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浅论跨国公司转让价格定价方法的选择○河北经贸大学吕立伟杨克泉转让价格作为跨国公司实现全球战略,谋求利润最大化的手段,早已成为跨国公司经营战略的重要组成部分。采用什么方法确定内部转让价格是一个令各国跨国经营者都十分棘手的问题。本文拟以如何选择跨国公司转...  相似文献   

我国外资企业避税的主要方式及其防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、外资企业避税的主要方式作为一种经济现象,避税为一些跨国公司广泛使用,也成为我国外资企业实现其利润最大化的重要工具。从实践中看,我国外资企业主要是利用转让定价、资本弱化、国际避税地、税收优惠政策以及税法的不完善等形式避税。1、转让定价。据统计,国际贸易总额中约有60%是通过跨国公司的内部贸易形成的。跨国公司在制定内部交易价格时,往往可以便利地采用转让定价办法,达到减少税负从而增加利润的目的。转让定价在我国主要表现为“高进低出”,即进口设备、材料的价格和贷款利率等方面要高于国际市场,而出口产品的价格却低于国…  相似文献   

跨国公司转让定价经济因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转让定价也称转移价格,是指关联企业之间在转让货物、无形资产或提供劳务、资金信贷等活动中,为了一定的目的所确定的不同于一般市场价格的一种内部价格.转让定价一般只会发生于关联企业的内部交易,由于各国的税收制度及其它法规的不同,加上国际市场存在结构性缺陷和交易性缺陷,跨国公司可以最大限度地使用转移价格,以实现其全球战略提供了诱因和条件.  相似文献   

科技成果转化实务中,交易价格通常有两种类型:一是固定转化价格,二是浮动转让价格其中浮动转让价格中又以按照技术受让方经营情况为基础计算的居多.本文从基于销售和使用情况收取对价的科技成果转化这一角度,探讨科技成果转让中相关收入、成本确认等问题,提出科研机构技术转让适用的会计科目、收入和成本确认时点与金额的处理思路.  相似文献   

国际划拨价格是指跨国公司内部各个实体之间销售产品或提供劳务使用的内部划拨价格.如总公司和子公司之间相互购买商品及提供劳务时的结转价格.价格与会计有十分密切的联系,它是会计计量的基础,对企业的收入和成本及利润有决定意义的影响.正常情况下,价格是商品价值的货币表现形式,它围绕商品价值随供求关系上下波动,虽然在某一时点上,价格可能会脱离价值,但不会相差太远.但是在国际划拨价格这一特殊领域里,价格不再是商品价值的货币表现形式,而是跨国公司谋取最大经济效益的工具,它不再受市场供求关系的影响,而是主要服从于跨国公司全球经营战略目标和经济效益的需要,它可能严重的地背离产品价值.国际划拨价格的制定直接影响着跨国公司的经营策略和投资流向.也决定着整个跨国公司的净利润水平.随着经济世界化和跨国公司的发展,以国际划拨价格成交的比例越来越大.如何有效地对国际划拨价格进行税务和会计监督,已成为各国政府面临的一个重要课题.  相似文献   

纳税筹划在发达国家已经构成居民和企业纳税、整体经营行为不可或缺的一个组成部分.跨国公司对于纳税筹划更为重视,已成为其制定经营和发展战略的一个极其重要的内容.实现全球税后收益最大化的主观愿望,以及各国之间税制的差异、国际低税地的存在、国际税收协定的缔结等客观条件的存在,构成企业跨国经营的纳税筹划.本文主要围绕跨国企业经营的纳税筹划主要途径进行研究,通过了解跨国企业交易地纳税差异,企业无形资产转让定价,低税港、电子商务、企业组织形式等方面,了解企业的税收筹划方式,根据其经营活动的方式,制定相应的方案措施以达到各国之间税收征管的要求.  相似文献   

