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Many studies find a negative effect of non‐native English speaking instructors on students' performance in universities where the language of instruction is English. However, the negative effect observed in the existing literature is not found in the study by Fleisher, Hashimoto and Weinberg (2002) , which uses the sample of instructors who received training in the Ohio State University's PhD programme. In many economics departments in Australia, mainly because their PhD programmes are not large enough, it is unrealistic to have all the tutors trained in the methods recommended in Fleisher, Hashimoto and Weinberg (2002) . This gives rise to a potential negative impact of non‐native English speaking tutors on students' performance. Nevertheless, by analysing the panel data drawn from first‐year quantitative methods, microeconomics and macroeconomics courses in an Australian university, we find no statistically significant difference in the effectiveness of small class teaching between native and non‐native English speaking tutors.  相似文献   

This paper explores the effects of different language home environments provided by English‐speaking and non‐English‐speaking migrant domestic workers (MDW) on Hong Kong children's ability to speak English. Results show that English‐speaking MDW in working‐mother households increase children's likelihood of speaking English by 12% if the mother in the household does not speak English but by 25% if the mother in the household is capable of speaking English. Non‐English‐speaking MDW, however, are found to have little such effects. Age and education are two qualities of English‐speaking MDW that are significantly associated with improvements in children's English‐speaking ability and their English school subject.  相似文献   

商务英语属于一般语言学科和商务管理学科的交叉学科,其语体具有明显特征。在商务英语活动中运用项目教学法,可以将理论和实践有效结合起来,让学生模拟商务活动,学习商务活动沟通技巧,从而实现应用型人才培养的教学目标。  相似文献   

李海英 《经济研究导刊》2011,(14):288+320-288,320
随着经济全球化的发展,国际间交流的日益增强。英语在交流沟通中起着越来越重要的作用,因此,英语口语也越来越得到重视。但目前的现状是学生学习了几年的英语却不敢开口。若要改变哑巴英语的现况,提高大学生英语口语水平,就需要教师在教学方法上有所改变,更新教育观念,真正达到口语教学的目的。  相似文献   

传统的大学英语教学过多关注于生词的解析和重点语言点及句型的罗列,忽视了从语篇、文章的内在含义把握课文,不利于学生综合能力的提高。应用功能文体学的理论,可使学生更集中于文本。提高他们理解文体的能力,通过语言分析的实践,学生能够达到既可以欣赏文章内容又可以巩固和掌握语言的基础知识,提高学生的英语写作能力的双重目的。  相似文献   

听力教学是英语教学中的一个重要步骤,通过自身听力教学的实践总结出对听力教学的几点建议。在听力教学过程中,教师要重视提高学生学习的兴趣及学生的英语基础知识,采取形式多样的教学手段,提高学生的听力技巧等,达到提高学生听力水平的目的。  相似文献   

语音是语言基础,所以学习任何一门外语,首先就要学会正确语音和语调。本文论证的中心是:如何在俄语强化训练中掌握正确的语音。主要面对无俄语基础而又希望在较短时期内学会最基础会话的学员,学会正确的发音是他们学习俄语的第一步,也是至关重要的一步。结合自己教学实践,笔者针对学生(非俄语专业)在强化学习过程中容易出现的语音错误,及如何纠正,做了大至总结。目的是为了让学生在学习语音时,克服干扰,少走弯路,为今后的学习打下良好基础。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化进程的加快,对国际商务人员的英语也有着越来越高的要求,所以,高校中国际贸易专业学生的英语教学工作也显得越来越重要。我国高校教学改革的出发点和目的是学科知识和语言能力的"双丰收"。以认知心理学为基础,思考现阶段国贸专业的英语教学是高校教师的关注点,其中十分注重根据国贸专业学生学习外语的特点对专业用途英语教学(ESP)进行研究。  相似文献   

任务型教学法是指通过任务来计划组织语言教学的一种途径和方式,强调在做中学,注重培养学生应用能力和创新能力的一种新型的教学法,通过感知体验实践参与和合作等方式让学生在完成任务的过程中体验成功的喜悦,提高学习兴趣。文章根据Jan Willis提出的任务型教学法课堂教学的三个步骤,探讨了任务型教学法在高校英语教学中的运用以及设计任务时需注意的问题。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the effects of contingent instructors on education outcomes in the context of higher education in developing countries. Exploiting the features of Chinese higher education system, we are able to exclude the confounding effects of student selection and heterogeneous marking standards. Although students of contingent instructors appear to perform as well as their fellow students taught by full-time instructors, we find the evidence that contingent instructors utilize lower marking standards, resulting an inflation of the scores of their students, which masks the negative impacts of their teaching. Our results suggest that contingent instructors have a significantly negative impact on education outcomes. While exposure to contingent instructors may affect the probability of students taking more challenging courses in the following term, the longer-term impacts on education outcomes are negligible.  相似文献   

