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受遗产资源保护的土地用途限制,城郊区大遗址以传统农业为主,经济发展水平落后,大遗址区内外的经济分化以遗址保护区区划界限为壑,形成了"都市里的村庄".在城市化进程中,处于城乡交错区的大遗址区内外企事业单位和居民住房等建设用地需求增长迅速,大遗址保护用地流转为非农用地的趋势明显.通过对汉长安城遗址区的土地制度、政府规制和组织管理体制的分析,剖析了城郊区大遗址区保护用地流转存在的制度因素,提出城市化进程中大遗址区治理的制度创新.  相似文献   

大遗址是指文化遗产中规模特大、文化价值突出的大型文化遗址、遗存和古墓葬。在快速城镇化的背景下,大遗址的保护与其所在区域的城乡发展之间存在着明显的博弈。通过对大遗址保护与城市发展协同的研究现状梳理和凤翔县城乡发展对雍城遗址保护的影响分析,揭示了从城市总体规划层面进行"遗址关怀"的必要性。在此基础上,基于宝鸡市凤翔县城市总体规划的编制实践,介绍了城市总体规划在雍城遗址保护方面所做的探索与创新。  相似文献   

徐皎皎 《企业导报》2011,(18):230-231
本文对扬州革命遗址现状作了系统的分析总结,针对扬州革命遗址保护和利用的疏漏和不足,提出解决对策,从而在今后古城扬州的城市规划和建设过程中,能将经济建设和革命遗址保护、利用有机结合,使对革命遗址的保护和利用不单局限于单纯的社会文化意义层面之上,而是融合于整个城市的发展和现代化进程之中,使扬州的革命遗址以其独特的方式和自身的文化优势在城市发展以及经济、社会生活中扮演重要角色,并可为其他城市的革命遗址保护利用提供一些新思路、新途径和新模式。  相似文献   

在西安城市化发展进程中,人为的行政区划以及长期以来形成的制度安排使汉长安城遗址区在西安城市化发展过程中的非均衡结构十分显著.从补偿机制、财税政策、就业政策、文化产业链、组织管理机构等方面提出了遗址区的治理对策.  相似文献   

名城城郊型大遗址是指与名城建成区有一定距离的大遗址.这些大遗址的内涵是名城的重要组成部分.通常的名城保护规划,因为大遗址位于城区保护范围之外,一般是将大遗址单独列出,作为一个点进行保护,对其与城市的相关关系研究与复杂程度重视不够.在城市化加速发展,城区不断扩大的时期,大遗址的保护与城市的发展往往形成相当的矛盾,出现许多新的问题.本文通过成阳西汉帝陵群保护的实例,探讨这一类型保护规划值得注意的共性问题.  相似文献   

本文针对古城遗址在城市建设中的保护与利用的问题,以辽阳“东京城”遗址为例,通过对遗址现状、价值、城市背景、旅游背景以及现实问题的论述,对比论证了“东京城”遗址保护与利用的思路,并提出了概念性规划,为古城遗址的保护与开发提供规划思路.  相似文献   

近些年,随着徐州市经济的发展,城市化进程的步伐也在不断加快,尤其是新区建设,旧城开发的推进,如何处理好城市建设与历史文化保护这一矛盾体,已经成为目前需要重点解决的现实问题。本文通过对徐州市在城市建设中历史文化保护方面存在的问题进行分析,为更好的实现历史文化的保护和发展提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

首先简要介绍了土地利用规划的概念、城市大遗址可持续性土地利用规划的基本原则及城市大遗址土地利用规划的双目标性,然后着重论述从城市大遗址区土地目标规划、保护区划与功能规划、结构规划三步构建城市大遗址区可持续土地利用景观生态规划模式。最后,认为通过对大遗址土地持续利用管理的五点要求以及城市大遗址地区可持续发展的两大基本目标相整合,可以实现土地利用的可持续性以及城市大遗址区的可持续发展。  相似文献   