企业转移定价策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加入WTO后,我国企业同国外跨国公司打交道的机会将不断增多.而转移定价则是跨国公司的一种常见的经营策略.因此,我们必须了解和熟悉转移定价这一手段. 所谓转移定价,又称转让定价或划拨定价,它是指在跨国公司内部,母公司与子公司、子公司与子公司之间进行商品、劳务或技术交易时所采用的内部价格制定方法.这种定价在一定程度上不受市场供求关系法则的影响,它不是独立各方在公开市场上按"独立竞争"原则制定的价格,而是根据跨国公司的全球战略目标和谋求最大限度利润的目的,由总公司确定.  相似文献   

国际转让定价税制近期发展要点及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转让定价是跨国公司最主要、最常见的一种避税手段,其出现和广泛应用与国际贸易和跨国公司的直接投资密切相关。国外转让定价税收法规的建立已有近90年的历史,并随着国际贸易和跨国公司的发展而发展。近年来,转让定价税制的发展呈现出新的特点。本文拟结合转让定价税制的近期发展要点,对我国制定定价转让税制提出几点建议。  相似文献   

张晓青  赵越  钟霖 《企业经济》2007,(12):116-118
在经济全球化背景下,国际商务活动的不断扩大使跨国公司的经营面临着种种文化差异、矛盾和冲突的挑战。影响跨国公司经营理念的主要文化因素(如宗教、教育和价值观)的差异性。在不同的文化背景中,跨国公司合作各方应该通过对彼此文化的了解、理解、包容和最终达到融合的境界等过程,形成适合本跨国公司自己经营环境特有的、以"本土化"为主的经营理念,以降低经营成本,更好地实现经营目标。  相似文献   

金琳 《企业技术开发》2009,28(1):265-266
跨国公司通过转让定价避税,造成国际税收流失,世界各国纷纷制定相关法律法规防范转让定价行为,我国的相关法规尚不完善,随着我国国际化程度逐渐提高,我国外资企业通过转让定价避税的趋势日益明显。文章借鉴国外经验,制定了适当对策,应对转让定价对税收的影响。  相似文献   


This study investigates whether U.S. multinational firms with subsidiaries located in offshore financial centers (OFCs) (i.e. offshore firms) are more likely to be opaque in their voluntary disclosure relative to U.S. multinationals without such subsidiaries (non-offshore firms). We use management earnings forecasts to capture corporate voluntary disclosure. Consistent with the opportunism view, but inconsistent with the efficiency argument, our results (including robustness checks) show that offshore firms are less likely to issue earnings forecasts, disclose forecasts less frequently, exhibit a stronger tendency to withhold bad news forecasts, and release less precise forecasts than non-offshore firms. Moreover, of the three distinct dimensions of OFCs’ institutional environment, namely, low taxation, lax regulation, and secrecy policy, each plays a role in negatively shaping firms’ disclosure strategy. Thus, OFCs’ institutional features exacerbate the opacity that plagues firms seeking to avoid taxes via their OFC subsidiaries. Our results are consistent with the notion that, beyond the scope of taxes, multinational firms’ use of OFCs has a corrosive effect on market information dynamics. Hence, OFCs have a much wider impact on the U.S. economy as well as other major economies than just tax avoidance or evasion.  相似文献   

Thin‐capitalization rules (TCRs) aim at limiting the tax advantage of internal debt financing by restricting the tax deductibility of the corresponding interest expenses. This article examines how subsidiaries of multinational firms respond to a change in the German thin‐capitalization legislation. The empirical analysis not only demonstrates that the TCR effectively restricts internal debt financing, it also suggests that firms are able to avoid taxation of interest by substituting external for internal debt. The empirical approach applies propensity score matching techniques and exploits the German tax reform 2001 to solve endogeneity problems.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the taxation of foreign source income from the perspective of a multinational firm. It demonstrates how differences in home country fiscal regimes of multinational firms can lead to variations in the cost of transferring cash resources across the borders of national jurisdictions. In the framework of international production theory, it shows how the home country fiscal regime can be a source of ownership advantage when the firm creates an appropriate network of assets, liabilities and equity. Taxation is the link between some financial decisions to the theory of international production. Observations are taken from the tax calculations of three hypothetical multinational firms.  相似文献   

