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在扩大开放条件下,中国金融服务业的大门开始真正全方位向外资银行敞开。信用卡业务,作为快速提升银行盈利能力的新兴业务领域,必是中外资银行竞争的焦点。信用卡的服务定价问题,是信用卡产业发展的核心。本文在讨论我国信用卡发卡行定价行为特征的基础上,着重分析了信用卡年费竞争的不利影响,提出规范引导下的合作双赢才能够引导发卡行走出信用卡年费定价的恶性竞争。  相似文献   

金官旺 《经济师》2005,(7):52-52
1.信用卡的盈利水平较低。信用卡的盈利途径包括信用卡的透支利息、从特约商户那里提取的手续费及信用卡的年费.但各行为争市场份额,不计成本的竞争,如免年费和免存取手续费等,降低了信用卡的业务收入。  相似文献   

本文试从分析信用卡组织及商业银行在从事信用卡业务过程中发生的成本与从该业务中获得的收益入手,逐步分析勾勒出信用卡运行体系的框架,说明信用卡交换费的制定在整个信用卡交易体系中处于中心位置,对整个体系的运作效率有着重要的影响.  相似文献   

随着我国银行卡产业的发展,银行卡发卡量和交易量的迅速增加,使得公众对银行卡收费以及银行卡交换费的关注度上升。本文通过银行卡定价模型研究交换费定价问题,结果表明交换费的存在具有一定的合理性,但是最优交换费的确定存在困难。交换费的集合定价并不一定意味着垄断,交换费是否应该统一不可一概而论,消费者和商户的刷卡便利、发卡行与收单行边际成本等是影响交换费水平的重要因素,其中刷卡便利、发卡行成本增加会增加交换费,收单行边际成本增加会降低交换费。  相似文献   

随着信用卡业务的进一步发展,信用卡风险发生也越来越频繁。在信用卡的发行、使用、结算的诸多环节都可能存在风险,而且随着发卡行、特约商户和持卡人的增多,信用卡风险体现出涉及面广、风险种类多样、危害性大的特点,使得加强信用卡风险管理对发卡行具有重要作用。  相似文献   

王光华 《时代经贸》2007,5(5X):159-160
本文试从分析信用卡组织及商业银行在从事信用卡业务过程中发生的成本与从该业务中获得的收益入手,逐步分析勾勒出信用卡运行体系的框架,说明信用卡交换费的制定在整个信用卡交易体系中处于中心位置,对整个体系的运作效率有着重要的影响。  相似文献   

张志欣 《经济师》1999,(10):77-78
信用卡自本世纪初问世以来发展迅速,现已成为全球化、大众性的支付工具。在我国,信用卡正在被越来越多的消费者认可和接受。但是,由于诸多原因,当前我国信用卡经营的风险很大,严重影响了银行经营效益和业务拓展,制约着信用卡在我国的推广和发展。为此,深入分析信用卡经营的风险及其产生的原因,积极寻求防范信用卡风险的途径和措施,是银行经营的当务之急。一、当前我国信用卡业务经营中的主要风险当前,我国银行信用卡业务的风险来自多方面,——既有来自持卡人和特约商户的风险,也有来自银行内部的风险,还有被冒用形成的风险。(…  相似文献   

吴丹 《时代经贸》2011,(20):177-178
信用卡在经济垒球化地今天扮演着十分重要的角色。由于经济的快速发展和居民消费水平的提高,我国的信用卡实现了快速的发展。信用卡是商业银行盈利的一个重要手段,同时也是高风险、高收益的产业,持卡人的冒险心理、发卡行的管理不善、国外银行信用卡的竞争等因素都说明了信用卡系统存在的风险,防范信用卡系统风险是一个非常重要的任务。本文主要从四个方面来综述信用卡系统风险防范,分别是我国信用卡的发展历史以及现状、我国银行信用卡系统风险的种类、我国银行信用卡系统风险产生的原因、我国银行信用卡系统风险防范的措施。希望中国的信用卡系统能更加完善,避免不必要的风险。  相似文献   