随着北京城市建设的发展,北京作为历史悠久的古都,它的每一处文物古迹如何在城市大规模改造建设的形势下得以保护,这是一个备受关注的话题。2001年北京在东城墙遗址上兴建了第一个城墙遗址公园——皇城根遗址公园;明城墙遗址公园工程也在2001年12月开工,并在日前建成并向公众开放。这两处古城墙遗址公园不仅景色优美、绿树成阴、视野开阔、构思独特,更是尽力恢复了明城墙原貌,再现了北京古都的历史风韵。  相似文献   

快速城镇化背景下,大遗址的保护与其所在区域的经济社会发展之间产生明显博弈。作为中国大遗址的突出代表,汉长安城遗址长年来一直存在着"保护限制发展,发展破坏保护"的双输局面;其保护规划更缘于文物部门与地方政府在保护范围、保护措施、居民搬迁等区域利益上的分歧而面临"编制难、审批难、实施更难"的窘况。在此背景下,新近编制的汉长安城遗址保护总体规划以遗址保护与区域发展的协调为指针,在规划技术路线、规划目标与原则、规划内容上均进行了有益的探索与创新。  相似文献   

子荷 《中国新时代》2005,(10):62-64
“地产,什么是地产?住宅地产小学生可以做,酒店住宅高中生可以做,到了高级地产,就是商业地产,需要研究生才能做,需要一定的文化基础。”商业资深管理人士王良(化名),对此话相当推崇。“但现实是,好多地产商根本不管商业的规律,以为只要盖了楼就可以卖。”王良颇有些痛心地说。1  相似文献   

This essay surveys recent artistic, literary and philosophical treatments of landscape that use metaphors of ruination, remoteness and the periphery. The discussion primarily focuses on Patrick Keiller's recent works, particularly his film Robinson in Ruins, the account of remote spaces in Paul Farley and Michael Symmons Roberts' book Edgelands, and a collection of essays by Stavros Stavrides on peripheral urban spaces, Towards the City of Thresholds. These treatments of landscape offer an attention to the social significance of spaces overlooked within wider cultural representations of place. It is suggested that all three illustrate the argument that mundane spaces can be read and translated into politicized landscapes offering alternative readings of past events, as well as potential directions for future forms of sociality.  相似文献   

This essay analyzes the political economy of the urban ruins captured in Greg Girard's photo album Phantom Shanghai. Rather than being marginal, irrelevant or merely objects for nostalgia, the ruins of buildings produced by real estate speculation offer crucial insights into the workings of the urban political economy and reflect wider trends of urban governance. Examining how building ruins come about in the first place and how they are represented in visual media can help us better understand the processes of urbanization and place making, and the central role of destruction in contemporary Chinese urbanism. This essay illustrates this point by analyzing the economic function, political legitimation and cultural significance of demolitions and ruins in urban China.  相似文献   

This debate section gathers together contributions from cultural historians, political geographers, urban sociologists and architectural writers on new forms of ruination in contemporary landscapes. Their case studies span examples of ruins in China, North America, Ireland and Ukraine, as well as reviewing cultural representations of ruined, remote and peripheral spaces in England and Greece. Many wider cultural representations of ruined landscapes are primarily visual; whilst these have great value in alerting wider publics to the debris of global capitalism, neoliberalism and state‐sanctioned processes of cultural imperialism, what is needed within academic contributions to the ruinology literature is a deeper understanding and articulation of the wider contexts within which ruination occurs. Therefore, several contributions supplement visual representations of ruination with ethnographic and first‐person accounts of places on the ground, whereas other contributions offer readings of ruined landscapes that are rich in political histories and policy details. Connections are made to wider contemporary debates around ‘forensic architecture’ and critical archaeologies of the present and recent past. What connects these contributions is a commitment to situating ruins within their historical, policy and social contexts, and working through ruination to open out political readings of landscape.  相似文献   

