济环境下调节作用和助推能力,有助于地方国有企业自身经营模式创新突破、管理机制改革的一系列举措落实,充分发挥我国供给侧产业结构改革带来的实效成果。本文以地方国有企业参与民营企业混改为例,对国有企业所有制改革过程中的风险因素解读剖析,积极应对混改过程中的各类风险,实现国有资产保值增值、提高国有企业经济活力的改革目的。  相似文献   

从2011年开始国务院就支持有条件的环保企业改制,到如今,中国环保企业的混合所有制发展模式转型也如火如荼。2017年以来,国资纷纷参股、控股环保业的民营企业;从2018年开始,中国环保企业也经历了动荡和发展时期。2018年,受中国宏观政策调控和金融去杠杆的影响,环保产业自身投资高资金回流慢的行业特点,在“东方园林发债事件”之后,多数民营环保企业都存在发展困难,难以为继的问题。在最近三年国资强势参与的环保行业大洗牌,在2020年环保企业20强中,有18家是国资控股、参股的混合所有制企业,纯民营企业仅剩2家,混合所有制已经成了环保企业的主流。环保企业的混合所有制改革过程中,事关经营的财务指标和法律风险问题基本可以得到很好的保障,在人力资源管理方面潜在的问题才是混合所有制改革成败的关键,人力资源的政策取向和企业文化的融合,也是人心所向,是企业成员最为关心的问题之一。国资和民营资本各有优势,环保企业在混合所有制的整合过程中该如何取长补短,充分利用国资的优势,促进环保产业高水平高质量的发展?文章通过混合所有制改革过程中的员工流失问题为切入点进行相关分析。  相似文献   

在社会主义市场经济体系持续发展和国有企业不断改革的背景之下,基于战略合作、提高控风险能力、增加盈利等方面考虑,大型国有企业对外参股股权数量不断增多,而参股企业股权管理问题也成为了国有企业关注的焦点和难题。本文简要介绍了国有参股企业的形成,并对国有参股企业的股权管理难点和对策进行了深入的探究。  相似文献   

张吉鹏  衣长军  李凝 《财贸经济》2021,42(8):130-144
在混合所有制改革中,国有企业控制权转移对企业行为和绩效有着重要的影响.合理的风险承担对促进企业自身成长和宏观经济活力具有积极的意义.本文基于2003-2016年中国A股上市公司数据,构建多时点双重差分模型检验国有企业控制权转移对企业风险承担的影响及其机制.结果 发现,国有企业控制权转移显著抑制了企业风险承担;第二类代理问题越严重,国有企业控制权转移对企业风险承担的抑制效应越明显,表明国有企业控制权转移通过控制权私利机制抑制了企业风险承担;进一步的异质性分析表明,股权制衡程度和机构持股比例越高以及地区法治水平和市场化程度越高,国有企业控制权转移对企业风险承担的抑制效应越弱.本文研究为理解国有企业控制权转移的经济效应提供了新的经验证据.优化内外部公司治理环境可以缓解国有企业控制权转移后企业过度规避风险倾向,提高企业风险承担水平.  相似文献   

国有参股企业,主要包括国有企业以及出资者拥有国有股权占企业总股权百分之五十以下的企业两种类型。随着科学技术的快速发展与以及社会经济的进步,现阶段我国国有企业为了适应全球经济变化而进行了相应的改革,这就导致国有参股企业在股权管理方面出现了一些难点和问题,这些问题的存在严重影响了我国国有企业的发展以及全球市场的竞争力,同时也可能导致投资风险不能及时解决等隐患。本文针对以上问题,对现阶段我国国有参股企业的股权管理难点做了介绍,深入探讨了这些问题的解决办法,以期为相关工作者提供指导和帮助。  相似文献   

本文针对混合所有制改革之后企业价值是否会得到提升的假设,以2007—2017年沪深两市进行混合所有制改革的A股上市公司为样本,建立多元线性回归模型,测度混合所有制改革和股权制衡度对企业价值的影响。研究发现,混合所有制改革后企业长短期价值得以提升,股权制衡度与企业价值提升具有正相关关系。本文以期为混合所有制改革提供政策支持与企业改革借鉴。  相似文献   

中国道路与混合所有制经济   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
支持并鼓励混合所有制经济的建立和发展是中国社会主义经济理论的重大创新,从经济学理论与中国经济改革实践的角度论述了资源配置效率的迫切性。在此基础上,提出建立和发展混合所有制经济的途径是:鼓励现有国有企业走向混合所有制度经济、鼓励发展非公有资本控股或参股的混合所有制企业、员工持股的规范化、界定不同行业的国有企业功能以便针对不同行业特点提出改革措施等等。同时澄清了调研中发现的对混合所有制经济的一些偏颇认识,进一步论述了民营企业在混合所有制经济建立和发展过程中实现向现代企业转变的相关问题,着重指出实行企业员工持股制是建立和发展混合所制企业的最有效途径之一。  相似文献   