论信用卡风险管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、信用卡风险管理的必要性和作用 由于信用卡业务风险的发生具有涉及面广、种类多样、危害性大等特点,使得加强信用卡风险管理对发卡行具有重要作用。不论是在信用卡风险发生前还是在风险发生后,加强信用卡风险管理都很有必要。加强信用卡风险管理对社会、对信用卡当事人特别是对发卡行具有重要意义。  相似文献   

央行为了激励各商业银行增设ATM而批准开征跨行费,我们的研究表明,跨行费制却打击了各商业银行增设ATM的激励。本文以Salop环形城市模型分析了跨行取款不收费制、跨行费制、额外费制下银行在ATM业务上的成本收益情况,本文有意义的结论主要有:当交换费等于ATM的边际成本时,两种费制都会使银行达到利润最大化;在纯粹ATM业务上,跨行费是战略替代的,额外费是战略互补的;在银行竞争上,跨行费是战略互补的,额外费是战略替代的。  相似文献   

Attempts to explain high and sticky credit card rates have given rise to a vast literature on credit card markets. This article endeavors to explain the rates in the Turkish market using measures of nonprice competition. In this market, issuers compete monopolistically by differentiating their credit card products. The fact that consumers perceive credit cards and all other banking services as a bundle allows banks to also employ bank level characteristics to differentiate their credit cards. Thus, the features and service quality of banks are expected to affect credit card rates. Panel data estimations also control for various costs associated with credit card lending. The results show that nonprice competition variables have significant and robust effects on credit card rates. (JEL G21, G28, O16)  相似文献   

回顾信用卡业务在我国的发展历程、分析信用卡业务的发展现状,不难发现中国已成为全球信用卡业务增长最快、发展潜力最大的市场。作为未来消费信贷的重要增长点,在金融行业民间资本准入制度的放开、全球化进程不断深入、移动互联快速普及的大数据时代,民间资本、外资银行对信用卡业务的广泛渗透,以及互联网金融的创新发展,必将导致国内信用卡业务参与方关系日趋复杂,信用卡市场竞争日趋激烈。因此,信用卡业务发展过程中所面临的问题及发行风险不容忽视。文中采用行为概率及效用函数的方法对信用卡消费行为进行博弈分析,应用行为分析的结果,对信用卡业务中诸如个人信用登记评估制度,发卡机构营销、审批机制和产品附加值,消费管理和奖惩制度及法律法规制定等相关问题进行了剖析,系统分析了银行信用卡发行过程中的风险,并对信用卡市场的健康发展提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

This paper introduces monopolistically competitive financial intermediaries into the New Keynesian DSGE setting. Modelling bank market power explicitly contributes to understanding two empirical facts: (i) The short-run transmission of changes in money market rates to bank retail rates is far from complete and heterogeneous. (ii) Stiffer competition among commercial banks implies that loan rates correlate more tightly with the policy rate. In my model, the degree of monopolistic competition in the banking sector has a sizeable impact on the pass-through of changes in the policy rate. In particular, a more competitive market for bank credit amplifies the efficiency of monetary policy.  相似文献   

We present a duopoly model of financial competition to describe the conditions under which competition leads to greater bank effort when repressed financial systems ration credit. The model features an entrant that freely sets its interest rate, and an incumbent that must charge a rate below that which is market clearing. Both players may exert costly effort to inform themselves about borrower types. Using data on rural financial institutions in China, we test empirically the effects of competition on deposit growth, loan portfolio composition, repayment rates, and other effort measures, finding positive effects of competition on effort and financial performance.  相似文献   

商业银行信贷风险分析及对策研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
商业银行作为经营货币的金融中介组织,自有资本占比低这一特点决定了其本身具有较强的内在风险特性,而银行贷款质量的优劣,信贷资产所面临风险的大小,对银行的经营成果乃至生存发展有着至关重要的影响。目前中国商业银行信贷风险管理中存在着一定的问题和缺陷,这使得中国的商业银行在参与国际金融市场的竞争中处于不利的地位。  相似文献   