A key question in urban sociology is how people interpret the urban environment. At a time when cities are increasingly militarized, this question is particularly important for understanding how militarism impacts urban life. However, urban sociologists have not addressed how people experience militarized environments. This article turns to this question by considering the case of Lydda‐Lod, an Israeli city that has been demographically and physically transformed by war, displacement and securitization. Drawing on Wacquant's sociology of spatial stigma and adding insights from works on emotions in (post‐)conflict cities, I examine how poor Palestinians think and feel about the surveilled districts where they live within the city's broader landscape of ruins. I show how the Israeli military, security and policing agencies have collectively produced spatial stigmatization of these districts. I discuss how Palestinians respond to this spatial stigma by attaching a sense of worthlessness to their districts. However, this reproduction of spatial stigma is punctuated by expressions of care for the built environment and by a desire to revalorize collective Palestinian life in the city. I conclude by discussing how a perspective on militarized cities focused on everyday responses to militarism and attentive to marginalities enriches urban sociology and urban studies more generally.  相似文献   

In the wake of the global financial crisis, and as Europe's financial and fiscal woes continue, Ireland's beleaguered economy has attracted a great deal of scrutiny, with much made of the country's status as one of the PIIGS and the fact that it was bailed out by the troika of the IMF, EU and ECB in November 2010. Whilst most attention has been directed at Ireland's banks and the strategy of the Irish government in managing the crisis, substantial interest (both nationally and internationally) has been focused on the property sector and in particular the phenomenon of so‐called ‘ghost estates’ (or, in official terms, unfinished estates). As of October 2011 there were 2,846 such estates in Ireland, and they have come to visibly symbolize the collapse of Ireland's ‘Celtic Tiger’ economy. In this essay, we examine the unfinished estates phenomenon, placing them within the context of Ireland's property boom during the Celtic Tiger years, and conceptualize them as ‘new ruins’ created through the search for a spatial fix by speculative capitalism in a time of neoliberalism. We detail the characteristics and geography of such estates, the various problems afflicting the estates and their residents, and the Irish government's response to those problems. In the final section we examine the estates as exemplars of new ruins, the remainder and reminder of Celtic Tiger excess.  相似文献   

在青海大学的校园中,由于部分地区绿化及道路配置不合理,造成了草坪的破坏现象。本文通过对破坏现象的观察,根据环境心理学分析其破坏的原因,提出适宜青海大学现状恢复及保护方案。  相似文献   

城市中大遗址所在区域往往人居环境脏乱,通过城市更新生产新的空间,既要关注其物质环境的改善效果,更要分析其空间生产过程中的资本化现象、空间生产的动力机制以及空间生产中社会关系的重建等问题。大明宫遗址区域城市更新是在政府、资本与文化的共同推动下完成的,在城市更新的过程中调整了地方政府之间以及遗址区公众之间的社会关系,研究建议进一步加强文化资源保护与利用、促进空间正义以优化空间生产。  相似文献   

石婷婷 《价值工程》2012,31(26):59-61
大明宫遗址区保护改造工程是一项以展示盛唐文化、盛世文化、和谐文化、生态景观为特色,集文化、旅游、商贸、休闲服务为一体的文物保护示范园区和民生工程。大明宫遗址保护展示工程,出发点就是要保护遗址、传承文明。本文即对大明宫国家遗址公园进行深入了解,在保护遗址的同时,扩大它在文化,经济,社会等方面的影响,就要对它进行深度开发,如何协调保护与开发的平衡是本文研究的主要内容。  相似文献   

Since the 1950s, the construction of public works has been a significant element of Italy's focus on modernization. Numerous instances of malpractice have resulted in frequent failures of this form of development, with the result that many projects have remained unfinished for decades. In 2007, a group of artists called Alterazioni Video declared these ‘ruins of modernity’ to be a romanticized architectural style; in doing so, their aim is to imbue the sites with new value and dignity. This article uses the artists’ argument as a point of departure to theorize about unfinished public works within the framework of interdisciplinary literatures on modern ruins. In addition, since modern ruins by definition hold a critical meaning––which the artists deliberately excluded from their narrative––the article takes into account the obscure political and economic circumstances causing this phenomenon. After remarking upon specificities and similarities to unfinished neoliberal topographies generated by the 2008 financial crisis, it is concluded that unfinished public works in Italy represent an interesting case serving to enrich debates on incompletion.  相似文献   

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