Using a large multi-school sample, the authors examined how the characteristics and attitudes of students interact with the pedagogy and attributes of the instructor to influence students' decisions to study economics beyond the first semester. They found that students who have a predisposition to major in economics, who find economics relevant, who believe they understand economics as well as their classmates, and who expect higher grades in economics relative to their other classes are more likely to continue. They found evidence that teaching techniques and evaluation methods influence all of these factors except for the predisposition to major in economics. Some, but not all, of these techniques are particularly successful in influencing the decisions of female students.  相似文献   

基础教育课程改革的一个重要方面是把培养学生的情感列入课程教学目标。现代大学英语教学要求我们在英语教学中不但要重视培养学生的语言知识和语言技能,更要关注学生情感态度的发展。  相似文献   

通过阐释"行为—认知"教学法的理论依据及它在大学英语教学中的运用,旨在让广大教师在中国现阶段高校的英语教学环境下了解"行为—认知"教学法,并且在这种教学方法的指导下提出具体可行的教学方案并落实到日常的英语教学中去。  相似文献   

新疆各高校在少数民族学生中开展英语教育已有近二十年的历史。就普遍意义而言,少数民族学生的英语教学质量和学生的整体英语水平并没有大幅度或者是明显提高。少数民族大学生在语言(二语)学习中存在着语言基础障碍、历史文化障碍、情感心理障碍、语言差异障碍、学习动机等障碍,教师应正视这些障碍的存在,选择有效的学习策略,帮助学生养成良好的学习习惯,增强其学习动机,从而最终提高英语教学质量。  相似文献   

英语写作能力的培养是英语教学中的重要环节。要在有限的时间内用英语准确、流畅地按要求写出短文,必须以掌握大量的英语词汇为基础,改掉先写中文再写英文的习惯,通过不断地练习达到用英语进行思维,同时还要注意英汉两种语言文化的上的差异,这样,才能写出一篇较满意的英语短文。  相似文献   

Gravity model explanations of trade volumes frequently include dummy variables to account for the commonality of language among trading partners. In this paper we use a data set for the number of people in a country who speak English as a first language or English as a second language (Crystal, 1997) as an indicator of the ease with which trade with the United States occurs. Controlling for commodity fixed effects we use SITC three digit industry data centred on 1995 United States bilateral trade with 33 countries to determine the effect of the degree of language commonality on bilateral trade. Both English as a first language and English as a second language are found to be less important for exports than for imports. This is true for all three digit industries as well as when the specific industry groups identified in Rauch (1999) are considered.  相似文献   

Survey data from PhD-granting economics departments are used to assess the teaching preparation of graduate students in economics. The results show that relatively few departments require graduate student instructors to take a credit course in teaching before teaching their own course or leading a recitation section. Although more graduate student instructors are required to take a noncredit course in teaching before serving as an instructor or recitation leader, the value of such noncredit courses may be limited. The assessment of teaching preparation by department chairs shows mixed responses, with about three-fifths rating it as very good or good and about two-fifths considering it to be only adequate or poor. Recommendations are offered for improving the teaching preparation of graduate student instructors in economics.  相似文献   

英美文学课不仅是学好语言的最佳手段,更是素质教育和人文精神培养的有效途径。鉴于目前普通高等教育英美文学教学的现状和中国全面推行素质教育的急迫形势,英美文学课程必须大胆改革,构建新型教学模式,激活文学课的原动力。重点探讨更适合学生综合素质开发的“以学生为中心”的英美文学教学模式,为英美文学课教学改革提供新思路、新途径。  相似文献   

The valuable insights of game theory sometimes remain out of reach for students who are overwhelmed by the subject's complexity. Comic book applications of game theory, with superheroes as players, can facilitate enthusiasm and classroom interaction to enhance the learning of game theory. Drawing from content in superhero movies and books, the authors construct games to illustrate pure-strategy Nash equilibrium, Bayes-Nash equilibrium, mixed strategies, sub-game perfection, and perfect Bayesian equilibrium. To help instructors build students' skills in finding and interpreting game solutions, they translate comic book scenarios into specific game forms; however, not all scenarios are obvious so they suggest instructors help students develop their own game-theoretic judgments to determine what game forms, payoffs, and solution concepts might be appropriate for understanding a situation.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors discuss the results of a study of the perceptions of a national sample of economics faculty members from various institutions regarding the use of social media as a teaching tool in and out of the economics classroom. In the past few years, social media has become globally popular, and its use is ubiquitous among students. As such, some instructors have incorporated social media into their courses to engage students. Others are reluctant to embrace social media, citing privacy concerns, social media being more of a distraction than a useful tool, and the challenge of keeping up with social media developments, among others. The authors characterize economics faculty's perceptions of the use of social media platforms for economic instruction.  相似文献   

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