本文揭示了投资主体多元化、股权多样化的国有控股混合所有制企业在运营阶段存在的风险,并针对性地展开详细分析,提出加强内部控制以及预防、规避相关风险的有效措施,促使国有控股混合所有制企业完善内部控制风险管理体系。  相似文献   

Improving the state-owned assets supervision system (SOASS) can effectively get over the defects of systems and mechanisms and further promote the reform of mixed ownership of state-owned enterprises (SOEs); and the deepening of the reform can advance the change of the SOASS to the supervision on capital. By analyzing the relationship between the SOASS and the reform of mixed ownership of state-owned enterprises, we have found that collaborative promotion of the change of the SOASS to the supervision on capital and promotion of the reform of mixed ownership can do good to ameliorating the corporate management mechanism, improving the market-oriented management mechanism of enterprises and completing the medium- and long-term incentive mechanisms, etc. to enhance business operation efficiency. Due to such prevailing problems as relative dispersion and vagueness of the policies relating to deepening the reform of SOEs, inconsistent progress of the reform of state-owned assets (SOAs) and SOEs, and corporate reform focusing on apprence, improving the SOASS and deepening collaborative development of the reform of mixed ownership of SOEs are hindered by some constraints. To construct and improve the SOASS and the reform of mixed ownership collaboratively, we should make efforts to promote the reform in the following five aspects, namely, placing importance to policy coordination, boosting synchronism of the reform of SOAs and SOEs at different levels and in different areas to coordinate the nationwide reform of SOAs and SOEs, facilitating reform of the mechanism of enterprises of mixed ownership through mixed capital, and promoting the SOASS and stimulating classified monitoring and reform of mixed ownership based on classified reform of SOEs.  相似文献   

大力发展混合所有制经济不仅有利于盘活国有资产、深化国企改革,而且对于打破行业垄断,实现各种所有制经济成分的优势互补和双赢。随着中国经济迅速发展,然而却出现了国有企业和民营企业对发展混合所有制经济均存在顾虑,国有企业管理的行政化、公有制经济和非公有制经济地位上的不平,资本市场不完善等诸多问题,制约了混合所有制经济的发展。加快国有经济战略调整步伐,深化改革,营造良好的市场环境,支持非公有制经济的发展,进一步健全资本市场,对混合所有制发展具有重要意义,加快促进中国经济实现可持续增长。  相似文献   

Despite increasing attention paid to China's enterprise reform since the late 1970s, relatively little is known about the performance of reformed state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and newly formed private firms vis-à-vis foreign firms in China. In this study, we examine the performance of domestic Chinese firms in various ownership categories versus foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs) based on two nation-wide surveys conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics in 1998 and 2002. We found that both domestic non-state-owned firms and foreign-invested enterprises performed better than state-owned enterprises. Meanwhile, three categories of Chinese firms—privately owned, collectively owned, and shareholding—had higher performance levels than the foreign-invested enterprises.  相似文献   

在中国深化改革、推进转型的特殊背景下,探索出一条适合中国混合所有制企业实际情况的高管薪酬制度改革路径是现阶段中国国有企业改革亟待解决的问题之一。高管的薪酬-业绩敏感性是判断薪酬激励契约有效性的主要指标,基于此,文章首先构建一个委托-代理框架下的寡头市场模型,从理论上分析混合所有制企业的民营化程度与高管薪酬-业绩敏感性之间的关系;其次选择2007—2016年沪深两市A股经过民营化的国有控股上市公司数据进行实证检验。结果发现:总体上,提高混合所有制企业的民营化程度会显著增强高管薪酬-业绩敏感性;进一步分析发现,混合所有制企业中非国有股比例小于67%时,提高民营化程度会降低高管的薪酬-业绩敏感性;非国有股比例介于67%~75%之间时,提高民营化程度对高管薪酬-业绩敏感性没有显著影响;非国有股比例大于75%时,提高民营化程度会提升高管的薪酬-业绩敏感性。  相似文献   

