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张凯 《会计之友》2008,(29):55-56
随着经济全球化的发展,成长型中小企业面临的竞争压力越来越大。为了实现可持续发展的目标,成长型中小企业应根据自身战略发展目标和经营管理特点,结合新会计准则和新企业所得税法,合法有效地进行纳税筹划,以谋求企业更好的发展。  相似文献   

新会计准则下盈余管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李慧 《价值工程》2011,30(11):138-139
盈余管理通常是指企业管理层为了给企业或个人谋取利益,而通过使用会计手段,或通过采取实际行动使企业的账面盈余达到所期望的水平的操作性行为,是公司普遍存在的现象,与会计准则有着紧密联系。文章拟从会计准则与盈余管理的关系出发,分析新会计准则对盈余管理的影响及新准则下企业进行盈余管理可采用的手段,并对新会计准则下完善盈余管理提出一些建议。  相似文献   

新会计准则对于企业的影响是深远的,其主要目的在于优化企业的经济效益,保障企业健康可持续发展。同时,新会计准则的出台对企业会计基础工作提出了新的要求与挑战,对企业的经营管理等也存在着较大的影响。  相似文献   

目前,股权激励在我国已成为企业管理中的一个重要课题.财政部针对日益增多的股权激励计划出台了《企业会计准则第11号--股份支付》(简称"新会计准则"),以规范股份支付的确认、计量和相关信息的披露.本文拟对股权激励计划对公司损益和股东权益的影响进行分析,并对新会计准则的一些要点作些解析.  相似文献   

目前,股权激励在我国已成为企业管理中的一个重要课题。财政部针对日益增多的股权激励计划出台了《企业会计准则第11号——股份支付》(简称“新会计准则”),以规范股份支付的确认、计量和相关信息的披露。本文拟对股权激励计划对公司损益和股东权益的影响进行分析,并对新会计准则的一些要点作些解析。  相似文献   

从新会计准则的变化入手,分析实施新会计准则对企业利润的影响,阐述新会计准则的成就与执行难度,最后提出企业实施新会计准则应采取的措施。  相似文献   

黄芳 《会计之友》2008,(18):103-104
新会计准则体系注重企业可持续发展和核心竞争力的培育.在新会计准则理念影响下的企业绩效评价应基于企业核心竞争力进行评价,评价内容应注重于企业技术创新、企业文化、企业对环境的影响等方面,进而设置相应的评价指标.  相似文献   

2006年我国全面实行新会计准则,它不仅影响了企业的经营管理机制和财务融资决策,而且对企业投资的决策和效率产生了深远的影响。本文深入剖析了新会计准则对当前企业经营机制和对外投资效率产生的影响,对于做好企业经营决策、融资筹资有重要的意义。  相似文献   

新会计准则体系注重企业可持续发展和核心竞争力的培育。在新会计准则理念影响下的企业绩效评价应基于企业核心竞争力进行评价,评价内容应注重于企业技术创新、企业文化、企业对环境的影响等方面,进而设置相应的评价指标。  相似文献   

本文以我国A股上市的通信设备制造企业为对象,结合今年开始实施的新会计准则,分析了新会计准则对通信设备制造企业的影响及其披露,并对样本公司披露程度不同的原因及新准则对通信设备制造企业的影响进行了分析,从政府及上市公司的角度提出了对信息披露和激励高新技术企业发展的建议。  相似文献   

以沪深两市2010—2015年上市家族企业作为研究对象,实证检验我国上市家族企业引入职业经理人对公司非效率投资的影响,并进一步研究在成长性水平不同的企业中职业经理人引入对企业投资效率影响的差异。实证研究结果表明:非效率投资普遍存在于我国上市家族企业中;上市家族企业引入职业经理人对公司非效率投资具有抑制作用;与低成长性企业相比,高成长性企业引入职业经理人对公司非效率投资的抑制作用较弱,即企业成长性水平的逐步提高会削弱职业经理人引入对企业非效率投资的影响。  相似文献   

During the past decade, the shares of publicly traded companies moved increasingly into the hands of institutional investors. As large investors pressed companies to restructure, companies were observed in turn to restructure their shareholder base. Drawing on a 1989 survey of 761 US publicly traded companies, firms facing a hostile takeover environment or with large institutional holdings are found to seek greater employee stockholding. Large firms and those that had adopted takeover defences are more likely when threatened with takeovers or short-term pressures to seek more employee and less institutional stockholding. Though managers are employed by owners, investor efforts to discipline their managers can lead the latter to replace the former.  相似文献   

李臣学  蒋艳  隰熙 《价值工程》2008,27(2):164-166
长期以来广泛应用的以货币的时间价值为着眼点的投资决策方法,暗含了管理者只能被动的拒绝或接受某投资项目的假设,或者说忽略了管理者的存在和作用,这显然与现实不符。用金融领域中的期权二项树理论,提出项目最佳投资时机的期权决策法,使企业作出的关于项目最佳投资时机的决策更加有效、合理;企业可以据此决定在什么情况下应该推迟对项目进行投资,在什么情况下应该立即投资。  相似文献   

