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基于稳定性理论,用自适应控制的方法构造了一个同步系统,实现了对任意传输信号的及时准确恢复.基本方法是:把外界对传输信号的影响等效为一个时变函数,传输信道为时变信道,通过一个直流信号去预测时变信道对传输信号的影响,在接收端用自适应控制器来补偿.并用此方法对CHEN系统进行了数值仿真,结果表明系统能很好地达到同步.该系统应用到保密通讯中,信息信号和混沌信号相加构成混沌传输信号,在接收端信息信号能被有效复原,仿真研究表明该通信方案确实可行.  相似文献   

The confusing, and often contradictory, implications for channel strategy emerging from existing theories and empirical studies of power, conflict, and control in marketing channels are discussed. A contingency theory of organizational structure is integrated with propositions concerning the effects of conflict level of channel efficiency to illustrate a procedure for closing the action epistemic gap. Propositions derived from this synthesis of existing theories are presented for future testing.  相似文献   

This study explores how innovations surrounding supply chain communication systems (SCCS) affect channel relationships and market performance. Drawing on the resource-based view of the firm, the study hypothesizes that certain SCCS innovations can be viewed as firm resources that enhance channel capabilities, which in turn affect a firm’s market performance. The empirical research is based on 184 responses from a survey with U.S. supply chain and logistics managers using structural equation modeling as the analytic method. The results suggest that the effect of applied technological SCCS innovations on channel capabilities is mediated by interfirm systems integration. In contrast, administrative SCCS innovations enhance information exchange and coordination activities directly. Furthermore, the influence of applied technological innovations for SCCS is not strong enough to affect either responsiveness of the partnership or firm performance, whereas administrative innovations for SCCS affect both. Daekwan Kim (dkim@cob.fsu.edu) is an assistant professor of marketing and international business in the College of Business at Florida State University. He received his Ph.D. from Michigan State University. His research interests include the impact of information technology on channel relationships and marketing strategies, role of information technology in global supply chain management, channel relationships, global brand management, and family conglomerates in emerging markets. S. Tamer Cavusgil (cavusgil@msu.edu) is University Distinguished Faculty and the John W. Byington Endowed Chair in Global Marketing, the Eli Broad Graduate School of Management, Michigan State University. His research interests include international marketing strategy, coordination in the global company, and emerging markets. He is the founding editor ofAdvances in International Marketing and a governor of the Academy of Marketing Science. Roger J. Calantone (rogercal@msu.edu) is the Eli Broad Chaired University Professor of Business and is University Distinguished Faculty at Michigan State University. He is program director of the university specialization program in Information Technology Management and is also adjunct professor of economics. His publications and research are mostly in the areas of product design and development processes, decision support systems, and organization process metrics and control.  相似文献   

Control and governance theories recognize that exchange partners are subject to two general forms of control, the unilateral authority of one firm and bilateral expectations extending from their social bond. In this way, a supplier both exerts unilateral, authority-based controls and is subject to socially-based, bilateral controls as it attempts to manage its brand successfully through reseller channels. Such control is being challenged by suppliers’ growing relative dependence on increasingly dominant resellers in many industries. Yet the impact of supplier relative dependence on the efficacy of control-based governance in the supplier’s channel is not well understood. To address this gap, we specify and test a control model moderated by relative dependence involving the conceptualization and measurement of governance at the level of specific control processes: incenting, monitoring, and enforcing. Our empirical findings show relative dependence undercuts the effectiveness of certain unilateral and bilateral control processes while enhancing the effectiveness of others, largely supporting our dual suppositions that each control process operates through a specialized behavioral mechanism and that these underlying mechanisms are differentially impacted by relative dependence. We offer implications of these findings for managers and identify our contributions to channel theory and research.  相似文献   

This path-analytic study examined the relationships among channel members’ perceptions of dimensions representing channel leader behavior, channel conflict and satisfaction. In doing so, the path-goal theory of leadership is tested in a franchise channel of distribution. The results indicate that both the consideration and the initiating structure dimensions of leader behavior significantly influence franchisees’ satisfaction with the franchise arrangement. As defined in the theory, these relationships were found to be mediated by the existing level of conflict being experienced by franchisees. Causal linkages are also found between intrachannel conflict and satisfaction. Specific recommendations are provided to franchisors and other channel leaders.  相似文献   