This study examines the governance attributes of post-IPO (initial public offering) retained ownership of private equity in business group constituent firms in contrast to their unaffiliated counterparts, in 202 newly listed firms in 22 emerging African economies. We adopt an actor centered institutional-theoretic perspective in rationalizing institutional voids and the advantages of maintained governance by both business angels (BA) and venture capital (VC) private equity. Our findings reveal private equity retain higher post-IPO ownership in business group constituents compared to unaffiliated firms and that this is inversely moderated in the context of improving institutional quality – where this is particularly strong in case of foreign VC as opposed to domestic VC or BA. Our result adds to the literature on multifocal corporate governance mechanisms and the institutional determinants of private equity investment.  相似文献   

Emerging economies are oftentimes characterized by state capitalism, concentrated ownership and constrained resources, where firms face underinvestment due to resource misappropriation. The adoption of Anglo-American corporate governance practices may result in sub-optimal outcomes. We draw on the multiple agency perspective and research on cross-national governance to examine how independent directors, as agents with multiple roles, might mitigate blockholder appropriation. Using unique panel data from Russian publicly traded firms where the government and the business elite are predominant blockholders, we find that independent directors in private firms are less effective in mitigating blockholder appropriation than in state-owned enterprises. We further investigate board independence effects driven by the exposure to three international governance boundary conditions, namely Russian Multinational Enterprises, foreign listings of Russian firms, and foreign independent directors on Russian boards. Our study focuses on the agents that might assuage principal-principal conflicts, explores when ineffective governance can be minimized, and contributes to research on how governance practices developed in advanced economies get translated in emerging market economies.  相似文献   

关于加强国有企业内部审计问题与浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,国有企业依然存在着经营管理效率低下、国有资产流失严重、财务信息失真、企业行为失控等问题。其原因是对内部审计的职能定位不准;内部审计在企业组织中地位较低;内部审计人员素质不高,内部审计手段和技术落后;企业组织对内部审计工作的认识程度尚处于较低的层次。解决好国有企业存在的问题,必须加强国有企业内部审计工作。国有企业必须进一步深化改革,真正建立起现代企业制度。在此基础上,摆正国有企业改革与企业内部审计的关系,健全国企内部审计制度,以确保国有企业的经营与改制有法可依,确保国有资产的安全和增值。  相似文献   

This study investigates how the state influences the outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) of hybrid state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in China. Previous studies have provided conflicting arguments and empirical findings on the internationalization of SOEs, with some studies proposing a positive relationship between state ownership and OFDI, while others propose a negative relationship. In this paper, we argue that the mixed effects are due to different influences of different levels of state ownership and different types of political connections. We investigate our proposed hypotheses based on a sample of publicly listed hybrid Chinese SOEs between 2009 and 2016. We find an S-shaped relationship between state ownership and OFDI such that at low levels of state ownership, OFDI increases as state ownership increases; at medium levels of state ownership, OFDI decreases as state ownership increases; at high levels of state ownership, OFDI increases again as state ownership increases. We further find that executive-branch political connections between boards and top management teams of firms and the government have a negative effect on OFDI, while legislative-branch political connections have no significant effect on OFDI.  相似文献   

This study uses the resource-based view of a firm to examine the outward internationalization of private firms in China. We investigate the extent to which advantages/disadvantages of resource endowment and organizing capability of Chinese private enterprises (relative to both state-owned enterprises and foreign-invested enterprises at home) may drive outward internationalization and affect their risk-taking tendency when going international. Our analyses of 553 Chinese private enterprises show that a Chinese private firm's likelihood of venturing abroad is associated with resource endowment advantages vis-à-vis foreign-invested enterprises, organizing capability advantages vis-à-vis state-owned enterprises, and organizing capability disadvantages vis-à-vis foreign-invested enterprises. These same advantages (or disadvantages) in organizing capabilities also increase a firm's likelihood of choosing a high-risk entry mode. We also find that a firm's resource endowment and organizing capabilities interact with each other and mutually enhance each other's effect on the likelihood of outward internationalization.  相似文献   

商业模式是决定企业战略定位和价值实现的关键架构,但现有文献对于产权性质影响商业模式的研究较少。文章分别选择两家国有和民营新闻网站为案例对象,对比分析两类企业商业模式的共性和差异,深入探讨导致差异的主要因素及其作用机理。研究发现,国有和民营新闻网站都采用了“二次销售”的基本逻辑,但在价值定位、价值创造、价值传递、价值获取方面均存在显著差异,国有网站主要采取以社会效益为核心的权变型商业模式,而民营网站则建立了以娱乐为导向的独占型商业模式。系统分析了制度环境、产权性质、企业资源等导致商业模式差异的主要因素,并构建了商业模式的形成机理模型。最后在综合权衡经济效益和社会效益的基础上提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

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