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3月27日,上海——《福布斯》中文版发布2012年中国最佳商学院排行榜,这是福布斯第五次对中国商学院MBA项目进行全面、独立的调查。今年的调研范围为2007年和2011年毕业的两届MBA毕业生,福布斯选取的排名指标包括:MBA毕业生毕业5年后的投资回报、  相似文献   

陈硕 《人力资源》2007,(15):56-57
世界知名商业杂志《福布斯》近日发布了"2006年中国最具价值商学院"榜单。其中一项调查发现,入选商学院2002届MBA毕业生,在毕业后四年内,不仅薪金水平大涨,职位亦大幅提升。全日制MBA毕业生需2.7年收回投资,四年后平均年薪24万元,是入学前的3.75倍,年均涨幅为24.9%。在职MBA毕业生平均1.6年即可收回投资,四年后平均年薪18.7万元,是入学前的2.8倍。国际化和特色化的MBA项目给毕业生带来的投资回报最为丰厚。在入选的10家商学院中,前6家都无一例外地拥有国际化MBA项目。  相似文献   

孔龙 《中外管理》2005,(5):14-14
《福布斯》调查了全国45所在2001年有毕业生的商学院,对在职MBA和全日制MBA分别进行排名。调查显示:在投资回报方面,毕业4年后,全日制MBA毕业生平均年薪达到13.7万元,平均只需1.9年即可收回投资。而在职毕业生目前平均年薪达13.1万元,平均1.2年即可收回投资。在职位晋升方面,就读MBA前,仅有15%的学员在企业担任高层经理以上的职位。  相似文献   

2006福布斯最具价值MBA 日前,《福布斯》 (中文版)经过调查, 对50所中国商学院及其毕业生进行调查, 选出了10个投资回报最高的全日制MBA项目,榜单如右:  相似文献   

早期被神化,后期被异化,MBA毕业生和企业之间,似乎一直存在着巨大的鸿沟。有人说鹏A毕业生眼高手低,也有人说是企业不懂得怎样使用。孰是孰非?在MBA学员们看来,MBA教育到底能给人带来什么?又存在哪些问题?  相似文献   

本次调查以上海大学物流工程往届硕士毕业生为对象,采用电子问卷的方式获得180个有效样本.问卷从工作满意度、工作单位、工作条件、工作保障和工作前景五个方面设计就业质量评价体系,从课程设置、资源配置、教师教学、导师指导和实践教学五个方面测量了学生对其培养质量的满意度,并结合就业质量,反映培养质量及其存在的问题.本文采用SPSS17.0软件对问卷进行数据统计和分析发现:学生对导师指导的满意度较高,对课程设置和实践教学的满意度较低,学校应重视这两环节的改善.  相似文献   

国外MBA财务管理课程教育简述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据《金融时报》2008年的全球MBA排名,笔者在前100名的MBA项目中选取若干有代表性的项目,涉及国家包括美、加、英、法、西班牙、澳大利亚、波兰等,并搜集其MBA财务管理课程资料,从教学内容、教学大纲、教材使用情况、具体教学组织形式、课程的发展动态及趋势等方面进行了深入的分析,同时总结名校的共性做法,探索其普遍规律,为相应课程的建设性提供借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

MBA课程案例教学适用性和有效性研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
案例教学适用性是指课程适合使用案例教学的程度。本文首先从知识层面分析影响课程案例教学适用性的因素;接着使用问卷调查的方法,筛选出MBA核心课程,并采用SPSS软件对MBA核心课程的案例教学适用性进行聚类分析,将课程按照案例教学适用性分成三类,并选取三所院校的MBA案例库对聚类分析的结果进行证明;最后以市场营销为例说明MBA课程采用案例教学存在的问题及改进措施。研究结论对MBA课程教学具有重要的参考价值和指导意义。  相似文献   

据英国《金融时报》报道英国咨询公司Hay集团发布的一份报告称,在接受调查的来自欧洲、北美和亚太地区的商界领导者中,40%的人表示,他们计划招募中国MBA毕业生,因为很少有英国毕业生拥有汉语语言能力。该报告表示:“在中国和英国国内市场,我们都将面临一场人才争夺战。因为企业都在争相招募那些了解中国市场和商业文化、有才能的领导者和经理人。”他们建议,企业应要求自己资助的所有MBA学员,在课程中加入中国模块,而政府则应引入更多的汉语教学。  相似文献   

清华MBA始于1991年,是教育部批准开办的第一批MBA项目。经过二十年的发展,清华MBA已经成为中国最具影响力和品牌效应的MBA项目。  相似文献   

中国高质量MBA教育认证工作的开展,有效推进了国内MBA院校的持续改进和提升.上海财经大学商学院以认证为契机,以标准为抓手,创新推出了具有SUFE特色的MBA课程体系,在坚持融合财经特色的基础上,充分体现了“定制化”、“知行合一”等特点,有效改进了教学质量和学习效率,增强了学生对课程体系和内容的满意度,其创新思路和实践经验具有较好的借鉴价值.  相似文献   