Findings are reported for two studies that examined the effects of three forms of tensile price claims (i.e., stating a minimum, maximum, or range of savings) on consumers’ price perceptions, search and shopping intentions, and estimates of price reduction across four different discount range levels. Hypotheses are offered based on a rationale drawn from an anchoring and adjustment framework. Results of both studies indicate that for broader discount ranges, tensile claims stating the maximum level of savings have more positive effects than those stating the minimum level or the entire savings range. For more narrow discount ranges, tensile claims stating the maximum level of savings appear to be no more effective than claims stating the minimum level or the entire savings range. He received his Ph.D. in Marketing from the University of Houston in 1988. Dr. Biswas’s work has been published or is scheduled to appear in the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Macromarketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Consumer Affairs, Psychology and Marketing, and Journalism Quarterly, as well as other refereed journals and proceedings. He received his Ph.D. in Marketing from the University of Houston and a B.B.A. and M.B.A. from the University of Texas. His research has been published in the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Public Opinion Quarterly, and others.  相似文献   

解决零供冲突对理顺零售商与供应商的关系、完善供应链管理、维护零供双方以及消费者的利益有着重要的现实意义。零供冲突具体表现为低、中、高三个层次,高层次营销领域内的冲突才是零供冲突最终的表现形式和真正的发展趋势。零供冲突产生的原因主要包括零售商牢牢掌控零售终端,供应商在销售渠道建设方面力不从心、产品缺乏差异性、长期“寄人篱下”并利用零售商卖场“做广告”以及品类管理与品牌管理所产生的冲突等方面。供应商应加强产品创新、以品牌力量为导向强化市场推广、组成联盟对抗零售商、自建销售渠道摆脱对零售商的依赖以及与零售商共同商定合理的供应链利益分配比例,有效化解零供冲突。  相似文献   

Teleshopping and other forms of electronic retailing promise to have tremendous impact upon the field of retailing. With respect to the impact of this emerging technology upon the channel structure it would seem that the channel members are “retreating” relative to the channel positions. That is, consumers have retreated to the retailer level where they have assumed many of the retailer functions; retailers have moved back to the wholesaler or supplier level; distributors have assumed some of the manufacturer initiative with respect to produc specification and design; and manufactures have retreated to the subcontractor or component supplier level.  相似文献   

从1998年取消国有银行信贷规模限制以来,我国开始进入间接货币调控时期。通过实证研究发现,货币政策的主要传导途径依然是信贷渠道,银行信贷对经济增长和物价稳定发挥着重要作用。货币渠道对物价水平也会产生一定的影响,但影响很小,货币渠道作用的发挥有赖于我国市场化改革的进一步推进和完善。  相似文献   

内部控制是企业加强经营管理的基本方式,它体现着现代企业经营管理的需求,有利于加强企业经营管理,达到公司治理、追求最大化利润的目的.联想和海尔两大集团的实践经历,是现代企业内部控制的应用方法以及操作模式的典范,为现代企业高级管理层以及财务总监提供了有益借鉴.  相似文献   

用博弈论的方法对营销渠道中生产商与中间商关系的分析表明:生产商主导营销渠道能够降低渠道的无效率,对于消费者将更加有益,它优于中间商主导营销渠道和渠道无领导。  相似文献   

在渠道管理中,渠道控制理论和关系管理理论是共存的。有效地综合运用这两种理论,就能更好地进行渠道管理。要使渠道得到长期的发展,必须实现渠道的循环反馈机制,不断改进渠道管理。  相似文献   

采用调高证券交易印花税率的办法来遏制股市的投机行为,需要通过具体的交易实证来验证其是否有效。2007年我国大幅提高证券交易印花税率的做法,因为股市存在的逆向效用,在实证数据上达到对于股市噪声交易的控制作用。而具体的优化制度,需要从分段累进印花税率和收益比例累进税率两个方面来完善,并通过拉弗曲线和市盈率变化来分别检验税率变化对于税源的影响程度以及波动的控制情况。  相似文献   

It is the basic thesis of this paper that the continuing battle between manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers for market control will significantly change both the quantity and quality of national advertising. Furthermore, these changes are due, in large part, to one particular aspect of this battle—the ascendancy of the store-controlled brand. The contemporary manufacturer is facing a situation which is similar to that of an earlier time in American marketing. The national advertiser's contemporary options for capturing market control can be seen more clearly through this historical perspective and through the authors' conceptual model of channel behavior. The authors would like to express appreciation to Progessor Kim B. Rotzoll, University of Illinois, for his assistance in the preparation of this article.  相似文献   

