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一、生态工业园区工业共生微观支持体系微观生态工业园区工业共生支持体系主要包括:核心企业、园区中介组织、核心生态共生企业、竞争对手和公众五个方面。(一)工业共生核心企业在生态工业园工业共生体系中,核心企业的确定是整个生态工业园区建设的重中之重。它决  相似文献   

面向生态工业园的工业共生体成长影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工业共生体是实施可持续发展战略、发展循环经济的具体实现形式,是生态工业园建设中的核心内容。以面向EIP的工业共生体为研究对象,探析工业共生体成长过程的影响因素,以期为我国生态工业园的建设与发展提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

在哥本哈根会议后所倡导的全球低碳经济的大背景下,各国都在试图寻找适合本国的低碳经济发展模式。工业共生是一种低碳的循环经济发展模式,可以有效解决企业间的资源和能源浪费,实现生态环境与经济的双重优化和协调发展。但是,工业共生需要前期的精密规划、协调和高额投资,仅仅依靠企业自身的力量很难实现,需要政府提供关键的保障和支持。政府到底应该怎样保障和支持工业共生呢?本文借鉴欧洲和美国的经验,以贵港生态工业园为案例,归纳出政府在工业共生中的作用,不应该是规划师,而应该是“制度供给者”与“协调者”。政府要发挥其作为第三方的独立性与权威性,以“市场机制”为基础,“政府协调”为辅助,弥补市场失灵,制定鼓励企业相互交换副产品、提高资源使用效率的政策与财政支持,减少企业因微小冲突就中断共生关系的可能性,创造诚信共生的园区氛围。  相似文献   

生态工业园工业共生网络治理研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
目前,生态工业园作为一种园区经济的载体,日益受到世界各国的青睐,并在一些国家已经初具规模。工业共生网络作为生态工业园内的企业组织形式,其稳定性和安全性决定了生态工业园的存亡。就目前来看,生态工业园内一些企业采取投机行为,以追求自身利益最大化,严重威胁着工业共生网络的成功运行。为此,对投机行为进行治理迫在眉睫。本文对生态工业园工业共生网络中的投机行为进行了研究,并结合工业共生网络的特点,提出四种治理范式且进一步研究了每种治理范式的特点、应用范围和适用条件,同时也提出了相关对策和建议。  相似文献   

有关生态工业园内涵的表述很多,但笔者认为,生态工业园(EIP)是为了实现循环经济和可持续发展理念,企业相互依存而形成的企业共生体系.  相似文献   

本文在深入阐述工业共生及其效益的基础上,以九发工业园为例,详细分析了涉农企业发展生态工业园带来的经济效益、环境效益和社会效益,指出涉农企业应立足农业特点,借鉴工业生态学原理,积极构建农工商结合的生态产业体系。  相似文献   

工业共生效益分析——以九发工业园为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在深入阐述工业共生及其效益的基础上,以九发工业园为例,详细分析了涉农企业发展生态工业园带来的经济效益、环境效益和社会效益,指出涉农企业应立足农业特点,借鉴工业生态学原理,积极构建农工商结合的生态产业体系.  相似文献   

生态工业园是循环经济的重要载体和实践手段。根据园区内企业之间产业共生关系的不同,生态工业园可以分为两类:在不同企业契约式共生基础上构建的生态工业园和同一企业集团内生式共生基础上构建的生态工业园。根据矫正市场外部性主体的不同,该文针对这两类生态工业园提出了不同的推进机制。  相似文献   

生态工业园共生网络是健全的构造和良好的运作机理成为影响生态工业园稳定性的关键环节。文章确立了关于生态工业园共生网络及其治理的概念模型,在遵循标本兼治的共生网络治理目标下,着重对生态工业园企业的共生本质和共生网络运作机制进行了数学分析,对国内当前共生网络运作中普遍存在的问题进行了分析,且以此为切入点创新了生态工业园共生网络治理路径和完善了共生网络治理的对策建议。  相似文献   

生态工业园建设中的政府角色   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
世界各国建设生态工业园的实践表明,不仅政府宏观战略选择、政策法规的制定实施是生态工业园建立的契机,而且政府为发展经济所进行的规划引导、基础设施建设、政策环境完善、优质服务提供是实现产业生态化发展、企业生态化转型的必要条件。政府的制度安排及职能设定也就是政府与企业、社区各成员的关系确定及处理问题,其最终取决于政府对自身在社会、经济活动中的角色定位。因此,在生态工业园建设过程中,对政府角色的正确定位是至关重要的。本文引入信息经济学中“委托—代理”理论,以分析生态工业园建设中对政府与企业关系,对政府角色进行…  相似文献   

企业科技成果转化的政府财税政策研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
孟卫东  杨琰 《技术经济》2010,29(3):13-16
本文基于博弈的视角,采用逆向归纳法对企业和政府各自的行为决策进行分析,研究了垄断市场下政府推动企业科技成果转化的财税政策。研究结果表明:政府采用财税政策能够激励企业科技成果转化;对生产日常必需品的企业宜采用税收优惠政策,对生产非日常必需品的企业以及奢侈品的企业宜根据产品固定成本的比例来选择补贴方式,对固定成本比例高而变动成本比例很低的企业宜采用投入补贴的方式,对固定成本比例低而变动成本比例高的企业宜采用税收优惠的方式。以上结论对政府部门科学选择补贴方式具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