构建了企业社会责任、企业声誉和员工满意度的关系模型,以西北工业大学深圳地区和西安地区MBA班工程硕士学员为调研对象,欲探讨现阶段企业员工对企业社会责任的认知状况。通过构建结构方程模型,实证分析发现:企业社会责任对企业声誉有显著正向影响;企业声誉对员工满意度有显著正向影响;企业社会责任不直接对员工满意度产生影响,而是通过影响企业声誉后对员工满意度产生作用。  相似文献   


With the rapid economic growth of the East Asian countries, there has been an increasing interest in the education and skill development strategies used in the region. One of the critical features of Singapore's human resource development strategy is the emphasis on regionalization and internationalization of the academic curriculum. The trend of this internationalization may be attributable to three major factors: Singapore government's regionalization policy, distance learning programs offered by foreign universities, and the overseas assignment of Singaporean managers as expatriates. This paper presents an overview of the internationalization of the business curriculum at the graduate and undergraduate level in Singapore, particularly at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU). The Nanyang Business School, although a young institution, is rapidly moving towards the internationalization process in various areas. At present its student body is drawn from more than 20 countries. About a third of its business faculty come from about 19 countries. At the undergraduate level, students are encouraged to study foreign languages, and required to take the international business course irrespective of their functional specialization. In addition, most functional areas of specialization offer at least one international course as an elective choice. Some of the students also complete their required professional attachment abroad. At the graduate level, the unique feature of it's MBA program is the compulsory International Business Study Mission. The newly introduced MBA specialization in International Business adds another dimension. The school is now focusing on extensive research efforts in the area of regional-ization and globalization of business through its several research centers. The paper also identifies a few concerns such as the rapid changes in the pedagogy due to the overall systemic changes in the curriculum from the traditional British education model and the availability of suitable case studies.  相似文献   

Fortune 500 companies have a competitive advantage in leadership development, whereas health care has lagged far behind. Physician leadership development, in particular, is a game changer for a closed staff, group practice that relies on a pipeline of physician leaders—such as the Cleveland Clinic. To address this leadership development gap in health care, the Cleveland Clinic Academy (CCA) was established in 2006. The academy is predicated on developing health care leaders with specific emphasis on physician leadership education using a competency‐based curriculum with value‐added components, including continuing medical education (CME) and master's of business administration (MBA) transfer credits. In the pioneering spirit of Dr. F. Mason Sones, the novel curriculum includes didactic learning, experiential immersion, and executive coaching, designed to promote physician career development, leadership potential, productivity and job satisfaction, and business acumen. The unique programs—54 stand‐alone courses, and customized programs such as Leading in Health Care, Staff Leadership Rotation, Samson Global Leadership Academy, Healthcare Finance and Accounting, and others—have affected individuals and patient care by reaching over 6,000 health care providers, including physicians from Cleveland Clinic, Bulgaria, France, Ireland, Japan, Qatar, UAE, India, Belgium, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Turkey, Dominican Republic, and throughout the United States. CCA provides a new direction in leadership development with an integrated competency‐based curriculum for physicians, nurses, and administrators.  相似文献   

国内外MBA教育发展的实践表明,以服务质量提升为基础的品牌化发展是我国MBA教育发展的一种趋势。上海财经大学商学院MBA教育主要通过从多渠道沟通、凸显课程特色、多种形式的师资开发和培养、职业发展帮助和参与MBA认证等各个方面,对学生接受教育服务过程的每个接触瞬间进行卓越的创新,取得良好的效果,比较成功地塑造自己MBA教育品牌。本文还建议各个高校应通过准确定位、提升品牌形象、品牌差异化等方式经营品牌,各自走出一条MBA教育发展特色之路。  相似文献   

Recent management research on improvisation has sought to identify ways that unplanned change and structure are linked when novel solutions appear and develop during action. This article examines an improvised learning approach to the traditional case study method, in which Master of Business Administration (MBA) students learn through preparing and delivering their own case studies. The process of improvised learning is explained within the context of teaching international human resource management/organizational behaviour and analysed by applying Bourdieu's theory of practice which understands the participants' learning to be situated within a competitive social field.

It is concluded that MBA students learn from this improvised approach provided that the professor's role accommodates being a case study expert with the roles of teaching and learning consultant. The concept of competitive field is recommended as a tool for management educators' reflection upon enabling MBA students to develop their capabilities in designing and delivering management learning sessions.  相似文献   

MBA学生参与案例教学的影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文针对案例教学中学生参与度低的现状,以MBA学生为研究对象,采用统计分析的方法,识别出案例的实践性、案例的新颖性、案例的典型性、彼此沟通、个人性格和课堂氛围是影响学生参与案例教学的关键因素,为提高学生案例教学的参与程度提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Hiring MBA's represents an investment at a significant risk level, and data on the firm's historical experience with MBA investments should be maintained and evaluated. The characteristics of the MBA which count toward performance should be discovered. The authors suggest several: maturity measures, quantitative orientation, educational specialty, attitude toward work.  相似文献   

MBA教育中的社会责任教育研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
MBA教育是培养未来优秀职业经理人的教育,MBA学生的观念、行为将直接影响到企业的生存、品牌乃至国家的经济走向,由此,企业社会责任的履行直接与MBA教育有关。本文分析了企业社会责任的内涵,阐明了将社会责任教育融入MBA教育的重要意义,并在对MBA学生、企业管理者进行问卷调查的基础上提出了相关对策。  相似文献   

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