银行业竞争与企业金融化有多种关联机制,既可能加剧企业金融化,也可能抑制企业金融化。本文利用2007—2019年沪深两市A股非金融类上市公司的面板数据,考察了二者之间的关系。结果发现:(1)竞争性的银行业市场结构抑制了企业金融化。(2)银行业竞争不仅缓解了债务成本对企业利润的侵蚀,有助于缩小金融行业与实体企业之间的利润率差距,进而抑制企业利润追逐动机的金融化行为,而且通过引导信贷资源配置促进了企业创新,从而对实体企业金融投资产生挤出效应;此外,银行业竞争还通过促使银行积极发挥信息监督作用,抑制了企业内部人金融投机套利的机会主义行为。(3)银行业竞争对企业金融化的抑制效应在非国有企业、中小企业以及市场化水平较低地区的企业中更为显著。这些结果说明,提高银行业竞争水平有助于抑制企业金融化趋势,扭转经济“脱实向虚”的局面。  相似文献   

Using a proprietary account‐level database from a commercial bank in China, we document that credit card holders can ease their credit constraints through the practice of cash‐out based on bogus transactions using credit cards. We find that such behaviour might be beneficial to both cardholders and banks. First, we find that a 1% increase in the cumulative number of credit card cash‐out transactions lowers the probability of default by 9.59%. Second, for private businesses, a 1% increase in the number of abnormal cash‐out transactions lowers overdue risk by 13.45%. Third, by lowering the overdue risk, the card‐issuing bank earns a larger profit. Our results are consistent with the notion that unconventional credit card cash‐out can mitigate the extent of capital misallocation in emerging markets.  相似文献   

金融仓储服务是仓储服务与金融服务相结合的创新融资服务模式之一,诞生以来,在支持中小微企业实现动产融资和转型升级、支持三农产业发展、扩展银行服务外包、扩大社会就业、支持社会诚信建设等方面发挥着一定作用。金融仓储服务也获得了政府、专家学者、银行和中小微企业的高度认同。目前,新的金融仓储服务机构不断涌现,体现了良好的社会价值。  相似文献   

Part of the Polish transformation process has been an opening of the domestic financial market to foreign entrants. While the number of multinational banks (MNBs) has risen from zero to 15 within six years, the ratio of bank credit to private and public enterprises relative to GDP decreased continuously after 1991. In this paper, I develop an argument as to why these two trends may be connected. Further, using monthly data provided by the weekly Polish publication Gazeta Bankowa, the National Bank of Poland, the Central Statistical Office, the BIS and the IMF, I test the hypothesis that more MNB entry may lead to a declining credit supply during the early stages of the transition process. Multivariate regression results indicate that more MNB entry results in a lower credit supply by Polish banks during the early transition phase. This result holds regardless of the measurement of international financial competition, and regardless of a bank's history, and it is only partially affected by a bank's location. More importantly, the overall impact of increased international financial competition on the credit supply of Polish banks is strong enough to lower the total credit supply in the Polish economy. Since an earlier study has found that Polish industries operate under hard budget constraints and are finance constrained during the early stages of the transition process, a reduction in the credit supply has adverse effects on business investments (Cornelli et al., 1996;Weller, 1999).  相似文献   

以网点规模表征银行规模,从网点吸收存款以支撑贷款业务的角度构建有信贷资金约束的贷款竞争模型,研究外资银行入股对引资银行以及本地信贷竞争的影响。结果表明:只要外资银行改善引资银行的技术水平,贷款市场竞争就会加剧;大银行的市场份额较多,贷款市场竞争加剧对其利润的负面影响较大,大银行为避免这种影响不会过度参与竞争。最后指出,决策层应制定政策以引导优质外资银行入股本地小银行以促进贷款竞争。  相似文献   

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