针对渠道权力理论研究限于"二元"分析范式的不足,以交换网络理论与资源依赖理论等为基础,初步考察了由三个渠道成员构成的三元网络中权力结构的决定因素。研究发现,二元关系之间相互影响的网络效应,对网络中的权力结构产生了较大的影响;在三元环式网络中去,网络结构的闭合不仅会导致权力在网络中的重新分配,还会导致网络中渠道成员角色与功能的变化。要想更全面、深刻地理解渠道系统中的权力结构,必须将二元关系还原到其嵌入其中的渠道网络中,考察网络结构的影响。  相似文献   

当前的经济危机让人们开始质疑美元作为世界货币的长久性和正当性,呼唤新的"布雷顿森林",这样就将凯恩斯重新带入人们的视野。凯恩斯最初布雷顿森林的提议在于反对"利率在正常金融力量的作用下在全球范围内处于同等水平的导致风险的制度",反对黄金或者其他任何"可自由兑换的世界标准",主张"一个多方管理的世界货币(不单是某个国家的货币)来解决贸易失衡,其认为经济活动复苏有赖于国家经济管理的自主性,而资本控制是关键。凯恩斯的提议基于政治理由(即美国的霸权)被拒绝了,但现实经济的发展和当下的经济危机证实了"国际货币不再可以是单个国家的货币。凯恩斯提议或许是寻求当前危机出路的最好的起跑点,即好国际合作而非霸权才是唯一的出路。  相似文献   

Consumer sales promotions are usually the result of the decisions of two marketing channel parties, the manufacturer and the retailer. In making these decisions, each party normally follows its own interest: i.e. maximizes its own profit. Unfortunately, this results in a suboptimal outcome for the channel as a whole. Independent profit maximization by channel parties leads to a lack of channel coordination with the implication of leaving money on the table. This may well contribute to the notoriously low profitability of sales promotions. This paper first shows analytically why the suboptimality occurs, and then presents an empirical demonstration, using a unique dataset from an Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) project; ECR is a movement in which parties work together to optimize the distribution channel). In this dataset, actual profit is only a small fraction of potential profit, implying that there is a large degree of suboptimality. It is important that (1) channel parties are aware of this suboptimality; and (2) that they have tools to deal with it. Solutions to the channel coordination problem should ensure that the goals of the individual channel parties are aligned with the goals of the channel as a whole. The paper proposes one particular agreement for this purpose, called proportional discount sharing. Application to the ECR data shows a win-win result for both the manufacturer and the retailer. Recognition of the channel coordination problem by the manufacturer and the retailer is the necessary starting point for agreeing on a way of solving it in a win-win fashion.  相似文献   

Influence strategies (ISs) are a dominant topic in channel research. However, the literature lacks a consensus on when noncoercive and coercive strategies are more valuable or damaging to partnership quality, and their judicious applications remain unclear. Mainly based on social exchange perspectives, we review and conceptualize several contingency factors in the IS-partnership quality relationships in this metaanalysis. The moderating results generally suggest that the stronger positive impacts of noncoercive ISs result from a higher appreciation for supportive attempts, whereas the higher negative sensitivity to coercive ISs can be attributed to the low acceptability of forceful influences. We determine degrees of appreciation and acceptability by the perceived significance of benefits/damages, expectations, and tolerance levels for both strategies. Also, we synthesize and meta-analyze the key outcomes and antecedents of both strategies in an integrated framework. The direct-effect results indicate that the choice of effectively applying both strategies necessitates a tradeoff between goals and priorities.  相似文献   

金融突发事件是市场经济社会必然引发的现象,我国传统的以行政为主导的应对模式存在着诸多弊端,有必要请金融突发事件的应对机制纳入法治化轨道。构建金融突发事件的应对法律制度应从两个方面着手,即级别层面和内容层面。只有这样。才能科学、完整地制订我国金融突发事件的应对法律制度,以满足我们构建和谐社会的需要。  相似文献   

从不同的保护目的出发,可将最优关税区分为最佳福利关税和最大收入关税。假定一个国家自身生产一种产品,同时进口另外一种产品,且两种产品的质量不同,分析最佳福利关税和最大收入关税问题,结果发现:第一,如果本国的产品质量较低而进口的产品质量较高,那么,无论企业之间是进行Bertrand竞争还是Cournot竞争,假如国外企业的效率较高(低),那么最大收入关税大(小)于最佳福利关税;此外,Cournot竞争条件下的最佳福利关税和最大收入关税分别高于Bertrand竞争条件下的最佳福利关税和最大收入关税。第二,如果本国的产品质量较高而进口的产品质量较低,那么当本国企业的效率较低(高)时,最大收入关税高(低)于最佳福利关税。  相似文献   

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