This paper constructs models to investigate the rationale for a multinational corporation to enter into a joint venture to serve a host market. In particular, the model examines the impact of profit sharing, cost reductions, risk reductions, and competition reductions on the profits of international joint ventures. The results may explain the ‘recent’ popularity of international joint ventures. The models show that (1) a joint venture is the dominant entry strategy when there is a formidable local competitor and the risks of operation are high, (2) a wholly owned subsidiary is preferred if a multinational corporation has a significant cost advantage, (3) a joint venture is preferred to a wholly owned subsidiary if significant cost reductions can be achieved through combining the strengths of a multinational corporation and a local firm, and (4) multiple licensing is preferred if the number of local firms is large.  相似文献   


This study investigates the influence of taxation on ownership chains and specifically on the location decision for intermediate holding companies. By examining the effect of the introduction of a cross-border group taxation regime in Austria in 2005 on ownership chains of European multinational firms, I find evidence that foreign parent companies already invested in Austria restructured their ownership chains in order to meet the requirements of the group taxation regime. This effect is larger for foreign parent companies with loss-generating subsidiaries. Collectively, the empirical findings suggest that, when evaluating the effect of cross-border group taxation regimes, companies follow a detailed tax planning strategy that takes tax-base effects into account.  相似文献   

The purpose of our study was to link two global corporate developments, namely integrated thinking and the transparency of tax disclosures. The International Integrated Reporting Council's long‐term vision is for integrated thinking to be embedded in mainstream business practice, facilitated by integrated reporting. The development of the transparency of tax disclosures was driven by tax avoidance practices of multinational companies. The vision of embedding integrated thinking into mainstream business and the increased focus on the transparency of tax disclosures have developed independently, but thus far there has been no serious consideration of how they may be related. We argue that there is a natural relationship between these two developments. We use PwC's (2014) framework for measuring the transparency of tax disclosures and apply the framework to the corporate reports of a sample of 45 large firms. We use regression analysis to test the association between the transparency of tax disclosures in corporate reports and integrated thinking and find them to be positively associated.  相似文献   

Using a large sample of multinational firms operating in offshore financial centers (offshore firms) from 1998 to 2014, this study investigates the financial reporting implications of economic activities involving offshore financial centers (OFCs). We find that offshore firms have a greater tendency to report less conservatively than non‐offshore firms. Moreover, we find that financial reporting is less conservative for firms operating in OFCs with more pronounced OFC attributes than for those with less pronounced OFC attributes. Finally, we also find that firms with their headquarters registered in OFCs (type I offshore firms) tend to adopt less conservative accounting practices than those with subsidiaries operating in OFCs (type II offshore firms). Our findings provide useful insights into how a multinational firm's operation in OFCs is associated with financial reporting practices.  相似文献   

This study examines whether multinational firms report earnings sooner than domestic firms. When compared with domestic firms, the reporting environment and business operations of multinational firms are significantly more complex. There is a greater amount of information asymmetry between managers and shareholders of multinational firms. Therefore, multinational firms potentially face higher monitoring and external financing costs. To reduce these costs, we conjecture that managers of multinational firms take steps to reduce the information asymmetry between shareholders and management by increasing the timeliness (a proxy for relevance) of their earnings reports. Specifically, we expect multinational firms to announce earnings earlier than domestic firms. We separate earnings reporting delay into auditor‐related delay and management's discretionary delay. While test results weakly support the hypothesis that auditors take longer to audit multinational firms, there is strong evidence that managers of multinational firms release their earnings reports sooner than domestic firms.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the motives of internationalization of two leading Chinese multinational corporations, their entry strategy and strategic responses to overcome internationalization barriers. In particular, we explore the political strategy and the corresponding political behaviour these two firms adopt to facilitate their internationalization process. We also examine the business strategy and human resource strategy they deploy in their internationalization endeavour and what impacts these may have on host country development, including human capital development and employment creation.  相似文献   

郭兵 《价值工程》2010,29(4):8-8
转让定价是跨国公司实施的最主要的转移利润的手法。随着越来越多的跨国公司将在中国设立并发展,对于部分跨国公司通过国际转让定价对我国税基造成的损害,更应该引起重视。从税务当局的角度研究转让定价与反避税问题,成为税收研究和企业管理的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

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