从政府管理金融国有资产的宏观角度,对国内外金融企业高管的激励与约束研究进行了梳理:首先立足于解决金融市场的信息不对称,维护金融稳定的角度,总结了金融转型过程中,坚持国有化手段和金融国有资产存在的必要性;接着根据委托代理理论,提出了政府管理金融国有资产的两个基本宏观委托目标———金融效率和金融稳定,并提出应该在多目标任务委托代理模型下建立研究政府委托目标达成的激励约束机制分析框架;基于该分析框架,分别从金融效率达成的激励与约束、金融稳定达成的激励与约束等方面对现有的研究成果进行回顾和总结;最后提出了金融国有资产运作中激励约束机制的设计展望。  相似文献   

Unions, government's preference, and privatization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By introducing the government's preference for tax revenues into the theoretical framework of unionized mixed oligopolies, this study investigates the efficiency of privatization. The results are twofold. First, regardless of the government's preference for tax revenues and the number of private firms, the government and the public firm do not always have an incentive to privatize the public firm even if the government places lesser emphasis on the tax revenues than on social welfare. Second, social welfare increases with an increased number of private firms regardless of the government's preference for tax revenues and decreases with the government's preference for tax revenues regardless of the number of private firms. Hence, the government can use tax more efficiently as a commitment device to control the union's wage demand so as to maintain lower wage level under unionized mixed oligopoly.  相似文献   

本文从动态角度运用面板数据分析中的随机效应模型实证研究了上海市政府的科技激励政策对大中型工业企业自筹的R&D投入及其专利产出的影响。本文认为 ,政府的科技拨款资助和税收减免这两个政策工具对大中型工业企业增加自筹的R&D投入都具有积极效果 ,并且政府的拨款资助越稳定效果越好 ;政府拨款资助和税收减免互为补充 ,提高一个的强度也会增加另一个的效果 ,但这个效应以政府税收减免为主。不同来源的R&D支出和不同等级的人力资源对专利产出的影响是不同的 ,自筹的R&D支出对专利产出有着显著的正面作用。  相似文献   

In this paper an analysis of the U.K. government's air pollution emissions policy for the residential sector is undertaken. The analysis covers emissions arising from water and space heating, electric appliances and cooking appliances. Using an integrated economic-engineering model, the effects of the Energy Savings Trust and the imposition of Value Added Tax on residential fuel will be evaluated in terms of energy consumption and pollution emissions. It is found that the initial proposed policy was not sufficiently stringent to meet the government's environmental objectives, and that subsequent events have undermined the government's programme even further. Unless alternative policies are introduced, emissions from the residential sector will play an important role in jeopardizing the ability of the U.K. government to meet its international obligations.  相似文献   

政府对市场机制的扭曲是转换经济增长方式的最大障碍,探析政府行为阻碍增长方式转变的微观机制有助于解决增长方式难以转变的问题.从土地这一政府掌握的重要资源出发,研究了增长偏好型政府扭曲土地市场的行为及其对不同技术类型企业产生的影响,分析了这种影响下产生的低水平重复建设对产业升级的阻碍以及粗放型增长方式路径依赖的形成,进而在此基础上提出了相应的政策建议.  相似文献   

This article suggests that Australia could benefit from observing more closely Singapore's current development strategy. The production of labour intensive manufactures primarily by foreign firms and for export formed the core of Singapore's successful economic advance in the 1960s and 1970s. While a factor endowment strength—comparatively cheap labour—lay behind this achievement, the Singapore government actively supplemented this strength by creating a business environment highly favourable to the needs of foreign investors.
With full employment and rising wage levels since then, Singapore lost its comparative advantage in the production of low wage manufactures to other East Asian countries. Recently, its development has been based more on created than inherited advantages. The Singapore government argues that the resources crucial to sustained per capita income advance in middle and higher income countries are not natural resources but rather information, technology, investible funds, research and development (R&D) spending and professional people. Singapore aims to develop its business environment to attract such resources to Singapore.
The government's vision for Singapore is a nation where the share of professional and highly skilled manpower in the workforce rises over time. This employment goal informs the government's approach to all policy matters: infrastructure development, education, urban development, microeconomic reform, taxation, fiscal, monetary and exchange rate policy, support for manufacturing and service activities, and attitudes to foreign investors.
By comparison with Australia, Singapore has a very level playing field. The government sees no conflict between intervening to attempt to create competitive advantage while vigorously pursuing microeconomic reforms to make the playing field in Singapore still more level.  相似文献   

目前 ,绝大部分西部省、市、自治区均提出将旅游业作为支柱产业来培育 ,但政府在其中扮演怎样的角色成为一个倍受关注的话题。本文认为 ,政府应该在西部旅游开发中发挥主导作用 ,并界定了政府发挥主导作用的领域 ,就政府在西部旅游开发中如何发挥主导作用进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

The federal government's role as a direct producer in a non-defense, non-distressed American industry is unique to electric power. This participation arose during the first three decades of the twentieth century; it was politically controversial then and remains so today. We seek to explain how and why the federal government got into the electric utility business. The convergence of technological, economic, and political forces paved the way for federal participation. The growth of long-distance transmission networks and the success of the Progressive movement were important factors. Because so many dam sites with hydroelectric potential were on public lands in western states, and because hydroelectricity could help pay for those dams, even conservative Republicans like Herbert Hoover came to accept the involvement of the federal government. After the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932, the federal government accepted the task with enthusiasm as part of a plan for the economic development of entire river basins.  相似文献   

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