This paper explores alternative ways of evaluating and ultimately hiring a generalist consultancy for short- and medium-term projects, and how this is shaped by the size of the clients’ company. What buying factors do managers of small and large firms have in mind when hiring consultants for their projects?Instead of employing surveys incorporating predefined buying factors based on what the researchers think would be important, a cognitive mapping methodology - the repertory grid technique - is applied to investigate the underlying phenomena. Using the repertory grid technique to draw mental models is a novel research technique within the supply management field. Recent behavioral supply chain management research found the behavior of managers to be critically influenced by mental models: the lenses through which managers perceive, simplify and interpret the world.Results show differences between the buying factors used in small- and large-scale companies: managers of large companies are more ‘reputation and outcome-oriented’ and managers of small businesses are more concerned with ‘how the services are rendered’. However, both constituents stressed the importance of expertise, quality and the relationship between the client and the management consultancy, although the character of such a relationship differed between small- and large-scale firms. Results also point out criteria that managers of small and large companies employ to discriminate between good and poor performing consultancies and to judge service delivery. The practical implications for both companies hiring consultancies and the consultancy companies are discussed. For consultancies, our findings can help tailoring their efforts to a differing clientele when marketing and selling their services. For companies hiring consultancies, fixating too much on particular buying factors may lead to biased decisions.  相似文献   

在允许国有控股上市公司实施股权激励的背景下,考察了其不同种类风险与经营者股权激励强度的关系。先界定了风险的类型,再通过构建基于风险的两种股权激励模型,并进一步推导得出:若国有上市企业的管理层不能(可以)买卖公司以外的市场证券组合时,其最优股权激励强度与公司特别性风险成反向变化关系,而与公司整体性风险的相关关系不确定(无关),这为正在实践中摸索的国有上市企业管理层股权激励合同的设计提供了进一步的理论建议。  相似文献   

张宏博 《价值工程》2012,31(17):108-109
本文以在深市上市的广东50家家族控制的上市公司为对象,根据他们当前的聘用经理人的现状,发现广东上市家族企业有超过一半的企业未聘用职业经理人,基于对广东上市家族企业中职业经理人的年龄、学历、资历、性别、年薪等现状分析,指出职业经理人制度在广东家族上市公司还不能得到很好的普及,这样不利于我们经济的发展,实际上对应了我国较弱的投资者保护水平,这方面工作需要我们以后加以改善。  相似文献   

实证检验了股权制衡对上市公司高级管理人员在职消费的影响作用。研究发现:第一大股东持股比例越大,对高级管理人员在职消费的抑制作用越为明显;上市公司股权越为制衡,高级管理人员的在职消费越高。同时发现股权制衡度高的上市公司,其在职消费的激励效率较低。  相似文献   

This paper examines one of the most studied aspects regarding the compensation of top managers: the relationship between remuneration and corporate performance. The principle research objective is to find evidence of this correlation in Italian companies. Based on a sample of 145 Italian companies listed on the Milan Stock Exchange, as analysed during the period between 2004 and 2009, the research findings do not demonstrate a link between company performance and the pay of top managers. Another empirical result that should be highlighted is the presence of a greater correlation between rate of pay and company size, in terms of stock turnover, which demonstrates the likely presence, at least in certain situations, of a dimensional premium that is to the benefit of the managers of larger companies. This research project evidences empirical results in the Italian context that support the findings of the most important international literature on the subject, as regards the absence of a connection between the compensation of managers and the performance of their firms.  相似文献   

又到一年上市公司发榜时。热点疑问是:企业高管一年到底拿多少年薪?但是,更关键的问题是:天价CEO到底值不值这个价?如何对企业家价值进行合理估值?华夏基石管理咨询公司最近进行了一个上市公司高管薪酬的研究,试图找到“高管激励”的真正难题与解决之道,并勾勒了一个影响高管激励的角色图谱。研究发现,  相似文献   

Green supply chain management is an important organizational approach to reducing strain on the environment. Many companies are under pressure from customers, media, governments, and investors, among others, to implement green practices. This exploratory paper investigates the relationships between internal and external green practices of eight Portuguese companies from different industrial sectors and their impact on economic and environmental performance. The relationship was analyzed based on the data collected from 22 semi‐structured interviews with general managers, procurement and environmental/safety managers, and through secondary data collected from reports, websites and companies' internal documentation. The analysis identifies the most important green practices considered by managers, as well as the performance measures that are most appropriate and most widely used to evaluate the influence of green practices on corporate performance. A conceptual model was derived to assess the influence of green practices on focal company economic and environmental performance. The results support four of five propositions of this research, and it is possible to conclude that the companies believe that with the adoption of green supply chain practices, they can be more competitive in the market. Due to the scope of the green practices, the relationship between green practices and economic performance was inconclusive. Internal and external green supply chain practices contribute to improved environmental performance because for all companies, there is a positive relationship between green practices and environmental performance in terms of energy, water consumption, waste, and air emissions reduction.  相似文献   

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